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problem involving the industrial use of air.Address ... requirements of a compact low cost flow- meter. ... ing the per cent of maximum flow in rela- ...
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material includes a table of nominal needle sizes with corresponding valve coefficients, and a characteristic curve showing the per cent of maximum flow in relation to total lift. FOXBORO Co. L8 Solid Flow Measurement, Equipment for controlling and recording the rate of flow of pulverized solids is described in this booklet. Methods for continuous proportioning, and photographs of installations and equipment are included. \\TALLACE k T l E R S A S ISC. L9 Sorbitol. This 21-page booklet, “Sorbitol in Confection and Other Food,” Flowmeter. Bulletin covers design describes the characteristics and properfeatures, flow capacities, and maintenance ties of sorbitol of interest to food procesrequirements of a compact low cost flowmeter. COMMERCIAL RESEARCH LABORA- sors and shows under heat conditions how sorbitol can be used advantageously. ReTORITS, ISC. L3 cipes and procedure are included. ATLAS Glass Heating Jackets. Bulletin covers POXVDER C O . L10 Pyrex brand E.C. coating glass for laboratory heating jackets. T h e coated tubing Trace Elements f o r Animal Nutrition. Technical data sheet on 3,5-diododaliprovides a tubular heat source that percylic acid, which has been developed as a mits observation of processes within the source of iodine for incorporation in salt tube. Bulletin includes wiring diagrams, blocks for animal nutrition. T h e product operating data, and general performance is chemically stable against atmospheric characteristics. CORNING GLASSWORKS oxidation or chemical reaction in salt L4 formulations and requires no special techInfrared analyzer. Illustrated folder niques to prevent loss of iodine content. describes an infrared analyzer for continuR I S G ~ V OCO H EDM I C A L CO. L11 ous in plant process stream analysis. PrinUrea Fertilizer. Six important advanciples of operation, detailed specifications, tage$ of urea as a source of nitrogen in and features of the analyzer are presented. fertilizer arc discussed. Fertilizer recomTypical applications are discussed. PERmendations for various crops and soils are KIN-ELMER CORP. L5 also included. T h e trend toward higher Liquids Handling Equipment. Folder nitrogen fertilization is discussed. GRACE describes a line of galvanized steel conCHCMICAL CORP. L12 tainers for filling, measuring, or transferVacuum Furnaces. Brochure discusses ring liqnids. GEORGE D. ELLIS& Soss L6 growing field of vacuum metallurgy, inMethoxychlor Sprays. Bulletin precludes comprehensivc, treatment of the pared for processors and manufacturers of effects of processing various metals and aerosol sprays gives information on the alloys in vacuum. Descriptions, with uses of methoxychlor in aerosol insecticide drawings, of several types of vacuum furspray5 and oil based sprays. Suggestions naces are included. F. J. STOKEShfACHISE for formulation, data on solubility, types CO. L13 of solvents, emulsifiers, and a bibliography Valves. T h e design and operation of a of manufacturers’ literature are included. line of diaphragm operated solenoid valves E. I. DU POST L7 is covered in this 4-page bulletin. Photographs, line drawings, specifications, and Needle Valves, Design characteristics of a line of needle-type valves are extables are included. ECLIPSEFUELEXGIplained in this 8-page bulletin. Reference hTFRISG CO. L14 Ammonia. Fifty-page book on the technical aspects and allied topics concerning ammonia. T h e comprehensive book contains numerous charts and illustrations. There is a detailed discussion of the uses of ammonia in fertilizers, and safety data. L 1 SPrSCER CHEMICAL CO. Calcium Lignosulfonate. Physical and chemical properties of Torinal, a desugared calcium lignosulfonate, are described in this 4-page folder. Present uses and suggested applications are also discussed. LAKESSTATES YEAST CORP. L2

HOW to get drier or cooler A I R or GASES NIAGARA AERO AFTER COOLER cools a compressed gas, or air, below the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere, thus preventing the condensation of moisture in your lines. The gas will contain only half of the moisture left in it by conventional methods. Even drier gas can be produced if you require it. In working with controlled atmospheres of inert gases to prevent undesired reactions, this dryness of the gas at low cost is a great advantage. The cost of the Niagara method is low because it uses evaporative cooling, saving 95% of the cost of cooling water (and its piping and pumping.) This direct saving of cost pays for the Niagara cooler in less than two years. If you use compressed air to operate instruments or pneumatic equipment you will get better results by using the Niagara Aero After Cooler. Write for Bulletin 98, or ask nearest Niagara Engineer if you have a problem involving the industrial use of air. Address Dept. JA



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