Liquid-Liquid and Vapor-Liquid Extraction - Industrial & Engineering

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1947, 39 (12), pp 1573–1581. DOI: 10.1021/ie50456a016. Publication Date: December 1947. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Ch...
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December 1947


Once the polymer has been prepared by any of the various techniques, it is necessary to isolate it in a form n-hich is eoiivenient for handling, analysis, aiid characterization. Both volatilc and nonvolatile impurities are generallj- removed by dissolving the polymer in a solvent, preferably R poor one, and precipitating the dilute polymer solution in a large excess of nonsolvent with vigorous agitation. For such materials as polystyrene, the polymer is obtained in a form which is readily filtered and dried to constant w i g h t . Rubberlike polymers, on the other hand, are difficult to isolate, and tlie use of the frozen benzene technique of Lewis and Ma>-o (6)has proved quite satisfactory. The original method has been modified in one respect. Instead of evacuating indiridual Erlenmeyer flasks, a vacuum desiccator containing several vessels of convenient shape is utilized. After the polymer is dissolved and precipitated two to three times, the thoroughly drained polymer is dissolved in benzene t o make an approximately 10yc solution. This is rapidly frozen a t dry ice temperature in any convenient vessel. The use of Erlenmeyer flasks is advantageous in exposing a large surface for a given volume, but TI-eighing bottles, vials, evaporating dishes, etc., may be used. These vessels are then transferred to a large vacuum desiccator which can hold as many as a dozen samples. The desiccator is connected to a vacuum pump capable of maintaining 2 mm. of mercury through two traps cooled with dry ice contained in thermos flasks. A 500cc. suction flask may be used for the first trap. The sublimed benzene is led in through the side arm, and the vapors are congealed on the lower v-all of the flask. .i wide exit tube leading down t o about 3 cm. from the bottom conducts the remaining vapors t o a second trap. A manometer, incorporated between the desiccator and the first trap, indicates the vacuum and gives warning if the line is plugged at any point. The continuous sublimation of the benzene is necessary to absorb sufficient heat and keep the samples frozen, even when immersed


in an ice bath. If the vacuum is broken, the bcnzene will melt, and the entire procedure must be repeated by adding morc benzene to redissolve the polymer. The sublimation is usually complete in 10 to 12 hours, but it is convenient after tlie first 8 hours to allow the process to continue overnight. It is then held a t i ~ o mtemperature for a f e r hours and tlisn a t 50-60" C. uiitil constant w i g h t i2 attained. Rubberl i h polymer& tend to retain the original volume of the solutiun xvhile cold. However, upon marming they contract, bccome rubbery, and are difficult to remove: the use of evaporating dishes simplifies their removal. ACKNOW-LEDG\IENT

The author n-ishes to express his gratitude ro the nieinlwrs of the High Polymer Institute \vho designed and constructed much of the apparatus tiescribcd. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Bacon, R. G. R., Farachy Society Symposium, Sept. 1945;

Baxendale, J. H., Evans, hf. G., and Park, G. S., Ibid. (2) Fryling, C. F., ISD.EXG.C'HEM., -4s.~~. ED.,16, 1 (1944). (:3) Hersberger, A. B., Reid, J. C., and Heiligmann, R. G., IND. LSG. CHEX., 37, 1073 (1045). (1) Hohenstein, K. P., and Mark, IT., J . Polymer Sci., 1, 127, 549 (194G). (5) Lewis, F. &I., and Ma?-0, F. It., IKD.ESG. C H E M . , ANAL.ED., 17, 134 (1945). ( 6 ) Mark, H., and Raff, K., "High Polymeric Reactions," S e w York, Interscience Publishers, Inc., 1941. ( 7 ) Marvel, C. S., Bailey, W. J., and Inskeep, G. E.. J . Polymer Sci., 1, 278 (1946). (8) Mayo, F. R., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 65, 2324 (19431. (9) hleehan, E. J., J . Polymer Sci., 1, 318 (19461. (10) Starkvieather, H. W., and co-workers, IND.ENG.CHEM., 39, 210 (1947). (11) Talalay, A , , and hlagat, M., "Synrhetic Rubber from Alcohol," New York, Interscience Publishers, Inc.,


RECEIVED hIarch 18, 1947.



Liquid-liquid and vapor-liquid extraction W. T. Iinox, Jr., R . L. Weeks, H. J. Hibshman, and J. H. ;Ilc-4teer ESSO LABORkTORIES, STAKDARD OIL DEVELOPMENT COMPAKY, ELIZABETH,

DETAILED descriptions of batch and continuous ertractiori equipment for studying liquid-liquid and vapor-

liquid extraction processes are given. Operating techniques found helpful and typical data are also described. Included are a gage glass apparatus for visual observation of phase equilibria at high pressures, batch equipment for studying vapor-liquid extraction, countercurrent stage and tower equipment for liquid-liquid extraction, and continuous countercurrent tower equipment for tapor-liquid extraction.


HE purpose of this paper is t o present information regarding the construction and successful operation of various types of laboratory scale extraction equipment as they have been developed by the Esso Laboratories of Standard Oil Development Company over the past decade. Although the applications of

N. J.

most of this apparatus have lain in the petroleurnor allied chemical fields, i t is believed that a discussion of the salient feat'ures of this equipment and operating techniques will prove valuable to a rvide audience both within the petroleum industry and in nonrelated activities n-here extraction processes are being studied. Typical dat,a are presented only for purposes of illust,rating the usage of the equipment and are not intended t,o convey any conclusions regarding the reported experimfnts. PHASE EQUILIBRIA AT HIGH PRESSURE

Treatment of crude petroleum residua with a liquefied norniallj- gaseous hydrocarbon (the process known as deasphalttng) results in a separation of the residuum into two phases, one mainly asphaltic, the other asphalt-free. It is also practicable to separate asphalt-free, high-molecular-weight petroleum stocks into fractions varying in molecular neight b y this technique.









Vol. 39, No. 12

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re replaced, and the. valve 1. Liquid propiric' i- t lien the v d v c h l y ;tntl rhc, valve item slon-ly openc>d: this allo\v3 a measured volumc of proptmr t o he AGITATOR added gradually t o tlie system. I k ~ c i i u ~ c ' i of the irequi.ntly espcricncclti high ttsniperature of the gagti glass and oil, it OIL has been found helpful at times t o vt'rit PSOPANE BATH% MERCURY t u the atmosphere t h e first propane tlvSTORAGE RESERVOIR livered in order t o chi11 the gsgc gla-s MERCURY' INERT equipment t o a temperature low enough GAS io condense propane at t tic c.hargiiig KAZS CONSTRJCTION >TEAM pressure. When the tlesircd vi [NON- MAGNETIC) COIL propane is aclded, t h Figiire 1. Gage Glass Equipment for StudJing Phase ErIuilil,ria at is clo9ed: thus the High l'rewiire The system p r e w n x csirting i n the gage glass is then balanced agninht inrrt pis pressure applied t o the merrury by e:~wfuIlyopening t,he valve frotn the ,gage g l a ~ tso tlic' I'isual ohserration of this p r o c e s , altlioagh r e h t ively tiificwlt and at the s a n e time admitting sufEclent ga because of the high p r e s u r c s employed, h lieen iiintle possilil(J 1 at the de.sirec1 point. Thc Kith a speciallv designed gage glaes and su ble auxiliaq- cquipo b w r w d on a large pressure gage capable of indicating pi'wsur(> ment. K i t h this equipment it has proved possible t o study quandifferences of .jpounds over the entire pressure range up to 1000 pounds per square inch gage. The system is then fully charged titatively the effect of solvent: oil ratio, temperature, and presand ready forstudy. sure on the phase equilibria IT-ithiii tlie s>.;tcm. This equipment T h e niercurv rnckscus at The liquid-mercury interface generally has also proved valuable in phase equilibria atiidy of nonpcremains easilfvisible. However, with asphalt-containing residua troleum systems requiring high pressure's. the high viscosity asphaltic phase which ia precipitated induces the breakup of the mercury into droplets, and this creates a false T h e equipment, a schematic di,a\\-ing oi which EQUIP~IEIU'T. meniscus. The addition of a small aniouiit of a n asphalt solvent is shown in Figure 1, comprises essentially a specially constructed, such as benzene eliminates this difficulty. Jergusoii t,ype of through-vision gage glass, 12 inches long, 23, I The types of observations possible on a given systcni at various inches deep, and 3/4 inch viicie, connected through a mercury temperatures and pressures are the volumes of the liquid and vapor phases, and the temperature and presaurc values (~orrcreservoir t o a n inert gas pressure source by means of xhich sponding t o a change in the nuniber or volume of the phases. pressure u p to 1000 pounds per square inch gage can he applied The usual procedure has been t o examine t,he sl-stem at various t o the system within t h e gage glass. The metal part of the gage pressures for a given temperature, since pressure can be adjusted glass is constructed of nonmagnetic stainless steel t o permit the almost instantly. Points representing a change in the number of phases can be more accurately fixed by approaching from the use of a perforated soft iron srrip as a stirring device. This direction which causes the appearance, rather than disappearanca stirrer is actuated by a pair of electroniagnetn mounted on the of the phases. When varying the pressure a t a constant temexterior sides of t h e gage glass body and controlled manually perature, this technique is used by starting a t the maximum through a mercury relay. T h e valve seat a t the top is an inpressure and progressively IoTTering the pressure. Brcause of the tegral part of the gage glass body and is situated only il sliglit small volume of the gage glass no phase samples are obtained. It is felt that, the primary purpose of the gage glass equipment is to distance above the top of the liquid chamber. T h e s t m i and bonnet of the valve are removable t o allow the charging of oil t o the gage glass through a pipet. Theliquid volume capacity of the gage glass is 180 nil. and is measured by means of a brass scale attached t80the 1000- PROPANE-TO-OIL RATIO A S INDICATED edge of the gage glass body. Liquefied solvent (usual1~propane) is forced int,o the gage glass through a port in t,he main valve body from a storage rcservoir. Pressure is obt,ained on the solvent by heating 11ie reservoir with a steam coil. The complete gage glass and elect romagnet assembly are suspended in a n open glass battcry jar JThich contains a paneake-t,ype strain coil on the bottom. rl loxv viscosity transparent \\-bite oil is u ~ c d as t h e heat t,ransfer medium, and uniform hcnting is obtained by genile agitation of tlie bath with an airdriven stirrer. A strong light source Iiehind tlic gage glass periiiite easy observation of phwe changes. BlowCRITICAL TEMF: 1 Tc I FOR PURE PROFMlE. 206-E out disks on the mercury and inert gas reservoirs protect, against unsafe pressure rises. Temperatures are nieasured by three iron-constantan thermc~couplespeened into t h e gage glass body. 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 ELECTFK MAGNET!


EXPERIUESTAL PROCEDCRE. Typical operating procedure for the esamination of the phase equilibria esisting in a propane heavy-lubricating oil system is as


Figure 2.

Pressiire-Temperature Phase Boundarj Diagranls for isphalt-Free Lube Stocks and Propane

December 1947



T h e reproducibility of data with thc gage glass equipment is illustrated by the following table. Observations of operator d were those OIL CHARGE u s d to plot the 10.0 propane-to-oil ralio curve shown in Figure 2 . Obscrvat.ions were also made by operator B for a similar propane-oil SAMPLE PORT system. Individual results arc shown t o check the avcrage SOLVENT CHARGE PUMP I v i t h i n + 2 C , for b u b b l e p o i n t , deFigure 3. Countercurrent Extraction Unit Showing Details of Intermediate Stage 1 terminations and to check within permit visual observation of the process, and samples may be *5C$ for boundary point determinations. obtained under the same P-V-T conditions from larger, all-metal equipment. I57 172 180 190 System temp., F. ___ ____ Operator A B A B A B A B TYPICAL DATA. Results obtained for a typical phase study on Obsvd. pressures, a si-stem comprising propane and a n asphalt'-free petroleum Ib./sq. in. gage 525 545 465 476 Bubble point 360 360 426 420 bright stock are shown in Figure 2. The nature of this diagram 1020 950 875 860 Boundary point 480 476 750 695 can be described by consideration of the phase relations existing for a system consisting of 100 parts oil and 140 parts propane. LIQUID-LIQUID EXTRACTION The curve ABCD is the bubble point curve for this system, which T h e refining of lubricating oils by selective solvent extraction is practically identical with t,he bubble point curve for pure has become one of the most, widely used processes for the propropane except a t loiv propane t o oil ratios. Point B represents duction of premium quality lubricating oils. A number of selecthe initial appearance of a precipitated phase as the syst,eni tenit'ive solvents for lubricating oil refining are in commercial use perature is raised along the bubble point curve. With a further today,aniong them being phenol, Chlorex (2-2'-clichlorethylether), rise in temperature along this curve, precipitation is increased. furfural, nitrobenzene, and sulfur dioxide-benzene, Xpproaching point D (critical temperature for pure propane is It' has been found helpful to employ both a countercurrent 206" F.):precipitation becomes virtually complete, and the upperextraction tower and a countercurrent stage extraction unit for most liquid phaee is essent'ially oil-free propane. Section d B of establishing the effect of fundamental solvent extraction varithe bubble point curve, therefore, represents equilibriuni betn-een ables. The t,ower unit has also proved extremely useful in preone liquid phase and propane vapor. Section B C D of this curve paring moderate quantities of refined lubes for engine tests, and in represents equilibriuni between t,wo liquid phases and propane piloting the design a n d operation of refinery s,olvent extraction vapor. .It t'eniperatures above point D the uppermost liquid units. The function of this equipment has not, however, been phase and the propane vapor phase become identical in the form limited to the solvent refining of lubricating oil stocks, since t,he of a noncondensable propane phase; thus the buhble point curve is terminated a t point D . units have been flexibly designed, and the predominantly glass construction permits observation of the extraction process. If at any point C on the bubble point curve (above the initial T h e countercurrent tower unit has t o a large extent displaced prccipitation temperature) the system pressure is increased, one the countercurrent stage extraction unit in refiner)- practice. I n of thti txvo liquid phases (usually the loner phase) is caused t o dccrea.c in volunic until, at, point E , the system beconics honiothe laboratory t h e tower equipment has proved extremel>-valuable in preparing extracted niat,erials with a minimum expendigeneouy. The curve BEF, therefore, represents a boundar?bctn-cen one and tn-o liquid phases, n-ith tivo liquid phases esisting throughout the area DCBEF. Curve FG (extension of BEF above the critical temperature of propane) also represents a boundary between one and two phases, although in this case t h e two-phase area (belon. FG) comprised one liquid phase (oil plus dissolved propane) and t h e noncondensable propane phase. The curve FG, therefore, repFR resents the minimum pressure necessary t o dissolve in the oil phase all noncondensable propane present in the system. The line F D (at propane critical temperature) indicates a U-TUBE LEVEL nonobservable composition change as regards the uppermost NATE E X T R C T phase, the area t o the left of F D representing a n uppermost noncondensable phase. Since this phenomenon does not involve the EXTRACT loss or gain of a phase, F D is shown as a broken line. The line TO STAGE 3 t K 2 EXTRACT E FROM 5 F D does, however, complete t h e bounding of area DCBEF in SAMPLE which propane precipitation of heavy lube fractions can be obWRT tained with this type of oil charge stock a n d with a propaneFigure 4. .&r Lift Countercurrent Extraction Unit to-oil ratio of 1.40. Showing Details of Intermediate Stage 4 VENT LINE TO AThWSPHERE

F] i"li








I' Figure 5 .





I " '1

Laboratory Countercurrent Sol, ell t Extraction Tower

ture of t'ime, manpower, and charge stock. The stage estract,ion equipment serves t'wo useful purposes: the determination of the stage equivalent of countercurrent tower units containing different contacting media and t'he determination of the quantities and qualities of the phases existing in successive stages of such cquipment, n-hich permits a n analysis of phase composition changes occurring at analogous points in a countercurrent extraction tower. COUXTERCURREST STAGEEXTRACTIOS UNIT. A schematic diagram of the laboratory countercurrtwt stage extraction unit is shown in Figure 3. The unit normally comprises w r e n mixing and settling zones, although one or more stages may bc atitled a t the extract withdrawal end of the system for the recovery of cycle oil through the use of antisolvents. For purposes of simplicity, construction details have been shown in Figure 3 only for a n intermediate stage (No. 4) since all other stages are of identical construction. The mixture t o be extracted and the solvent are charged to the system from 5-gallon-capacity calibrated glass vessels by means of Zenith gear pumps. These charge pumps and the intermediate stage transfer pumps are driven from a common drive shaft, pumping rates being controlled through the use of varyingratio gear reducers. Charge rates are about 4 liters per hour of feed and solvent. The counterfloTv of the extracted material (raffinate) and solvent (extract') streams throughout the stage system, and the function of individual pieces of stage equipment can best be described in terms of a single stage as shown in Fig-

Vol. 39, No. 12

In a like manner extract is successively transferred in the opposirc direction until it is withdralm from stage 1 as final extract. If it cycle oil recovery stage is employed, its is frequently the case in lubricat,ing oil extraction, the extract from stage 1 is irithdrawi, coolrd, or mixed n-ith a n antisolvent (iTater) and the mistiirc, chargcd to the cycle oil recovery stage where released cycle oil is separated. This oil overflow into stage 1, n-here it joins the raffinate and flon-s countercurrently to solvent throughout tllc balance of the stages. A connect,ion is provided on each stage extract wit'hdran-a1line to permit the addition of sniall amounts of antisolrcnt. This permits refluxing at any point within the extraction system and increases the flexibility with which t h e solubility of oil in the solvent can be adjusted. Ports are available iri each extract 7%-ithdran-a1and raffinate overflow line t o permit, sampling of these phases. A common vent line to the atmosphere is connected to each stage feed arid extract xithdra\?al line. This reduces the surging tendency of these phases and prevents the loss of the extract phase level within any settler by breaking the suction at the apex of the inverted U-tube levcl cont,roller. The laboratory stage estraction unit has also been successfully operated in the past using the gas lift principle t o transfer the partially spent extract betyeen stages. Details of one such stage (such as stage 4 in a seven-stage system'] of this type of construction are shonm in Figure 4. The principal component~sof this stage were: ( a ) a 2-liter glass balloon flask settler with raffinate overflow and extract m-ithdraval connections, ( b ) a n agitating vessel in rrhich the charge t o the settler Tvas intimately mixed by means of a stirrer, and (c) a n air lift tube by which the extract was transferred t o the preceding stage. Flow of raffinate was obtained by gravity by decreasing the height of each successive settler and auxiliary equipment. The extract-raffinate interface level within the settler was again controlled by t,he positioning of a flexible inverted U-tube. Although operability was satisfactory wit,h this air-lift device, it was discarded in favor of mechanical gear pumps because of the fire hazard presented by mixtures of air and hydrocarbon vapors. The desired temperature is obtained by locating pairs of stages in insulated, individu-

ure 3. Each stage consists essentially of three parts: (a) a 750-id.capacity glass settling vessel with raffinate overflox and extract withdrawal connections, ( b ) a packed column wherein the raffinate and extract charge streams t o the stage are intimately mixed prior to stratification, and (c) a transfer pump for forcing the estract-raffinate mixture through the packed column. In t,he case of stage 4 the feed to the settling vessel comprises partially ext,racted oil (raffinate) from stage 3 and partially spent, solvent (extract) from stage 5 . These two streams join and are pumped through the mixing column packed with '/s-inch-dianieter glass beads t o the glass settler. The settling vessel is constructed in the shape of a n oblate spheroid t o provide the maximum crosssectional area a t the raffinate-extract interface with a minimum holdup volume of the phases. Stratification occurs in the settler, the interfacial level being maintained by positioning of a flexible inverted U-tube on the ext,raet withdrawal line. Raffinate overflowing from stage 4 passes on t o st,age 5 and is mixed t,here with extract transferred from stage 6. The extract is withdran-n at the bottom of stage 4 and t,ransferred to stage 3, TThere it is mixed with raffinate overflowing from stage 2. The raffinate phase continues t o flow countercurrently t o the ext,ract phase until i t overflow from stage 7 and iq collected as final raffinate.


Figure 6.

Countercurrent Tower Section

December 1947



6. The tlJ\Yel' (1 iiich in dianicxter by 24 feet high I i.; coiistructetl entirely of 1 ' ~ ~ epipe x with standaid intcrchangcahle ground bnll joints, :tnd 80 coiisidts of the follon-ing niain parts: ( a ) a 600ml.-cxpacity raffinnte settler bulb :it thc tun-c.1' X top, the raffiriatc overflowing f r o m the t,op of tlicx w 0 z_ 7 0 Iiult, ?r.hile the solvent cliarge enters j u > the h t t O l l l of the bulb; (6) M to1:il C) c cn of I-itich-diametcr glass pipe sections, e:icli si'r00(" 6 0 tion being 11 iiiclies in length :tiit1 coiitainiiig a 7 plate for the collection arid rc~dk-ti~iliutioi~ of' t l i i ' w tn.o liquid pliarcs, 1%-ithglass Rascliig rings c 4 ( 3 's x 3 x l i l F inch) being used as a p x k i n g 50 nic~diuni: ( c j a bott,om towel. section 2 inches in U 4: diameter and 1 foot, in length t o n-hich is cona nected the oil feed inlet and the extract recircu40 lation and ret,urn lines; and ( d ) a 2liter bdloon flask at the bot1 om to provide adeI quate extract, settling capacity. Thermowlls CHARGE STOC-K -I 1 30 are provided in the raffinat,e and extract sett1t.i.s 60 70 00 90 d I 20 30 40 50 and in everv fifth tower section. Suent solvent, RAFflNATE WELD -VOLUME X ON CHARGE is continuously withdrawn from the bottom of Figure 7 . Phenol Extraction of Colombian 5ZV/210 Lube Distillate in the extract settler by gravity flon-, control1t.d Countercurrent Extraction Tower by a n electronic liquid level controllrr. By means of two electrodes fused about 3/'18 inch apart in a glass side arm on the extract wttler, ally healed Compartments. T h e heat is supplied by electrical the electrical conductivity of the phase covering the elecstrip heaters individually controlled by rheost,ats, which allows t#rodesis measured, and a solenoid valve in the extract wit hdrawal good control of t.he compartment temperature and permits operaline is actuated through a relay and mercury switch from these tion with a temperature gradient between the two ends of the electrodes. This controller affords a simple method of controlling system. A temperature range from 80" t o 250' F. is possible the phase interface within narrow limits. I n actual practice Kith this equipment. Glass doors and suitable lighting are about 75% of the extract solution is continuously withdrawn provided in each Compartment to permit visual observation of through a manually operated by-pass valve; thus the frequency the mixing and stratification. of the solenoid valve action is decreased. Although this inst.ruThe equipment is operated by pumping solvent into stage 7 ment was constructed in the laboratory, similar instruments and transferring solvent t o succeeding stages until an extract may be purchased from laboratory supply companies. level is obtained in stage 1, at' which time the oil charge pump is The torver proper is housed in a n insulated box 1 foot square started. When raffinate overflow is obtained from stage 7 , the and 24 feet high. The back and sides of the housing are lined unit is operated "off condition" for a period of time (dependent with 1/2-inch-thick sheet asbestos; the front of the box is provided on charge rates) sufficient to displace the system completely at with glass doors t o permit visual observation of oil and solvent, least once. counterflow. T h e glass toner is supported by t,wo brackets The stage extraction equipment described here is capable of which are attached to the sides of the tower housing. Light carrying out, operations in a similar manner as in countercurrent bulbs are placed behind the tower a t 2-foot intervals to provide toq-er type of equipment but, requires considerably more time, sufficient illumination for visual observation of the extract,ion. charge stock, and operating supervision t.han does the tower equipThese bulbs introduce negligible amounts of heat. The toner ment. Samples of intermediate raffinates and extracts are obhousing is divided laterally into three sections, and each section tained, hen-ever, and data obt.ained from these interstage streams enable a n interpretat,ion of extraction conditions existing at is heated independently by electrical strip heat'ers controlled by analogous points within a countercurrent ton-er extraction system. rheostats. T h e temperature range possible is from 80" t o 250" F. Prolonged, intimate mixing followed by settling of the interThe mixture t o be extracted and the solvent are charged t o the tower by Zenith gear pumps delivering 0.58 nil. per revolustage raffinate and extract streams blended in production protion. These pumps are mot,or-driven, and the pumping rates portions at the corresponding treating temperature was adopted of each are controlled by variable-speed-friction drive transto test for the existence of equilibrium. S o yield or qualit,p missions. Charging rates of about 6 liters per hour total for difference between the original and recontacted phases was obfeed and solvent are usually employed. A gear pump for adding served. The existence of equilibrium conditions vias further a n antisolvent such as water to the extract phase and anot,her for verified by the excellent data reproducibility experienced. For example, raffinate yields and qualit,p (V.1.) obt>ainedwith varying the recirculation and mixing of the extract and antisolvent, are oil feed rates (otherwise identical treating conditions) are as driven from the same drive shaft as the phenol charge pump. With such a common drive, antisolvent addition rates of 2.5, follows: 5 , and 10% of the phenol feed are possible. The phenol charge, Oil Feed Raffinate Yield, Ra5nate Run Rate, Ml./Hr. Val.% Viscosity Index extract recirculating, and oil charge pumps are situated in a 200 72.5 93 heated, insulated compartment to prevent solidification of phenoi 800 93 72.5 or x a x y oil stocks in t.he p u m p or connecting lines. All transfer 2000 C 73.4 92 lines are of 1/4-inch-diatneter copper tubing which is connect,edt o These data indicate that, for feed rates within operating limits, the glass tower by neoprene tubing. T h e oil and phenol feed equilibrium existed within the stages of the pilot unit. vessels are located in separate electrically heated compartments COUNTERCURREST TOWER EXTRACTIOX L-SIT. .1flow diagram in order t h a t different charging temperatures may be obtained of the extraction tower hookup is shovn in Figure 5 , with auxil%-hen t h e tower is under temperature gradient condiliary equipment such as charge and recirculation pumps shown tions. Each vessel is of 5-gallon capacity, and suitably calischematically. Details of the tol-ier proper are shown in Figure brated t o permit measurement of oil and phenol charge rates. ANHYDROUS WENOL PLUS ADDITION TO





Vel. 39, No. 12

VAPOR-LIQUID EXTRACTION The extraction of butadiene vapor from TO VENT OR hydrocarbon mixtures by cuprous ammonium DESORBER TO PrBSORBER acetate solution is widely used to prepare pure butadiene for the sj-nthetic rubber industry. Sunierous other processes involving the extraction of a chemical compound from a vaporized pet,roleuni hydrocarbon mixture by a liquid solvent have also been studied, such as the extraction of toluene by pheiiol. Batch and continuous extraction equipment, as have been developed in these laboratories during t h e past fen- years t o study the fundamentals of these vapor-liquid extraction procFigure 8. Equipment for Determination of \-apor-Liquid Extraction esses, are described in t h e following sections. Equilibrium I n the case of butadiene extraction by A. Feed cylinder 6. Calibrated desorption flask, l i . 2 5 m l . cuprous ammonium acetate, solubility deterB . 50-ml. mercury safety bubbler H . Mercury leveling bulb C , D . 500-ml. scrubber 1. 500-cc. graduated gas buret minations were complicated by certain E. Absorption tube J . IIercury leveling bulb characteristics of t h e systems, such as the F . Mercury leveling bulb Connections made with neoprene tubing presence of two volatile constituents in the solvent, (ammonia a n d water), the ready Steel platforms are located 8 and 16 feet above t,he floor 1 oxidation of t h e solvent when exposed t o air, and the rather scmithus all parts of t h e toiver are readily accessible for observation t,ive response of butadiene solubility t o variations in solvent and maintenance. composition and temperature. Satisfactori- static and dynamic procedures n-err. devised, hoviever, for obtaining t h e dcsiretl T h e unit !vas designed t o be sufficiently flexible t o permit sevvapor-liquid equilibrium d a t a . eral types of operat,ion when lube stocks are extracted n-ith a B.%TCH YAPOR-L~QVID EQuILInRIuM APPARATCR. T h e present solvent such as phenol: (a)use of anhydrous phenol, aqueous discussion of equilibrium measurements 011 a vapor-liquid exphenol, or anhydrous phenol in conjunction with water addition traction system will be illustrated by a description of a dynamic t o the extract; and ( b ) operation with uniform or teniperat,ure gradient condit,ions. Temperature gradient conditions are method employed advantageously for obtaining vapor-liquid obtained by adjusting the temperature of the oil and phenol feed equilibriuni on a butadirne-cuprous ammonium acetate system at vessels and by varying the elect,rical input t o t,he sectional strip temperatures in the neighborhood of 32" F. arid a t a total presheatcrs niounted in the ton-er housing. A Leeds 8r S o r t h r u p 8point t,eniperature indicator-recorder is used t o indicate and resure' of about 1 atmosphere. T h e apparatus may be used, holycord temperatures at different point,s throughout t,he tower. -1 , at temperatures from -50" t o 300" F. with ease. small blower a t t.he base of the tower can also bc utilized t o circuTlic equipment satisfactorily employed for this purpose is late a n inert atmosphere throughout the tower housing during reprcwnted in Figure 8. Vaporized feed is fed from a lon- presoperation a t uniform temperature. surt' cylinder through a pressure-reducing valve which reduces In operat,ionseniplo>-ingaqueous phenol the desired amount o i natclr is premixed with the phenol charge. JVhen employing total pressure t o about 0 pounds per square inch gage. -1merwat,er addition to t h e extract, the recirculating pump ivithdrarvs cury saft.1~-bubbler n-ith 3-inch mercury head provitleq against extract, from a point just beloiv the oil feed inlet t o the t pre,ssure surges which might break t h e glass est raction equipii-ater is added t o the extract, stream, and the t x o phas forced through a small orifice miser. The addit,ion of \vat riicnt. The feed vapors may be saturated with ammonia vapors duces t h r solubility of oil in the phenol which causes cycle oil iri the two bubblers before passing into the absorber, as in studyreleased from solution. ing butadiene extraction, or the vapors may be sent dircrtly t o I n all types of operation solvent is first pumped into the emptjthe absorber. Both bubblers and absorber arc almost totally totver until t h e solvent level reaches the feed inlet point. The feed charge pump is t,hen started, and feed and solvent charge immersed in a thermostatically controlliid Ixith. After saturarates are adjusted as desired. The tower is usually operated, for tion of thc ahsorbing solution, t h e solution is trarisfttmd (emlubricating oil extraction, with oil as the continuous phase a n d ploying mercurJ- leveling bulbs! t o the deaorber, wliirh ic also phenol as the discontinuous phase (interfacial 1evi.l at the to\ver held in a thermostatically controllcd bath about 5-10' E'. lower bottonil, Hon-ever, when extracting residual lube stocks of relatively high viscosity, better operability is obtaitied ivith phenol as the continuous phase (interfacid level at t l tower) because of the lower viscosity of the phenol ph raffinate overflow from the t'op of the tov-er the "off condition" period is started. The length of the "off condition" period is usually determined by the oil charge rate, it being considered desirable t o displace the tower contwits at least once before collecting representative "on condition" raffinate and extract,samples.

# n

Typical data obtained when extracting a Colombian niediuni lube distillate with phenol is sho\vn in Figure 7 . In this graph raffinate quality (as measured by viscosity index) is plot,t,ed against raffinate yield. Operations \$-ere carried out with (a) anhydrous phenol with uniform temperature and temperature gradient conditions, and ( b ) anhydrous phenol employing 5 a n d lOy0 x a t e r addition t o t h e extract solution. -4progressive increase in selectivity is noted (increased yield for a fixed quality raffinate) as operations vary from anhydrous phenol at uniform temperature (least selective) t o anhydrous phmol plus lorc water added t o the extract (most selective). Thesc curves reflect t h e increased refluxing obtained by decreasing (either by cooling or addition of water) the solubility of oil in the est,ract solution.


Figure 9.


Diagram of Continuous \-apor-Liquid Tower Extraction Unit

December 1947


than t h e absorber. Desorbed vapors gtmerat,ed b y gradual heat,ing of t h e solution t o 180" F. are collected in a gas buret, n-here they are measured and subsequently analyzed. -111 items are connected x i t h neopreiie tubing, and. x i t h the esception of absorber E and desorber G, all consist of stnntlard laboratory equipment. T h e U-phapcvl absorber is constructed from 1-inch P y r e s tuhing and is paclied rrith +mm. glass beads. Its free volume aiiiouiit5 t o roughly 125 nil. T h e tn-o-n-ay and threen-ay stopcoclis attached t o t h e upper part oi the IT- and tlie upper T-type stopcock of tlie desorber carrj- 2-mm. capillary arms. T h e calibratctl cj-lintlric lion of t h e derorbt>ris a t t w c h d hy a short lengtl1 of 2-111l11, lary tubing t o tlir lon-er spherical section of approximately 50-nil. capacity. The edilir:itd section, extending from t h c x upper stopcock t o a mark on the iieck connecting it t o tiit. ~pliericalsection, rep




buret I for t,he purpose of absorbing ammoriia v:tpor:, espellcd during desorption. The gas buret is connectctl t o t,he desorbc-rby a short, length of 2-mrn. mpillary tubing. 1 1 1 from the gas buret prior t o thc desorption step -A. 10-inch length of 2-mm. capillary tubing second a i m ui' the desorbi,r capillary stopco traii$fc>rline for the equilibrated solution. transfer line are then fillet1 li-ith mercury from ously sta,ted, tlie dworber is imniewecl to a pr upper stopcock in it bath mairitaiiicd 5' t o temperature of tlie absorbcr. At the end of the absorption period mei'cury from I: i:, admittid t o the absorber, trapping thc solut,ion in ttir right h:iiid linil). The floiv of feed is then tliscontinued, the from the scrublxlis, and the three-way capillar t h limba n-ith the vent line. A the level of she equilibrated solution t o tlie three, nhich is then closcd t o the ven: liiic. Conricction transic,r line xhich ha,d becln prc'viously ber and nearly completcxly filled n i t h merry, dry ice placed in a trough directly below the t,ransfer line cools the line sufficiently t o prevent, evolution of absorbed vapor from the equilibrated solution. The three-way capillary stopcock on the absorber is turned t o connect the solution with the transfer line and the f l o of ~ mercury from F ant1 t o H is siniultaneously adjusted t o t'ransfer about 20 nil. of solution to the desorber. -4small amount of air frequmt,ly collects desorber but, is eliminated when the equilibrated solution 1 adjusted t o correspond t o the calibration mark of the dw T h e desorber stopcock is then closed. Desorption is begun by removing tlie cooling bath f't,otii tlic, tit,sorber. As the solution sample xvarnis up, th2 solution is forced into the spherical section of the desorber by tt.e desorlied vapor K h e n the mercury is completely displaced, the l o w r stopcock closed and the dcsorber openc>dt,o the gas bure-. -1w t t e r t)at,li is then placrtl around the desorber and the solution sample 1ir:litc.d t o 180" F. =Ipprosimatc~ly20 minutes are required for the desorption operation, when butadiene adsorption is being studied. Mercury is again introduced, forcing t h r desorbed solution sample int,o the upper section of the desorber and displacing all vapors froin it,. S o correction is required for the dead space ill the capillary joining the desorber and gas buret. .I11 coniicxctions are made with neoprene tubing.


Figure 10. Feed Section for VaporLiquid Estraction Tower TO CONDENSER

I n the butadiene-cuprous ammonium acetate system the ammonia concent rations employed produce partial pressures of ammonia and Tvater vapor in t h e hydrocarbon stream nearly equal t o those over the cuprous ammonium acetate solution. K h e n employing cuprous ammonium acetate solution containing approsiniately 3.0 moles per liter of cuprous copper, 4.0 moles per liter of acetate ion, and 11.0 moles per liter of animonia, the concentration of tlie ammonia solution in scrubber C is 11 A- and t h a t in D.7






T h e following procedure is used in carrying out a typical solubility deterniination n.ith pure butadiene. A is the feed cylinder and B a 50-nil. mercury safety bubbler. Scrubbers C and D are filled with approximately 500 ml. of aqueous aninionia of t'he desired concentrations and immersed in the bath with empty absorber E. slon- stream of cylinder nitrogen is used t o sweep out t h e air in t h e system, t o minimize osidation of the cuprous animoniuin acctate during t h e initial portion of the absorption step. .%iter the absorber is sealed from the scrubbers by t h e two-way st,opcock, the residual gases in the absorber are displaced by mercury from leveling bulb F . Cuprous ammonium acetate solution is t,ransferred batchvise t o the absorber t,hrough a short length of 2-nnn. capillary tubing by simultaneous application of a small pressure of nitrogen t o the solution storage vessel and'withdrarval of mercury from the desorber. After approxiniately 50 nil. of solution are introduced, t h e three-n-aj- stopcock of the absorber is closed and t h e corinectiori t o the storage vessel broken. T h e flow of butadiene feed is then begun and adjusted to a rate of about 50 t o 100 nil. a minute. AIercury is withdrawn from the absorber until it recedes from the U. The three-n-ay stopcock is adjusted t o permit venting unabsorbed vapors from only t h e right-hand limb of t h e absorber. T h e hydrocarbon feed generally contacts a 5- to 6-inch layer of solvent confined in the right-hand limb for about 2 hours. Appiosirnately 15 mi. of a 5 weight 5 solution of sulfuric acid saturated r i t h potassium sulfate are introduced into 500-ml. gas


35/25 B A L L JOINT

Figure 11. Reflux Splitter for Vapor-Liquid Estraction Tower

Readings of desorbed gas volume, temperat,ure, and pressure are taken. I n the butadiene-cuprous ammonium acetate process, previously determined values for t.he partial pressures of ammonia and lvater vapors above tlie cuprous ammonium solution are subtracted from t,he total pressure in order t o calculate the equilibrium partial pressure of but,adiene in the absorber. Values for the vapor pressure of {rater over saturated potassium sulfate solutions taken from the literature are used t o obtain the corrected pressure of desorbed butadiene. Similar corrections are employed with other systems.



The following results for the solubilit? of 0" C. may be cited as typical of those o h i n n procedure. The composition of the cu solution, expressed as moles per liter, cupric coprer 0.32, acetate ion 3.78, an(

Run 3 4

Barometric Pressilre, htm. 1,009 1.004

Adsorption: Biltadiene Pressure, Atm.

0.946 0,940

Desorption V u l . of Tenig.. gas, ml. 'C. 383 35.0 385 31.0 378 31.0

Vol. 39, No. 12

butadiene at .ith the g i w n

1;igure 9. It corisists of three l-inch-(1i:ili1e:r.r P)-rex pipe seetioiis, eacli approximately 3 feet long, ivith appropriate means

per 2.81,

condensing, and rc>flusirig. T]ic. l-ineh g l a ~ sto\ver is packed (-11stainless step1 Fenkc. hc-lieei; the plate equivalent t ic)ii is varied by changing the height of the packing. The top section i a iirt,:Liigc,cl so that it c a n he eliminated eitsily if ti~+ii~ctl; i t > 1)riiicip:tlfurict ion is t o rcmove solvellt from the over, ,

Dura,!iene Soly ,

Sloles. I.iter


0.8iO 0 880 0.86:

These butadiene solubility values are not corrected for dc from ideal gas behavior. They are, moreover, based on the volume of saturat,ed solution. One liter of saturated solution is produced from about 0.996 lit,er of lean solvent. The data of runs 3 and 4 indicate t h a t the precision or reproducibilitv of the butadiene solubility nieasurtlments obt~ained by this dynamic method is quite sat'isfactory. On the basis of these and additional experiments it, appears that an over-all 7 be~ expected. Thc estimation of the acprecision of ~ 2 can curacy of the solubilities determined by this method ia not so readily achieved. The values for the solubility of butadiene iri these runs may be compared with the observed value of 0.90 molc per liter of saturated solut>ion at 0.95 atniosphwe butadicue partial pressure obtained from static vapor-liquid equilibrium nicasurenients a t 0" C. with a solution closely similar in composition t o that employed here. It is believed that 6he present method is probably accurate ivit,hin * 6 5 . COSTISUOCSVAPOR-LIQUID EXTRACTIOS TOTTERL-sm. A simple countercurrent t o w r for obtaining continuous vaporliquid extract,ion data has been successfully employed to obtain operating variable data on a variety of extractions, including, for example, phenol extraction of benzene, toluene, and x!-lenes from appropriate petroleum fracLions. Its simplicitj- arid glass construction perniit rapid initial assembly with a minimum of effort; its low holdup permits quick attainment of equilibrium and, accordingly, rapid accumulation of the desirrd data. The apparatus described has a hydrocarbon feed capacity of about 400 nil. per hour \Then taking a 75% overhead yicld a t a 4:1 reflux ratio and using 300 volume ycsolvent based on feed. .1 diagrmimat,ic illustration of bhe assembled unit is give11 it1






Figure 12. Reboiler for VaporLiquid Eytraction Tower

The tower is run as nearly adiabatically as possible. This is accomplished by compensating for normal radiation and convection heat losses by individually controlled Sichrome electric lieating eleniciits which surround each ton-er section. These heaters are wound on glass tubes surrounding, and arranged concentrically with, the ton-er. The heating elements are prot,ected and thermally insulated in each case by a larger, concentrically located glass tube. Thermocouples are suspended betn.een the tube having the heating element and the tower it,self. The energy supplied the heating elements is controlled in such a \r-a!- as t o minimize the difference in temperature between these thermocouples and the t o w r itself. This construction is seen in Figures 10 and 11. The feed containing the material t o h>separated is introduced ~ - L ~ ~01' ~ TOLLEYE ~ ~ TABLE I. C O ~ ; T I X I ?T~ U7 S~ ~ , o EXTRACTIOX inimcdiatel!- above the first section and the solvent immediately WITH P H E ~ O L above the second section. These feed sections are identical; (Charge stock, 80' to 250' F V T Hydroformed Naphtha) one of them is shown in Figure 10. Feed enters from the left, Run KO 34 33 side through an insulated connector. Each feed section is Operating conditions 4:1 4: 1 Reflux ratioa equipped with a distributing funnel and thermocouple. 405 398 Naphtha charge rate, ml./hr Stream quantities, vol. The feed i q delivered by means of a bellows-type pump through Phenol charge (phenol treat, vel.%) 316 327 a prehcater. The temperature of the feed, measured just before Overhead condensate reflux 316 328 75 82 Overhead condensate withdrawal ita introduction int,o the to\?-er, is closely controlled by means of Charge an oil bath surrounding a U-shaped preheater. This preheater, Stock n-liich is approximately 18 inches long and made of '/*-inch glass Overhead t,ubing, functions satisfactorily when feeding either a liquid or 100 78 7 82 7 Yield % 1 4059 1.4208 1 4010 Refrabtive index (20° C.) vaporized feed; in this latter case the vaporization is done in the 0 7236 Sp. gr. (20°C.!2O0 C.) 0,7487 0 7166 122 107 110 Specific dispersion U-preheater. The solvent temperature is also closely controlled. 27 8 10 Sromrttics, % I n this case a low capacity prehcater consisting of a n electrically Bottoms 21.3 17.3 wound copper tube is used in order t o permit rapid and sensitive Yield % 1.4939 1.4972 Refra'ctive index (20' C.) t,emperatureadjustment of the solvent entering the tower. Sp. gr. (20° C./20° C.) 0.8629 0.8711 183 184 Specific dispersion The reflux-product splitter section, mounted near the top of the Bromine No. 3.2 2.2 column belo\+ the condenser, isshown in Figure 11. It' consists of 2.2 1.5 Olefins, % 1 0 Paraffins. % a conventional Ace Glass Company reflux head modified t o permit Aromatics, % , 96 99 95 so Toluene recovery, % siniultaneous injection of several solvent and recycle streams, and Reflux ratio = overhead condensate refluxed to tower , t o permit use of an interchangeable condenser. The "swinging" overhead Condensate withdrawn from system funnel a r t s as a split,ter and is activated by a magnet connected b Based on I00 volumes of naphtha feed. t o a Flcxopulse timer. Thesetting of this splitter determines the

December 1947


reflux ratio. As sh0n.n in Figure 9, for those systems which produce a two-phase overhead product, facilitics arc provided for continuous recycle of one phase to t h e extraction tower. The rate of recycle is controlled in a positive, sensitive, and reproducible manner by means of a bellow pump connected t o a Flexopulse timer controlling the pump motor current source. T h e time is set t o deliver current, over most of the pumping cycle in order t o produce as nearly continuous pumping as possible. The use of the Flexopulse timer is far more satisfactory t,han attempting to adjust the pump stroke. The reboiler, mounted at, the bottom of the column, is shon-n in Figure 12. The electrically wound "boiling leg" Tyas made 10 inches long and 2 inches in diameter t o provide maximum heat input with minimum liquid holdup. Estract is removed from the bottom of the leg (shown a t the bottom right-hand side in Figure 12) through a small conventional glass condenser acting as a cooler. T h e rate of withdrawal is controlled by means of a flesibly connected inverted U-tube which provides gravity overflon- and control of t,he liquid level in the reboiler. .I Hoke needle valve in the overflow line prevents pressure surges from producing irregular flo~v. -4balance line from the t o p of t'he inverted U-tube to the extract receiver prevents siphoning. h very small stream of inert gas, such as nitrogen, is bled continuously into t.he bottom of t h e reboiler. This stream of gas passes


up through the annular space b e t w e n the hi:ated boiling leg and an inner concentric t,ube open a t the top. Thc inner tube is open a t the bottom only at the sides. This arrangement ensures even, continuous boiling by initiating vapor butlbles and enhancing natural convection. The operating procedure is as follows: The reflux ratio is set on the automatic timer and the napht,ha feed started into the t,on-er a t t,he predetermined rate. The feed preheater is adjusted t,o give the desired feed temperature. After a liquid level has been built up in the reboiler, the reboiler heat. is adjusted slowly to give approximately the desired overhead rate. Too rapid application of heat t o t,he reboiler may result in flooding. Solvent feed is then s a l t e d into the tower, while the overhead rate is maintained by appropriate adjustments in reboiler heat. During this period the toFver jacket heaters are adjusted t o maintain approximately adiabatic conditions. The solvent feed preheater is adjusted t>ocorrespond t o the toiver temperature at, t,hc solvcnt inject,ionpoint. The reboiler heat. is finally readjusted t o give the exact overhead yield desired. The tower is usually operated slightly below the flooding rate t o ensure high efficiency of tower operation and time utilization. Typical operating conditions and results obtained iyitli this equipment are shown in Table I. I n this case high purity toluene was extracted from a hydroformed naphtha of 80" t o 250" F. boiling range which contained about 27% t.oluene. R E C E I V EMarch D 1 3 . 1947.


ION EXCHANGE Operation of Commercial Scale Plant f o r Demineralization of Cane Sirups ai2d Molasses EAIAXUEL BLOCH .iND RICHdRD J. RITCHIE Pepsi-Cola C o m p a n y , Long Island C i t y , 9.I;.

EVERAL report,s have been A plant scale ion exchange demineralization unit was put into operation in published describing t,he order to purify cane sirups and invert molasses. The demineralizing system pilot plant' operation of various consists of a cation exchange unit, a granular carbon bed, and an anion exchange ion exchange syst'ems in treatunit. Four such batteries were used to treat 1,500,000 gallons of a blend of ing sugar juices. These plants partially inverted commercial cane sirup and a first run molasses, and for the have been used t o remove elecprocessing of 713,000 gallons of poorly defecated invert molasses. The main probtrolytes from sugar juices in order lems encountered w-ere formation of a gummy film over the cation exchange bed t o obtain a higher yield of sucrose which prevented passage of the liquor, and large sugar losses due to bacterial and a minimum yield of molasses. infection in the upper layers of the cation exchange bed. With the present capaciT-ery little work on a commercial ties of exchange materials it is doubtful that blackstrap molasses can be ecoscale has been done on t h e purifinomically converted to an edible sirup. However, consideration should be given cation of cane sirups and molasses, to the recovery- of organic acids from the anion exchanger, and the application and, except for two beet camof this process in the demineralization of raw sugars and of partially refined sugars. paigns, no extended operation of any full scale commercial plant has DEMINERALIZING PROCESS been reported. I n 1944 this laboratory institut,ed studies in the utilization of ion exchangers for the purification of various grades Since a number of able t,heoretical presentations of ion exchange of sirups and molasses. h number of exchangers were tested in theory have been recently published, only a brief presentation of bot,h laboratory scale and pilot plant scale operations. The rethe underlying principles will be given here (6-5). Basically a sults from this work justified undertaking a full scale commercial demineralizing system consisis of two steps. I n t'he first step a cationexchanger removes such ions as Na+, K*, C a + + ,and M g + + operation. This plant was put into operation in January 1946 and was operated until August of t h a t year. It' is t h e from their salts in solution by replacing them with hydrogen purpose of this paper t o describe the production methods and ions. This results in t h e production of the corresponding acidshydrochloric, sulfuric, carbonic, and various organic acids. This indicate some of t h e problems and possibilities of using ion exchangers. highly acidic solution is then brought in contact with a n anion