Count on Spectra-Physics for lower Relative Standard Deviations. Our liquid c h r o m a t o g r a p h and data reduction sys tems provide consistent, repeatable re sults. Run after run after run. From a cold start. Or in continuous daylong operation. Our Model 740 p u m p , with its unique flow-feedback control, is the foundation for the industry-low RSD's achievable with Spectra-Physics liquid c h r o m a t o g r a p h y systems. With the 740 p u m p our systems, or any system you build using the 740, deliver accurate, continuous, pulseless flow. No matter how demanding your re quirements for sensitivity, reproducibility, selectivity or all areas of liquid c h r o m a tography, you can depend on SpectraPhysics for a new standard of performance.
Our systems and c o m p o n e n t s are de signed to solve a major problem in liquid chro matography: time spent in methods develop ment. They enable you to change such variables as c o l u m n , solvent and flow rate, quickly and simply. For sensitivity, our c o m p o n e n t s are unsurpassed. The pulse free p u m p allows the system to operate at m a x i m u m sensi tivity levels made possible by highly efficient packings and sensitive UV detectors. Spectra-Physics liquid c h r o m a t o g raphy systems can be used with our family of computing integrators. That gives you a
system capability that builds confidence in your total analytical pr cess, f r o m sample to quantified c h r o m a t ogram. We support all our systems and components, with worldwide service and applications assistance. For the precision you d e m a n d in liquid chromatography write or phone Spectra-Physics, 2905 Stender Way, San Clara. California 9 5 0 5 1 , ( 4 0 8 ] 249-5200 In Europe, Alsfelder Strasse 12, D6100 Darmstadt, West Germany.Tel: 06151/70
Spectra-Physics Innovators in