Literature Available - American Chemical Society

Boiler. Safety Devices. Condensed catalog and price list of safety devices for steam ... chart, which guides selectionof proper ... tages of this size...
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LITERATURE AVAILABLE Antioxidants. T h e use of antioxidants in a broad range of foods and food products is described in a new bulletin. Among the subjects discussed are: rancidity and other symptoms of oxidative deterioration, the effectiveness of antioxidants in combating the developments of these symptoms and a comprehensive list of products in which the use of antioxidants is claimed to be of benefit. EASTMAN CIIEMICAL PROOUCISIAC. 11 Bag Packer. .In automatic bag packer is described in a folder which discusses the performance and specifications of thi5 iliachine. T h e packer is electricallv operated antl performance is guaranteed b! the nianulacturer. BLACKPRODUCTS Co. 12 Boiler Safety Devices. (:ondensed catalog and price list of safet! deLices for steani and hot water boilers designed for contractors antl wholesalers. A feature of the catalog is the ,enice recoininendation chart, which guides selection of proper control (le! ices for various joh classifications. h l ( : l > o \ \ I ~ .k hIii.1.m I A C . . 13 Chloramine 1. .I technical bulletin prepared to guide formulators in the handling a n d use of chloramine T. T h e mechanisiii of action of chloramine T', a4 well a s a simple method for calculating the a\ ailahle chlorine in a formulation containing it are described. ~ I O \ S , A U T O CI~I:NICA (:o. I, L4 Fertilizer Guide. Fertilizer application rates and various types of machinery for appl\ing fertilizer are presented in this booklet. T h e different fertilizer requirements of {-arious crops and the economic advantages of fertilizer application are a l w diwissed. ;\vco ~ I A \ U F A C T U R I S GC o . L5 Filtratien. Data book encompassing the field of brewery filtration in a concise and authorati\e manner. T h e book features 2 illustrated articles on hrewerv filtration and 4 pages of frequently used brewing tables. PROCI:SS FILTERS ISC. 16 Food Technology. An illustrated 8 page hooklet describes the services which a firm of consulting chemists and engineer$ offer to the food industries. T h e



actik ities described include packaging, Hayor ex-aluation, qualit! control, product development, and food engineering. L7 FOSTERD. SNELLIsc.

locomotive. .\ revised bulletin, describing the performance of a middleweight, 70 ton, locomotive illustrates the advantages of this size locomotive by case histories. T h e 16 page tivo color bulletin describes the over-all locomoti\-e performance, poiver plant, the electric drive antl other new features. Cutaivay views of the locomotive are included. G r \ I : R x ELTCTKIC 18 Mist Blower. .\ lightweight aerosol mist sprayer for dispersing all forms of insecticides and fungicides normally distributed bv h\draulic sprayers is described in this illustrated hulletin. ;\pplication rates for different crops, specifications antl accessories are discussed. Ho?,rELITF CORP. 19 Physical Properties of Synthetic Organics. This 20 page booklet is issued annually, the new edition presents data on more than 330 synthetic organic chemicals and features 36 new chemicals. Condensed application data are presented and physical properties are presented in tahtilar form. CamrDr A \ D C-ARROSCHFXICALS CORE'. L10 Pyrex Brand Glass. Catalog lists standard items of P!rex Brand glass pipe and fittings. T h e physical properties of the glas? pipe, and the advantages of the material in the process industries are discussed. Illustrated with typical glass pipe installations in food and chemical processing industries. CORYISGGLASS \VORKS 11 1 Storage Bins. T h e atliantages of vitrified tile storage hins for the storage of hulk industrial materials are presented in this booklet. Specifications, illustrations of typical applications and diagrams of installations are included. KALAMAZOO -r.A\K A S D SILO cO. 11 2 Valves. Catalog on a line of selinoid \ alves, includes specifications and prices as well as a description of the valves .Applications and construction details are 114 presented. ECLIPSE E \ G I S E ~ R I SCo. G

Readers' Information Service JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 330 West 42nd St. Nov. 25, 1953 New York 36, N. Y. N e w Products and Equipment

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A M E R I C A N C H E M I C A L SOCIETY 111 5 Sixteenth St., N. W . Washington 6, D. C.


VOL. 1, N O . 1 8 , N O V E M B E R2 5 , 1 9 5 3