Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Nitroanilines An experiment for the quantitative analysis laboratory Frederlck F. Cantwell a n d David W. Brown University of Alberta Edmonton. Alberta Canada T6G 2G2 A number of experiments in liquid chromatography have been . orowsed for the undergraduate laboratory, ranging from . early one3 involving gravity-flow separations o i colored com~oundsin glass columns (I,?. 3 ) to recent ones involving highPerfurmance liquid chromatographic separations using mirn,particle packings in stainless steel columns, high prcssure ownos. . .and ultraviolet absorbance detectors (4.5). In a large enrollment introductory quantitative analysis course eouioment exnense orecludes the use of experiments in the la% categor;. ~ r a & ~ - f l o columns, w on the other hand, fail to illustrate state-of-the-art liauid chromatography in terms . ~ of speed and resolution. The experiment descrihed here involves the rapid separation of colored compounds in glass columns packed with a nonoolar adsorbent and shows moderate efficiency (H.E.T.P. -. I).-: