Literature Available - Journal of Agricultural and ... - ACS Publications

Literature Available. J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1953, 1 (14), pp 903–903. DOI: 10.1021/jf60014a625. Publication Date: September 1953. ACS Legacy Archiv...
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c:o. L8 Industrial Chemicals. l ’ l i ) \ i ( i i l and chemical prope~tie\ of lag‘ \ o l u l n e industrial chemicals a \ ailable i l l t a n k car lots are giken. There i \ a I w a bection on chemicals a \ ailable loi- riiarCet development studies which can he >upplied in experimental quantitirr. (‘O\I\II~.RCIAL

Belt Conveyors. Catalog of a line of .tandardized belt conveyors. Each component is illustrated and described, a p pilcations for each unit are tabulated for reference. There are installation photographs and layout diagrams of typical in,tallations. BARBER-GREENE Co. L1 Control Valves. A condensed catalog [ I I a line of air, water and hydraulic ialves, which are mechanically and elecrrically actuated. G . B . H U N TX; Co. 12 Cyanuric Chloride. A comprehensive 27-page booklet on the chemistry of cymuric chloride, includes physical and Ihemical properties, applications, toxici[\ data, typical reactions and a biblioglaphy. .%MEXICAN CYASAZIIDCo. 13 Dispersing Agents, Technical data ,tieet describes a series of sulfone dispersing agents. Applications for these marerials in the insecticide industry are tlewribed. R. T. VANDERBILT Co. 14 Dusts and Sprays, Illustrated 8-page technical bulletin on diluents, dispersing agents and stickers. T h e booklet de.tribes the composition, action and use of line of these products. Specifications and a general discussion of agricultural ilust formulations are also included. R. T. 1’4NI)ERBILT C O . L5 Fork Lift Truck. Details on an electric transmission truck which tire4 no tlutch, transmission controller OL‘ resistors .we included in a bulletin. T h e truck is powered by a variable voltage generator with the electric power generated by a gasoline engine. BAKER-RAULANG Co. 16 High Vacuum. A 60-page bulletin on high vacuum equipment, containing intormation and charts on installations and components. Descriptions of various types of high vacuum pumps, oil diffusion pumps, vacuum gages and accessories. V \ T R 4 L SCIENTIFIC CO. L7 Hoisting Equipment. Hand and electric hoisting equipment is described in !his 12-page booklet. Typical installations t)t various types of hoists are illnstrated.


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SOLVENTS COICI~. L9 Level Gages. .4 line iot liquid level gages is described in this brochure. T h e gages are of the direct reading transparent observation t!pe, , j l ’ ~ c I ’ w \ ards in front of the gun, a Red wldier raii;ed hi.: body briefly to throw a grenade. I t landed q u a r e l y among tlir crew. In a split .second, Sergeant Kennemore cnkered it with his foot. There was a violent, muffled explosion, but not a man was hurt. Not a man except Sergeant Kennemore. H e had givrn both legr to save his comrades. “When I was on active duty,” says Sergeant Kennemore. “I wondered if people back home cared. Nnw that I’m a civilian. I know thev do. One proof is that they’re investing in E Bonds for defense. Believe me. I know how important that defense is. So I’m investing. too. I hope you are!”



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