LITERATURE - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

LITERATURE. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1983, 17 (10), pp 499A–500A. DOI: 10.1021/es00116a717. Publication Date: October 1983. Copyright © 1983 Americ...
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LITERATURE Aerosol sampling. Brochure describes the FASTAC II sampler, said to be the only atomic absorption (AA) autosampler that uses aerosol deposition of the sample for furnace atomization. It is 10 times more efficient than the previous model. Instrumentation Laboratory 151 Environmental analysis. Brochure describes complete hazardous waste analyses, priority pollutant analyses, water analyses, and air scans. It describes a fully instrumented and computerized laboratory. Crippen Laboratories 152 Gas analyzer. Bulletin TI 612-106 describes an analyzer that meets needs for carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide ( C 0 2 ) , and methane ( C H 4 ) analysis. It has applictions in ambient air and stacks and uses nondispèrsive infrared radiation. Foxboro 153 Toxic chemical handling. Wall chart gives information on handling, storage, and disposal of more than 300 toxic and hazardous chemicals found in industry. Lab Safety Supply 154 Toxic organic gas monitors. Catalog describes portable and stationary monitors for organic vapors in industrial environments and gives related information. Analytical Instrument Development 155 Laboratory microcomputers. Bulletin 679 features selected microcomputer hardware and software for laboratory and other requirements. Printer terminal is included. Fisher Scientific 156 Freeze drying. Catalog contains information on and complete specifications for freeze-drying apparatus. Sample preservation is one of many possible applications. Labconco 157 Pipe linings. Brochure AB-72 describes a line of abrasion-resistant pipe and equipment linings with a Mohs hardness of 8. Abresist 158 Closed-loop cooling. Bulletin describes proper protection of closed-loop cool-

ing and heating systems and lists four factors that can cause severe damage. Mogul 159 Catalytic emission control. Brochure, "Torvex Catalytic Reactor," explains how catalysts enhance air pollution control, incineration, and solvent vapor, visible emission, and odor abatement. Engelhard 160 Sewer conductivity cell. Catalog sheet 221-02 describes an electrodeless conductivity cell for detecting solutions in industrial sewer lines that may cause fouling because of suspended solids or fibers. Beckman Instruments 161 Biological research. Catalog describes multiple-diffusion chambers for the study of mixed-culture interactions and biological air samplers. Cellular interactions in many environments can be studied. New Brunswick Scientific 162 Water test kits. "1983 Water Test Kit Directory" lists portable test kits for measurement of water and wastewater quality, with applications to many specific types of analysis. LaMotte Chemical Products 163 Continuous-process mixer. Brochure describes Polycoated Inliner stationary mixer, which prevents particle cling, is abrasion resistant, and is impervious to many corrosive environments up to 300 ° C . Lightnin 164 Respirators. Wall chart shows all 17 recent N I O S H / O S H A approvals granted to HSC's cartridge-filter combinations for respirators. Aircleaning cartridge is properly matched up with contaminant. H S C 165 pH measurement. Brochure introduces the injection flow electrode concept to pH measurement. Free-flowing liquid junction does not clog. Hach 166 Water clarifier. Catalog covers sloped-plate clarifiers, designed as alternatives to conventional bowl-type thickeners for removing suspended solids from wash water for recycling or discharge. Eagle Iron Works 167

Microbial growth study. Reprint by E. S. Littmann explains how to monitor microbial growth by adenosine triphosphate assay with the Model 20 photometer and luminescence purity reagents. Turner Designs 168 Hazardous materials. Catalog lists products, supplies, and forms necessary for compliance with government specifications concerning hazardous materials handling. J. J. Keller & Associates 169 Meteorological instruments. Product portfolio lists meteorological instruments, including those for measuring wind and temperature. Many have environmental monitoring applications. R. M. Young 170 Home solar power. Brochure announces photovoltaic (solar-electric) equipment that can be used to power certain appliances in homes, boats, and campers. It can charge batteries and drive 12-VDC equipment. Solar Power 171 Density measurement. Brochure announces Mettler/Paar DPR2000 inline density measuring system for quality and process control and purity measurements. Mettler Instrument 172 Industrial gases. Brochure describes company's capabilities in the field of industrial gases for wastewater treatment, oil recovery, and many other applications. A N S U T E C H 173 Micro pipets. Catalog lists line of micro pipets and dispensers for research, industry, and clinical testing. Monoject Scientific 174 Aerosol monitor. Releases announce the APS-33 Aerodynamic Particle Sizer data sheet and the piezoelectric respirable aerosol mass monitor. Faster, more precise measurement is possible. TSI 175 HPLC columns. Brochure lists empty H PLC columns, fittings, connectors, Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 17, No. 10, 1983


and fitting kits. Precut tubing kits are also listed. Alltech 176

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pH electrodes. Bulletin 7732 tells how to choose pH electrodes, buffers, and accessories for specific applications. A step-by-step decision sequence is pre­ sented. Beckman Instruments 177 HPLC components. Catalog lists HPLC items such as injectors, valves, fittings, and syringes. Some are made of Teflon, for applications in which contact with metals is not wanted. Rheodyne 178 Continuing education. Brochure an­ nounces availability of cassettes for continuing education in 18 engineering disciplines. Included are air pollution, solar energy, and phase behavior in oil recovery processes. Association for Media-Based Continuing Education for Engineers, Inc., 225 North Ave., Atlanta, Ga. 30332 (write direct) Renewable-resource chemicals. An­ nouncement No. 460/X lists publica­ tions on chemical feedstocks from re­ newable resources. D. W. Jared, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Union Carbide Corp., Nuclear Division, P.O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830 (write direct) Nuclear power. Brochures list numer­ ous publications on nuclear power and related topics. American Nuclear So­ ciety, 555 N. Kensington Ave., LaGrange Park, 111. 60525 (write di­ rect) Cyanides from minerals. Report from a workshop focuses on all chemical aspects of cyanides as they relate to the gold and silver mining industry and froth flotation. Ferron A. Olson, Di­ rector, Utah MMRRI, University of Utah, 209 W. C. Browning Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 (write di­ rect)

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Potentially toxic chemicals. "IRPTC Bulletin" is the "International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals," published by the United Nations En­ vironment Programme. Director, IRPTC/UNEP, Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland (write direct) Available wastes. What is waste for some is useful material for others. Whole listing. Issue No. 9, August 1983, Northeast Industrial Waste Exchange, 700 E. Water St., Room 711, Syracuse, N.Y. 13210 (write di­ rect)