LITERATURE - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

May 30, 2012 - LITERATURE. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1982, 16 (5), pp 300A–302A. DOI: 10.1021/es00099a732. Publication Date: May 1982. Copyright ...
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LITERATURE Boiler sludge control. Data Sheet ΙΟ­ Ι 40 describes a formulation used to prevent scale and sludge accumulation in steam boilers. Calgon 151 Valves for chlorine. Data bulletins PDD-8, PDBF-3A, and PDB-5B fea­ ture valves usable in chlorine systems. These valves can withstand the reac­ tivity and toxicity of chlorine. HillsMcCanna 152 Analytical services. Brochure sets forth a full range of analytical services for environmental, industrial, engineering, and goverment organizations. Stateof-the-art techniques are used. Gambridge Analytical Associates 153 Lagoon liners. Technical literature describes polymeric leakproof liners for ponds, lagoons, and landfills. Dif­ ferent types of polymers available. Sarnafil (U.S.) 154 Fluid handling valves. Brochure de­ scribes two- and three-way flow con­ trol solenoid valves of Teflon, used for critical fluid handling applications. Cryogenics, and water and wastewater sampling are among applications. Fluorocarbon 155 Leak control. Brochure, "Wasted Water Can Cost You a Fortune," features instruments and techniques for leak detection, prevention, and control, and shows how an undetected water leak can cost as much as $16 000/year. Jerman 156

Air analyzers. "Short-Form Catalog" describes basic analyzers and cali­ bration instruments and standards for S 0 2 , H 2 S, NO, N 0 2 , ozone, and hy­ drocarbons. Columbia Scientific In­ dustries 159 Inorganic chemicals. Catalog JJ-15 lists more than 250 ACS- and re­ agent-grade inorganic chemicals for use by analytical chemists. Hazards and special handling codes are in­ cluded. Eastman Kodak 160 Biological wwt. Brochure describes Biomass engineering approach for solving biological wastewater treat­ ment (wwt) problems and cleaning up organic hazardous wastes. Polybac

Maintenance hose. Brochure describes maintenance hose with new type of construction offering light weight, re­ sistance to chemicals and ozone dete­ rioration, toughness, and easy cleaning. Angus Fire Armour 168 Spectrofluorometers. Brochure fea­ tures SPEX FLUOROLOG Series 111C-222 spectrofluorometer for various research requirements and budget limitations. Can be configured to meet individual needs. Computer control. SPEX Industries 169 pH meters. Brochure lists whole line of pH meters and electrodes that are ion-selective. Orion Research 170


Liquid chromatography. March 1982 issue of TECHSCAN features in­ strument hardware and software for liquid chromatography (and other applications) brought out at the "Pittsburgh Conference." Du Pont 162

Pipette cleaner. Brochure sets forth Models 25 and 25X Ultrasonic Pipette Cleaners that can clean without prerinsing or acid preparations. Works even for normally inaccessible areas. Heat Systems-Ultrasonics 163 Solar simulators. Brochure describes simulators of solar energy, with ap­ plications for photovoltaics, solar cell response, materials lifetimes, sun­ screen formulating, etc. Kratos 164

Laboratory equipment. 1982 Winter Catalog lists pH meters, conductivity analyzers, dissolved-Oxygen meters, many other accessories and items. Markson Science 171 Purge-and-trap. Paper describes the use of EPA Method 602, purge-andtrap, to analyze industrial wastewater for toxic residue from volatile aromatics. Tests highly sensitive and definite. Varian Instruments 172 Animal behavior studies. Brochure explains how Apple-II computer can be used for animal behavior studies. Could have behavioral toxicology ap­ plications. Columbus Instruments In­ ternational 173

Drum lids. Catalog sheet describes lids that can fit even old drums, and protect contents against rain, ice, snow, fumes, and other contamination sources. 45and 60-mL polyethylene; can stand pal­ letized stacking. CDF 157

Microbiocide. Bulletin 11-144 de­ scribes a liquid broad-spectrum mi­ crobiocide for controlling algae, fungi, and bacteria in cooling air and water systems. Calgon 165

Sludge drying. Application report tells how steam from incineration process can transfer heat to indirectly heated Porcupine sludge dryers and gain many advantages. The Bethlehem Corporation 174

Gases. 1982 General Catalog No. 91 presents a full line of pure and research gases, gas mixtures, and electronic gases, with guides to selecting proper regulators, and the like. Scientific Gas Products 158

Water management service. Bulletin 672 describes Point-of-Feed service by which (for water management) only the actual amount of chemical needed is supplied. BETZ Laboratories 166

Pressure gauges. Bulletin A-30S lists pressure gauges (differential) from 0-30 to 0-100 psig, and even one that can show 500 psig. Dwyer Instruments 175

Thermoplastic piping. 1982 Mail Order Catalog announces a whole line of thermoplastic piping, valves, and controls for waste treatment, and many other applications needing cor­ rosion-resistant products. Utilities Supply 167

Companies interested in a listing in this department should send their releases directly to Environmental Science & Technology, Attn: Literature, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC. 20036

Need more information about any items? If so, just circle the appropriate numbers on one of the reader service cards bound into this issue and mail in the card. No stamp is necessary. 300A

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 16, No. 5, 1982

pH meters. Brochure describes ionselective and pH meters and elec­ trodes. Included are 1,3 meters, 26 pH electrodes, 32 ion-selective electrodes, four reference electrodes. Orion Re­ search 176

Temperature, pressure. Catalog lists instrumentation for measuring tem­ perature, pressure, humidity, and other such parameters with very sensitive sensors. Yellow Springs Instrument 186

Environmental analysis. Brochure ex­ plains the role of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in environmental analysis, and the use of GC/MS to analyze for priority pollu­ tants, and other materials. Finnigan MAT 177

Clarification. Technical bulletin de­ scribes CycloSpray filter for clarifying liquids with solids content as high as 2000 ppm. Features low pressure drop and long-period unattended operation. Ronningen-Petter 187

Analytical services. List of analytical services is set forth in 1982 Analytical Laboratories Services Fees Schedule Catalog. Many tests available. Crippen Laboratories 178

Warning control. Bulletin 1008 de­ scribes a warning control device that can be placed in a system to warn that a certain function was not performed by the system within the preset time frame. Vac-U-Max 188

Water quality services. Brochure lists line of hydrographie and water quality services, and geohydrological investi­ gations that company can handle. Environmental Resources Manage­ ment 179

Pumps. Bulletin NRP-1 describes use of high-volume axial and mixed flow pumps for an irrigation project for raising crop yields along the Nile River in Egypt. Project will irrigate 150 000 acres. Patterson Pump 189

Centrifugal sifter. Literature No. CS-81 describes versatile centrifugal sifter for use with chemicals, resins, biologicals, and a wide variety of powders and granular materials. Kason 180

Hazardous material detection. Form P-103 describes POLLULERT for detecting liquid hydrocarbon, and hazardous material leaks and spills.

Gel permeation chromatography. Re­ lease announces VISTA gel perme­ ation chromatography (GPC) soft­ ware package for fast calculation of molecular weight averages and distri­ butions. Can be used with Apple II microcomputer. Varian 181 Precious metal recovery. Bulletin 556 describes full line of method to recover gold, silver, rhodium, palladium, and other precious metal ions from rinse water. Ion charge and pH-independent. Sethco 182 Laboratory supplies. 1982 catalog lists laboratory supplies for many needs, and features a "no-hassle" way to place orders by telephone. Interex 183

Lubricants. Catalog lists whole line of lubricants and anti-seize compounds for metal parts on all sorts of industrial metal equipment. Among uses are chemical, wastewater treatment, other plants. Bostik/Never-Seez 184 Chemical catalog. Large catalog lists chemicals for chromatography, HPLC, isotope "tagging" with deute­ rium, high-purity solvents, other needs. Crescent Chemical 185

Features continuous monitoring, early detection, low cost, proof in field. Pollulert Systems 190 Ultrasonic flowmeters. Catalog de­ scribes company's diverse clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeters for use with clean or "dirty" liquids, high pres­ sure/temperature situations, other applications. Controlotron 191 Meteorological equipment. Catalog lists and describes hundreds of highquality weather monitoring instru­ ments for air pollution, alternative energy, many other uses. WeatherMeasure 192 Waste management. Brochure de' scribes company's services in waste management, with emphasis on RCRA/Superfund compliance, many other needs. Shannon & Wilson 193 Heat reuse. Catalog VXC-93 lists VENT-X-CHANGER for recovering and reusing heat from exhaust air to preheat incoming fresh air. Only one major connection required. The Wing Company 194


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Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 16, No. 5, 1982


Chromatography. Supelco Reporter, first edition, contains interesting articles on GC, HPLC, and chemical standards. Contains article on mycotoxin quantification; other topics featured. Supelco 195

Oil/gas pollution. Publication, "They Are Drilling on the Back Forty! What Do I Do Now?" gives step-by-step instructions on reporting pollution incidents. Oklahoma State Department of Health, P.O. Box 53551, Oklahoma City, Okla. 73152 (write direct)

Environmental balance. Report: "The Chemical/Environmental Balance: Where Does America Stand?" looks at chemical industry's work for environmental protection. Thomas J. Gilroy, Chemical Manufacturers Association, 2501 M St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 (write direct)

Soil analysis. "Chemical Analysis of Polluted Soils," EPA Publication No. 139, November 1981, Quote 80/1107. Standardizes methods. Information Services Branch. Environment Protection Authority, 240 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne, Vic. 3002, Australia (write direct)

SO2 emission/control. Report No. 1/82, " S 0 2 Emission Trends and Control Options in Western Europe." CONCAWE, Babylon-Kantoren A, Koningin Julianaplein 30-9, 2595 AA Den Haag, the Netherlands (write direct)

Engineering assurance. Brochure lists engineering inspection and testing services. The Unit Inspection Company Ltd., 35-37 Grosvenor Square, London SW1W OBS, England (write direct)

Food waste disposal. "Disposing of Food Service Disposables" tells how to do so properly. Environment & Health Committee of the Single Service Institute, 1025 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (write direct)

Vapor recovery. Publication, "Are These Nozzles Really Worth It?" gives instructions for proper nozzle operation at service stations, other such places. Bay Area Air Quality Management District, 939 Ellis St., San Francisco, Calif. 94109 (write direct)

Chemical health/safety. Information concerning membership in the Division of Chemical Health & Safety of American Chemical Society. D. Hedberg, c/o Lab Safety Supply Company, P.O. Box 1368, Janesville, Wis. 53547 (write direct)

Hydrogen sulfide. CGA Pamphlet G-12-1981 (price, $6.50) explains sources, safe uses, and properties of hydrogen sulfide. Compressed Gas Association, Inc., 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Va. 22202 (write direct)

Pollution assessment. Study assesses industrial change and environmental pollution in England's West Midlands. Joint Unit for Research on the Urban Environment, University of Aston in Birmingham, Gosta Green, Birmingham B4 7 ET, England (write direct)

Ozone congress. Release announces availability of proceedings of Fifth Ozone World Congress (Berlin, West Germany) of 1981. Cost is $75. The International Ozone Association, Tower Suite 510, 301 Maple Ave. W., Vienna, Va. 22180 (write direct)

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