Literature for the Coatings Industry - Advances in Chemistry (ACS

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23 Literature for the Coatings Industry DELLA WILSON

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National Paint, Varnish, and Lacquer Association, 1500 Rhode Island Ave, N.W., Washington, D. C.

Almost every branch of life is concerned with some aspect of surface coating. Therefore, information on the subject is widely disseminated, under topics ranging from inks to economics. For the sake of convenience, the literature is arranged under two headings: technology and performance of coatings. General and specialized sources include books, magazines, government, trade, and company publications. The suggested sources, augmented in the bibliography of books, periodicals, and abstracts, are by no means a complete collection. However, the advent of key-word coding and information retrieval techniques has brought reasonable coverage within reach.

Although paint-making was one of man's earliest endeavors, historical literature on the subject rarely applies to today's technology. C r o - M a g n o n cave paintings date back at least 20,000 years, while 2000 years ago the Egyptians painted their mummy cases for preservation as w e l l as decoration. In more recent times, paint manufacture has developed as a father-to-son craft, using jealously guarded "secret" recipes. I n the U n i t e d States, painting for preservation accompanied the spread of iron a n d steel for building. B y general agreement among manufacturers, technical details of production were kept secret. A rare exception are the records of America's earliest varnish maker, Christian Schrack a n d C o , Philadelphia, w h i c h may be examined b y the public at the Eleutherian M i l l s Historical L i b r a r y , W i l m i n g t o n , D e l . M o d e r n coatings literature touches upon numerous aspects of life; therefore, articles on the subject may be found i n almost any publication under categories ranging from food to electrical engineering. This material may be separated into two divisions: (1) the technology of manufacturing and the properties of r a w materials used, and (2) the use a n d performance of the coating. 419 Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.







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Periodical literature pertaining to the first division—technology and raw materials—is concentrated i n a relatively few sources. In the U n i t e d States, the Official Digest, published b y the Federation of Societies for Paint T e c h nology, covers the area w e l l . A comparable British publication, Journal of the Oil and Colour Chemists' Association, does a fair job. The American trade press carries occasional technical articles i n such periodicals as the American Paint Journal, Paint and Varnish Production, and Western Paint Review. Their British counterparts are Paint Technology, Paint Manufacture, and Paint, Oil and Colour Trades Journal. The basic scientific coverage of organic and physical polymer chemistry often touches upon coatings. Smaller journals i n France, Germany, Austria, Italy, and the Netherlands often carry articles of interest, w h i c h are abstracted i n Chemical Abstracts (Macromolecular section), Review of Current Literature on the Paint and Allied Industries ( B r i t i s h ) , and the Abstract Review. Abstracts are likely to be classified under the substance coated, rather than under "coatings." Basic texts on coatings technology include "Basic Principles of Paint Technology," " T h e Physical Chemistry of Paints" by P. M . Fisk, and "Organic Paint Technology" by H . F . Payne. Use and


Routine technical literature is easy to find, while material pertaining to the uses and performance of coatings is more widely disseminated. T h e end use of a particular coating is apt to be found i n a trade journal specializing i n final uses, or i n a periodical focusing on a related field such as engineering, art, optics, toxicology, architecture, printing, or plastics. Rubber, fibers, and inks are especially pertinent technologies. Periodicals involving specialized aspects of the coatings industry include: Color Engineering, Fire Journal, Forest Products Journal, House and Home, Modern Plastics, and Materials Protection. Parts 20 and 21 of "Standards," published annually by the American Society for Testing and Materials ( A S T M ) , deal w i t h "paint." These contain fully adopted standards, tentative rulings, and standards i n the formative stages presented for their general information value only. The monthly A S T M journal, Materials Research and Standards, describes many new testing techniques. " A S T M Technical Publications" are individually published symposia held to advance knowledge i n a particular area prior to proposal of specific standards. Company pamphlets, bulletins, and house organs, issued by the manufacturers themselves, are often helpful. Little of this information is abstracted or indexed. T h e "company" pamphlet is usually w e l l illustrated, giving brief product descriptions and suggestions for their use. It becomes outdated rapidly but

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.




can be a useful source. is an example.



Goodyear Chemical Division's pamphlet on "Pliolite"

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Product bulletins are published and updated regularly by the raw materials suppliers to the industry, and provide much basic information on the properties and performance of various coatings. Topics vary from discussion of fundamental problems to specific formulations recommended for particular tasks. The Goodyear series " T e c h Book Facts," and DeSoto Chemicals' bulletin " H y d r o c i d e Super Colorcoat," are typical. The manufacturer's house organ, originally designed to keep employees abreast of happenings within the company, has often developed into a w e l l written and beautifully illustrated magazine. Both technical and non-technical features on products and materials appear regularly and may be obtained by "outsiders." Chemist Analyst, a quarterly published by the J . T. Baker Chemical C o , and Hercules Chemist, published three times yearly by the Hercules Powder C o , are examples of house organs w h i c h have become nearly equivalent to journals. Oxbridge Publishing Co.'s "Standard Periodical D i r e c tory" lists several house organs as w e l l as many other useful sources. Government Publications. T h e U . S. Government publishes a significant amount of material. Some of the technical articles may be run i n other periodicals and therefore appear i n abstracts and indexes, but many manuals, reports, specifications, and patents contain data not found elsewhere. M i l i t a r y laboratories involved i n coatings include the Ordnance TankAutomotive Command, Detroit Arsenal Materials L a b , Puget Sound N a v a l Shipyard Paint and Plastics L a b , W r i g h t A i r Development Center Aeronautical Materials L a b , N a v a l A i r Material Center (Philadelphia), and Rock Island Arsenal L a b (Illinois). In 1964, the Office of Technical Services i n the Department of Commerce distributed a "Selective Bibliography on Paints and Varnishes," listing reports and translations added to its collection between 1945 and July 1963. This agency has been replaced by the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information; recent entries for the Bibliography may be obtained from them. Government-Wide Index to Federal Research and Development Reports is a new Clearinghouse publication initiated i n 1963. This is a combined index of Atomic Energy Commission, National Aeronautical and Space Administration, Defense Department, and Clearinghouse reports. It has a subject, author, source, and correlated report number index. German technical papers confiscated at the end of W o r l d W a r II form the basis of the Clearinghouse's P B collection. The rest of the papers are the unclassified results of the U n i t e d States' $15 billion research and development program. The latter group contains 350,000 reports, supplemented by 3,000 reports monthly. This combination of resources supplies a wealth of coating information. The National Aeronautical and Space Administration ( N A S A ) publishes a "Scientific Technical Abstract Registry," containing 285,000 N A S A reports

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.




and 155,000 reports accumulated from foreign technology. It is updated b i weekly and notes where the reports are available. Coatings are a major N A S A concern.

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" N A S A ' s Contribution to Technology of Inorganic Coatings" by Jerry Plunkett of the Denver Research Institute is particularly germane, and may be purchased from N A S A or the Government Printing Office. Several other government agencies provide manuals outlining specifications for official projects. " T h e Paint M a n u a l , " published by the Bureau of Reclamation, and the Bureau of Public Roads' "Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal H i g h w a y Projects" are good examples. A non-government publication along the same Unes is the " G u i d e to U . S. Government Paint Specifications," put out by the National Paint, Varnish, and Lacquer Association; this contains brief abstracts of various specifications, and for more detail one may wish to consult the original specifications issued by the agency concerned. Patents. In the patent field, the Official Gazette, issued weekly by the U . S. Patent Office, discloses the new patents granted every Tuesday. The claims are summarized briefly but help the searcher identify patents of interest. The patent system provides three helpful tools to assist those unfamiliar w i t h its workings. They are: " T h e Class and Subclass Definitions," " T h e M a n u a l of Classification," and "Index to the Classification System." To a i d i n their use, the Commerce Department puts out a pamphlet titled, " H o w to Obtain Information from U . S. Patents," w h i c h may be ordered from the Government Printing Office, Washington, D . C . Texts. Books on coatings tend to become outdated rapidly; however, they are an essential form of information, especially i n the area of testing methods, where "Paint Testing M a n u a l — P h y s i c a l and Chemical Examination. Paint, Varnishes, Lacquers and Colors" by H . A . Gardner and G . G . Sward is an excellent source. F o r general as w e l l as specialized approaches to the subject, the following are recommended: "Varnish Constituents" by H . W . Chatfield, "Fundamentals of Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Technology" by Elias Singer, "Understanding Paint" by W . R. Fuller and "Industrial Paints, Basic Principles" by L . A . Tysall. J . J . Mattiello's "Protective and Decorative Coatings: Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers and Inks" is considered a classic i n the field. Coatings literature is conspicuously lacking i n data on marketing research. Figures on the end use of products i n the paint industry are almost non-existent. T h e only authentic source, the " U . S. Census of Manufacture" is usually too detailed to be convenient. The "Statistical Handbook," published b y the National Paint, Varnish, and Lacquer Association summarizes the material available from the Census Bureau, U . S. Tariff Commission, Department of Agriculture, Department of L a b o r , and others, but is also deficient i n marketing information. In general, it might be said that locating 8 0 % of the information available on coatings is relatively simple, but uncovering the remaining 2 0 % w i l l require a persistent sleuth.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.


23. WILSON Coatings Industry


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Books American Society for Testing and Materials, "Book of ASTM Standards for 1965," "Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Products—Materials, Specifications, and Tests: Naval Stores; Industrial Aromatic Hydrocarbons," Part 20, 1964; 1095 pp. "Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Products—Tests for Formulated Products and Applied Coatings," Part 21, 1964, 568 pp. American Society for Testing and Materials, "Specifications and Tests for ElectroDeposited Metallic Coatings and Related Finishes," American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 1964, 160 pp. "Basic Principles of Paint Technology," American Paint Journal Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1963, 125 pp. Bidlack, V. C., Fasig, E. W., "Paint and Varnish Production Manual," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1951, 288 pp. Bragdon, C.R.,"Film Formation, Film Properties and Film Deterioration; A Study by the Research Committee of the Federation of Paint and Varnish Clubs," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1958, 422 pp. Bragdon, C. R., "Metal Decorating from Start to Finishes," Bond Wheelwright Co., Freeport, Me., 1961, 166 pp. Bureau of Reclamation, "Paint Manual," Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Chatfield, H. W., "Science of Surface Coatings," Metals and Plastics Publications, Inc., Westwood, N. J., 1962, 594 pp. Chatfield, H. W., "Varnish Constituents," Leonard Hill, Ltd., London, 1953, 868 pp. Federal Standard Stock Catalog, "Federal Specifications—Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Materials; Methods of Inspection, Sampling and Testing," Section IV, part 5, v.p. TT-P-141b, 1949. Federation d'Associations de Techniciens des Industries des Peintures, Vernis, Emaux et Encres D'Impimerie de L'Europe Continale, Proceedings of Congresses in bound volumes. "Examination of Paints," Vol. II, 1953, 312 pp. "Color," Vol.III,1955, 384 pp. "Resins," Vol. IV, 1957, 294 pp. "The Modern Scientific Basis for the Production, Use and Examination of Pig­ ments, Media, Surface Coatings and Printing Inks," Vol. VI, 1962. "Various Interactions in the Field of Paints, Inks and Varnishes," Vol. VII, 1964. Felicione, F. ed., "Raw Materials Index," Sections on pigments, resins, drying oils, chemical specialties and solvents, National Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Association, Washington, D. C., various years to date. Fischer, Ε. K., "Colloidal Dispersions," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1950, 387 pp. Fisk, P. M., "Advanced Paint Chemistry for Students of the Painting and Printing Ink Industries," Leonard Hill, Ltd., London, 1961, 164 pp. Fisk, P. M., "The Physical Chemistry of Paints," Leonard Hill, Ltd., London, 1963, 120 pp. Fuller, W. R., "Understanding Paint," American Paint Journal Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1965, 135 pp. Gardner, H. A. and Sward, G. G., "Paint Testing Manual—Physical and Chemical Examination; Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers and Colors," Gardner Laboratory, Bethesda, Md., 1962, 550 pp. General Services Administration, "Index of Federal Specifications, Standards, Hand­ books, and Supplements of," Federal Supply Service, Jan. 1959, 109 pp. "Guide to U. S. Government Paint Specifications," National Paint, Varnish, and Lacquer Association, Washington, D. C. Hess, M., "Paint Film Defects, Their Causes and Cure," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1965, 604 pp. Kappelmeier, C. P. A., "Chemical Analysis of Resin-Based Coating Materials," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1959, 630 pp. Krumbhaar, W., "The Chemistry of Synthetic Surface Coatings," Reinhold Publish­ ing Corp., New York, 1937, 200 pp.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.


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Martens, C. R., "Emulsion and Water-Soluble Paints and Coatings," Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1964, 160 pp. Mattiello, J. J., "Protective and Decorative Coatings: Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, and Inks," 4 Vols., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1941. Office of Technical Services, "Selective Bibliography on Paints and Varnishes," Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Va., 1964. Oil and Colour Chemists' Association, London, "Paint Technology Manuals," Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1961. "Non-Convertible Coatings," Part II, 326 pp. "Solvents, Oils, Resins and Dryers," Part II, 239 pp. "Convertible Coatings," Part III, 318 pp. "Paint Industry Process and Materials Manual," Ceramics Publications, Cleveland, Ohio, 1965, 257 pp. Parker, D. H., "Principles of Surface Coating Technology," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1965. Patton, T. C., "Paint Flow and Pigment Dispersion," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1964, 479 pp. Payne, H. F., "Organic Coating Technology," Vol. I, 674 pp., 1964, Vol. II, 724 pp., John Wiley & Sons, New York. Plunkett, J., "NASA's Contribution to Technology of Inorganic Coatings," Govern­ ment Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1965. Preuss, H. P., "Synthetic Resins in Coatings, 1965," Metals and Plastics Publications, Inc., Westwood, N. J., 1965, 229 pp. Seymour, R. B., "Hot Organic Coatings," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1959, 233 pp. Singer, E., "Fundamentals of Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Technology," American Paint Journal Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1957, 330 pp. "Statistical Handbook," National Paint, Varnish, and Lacquer Association, Washing­ ton, D. C., supplemented. Tysall, L. Α., "Industrial Paints, Basic Principles," The Macmillan Co., New York, 1964, 238 pp. Von Fischer, W., "Paint and Varnish Technology," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1948, 509 pp. Abstracts

Abstract Review, National Paint, Varnish, and Lacquer Association, 1500 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20005, monthly. Chemical Abstracts, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washing­ ton, D. C. 20036, weekly: Year Section 1912 26. Pigments, Resins, Varnishes, & India Rubber 1915 26. Paints, Varnishes, & Resins 1961 26. Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, & Inks 1962 43. Organic Coatings, Inks, & Related Products 1963 52. Coatings, Inks, & Related Products 1967 42. Coatings, Inks, & Related Products Corrosion Abstracts, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, M & M Bldg., Hous­ ton, Tex., bimonthly. Environmental Effects on MaterialsandEquipment. Abstracts (formerly Prevention of Deterioration Center Abstracts), Prevention of Deterioration Center, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20015, monthly. Fire Research Abstracts and Review, Committee on Fire Research, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, three times a year. Review of Current Literature on the Paint and Allied Industries (formerly Review of Current Literature Relating to Paint, Colour, Varnish, and Allied Industries), Research Association of British Paint and Varnish Manufacturers, Chorley and Pickersville, Amberley House, Norfolk St., London WC2, England, monthly. Scientific Technical Abstract Registry, National Aeronautical and Space Administra­ tion, Government Printing Office, supplemented.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

23. WILSON Coatings Industry


Textile Technology Digest, Institute of Textile Technology, Charlottesville, Va., monthly. Zinc Abstracts, Zinc Development Association, 34 Berkeley Square, London W1, Eng­ land, monthly.

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Periodicals Agricultural Engineering, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 420 Main St., St. Joseph, Mich., monthly. American Paint Journal, American Paint Journal Co., Inc., 2911 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 63153, weekly. American Painting Contractor (formerly American Painter and Decorator), American Paint Journal Co., monthly. American Tung Oil Topics, Pan American Tung Oil Research and Development League, Poplarville, Miss., irregular. Angewandte Chemie, Verlag-Chemie, GmbH Pappelallee, 3 Weinham/Bergstr., Ger­ many, semimonthly. Appliance Manufacturer, Watson Publications, Inc., 201 North Wells St., Chicago, Ill. 60605, monthly. Australian Paint Journal, Bell Publications, Box 4850, G.P.O., Sydney, Australia, monthly. Battelle Technical Review, Battelle Memorial Institute, 505 King Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43201, monthly. By Gum, Reichhold Chemicals Co., 525 North Broadway, White Plains, Ν. Y. Chemical and Engineering News, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036, weekly. Chemical Week, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 330 West 42nd St., New York, Ν. Y. 10036, weekly. Chemie des Peintures, Arzens, 16 Rue Lambert Crickx, Brussels 7, Belgium, monthly. Chemist Analyst, J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N. J., quarterly. Chemistry and Industry, Society of Chemical Industry, 14 Belgrave Square, London SW1, England, weekly. Coatings, National Paint, Varnish, and Lacquer Association, 1500 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20005, weekly. Color Engineering, Kinelow Publishing Co., 2 John St., New York, Ν. Y. 10038, bimonthly. Continental Paint and Resin News, Translation and Technical Information Services, 32 Manaton Rd., London SE15, England, monthly. Corrosion, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, M & M Bldg., Houston, Texas 77002, monthly. Decorator, The, Polystyle Publications, Ltd., John Adam House, 17-19 John Adam St., Adelphi, London WC2, England, monthly. Dtutsche Farben-Zeitschrift, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft GmbH, Birkenwaldstrasse 44, Postfach 40, 7000 Stuttgart 1, Germany, monthly. Farbe und Lack, Curt R. Vincentz Verlag, Am Schiffgraben 41, Postfach 6247, 3 Han­ over, Germany, monthly. Fette-Seifen Anstrichmittel mit die Ernahungsindustrie, Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen KG, Rödingsmarkt, Hamburg 24, Germany, monthly. Fire Journal (formerly National Fire Protection Association Quarterly), 60 Batterymarch St., Boston, Mass. 02110, bimonthly. Forest Products Journal, Forest Products Research Society, 417 Walnut St., Madison, Wis., monthly. Government-Wide Index to Federal Research and Development Reports, Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., monthly. Hercules Chemist, Hercules Powder Co., Hercules Tower, Wilmington, Del. 19899, three times per year. Home Modernizing Guide, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc., 383 Madison Ave., New York, Ν. Y. 10017, semiannual. House and Home, McGraw-Hill Book Co., monthly.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

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Illuminating Engineering, Illuminating Engineering Society, 345 East 47th St., New York, Ν. Y. 10017, monthly. Indian Standards Institution Bulletin, Indian Standards Institution, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafa Marg, New Delhi 1, India, monthly. Industria della Vernice, Casa Editrice "Arminium," Via Negroli, 51, Milan, Italy, monthly. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, American Chemical Society, monthly. Industrial Finishing, Practical Publications, 1142 Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind., monthly. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, American Oil Chemists' Society, 35 East Wacker Dr., Chicago, Ill. 60601, monthly. Journal of Applied Chemistry, Society of Chemical Industry, monthly. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, John Wiley & Sons, 605 Third Ave., New York, Ν. Y. 10016, bimonthly. Journal of the Oil and Colour Chemists' Association, Wax Chandlers' Hall, Gresham St., London EC 2, England, monthly. Journal of Polymer Science, Interscience Publishers, 605 Third Ave., New York, Ν. Y. 10016, monthly. Materials Protection, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, monthly. Materials Research and Standards, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, monthly. Metal Products Manufacturing, Dana Chase, New York St. at Park Ave., Elmhurst, Ill., monthly. Modern Plastics, Modern Plastics, Inc., 770 Lexington Ave., New York, Ν. Y. 10021, semiannual. Naval Stores Review and Terpene Chemicals, S. Baudier, Jr., 624 Gravier St., New Orleans, La., monthly. New Homes Guide, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., semiannually. Official Digest, Federation of Societies for Paint Technology, 121 South Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19107, monthly. Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter, Schnell Publishing Co., 100 Church St., New York, Ν. Y. 10007, weekly. Paintindia, 126-A, Dhruwadi, off Dr. Nariman Rd., Bombay 28, India, monthly. Paint Journal, Trade and Industrial Press, The Green, Ruddington, Nottingham, Eng­ land, monthly. Paint Manufacture, The Tower, Shepherd's Bush Rd., Hammersmith, London W6, England, monthly. Paint, Oil and Colour Journal, Greenwood and Sons, Ltd., 83 Farrington St., London EC 4, England, weekly. Paint and Resin Patents, Translation and Technical Information Services, 32 Manaton Rd., London SE 15, England, monthly. Paint Technology, Sawell Publications, Ltd., 4 Ludgate Circus, London EC4, Eng­ land, monthly. Paint and Varnish Production, Powell Magazines, Inc., 855 Avenue of the Americas, New York, Ν. Y. 10001, monthly. Paint and Wallpaper Logic, Paint and Wallpaper Dealers' Association of Greater New York, 145 East 49th St., New York, Ν. Y. 10017, 11 per year. Paint and Wallpaper Retailer, John Yates Publications, 53 Spring Gardens, Manchester 2, England, monthly. Peintures, Pigments, Vernis, Societé de Productions Documentaires, 28 rue SaintDominique, Paris 7, France, monthly. Pinturas y Acabados Industriales,JoseOriol Availa Monteso, Av. Virgen de Fatima 3, Viladran, Gerona, Spain, monthly. Plastics World, Cleworth Publishing Co., 1 River Rd., Cos Cob, Conn., monthly. PPG Chemicals, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 1 Gateway Center, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222, quarterly. Product Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Co., semimonthly. Product Finishing, Sawell Publications, Ltd., monthly. Skandinavisk Tidschrift för Farg och Lack, Danish Technical Press, Skelbaekgade, Copenhagen V, Denmark, ten times yearly. Society of Plastics EngineersJournal,Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc., 65 Prospect St., Stamford, Conn., monthly.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.






Travaux de Peinture, Societé de Productions Documentaires, monthly. U.S. Census of Manufacture, Department of Commerce, Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402. Verfkroniek, Groot Haesebrachseweg 1, Postbus 71, Wassenaar, Netherlands, monthly. Western Paint Review, Linley Publishing Co., 1872 West 54th St., Los Angeles, Calif., monthly. Wood, Benn Brothers, L t d . , Bouverie House, 154 Fleet St., London E C 4 , England, monthly. U. S. Patent Cfosses and


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Material Coating Anticorrosive Apparatus Applicator type Detearing Electromagnetic Electrostatic Match dipping Mold metal casting Mold plastics Paper hanging combined Pipes Xerographic transfer Classifying, separating, assorting solids by Coated surface or mass Cleaning by Combined with other manufacturing operations ( see particular art ) Composition (see composition coating) Window glass to prevent deposit and freezing of moisture Electrical barrier layer Composition Electro less Paper making combined Apparatus Process Paper undried Processes Abrasive tool Battery linings Catalysts Cathode sputtering Dyeing combined Electrically conductive Electro less Electrolytic Electron emissive Electrophoretic or electro osmotic Electrostatic Foods Metals by chemical action Molds Ornamentation combined Textiles chemical modification combined Removal By electric spark or arc Lacquer (see Varnish) Cellulose ether or ester Synthetic resin containing

Class 106 118 15 118 118 118 144 118 118 156 25 118 209 209 134

Subclass 14 639 623 621+ 50+ 574+ 38 637 47+ 49+ 4

106 117 252 117

13 200 62.3

162 162 162 117 51 136 252 204 8 117 117 204 117 204 117 99 148 117 41 8

265+ 135+ 158+



106 260

169+ 13+

295 181 410+ 192 18 201+ 14+ 201+ 181+ 93 166+ 6+ 5.1+ 17+ 115.6

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

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Synthetic resin containing Drying oil containing Paint Anticorrosive Antifouling Brushes Drier Luminous Radioactive Signs Mill Removing Varnish Asphalt Fatty oil Natural resin Fatty oil Solvent Synthetic resin combined Removing Materials Synthetic resin Cellulose ether or ester Fatty oil Solvent Varnishing

260 260 106 106 106 15 106 252 252 40 241 134

29.1 + 18+

RECEIVED Chemical the 143rd Updated

14 15+ 159+ 310 301.2+ 301.1 + 134 38

106 106

273+ 246+

106 106 260 134 252

220+ 236 24 38 89+

260 260 260 117

13 18+ 29.1 +

June 6, 1963. Presented on the symposium, "Literature Resources of the Process Industries," sponsored by the Division of Chemical Literature at Meeting of the American Chemical Society at Cincinnati, Jan. 13-14, 1963. 1967.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.