Liquid-crystalline polymers with a bicyclo[1.1.1] - American Chemical

Jul 12, 1990 - C. Ramireddy, V. Sreenivasulu Reddy, and Petr Munk*. Department of Chemistry and Center for Polymer Research, The University of Texas a...
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Macromolecules 1991,24, 1387-1391


Liquid-Crystalline Polymers with a Bicyclo[l.l.l]pentane Cage in the Backbone C. Ramireddy, V. Sreenivasulu Reddy, and Petr Munk' Department of Chemistry and Center for Polymer Research, The University of Team a t Austin, Austin, Texas 78712

C. N. Wu Department of Chemistry, Southeastern Massachusetts University, North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 Receiued July 12, 1990; Revised Manuscript Received September 21, 1990 ABSTRACT Two series of liquid-crystallinepolymers were synthesized,both with mesogenictriads connected by aliphatic spacers varying in length from 4 to 10 carbons. The triads consisted of two residues of p-hydroxybenzoic acid attached to the central diacid, which was bicycle[ l.l.l)pentane-1,3-dicarboxylicacid in one series and terephthalic acid in the other. Properties of these polymers were studied by differential scanning calorimetry,thermogravimetricanalysis,and polarizing microscopy. The replacement of the aromatic ring of the terephthalic acid by a bicyclopentane cage led to a very substantial depression of the liquid crystalline to isotropic transition and to a less substantive depression of the melting temperature. Thus, the temperature range of the mesogenic state was much narrower for the bicyclopentane polymers than for the terephthalic ones. Apparently, the bulky bicyclopentane cage may fit well into a crystalline lattice but has lesser tendency for forming parallel bands of molecules in the mesogenic state. This is probably a result of the free rotation around the backbone bonds attached to the bridgehead carbons of the bicyclopentane cage as compared to the rotation of the terephthalic residue that is restricted by extensive conjugation within the mesogenic groups.

Introduction Development of high-performance thermoplastic materials with a long sequence of rigid and/or aromatic structures in the backbone has been recently pursued in many industrial and academic lab~ratories.l-~ Polymers with rigid aromatic structure that show a high degree of molecular order in solution (lyotropic)or in the melt (thermotropic) and exhibit substantial anisotropy, while maintaining the mobility of fluids819 are termed liquidcrystalline polymers, LCPs. Both these LCPs (i.e., lyotropic and thermotropic) form engineering materials of exceptional strength due to their anisotropic nature. Active research in the field of LCPs has been under way in many laboratories.8JO Fully aromatic main-chain LCPs are intractable due to their high melting points and decomposition before melting. Hence, less perfect structures having lower melting points and easier processability were developed in later studies. Lateral substitution on the aromatic mesogenicpart,1~318~1~-~0insertion of kinks into rigid chains?JO incorporationof aliphatic flexible spacers?J6J7-m etc., were suggestedas effectivemodifications for achievingthis goal. These modifications were used either individually or in combination. The overall mesogenic behavior reflects primarily the sterical properties of the polymer chains. Consequently, attention has been devoted to the study of these properties, mainly by varying the length and/or constitution of the spacer segments and, in lesser extent, by varying the constitution of rigid segmenta.1S*21However, very little attention has been paid to interactive properties of the rigid segments. It is the aim of this paper to study the changes in the mesogenic behavior when a spatially similar but chemically quite different unit is introduced into the rigid segments instead of the p-phenylene moiety. We have synthesized two series of polymers in which the rigid mesogenic triad consisted of an inflexible diacid esterified on both sides by p-hydroxybenzoicacid. These

rigid triad segments were connected by aliphatic methylene spacers with a carbon chain length varying from 4 to 10. In the first series, the diacid was terephthalic acid (these polymers were already described by Ober et al."); in the second series, it was replaced by bicyclo[l.l.l]pentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid, which recently became available in research quantities.22 Experimental Part and Results Polymer Synthesis. The polymers were prepared using the following reaction sequence.17


clocxcocl + I



Compound I1was either 1,3-bis(chlorocarbonyl)bicyclo[1.1.11pentane (IIa) or terephthaloyl dichloride (IIb). In the first reaction of this sequencean excessof 4-(ethyloxy)benzoylchloride was used and pyridine served as the HCl scavenger." Liquid-crystalline polyesters were prepared (reaction 2) from equimolar amounts of compound I and the respective acid chloride, IIa, or IIb in 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethaneand pyridine,

0024-9297/91/2224-1387$02.50/0 0 1991 American Chemical Society

Macromolecules, Vol. 24, No. 6, 1991

1388 Ramireddy e t al. Table I Intrinsic Viscosity of OPOCn Polymers in Chloroform at 25 "C polymer

[VI, mL/g



17.0 12.7 24.5 23.0



[VI, mL/g 31.4 20.8 30.3 24.2

Melt polymerized. 100.0












150 200 TEMPERATURE ( O C )


Figure 2. Heating and cooling DSC scan of OTOC9.











260 2b0 3b0 3b0 TEMPERATURE ('C)




Figure 1. TGA scan of OPOClO. pyridine being the catalyst, and the HCl scavenger. The two phenolic end groups were utilized for formation of rigid meso.genic segments. The reaction was allowed to proceed for 48 h a t room temperature under dry nitrogen. The product obtained was washed with dilute HC1 and water to eliminate pyridine and its hydrochloride, precipitated into excess methanol, filtered, and dried. We have also attempted the melt polycondensation of equimolar quantities of the diacid chloride (IIa) and the bisphenol (I) leading to the polymer with a 1,lO-decanediolspacer. The product was precipitated twice from chloroform into an excess of hexane and dried. The product had essentially the same properties as the same polymer obtained by the solution method, but its intrinsic viscosity was slightly lower, most probably, due to the stoichiometry that was disturbed by sublimation of the dichloride during the melting period. In the following we will describe the polymers as OPOCn and OTOCn where 0 represents the oxybenzoate unit, T the terephthaloyl unit, P the bicyclopentane unit, C the hydrocarbon chain, and n the number of carbon atoms in this chain. Polymer Characterization. Intrinsic viscosities [T] of the bicyclopentane series of polymers were measured in chloroform using the Ubbelohde viscometer with the photoelectric registration of the flow times. The intrinsic viscosities are presented in Table I. The polymers of the terephthaloyl series are not soluble in chloroform. Thermal stability and phase behavior of the polymers was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Using a Perkin-Elmer thermal analysis system (DSC7) equipped with a thermal analysis data station. Indium was used as a reference standard. According to TGA results, the OTOCn polymers are thermally stable up to 300 OC. A t this temperature starts the weight loss that reaches 10% at about 350 "C and 50% a t 380-400 "C. The OPOCn polymers suffer a minor mass loss (3-7%) starting at 250 OC. The total decomposition starts at about 300 "C and reaches 10% at about 330 "C and 50%a t about 380 "C. A typical TGA experiment is depicted in Figure 1. We ascribe the mass loss at 250 "C to decomposition of the bicyclopentane moiety. For this reason, we have limited our subsequent DSC experiments on OPOCn polymers to temperatures below 225 "C. The experiments on OTOCn polymers were done at temperatures below 300 "C, and only occasionally up to 325 "C. DSC behavior is dramatically different between the OTOCn and OPOCn polymers as well as between the polymers with odd and even n. In the OTOCn polymers, two well-separated transition regions are observed. In the heating part of the DSC curve, a major endothermic transition (melting) is found; the




Figure 3. Heating and cooling DSC scan of OTOC10. Table I1 DSC Transition Temperatures and Enthalpies of OTOCn Polymers


290 168 246 166 229 173 216

243 77 187 65 202 91 179

29.7 320 231 286 235 249

287 316 230 275 229 249

27.5 20.8 23.7 31.9 20.0

13.5 4.8 15.4 5.9 21.8 11.6 20.0

5.5 9.9 7.8 8.2 8.3

5.5 4.9 2.1 6.4 5.3 3.3

correspondingenthalpies AH, are 20 J/g and more. For polymers with even n, the melting temperature T , decreases with an increase in n. For polymers with odd n, T, is essentially independent of n; it is distinctly lower than that for polymers with even n. The liquid crystal to isotropic transition occurs a t temperatures well above 200 "C and is very broad. For polymer OTOC,, the transition was not reached within our experimental range of temperatures. Again, the transition temperature, Tt,decreases with increasing n for even n;it is lower and almost independent of n for odd n. However, the differences are not as large as they were for T,. The transition enthalpies, AHt, are difficult to measure for polymers with smaller n due to a rather high Tt. However,they seem to be lower than AHt of polymers with larger n, for which AHt levels off at about 8 J/g. The cooling scans for OTOCn polymers were much simpler than the heating scans. Typically, they just displayed two simple exothermic transitions, usually quite sharp. The isotropic liquid to liquid crystal transitions (Tk) were observed a t temperatures only slightly lower than Tt;the enthalpies m k were of the order of 2-5 J/g. The liquid crystal to crystal transitions (Tc)occurred at temperatures that were lower than T, by 30-60 OC for the even carbon polymers and by 80-100 "C for the odd ones. The enthalpies AHc were essentially equal to the melting enthalpies for former polymers but much smaller for the latter ones. In Figures 2 and 3, typical DSC diagrams are presented for an odd and an even OTOCn polymer. The transition temperatures and enthalpies are listed in Table 11. The DSC behavior of OPOCn polymers is quite different. In the heating curves the two temperatures are so close to each

LC Polymers with a Bicyclo[l.l.l]pentane Cage 1389

Macromolecules, Vol. 24, No. 6, 1991













100 125 150 TEMPERATURE ("C 1







Figure 4. Heating and cooling DSC scan of OPOClO. Table 111

DSC Transition Temperatures and Enthalpies of OPOCD

Figure 5. Polarizing micrograph of OTOC9.




207 83




162 74 117



141 209 144 200 143 163

117 192 124 189 118


16.4 49.6 28.2 37.0 31.0


2.9 27.00 3.90 19.20 14.7 35.6"



Combined values of AHc + mk. other that we were able to observe two separate maxima only for polymers with n = 4,6, and 8. Even then, we were not able to calculate the transition enthalpies separately, only their sum, AHB. For the remaining- polymers, only a single transition was - observed, with the DSC curve rising rather slowly but returning to the base line quite abruptly. We report the maximum value of this curve as Tt, but this assignment is not quite unambiguous. On cooling, the polymers with n = 6, 8, 9, and 10 produce curves with two distinct exotherms; rather indistinct exotherms are displayed by OPOC5; OPOC4 does not exhibit any transition on cooling. Polymer OPOC7 is peculiar: a single exotherm possibly with two maxima, separated by about 2 "C. The temperature Tk is about 20 "C lower than Ttobserved on heating; h H k is about 4 J / g for most OPOCn series but is surprisingly high for OPOClO. The enthalpy AH,is relatively low; this mirrors the behavior of OPOCn polymers on cooling. An example of the DSC diagram for the OPOClO polymer is presented in Figure 4; the transition temperatures and enthalpies are listed in Table 111. The liquid-crystalline nature of the polymers was studied by using a polarizing microscope equipped with a Mettler FP80 hot stage; the magnification was 200X. All our polymers displayed thermotropic liquid crystallinity. All OTOCn polymers were enantiotropic: the liquid-crystallinephasecan beobserved during both the heating and cooling of the material. All OTOCn polvmers (with the exception of OTOC9) showed the formation of nematic mesophase, i.e., threaded schlieren texture that is typical of optical phenomena for the nematic mesophase. OTOC9,on the other hand, showed a focal conic, broken fan type of texture typical of one of the smectic mesophases; OTOC9 might form a smectic mesophase due to the more flexible nature of the spacer of the odd carbon chain. Typical pictures of the OTOCn polymers in their liquid-crystalline phase are shown in Figures 5 and 6. The OPOCn polymers were monotropic (with the exception of OPOC8, which appeared as enantiotropic): on heating, the two transitions overlapped and it was not possible to observe pure mesophase formation; it could be observed only upon cooling from the isotropic liquid. All the OPOCn polymers exhibited nematic mesophase texture. Pictures of the two OPOCn polymers in the liquid-crystalline phase are presented in Figures 7 and 8. In Tables IV and V we have collected the values of Ti, the temperature a t which the last traces of the mesophase disappear upon heating, and of T,,the temperature a t which the mesophase

Figure 6. Polarizing micrograph of OTOC10.

Figure 7. Polarizing micrograph of OPOC9. appears first on cooling. The corresponding values obtained from the DSC measurements are also included in the tables. These values correspond to the edges of the transition peaks and are therefore higher than the Ti and Tk values, respectively. The latter values were measured in the center of the transition peak.

Discussion Extensive literature exists that describes the relationship of t h e liquid-crystalline behavior to t h e structure of the mesogenic unit and to the length and type of the spacer unit. Several aspects of this relation recognized in general are as follows: (1) T h e coplanarity and t h e colinearity of the mesogenic part influence t h e effective molecular alignment a n d in turn t h e molecular packing.15 These factors, therefore, affect t h e mesophase stability. (2) T h e conformation of the mesogenic repeat u n i t is dependent to some extent on t h e terminal atoms such as ether oxygen,

1390 Ramireddy et al.

Macromolecules, Vol. 24, No. 6, 1991

Figure 8. Polarizing micrograph of OPOClO. Table IV

T' and TcTemperatures for OTOCa Polymers Determined by Polarizing Microscopy and DSC OTOC4 OTOCS OTOC6 OTOC7 OTOC8 OTOC9 OTOClO 0

393c 315 338 293

264 279 312 269 279


270 28 1

Polarizing microscopy.

* DSC.

e With

298 330 249 293 236 260

308 322 249 286 243 260


Table V

Ti and TcTemperatures for OPOCa Polymers Determined by Polarizing Microscopy and DSC polymer OPOC4 OPOC5 OPOC6 OPOC7 OPOC8 OPOC9 OPOClO O





2S5 176 210 150 225 147 183

255 157 216 156 205 151 168

220 112 187 125 194 120 167

125 199 131 199 126 147

Polarizing microscopy. b DSC.

carbonyl carbon, etc., of the phenyl unit.15 It is assumed that the terminal carbonyl groups are in resonance interaction with neighboring phenyl rings, adding to the length of the mesogen. (3) Longer mesogenic units lead to polymers with higher mesophase to isotropic tran~iti0ns.I~ (4) Substituentson the basic mesogenicunits interfere with molecular packing and lower the transition t e m p e r a t ~ r e . ~(5) ~ JPolymers ~ that have an even number of atoms in the backbone of the spacer exhibit substantially higher transition temperature than their homologues with an odd number of atoms.10J5*17-19This effect seems to suggest that the spacer part of the polymer backbone is to a large extent in its most extended conformation: in this conformation the even spacers retain their colinearity with mesogens, while the odd spacers do not. In the present study we are comparing two families of polymers that both have a triad mesogen without substituents of essentially the same length and same linearity. The spacer segments are the same in both families. The major difference is the replacement of the planar p-phenylene ring of the terephthaloyl residue by the rigid but bulky three-dimensional cage of the bicyclopentane. It is possibly even more important that the aromatic p-phenylene group contributes significantly to the coplanarity of the parts of the mesogen, while the bicyclopentane cage allows for free rotation of its bridgehead substituents.

It is therefore not surprising that the temperatures of the thermal transitions of the OPOCn polymers are much lower than those of the corresponding OTOCn polymers. Somewhat less expected is the fact that the mesophase to isotropic transition temperature is lowered much more than the melting transition. Consequently, the temperature range for the stable mesophase becomes quite narrow; through optical observation, the transition even may be classified as a monotropic one. In this context it is significant that the total transition enthalpy (sum of AHm and AH,)is higher for OPOCn polymers than for the OTOCn ones. Seemingly, the bicyclopentane cage does not prevent an efficient packing in the crystalline lattice, it may even contribute to the stability of the lattice by some sterical interlocking. However, after melting, the coplanarity of the mesogen is lost and the mesogenic tendency is reduced. Clausen et al. recently prepared and characterized21a family of main-chain LC polyesters that were analogues of the polymers reported in this paper; they contained a trans-1,4-cyclohexane ring in the mesogenic triad unit instead of a bicyclopentane cage. The replacement of the aromatic ring by the trans-1,4-trans-cyclohexanering depressed the melting transitionsof the polymers by about the same degree as its replacement by the bicyclopentane cage. However, the depression of the mesophase to isotropic transition temperatures Ti was much less pronounced than its depression by the bicyclopentane cage. This difference may be related to easier rotation of the bicyclopentane cage as compared to the trans-1,4-cyclohexane ring. The odd-even effect on polymer properties was similar in OPOCn and OTOCn polymers. Not only are the transition temperatures much lower for the polymers with an odd number of atoms in the spacer than for the even ones, but the gap between the temperatures of melting and crystallization was much larger for polymers with an odd carbon chain spacer than for even ones. Apparently, the successful packing of chains into a lattice is more difficult for odd polymers. Also on heating, these polymers (i.e., polymers with an odd carbon chain spacer) display much more complex (structured) melting behavior than do the even polymers, suggesting that for the former ones several lattices are possible that differ only slightly in energy. Conclusions A family of liquid-crystalline polymers was prepared that contained bicyclo[1.1.1]pentane-1,3-dicarboxylicacid in the middle of the triad mesogenic repeat unit and a series of linear flexible polymethylene spacers. Properties of these polymers were compared with analogous polymers containing terephthalic acid. The inclusion of the bicyclopentane cage in the mesogenic unit led to the lowering of transition temperatures, most probably due to the freer rotation of the cage and to the ensuing loss of coplanarity of all parts of the mesogen. Acknowledgment. The financial support for this study was provided by the National Science Foundation (Grant DMR 8807701). The bicyclo[ l.l.l]pentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid was kindly provided by the research group of Dr. J. Michl, The University of Texas a t Austin. References and Notes (1) Jackson, W. J.; Kuhfuss, H. F. J . Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed. 1976, 14, 2043. (2) Morgan, P. W. Macromolecules 1977, IO, 1381. (3) Jackson, W. J. Rr. Polym. J . 1980, 12, 154.

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Registry No. [I (n = 4)](IIa) (copolymer), 131865-31-1; [I (n = 4)](IIa) (SRU), 131865-38-8; [I (n = 5)](IIa) (copolymer), 131865-32-2; [I (n = 5)](IIa) (SRU), 131865-39-9; [I (n = 6)](IIa) (copolymer), 131865-33-3; [I (n= 6)](IIa) (SRU), 131865-40-2; [I (n = 7)](IIa) (copolymer), 131865-34-4; [I (n = 7)](IIa) (SRU), 131865-41-3; [I (n = 8)](IIa) (copolymer), 131865-35-5; [I (n = 8)](IIa) (SRU), 131903-87-2; [I (n = 9)](IIa) (copolymer), 13186536-6;[I (n = 9)](IIa) (SRU), 131865-42-4;[I (n = lO)](IIa) (copolymer), 131865-37-7; [I (n = 10)](IIa) (SRU), 131865-43-5; [I (n = 4)](IIb) (copolymer), 81565-45-9; [I(n = 4)](IIb) (SRU), 78666-29-2; [I (n = 5)](IIb) (copolymer), 81565-46-0;[I (n = 5)) (IIb) (SRU), 78666-30-5;[I ( n = 6)](IIb) (copolymer), 8156547-1;[I (n = 6)](IIb) (SRU), 81565-81-3;[I (n = 7)](IIb) (copolymer), 81565-48-2; [I (a = 7)](IIb) (SRU), 81565-82-4;[I (n = 8)](IIb) (copolymer), 81565-49-3; [I (n = 8)](IIb) (SRU), 81565-83-5; [I (n = 9)](IIb) (copolymer), 81565-51-7; [I(n = 9)](IIb) (SRU), 81565-84-6; [I (n = 10)](IIb) (copolymer), 8156552-8;[I (n = 10)](IIb) (SRU), 81565-85-7.