Literature of Chemical Technology - ACS Publications - American

many aspects of rubber technology and provides extensive bibliographies to .... business conditions; production; sales; personalities; new books, pate...
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26 The Literature of Synthetic Rubber ALICE



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Research Center, T h e B. F . Goodrich C o . , 9921 Brecksville R d . , Brecksville, Ohio

The literature of synthetic rubber has grown rapidly because of the variety of rubbers and the scope of their applications. The scientist or engineer must find the facts he needs in order to increase the lead time on an important project and to avoid needless duplication. sources of information

It is essential to know the

such as journals, patents, and con-

ferences for current information

and books, abstracts, and

indexes for review information.

The volume of


published has led to the establishment of a computer-based center for Information Services, by the Division

of Rubber

Chemistry of the American Chemical Society, which collects, indexes, and abstracts this literature.


he literature of synthetic rubber has grown rapidly within the last 10 years since the surveys of Straka (3) and M c G a v a c k ( J ) . This past decade has witnessed the birth of many new journals devoted primarily to polymer science. Over 200 books on this subject have been published, i n English and various foreign languages, i n the last few years. This growth i n the literature is caused partly by the increased variety of rubbers developed by the manufacturers and by their ever-widening scope of interests from raw material sources and production, through rubber manufacture and processing, and finally by the broad range of applications of rubber products. Thus, the newcomer to the synthetic rubber field is faced w i t h the problem of where to find information both on rubber and on other materials as well. Although this article previews the recently published literature on synthetic rubber, sources of basic scientific and engineering research work w i l l also be considered. Marketing information on rubber is covered i n a separate article by Stevens (2). Although some overlap w i t h the natural rubber and the plastic literature occurs, these subjects are covered by others i n detail. Sources w h i c h must not be overlooked are government reports and company information. Access to and methods of handling internally generated information—i.e., reports, letters, and bulletins of companies—differ i n each organization, so that no guidelines for their use can be set up. 459 Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.




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Books Books provide the background necessary for a newcomer to grasp the broad and basic information on a given subject. They give a unified presentation of information drawn from various sources such as journals and patents. Encyclopedias. Some encyclopedias cover many topics as does K i r k Othmer's "Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology," w h i c h summarizes concisely many aspects of rubber technology and provides extensive bibliographies to journal and patent literature; the second edition is edited by M a r k , and 18 volumes are planned. Clauser's "Encyclopedia of Engineering Materials and Processes" consists of one volume of 300 articles covering rubber, steel, wood, plastics, and ceramics. F o r rubber, types and classifications, forming and fabricating, selection and specifications are discussed. Another encyclopedia w h i c h promises to be useful is the "Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology." M a r k , Gaylord, and Bikales are the editors, and the approximately 450 articles which are planned w i l l be written and reviewed by specialists from a l l over the world. The articles w i l l cover pertinent chemical substances, polymer properties, methods and processes, uses and general background. Thirty-one articles from ablative polymers to amino acids, were included i n the first volume, published i n 1964. E i g h t to 10 volumes are planned, but no publication date for these has been set. The articles are theoretical and practical, and the format is similar to that of the "Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology." Bostrom's five volumes of " K a u t s c h u k - H a n d b u c h , " i n German, and Genin's "Encyclopédie Technologique de l'industrie d u Caoutchouc," i n F r e n c h , are comprehensive compilations of information on different types of rubber and products thereof. Handbooks and Reference Books. Handbooks and reference books are used when one is seeking specific facts rather than background reading. Most handbooks cover many topics including synthetic rubber; a list of these is given i n the bibliography. However, there are some handbooks specifically oriented for the rubber industry that are of particular interest. Rubber World has published two excellent reference books—"Compounding Ingredients for Rubbers" and "Machinery and Equipment for Rubber and Plastics." The "Rubber Handbook" and the "Latex Handbook," published by the R. T. Vanderbilt Co., are also useful compilations. Annually, the mid-October issue of Materials in Design Engineering gives the properties and uses of many rubbers and plastics. Rubber Age publishes the "Rubber R e d Book" annually, w h i c h is a directory of the rubber manufacturers and suppliers, organizations, and products of the rubber industry i n the U . S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. It also includes a Who's W h o i n the rubber industry, classified lists of products, chemicals, equipment, and trade names. The Rubber and Plastics Research Association ( R A P R A ) of Great Britain has published a series w h i c h list tradenames i n the rubber and plastics industries, gives their composition if known, and the manufacturer. A large portion of rubber literature is published i n languages other than English, so that dictionaries for this field are particularly valuable, especially

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

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"Elsevier's Rubber Dictionary." The A S T M "Standards on Rubber," now p u b lished annually, and the "Glossary of Terms Relating to Rubber," are indispensable. Reviews. Developments i n the field of rubber are regularly summarized and evaluated by several publications. Some journals publish review articles of this type regularly. F o r example, Acres in Rubber Journal, summarizes each year the products, plant expansions, events, and people i n the rubber industry that have made news. Critical selected reviews of the published literature on elastomers, hard rubber, and polymerization, have been published by Industrial and Engineering Chemistry since 1947 and are continuing at irregular intervals. Analytical Chemistry gives a review w i t h a comprehensive bibliography of analytical procedures for natural and synthetic rubbers biennially. Jennings, i n the "Views and Reviews" section of each issue of Rubber Journal, critically surveys the current literature. The Institution of the Rubber Industry ( I R I ) has published an " A n n u a l Report on the Progress of Rubber Technology" since 1916, i n w h i c h articles and extensive bibliographies are written on specific topics such as tires, belting, synthetic rubber, compounding ingredients, and footwear. The Society of Chemical Industry presents a similar survey of applied chemistry, i n w h i c h rubber is usually covered i n one chapter. Bedford published i n 1923 a "Systematic Survey of Rubber Chemistry." Other Polymer Books. There are, of course, many other books on synthetic rubber that are useful. A n excellent compilation of books published from about 1940 to 1956 is given by Straka ( 3 ) . N o single bibliography lists all books published on synthetic rubber. H o w ever, the Division of Rubber Chemistry L i b r a r y , located at the University of A k r o n , has compiled a union list of books related to the fields of rubbers, resins, and plastics ( 4 ) . Available for $1.00, it lists alphabetically, by author, the books on these subjects which are available i n eight technical libraries and w h i c h can be loaned from the Division of Rubber Chemistry Library. Although this list is extensive, covering books published from the early 1900's to 1962, it is not necessarily comprehensive. A significant trend i n polymer science has been the publication of several series of monographs, w h i c h document developments i n this area. The excellent series entitled " H i g h Polymers," edited by M a r k et al. has issued 20 volumes, a l l listed i n the bibliography. A new series of monographs, edited by M a r k and Immergut, entitled "Polymer Reviews," was initiated i n 1958. E a c h volume reviews a field of current interest to polymer chemists and physicists while the field is still i n a state of development. T h e published volumes are listed i n the bibliography. In 1961, another series, edited by Robb and Peaker, and entitled "Progress i n H i g h Polymers," was begun i n 1961. The bibliography of books given at the end of this article has been subdivided into categories for ease of use. The first group includes books recently published up to about 1964; the second group includes books published prior to 1960. Although the bibliography includes many excellent books, there are a few that deserve special note. Alliger's "Vulcanization of Elastomers," describes

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

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the fundamentals and technology of general- and special-purpose elastomers and discusses the selection of curing agents, accelerators, curing temperatures, and curing rates. Bateman's book on "Chemistry and Physics of Rubber-Like Substances," is a compilation of the main studies undertaken by the Natural Rubber Producers Research Association i n the past 25 years. F o r properties of polymers, Nielsen's " M e c h a n i c a l Properties of Polymers" and Bueche's "Physical Properties of Polymers" are important contributions. The newest edition of Billmeyer's "Textbook of Polymer Science" and Morton's "Introduction to Rubber Technology" are good texts for beginners. The latter is used as a text for an extension home study course on rubber technology offered by the Division of Rubber Chemistry of the American Chemical Society through the University of Akron. Journals Books provide basic information on a subject, but w i t h the rapid progress today, the information is often obsolete by the time it gets into print. The basic principles are usually unchanged, but materials, processes, and numerical data change rapidly. Technical journals or periodicals keep readers up to date on the newest information i n a subject field and normally assume that the readers understand the basic principles of rubber manufacture and technology. Journals, therefore, rarely publish articles explaining the elementary principles found i n books. A union list of over 300 journals relating to the field of rubbers, resins, plastics, and textiles, alphabetical by title, is available for $1.00 from the Division of Rubber Chemistry Library (4). A list of journals was also included i n Straka's article (3). Rubber Abstracts publishes a yearly comprehensive list of journals it scans for abstracting. The "Rubber R e d Book" also has a section listing technical journals. The editorial approach, subject matter, and format of all of these journals differ, and no two are exactly alike; each seeks a particular audience. A researcher w i l l do w e l l to examine several journals from the many given i n the bibliography and determine for himself the contribution w h i c h each can make to his understanding of rubber. This article only highlights some w e l l known a n d / o r new journals rather than giving a comprehensive listing of journals i n the field of rubber. News-Type. The following are some of the key news-type journals i n the rubber field w h i c h cover briefly, without much detail: general developments; business conditions; production; sales; personalities; new books, patents, company and trade publications; forthcoming meetings and events. Some of these also contain important technical articles: Rubber Age, Rubber and Phstics Age, Rubber Digest and Newsletter, Rubber Highlights, Rubber Journal, and Rubber World. Theoretical. The scholarly or theoretical journals w h i c h are primarily concerned w i t h the chemistry and physics of polymers include all the other journals listed i n the bibliography.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

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A n analysis of the references given i n the 1963 and 1964 reviews of elastomer technology by Alliger i n Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, revealed that approximately 3 0 % of the references were to Rubber Age and Rubber World. A n additional 2 0 % of the references i n 1963 were to Rubber and Plastics Age, Chemical and Engineering News, Rubber and Plastics Weekly, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. However, i n 1964, the additional 2 0 % of the references were to Revue Générale de Caouthcouc, Rubber Chemistry and Technology, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Kautschuk und Gummi. The remaining 5 0 % of the references are scattered i n over sixty journals. However, these statistics are based only on two articles whose bibliographies are not intended to be comprehensive, and the statistics may not be valid for other articles. Nevertheless, they do illustrate the wide scatter of journals i n w h i c h information on rubber is published. Abstracts



Obviously, the number of journals to be scanned regularly multiplies rapidly. Several publications have been developed specifically for scanning the contents of a number of journals; these are usually designated as currentawareness, indexing, or abstracting journals. Abstracts are designed to furnish enough information to enable the researchers to select, for detailed reading, the articles w h i c h seem important to h i m . There is no one source w h i c h the researcher can use to ensure a complete search; he must go to several sources; these are listed i n the bibliography. O f these, Rubber Abstracts; Resins, Rubbers and Plastics; and Kunstoffe und Kautschuk cover rubber literature i n particular while the remaining sources cover other scientific fields as w e l l as rubber. T h e D i v i s i o n of Rubber Chemistry of the American C h e m i c a l Society is sponsoring a computer-based information retrieval project at the University of A k r o n i n w h i c h over 300 journals covering rubber, plastics, and synthetic fibers are scanned for articles of interest. These are indexed, abstracted, and then published i n a weekly current-awareness bulletin sent to subscribers. A n y company wishing to subscribe may obtain more information regarding cost and service from the Center for Information Service. Retrospective Searches. After a certain time lag, most significant articles are indexed a n d / o r abstracted by another journal or service, and they become part of the published literature w h i c h can be searched at any future time. Retrospective searches mean a review of the literature to find some or a l l of the information published on a specific problem. O f the abstracting and indexing services listed, the following are used for retrospective searches also: Applied Science and Technology Index; Chemical Abstracts; Engineering Index; Technical Survey; Rubber RAPRA Abstracts. The "Bibliography of Rubber Literature" published by the D i v i s i o n of Rubber Chemistry is also useful for retrospective searching. The subject and author indexes to these publications may be scanned to find original references, and the references then can be obtained.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.




T h e University of A k r o n Information Retrieval Project mentioned previously also provides retrospective journal searches back to 1960 to subscribing members. The information searched is the indexed and abstracted for the "current awareness" service mentioned earlier. Index terms w o u l d be consistent so that the index could be searched by computer after analysis of the question.

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Patents Patents are an, important source of information. However, i n the U n i t e d States a patent is usually not issued until about three years after application, w h i c h is usually the first public disclosure of a novel material or process; journal articles are usually not published on these until patent possibilities have been examined. One of the best methods for keeping up w i t h new patents is to establish a standing order w i t h the Patent Office for a l l patents as they are issued within a certain classification. However, i n many cases, interests of an individual or organization do not coincide w i t h the U . S. Patent classification. The Official Gazette, issued weekly, may be scanned for patents of interest, w h i c h can be ordered subsequently. The Gazette is also available on microcards or microfilm. Also, various current journals publish patent digests or lists of new patents as a regular feature. Foreign countries also issue patents, but their methods may differ from U . S. practice. F o r example, Belgian and Republic of South Africa patents are issued with little delay and with little prior investigation of the claims. Derwent Publications i n E n g l a n d issues a series of bulletins w i t h English abstracts of patents i n various patent classifications. Derwent Patents Abstracts cover a l l British, German, and Soviet patents issued but only the chemical groups for Belgian, F r e n c h , and Japanese patents. T h e Derwent Patents Bulletins, issued monthly cover a l l British, German, F r e n c h , South African, and Indian Patents i n specified groups of the Derwent classification. The groups of interest to the rubber industry are mainly chemical processes, organic, and polychemicals. The Derwent Patents Journals, issued weekly, covers the same countries as the Bulletin but for the following fields: fine chemicals, petrochemicals, and plastics. Chemical Abstracts and Rubber Abstracts are the principal indexes used to review or locate U . S. and foreign patents, but their coverage is incomplete. F o r U . S. patents, there are two additional sources w h i c h can be searched: (1) Index of U. S. Patents, published annually by U . S. Patent Office, lists patent numbers by classification and assignor and assignee; (2) Uniterm Index, published by Information for Industry, indexes a l l chemical patents issued by U . S. Patent Office. This index is a compilation of index terms and is available i n card form for manual searching and on magnetic tape for computer searching. F o r foreign patents, the coverage i n index journals is even less extensive than it is for U . S. patents. The Derwent bulletins at present do not contain cumulative periodic indexes to the contents.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.







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Last but not least, the value of attending conferences must not be overlooked. Conferences have a unique advantage; since the author is usually present, he can be asked to clarify any points i n his presentation w h i c h are unclear to his audience. As w i t h patents, the material presented at conferences is usually new and hence, more up to date. A by-product of attendance at conferences is, of course, contact w i t h other individuals doing similar work quite often resulting i n a fruitful exchange of ideas. T h e most important conferences held regularly i n this field are those by American C h e m i c a l Society ( A C S ) Divisions and the Gordon Research C o n ferences. The Division of Polymer Chemistry and the D i v i s i o n of Rubber Chemistry of the A C S hold conferences at the national meetings. Gordon Research Conferences of interest are those on elastomers, polymers, catalysis, and adhesion. The program is usually published i n one of the M a r c h issues of Science. There are, of course, many other conferences w h i c h are held and are announced i n news-type journals mentioned previously. Both the World List of Future International Meetings and Scientific Meetings list forthcoming meetings i n various fields. Most, but not a l l conferences, have printed copies of the papers available for purchase. T h e D i v i s i o n of Polymer Chemistry publishes preprints i n book form w h i c h are available before the meetings. The Division of Rubber C h e m istry does not publish a book-type compilation of the papers presented, but the individual papers are available for purchase after the meeting from the Division of Rubber Chemistry L i b r a r y at the University of A k r o n . Abstracts of a l l the papers of the various Divisions presented at the national American Chemical Society meetings are available before the meetings. There are no proceedings published for Gordon Research Conferences. There are numerous other individual papers or complete proceedings published either i n books or i n journals. F o r example, the Journal of Polymer Science, Part C , Symposia, contains the papers presented at various conferences. Some of the proceedings on various subjects w h i c h have been published as books have been included i n the bibliography section on books. Summary This article has presented guidelines on where to find information on rubber. The sources include books, journals, abstracts, indexes, patents, and conferences. Although these sources contain some duplication of information, no one of them can be used to the exclusion of the others because each type of publication has a specific use. K n o w i n g where to look is only part of the battle to obtain information. K n o w i n g the sources, how does one find the information he needs—i.e., what approaches—subject, author, number, etc.—are used to locate the information. This knowledge is gained largely by using the sources frequently; guidelines for using them could be given but have not been included here. Furthermore,

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.




having located a reference on the subject i n question, one usually needs to consult the book, patent, or journal referred to i n order to complete the literature search and obtain the information. If the reference is not i m m e d i ­ ately available, one must know where to buy or borrow i t ; this i n itself is a large topic not covered here.


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I wish to express m y appreciation to the B . F . Goodrich C o , especially to R. W . Strassburg for having made this effort possible.

Literature (1) (2) (3) (4)


McGavack, J., paper presented at the 80th Meeting, ACS, Division of Rubber Chemistry, Sept. 1961. Stevens, H. N., ADVAN. C H E M . SER. 78 (1968). Straka, L., Symposium on Literature of Rubber, papers presented at joint sym­ posium of Division of Chemical Literature and Division of Rubber Chemistry, ACS, Sept. 1956. Union List No. 4 of Books and No. 5 of Serials Relating to the Field of Rubbers, Resins, Plastics and Textiles, Division of Rubber Chemistry Library, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, Jan. 1962, $1.00 each.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Books Encyclopedias Bostrom, S., ed., "Kautschuk-Handbuch," Vols. 1-5, Berliner Union, Stuttgart, 19581962. Clauser, H . , ed., "Encyclopedia of Engineering Materials and Processes," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1963. Genin, G., ed., "Encyclopedie Technologique de l'industrie du caoutchouc," Vol. I, "Production of Natural Rubber; Manufacture of Artificial Rubber"; Vol. II, "Phys­ ical and Chemical Properties of Natural and Synthetic Rubber; Recipes and Prepa­ ration of Compounds"; Vol. III, "Rubber Technology: Various Applications"; Vol. IV, "Tires, Tubes, and Solid Tires; Primary Uses of Latex"; S. R. L . Dunod, Paris, France, 1960+. Kirk, R. E . , Othmer, D . F., "Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology," 1st ed. 15 vol­ umes, 2 supplements, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1947-1960; 2nd ed. by Mark, H . F., McKetta, J . J . , Othmer, D . Ε., 1963+. Mark, H . F., Gaylord, N . G., Bikales, Ν. M . , "Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1964. Handbooks and Reference Books GENERAL

Callaham, L . I., "Russian-English Chemical and Polytechnical Dictionary," 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1962. Carpovich, E . A., Carpovich, V . V., "Russian-English Chemical Dictionary," Tech­ nical Dictionaries Co., New York, 1961. Emin, I., "Russian-English Physics Dictionary," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1963. Lange, Ν. A., ed., "Handbook of Chemistry," 10th rev. ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1967.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.






Meites, L . , ed., "Handbook of Analytical Chemistry," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1963. Miner, D. F., Seastone, J . B., eds., "Handbook of Engineering Materials," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1955. Rose, Α., Rose, E., "Condensed Chemical Dictionary," 7th ed., Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1966. Sax, Ν. I., "Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1963. Weast, R. C , ed., "Handbook of Chemistry and Physics," 47th ed., Chemical Rubber Co., Cleveland, 1966-67.

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American Society for Testing and Materials, "Glossary of Terms Relating to Rubber and Rubber-Like Materials," STP 184, 1956; and "Book of Standards: Part 28: Rubber; Carbon Black, Gaskets," annual, American Society for Testing and M a ­ terials, Philadelphia, Pa. Campbell, W . C , éd., " R M A Rubber Handbook," Rubber Manufacturers Association Inc., New York, 1963. "Directory of the British Rubber Industry: Products, Supplies and Services," 4th ed., Federation of British Rubber and Allied Manufacturers, London, 1962. Hirt, W,, ed., "International Rubber Directory," 3rd ed., Verlag fur Internationale Wirtschafts literatur G m b H , Zurich, 1960. Kotsher, B. J., ed., "Rubber Red Book, 1966; Directory of the Rubber Industry," 19th ed., Palmerton Publishing Co., New York, 1966. Lambert, M . , "Russian-English Dictionary of Terminology Used i n Soviet Rubber, Plastics and Tyre Industries," Maclaren & Son, L t d . , London, 1963. "Machinery and Equipment for Rubber and Plastics," 2nd ed., Rubber World, New "Materials and Compounding Ingredients for Rubber," 4th ed., Rubber World, New York, 1965. Materials in Design Engineering, section on plastics and rubber, in mid-October issue, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, annually since 1957. "New Tradenames in the Rubber and Plastics Industries," Vol. 1, 1926-1949; Vol. 2, 1949-1954; Vol. 3, 1955-1959; annual supplements to date, Rubber and Plastics Research Association of Great Britain, Shawbury, England, 1950 to date. Rubber Stichting, "Elsevier's Rubber Dictionary," Elsevier Publishing Co., New York, ((







"Rubber Trade Directory of Great Britain," MacLaren & Sons, L t d . , London, 1963. Semenov, A . L , Polyakova, K. K., "Zarubenzhnye Promyshlennye Materialy i ikh Komponenty" (Foreign Industrial Polymeric Materials and their Components), Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 1963. "Vanderbilt Rubber Handbook," 10th éd., R. T. Vanderbilt Co., New York, 1958. Wilson, B. J . , "British Compounding Ingredients for Rubber," 2nd éd., W . Heffer & Sons, L t d . , Cambridge, 1964. Winspear, C. C , ed., "Vanderbilt Latex Handbook," R. T. Vanderbilt Co., New York, 1954. Yashunskaya, F . L , Feigin, I. E., "Anglo-Russkii Slovar po Kauchuku, Rezine, i Khimicheskim Valoknam" ( English-Russian Dictionary on Caoutchouc, Rubber and Chemical Fibers )^ Glavn. Red. Inostannykh, Nauchno-Tekhn. Slovarii, Moscow, 1962. Reviews of Polymer Literature Acres, J . , "Year in Review," annually in Rubber Journal and its predecessors, 69/77 High St., Croydon, Surrey, England. Analytical Chemistry, "Analytical Reviews: Natural and Synthetic Rubbers," biennial review of the literature with bibliography, since 1949 in April issue or its supplement. Drakeley, T. T., éd., "Annual Report on the Progress of Rubber Technology," Heffer & Sons, L t d . , Cambridge, annual, 1937+. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, "Chemical Engineering Materials of Construction: Elastomers," review of the literature with bibliography. Fisher, H . L . , 39, 1210-1212 (1947); 40, 1788-1798 (1948); 41, 2115-2119 (1949); 42, 1978-1982 (1950); 43, 2227-2235 (1951); 44, 2309-2317 (1952);

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

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45, 2188-2198 (1953); 46, 2067-2075 (1954); 47, 1963-1972 (1955); 48, Pt. II, 1710-1720 (1956). Garvey, B. S., 49, Pt. II, 1593-1598 (1957); 50, Pt. II, 1438-1443 (1958); 51, Pt. II, 1167-1171 (1959); 52, 889-891 (1960); 53, 856-859 (1961); 54, 52-54 (1962). Alliger, G., 55, 52-60 (1963). Alliger, G., Weissert, F. C., 56, 36-42 (1964); 57, 61-69 (1965); 58, 36-43 (1966); 59, 80-90 (1967). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, "Chemical Engineering Materials of Construc­ tion: Hard Rubber," review of the literature with bibliography. Malm, F. S , 39,1243-1248 (1947); 40, 1809-1812 (1948). Peters, H . , 41, 2138-2139 (1949); 42, 2007-2008 (1950); 43, 2256-2257 (1951); 44, 2344-2345 (1952); none in 1953 and 1958; 46, 2112-2113 (1954); 47, 2020-2022 (1955); 49, Pt. II, 1604-1606 (1957); 51, Pt. II, 1176-1179 (1959). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, "Unit Processes: Polymerization," review of the literature with bibliography. Winding, C. C , 40, 1643-1649 (1948); 41, 1900-1906 (1949); 42, 1724-1731 ( 1950); 43,1997-2006 ( 1951 ) Winding, C. C , Wiegandt, H . F.,' 44, 2052-2064 (1952); 45, 2011-2022 (1953). Wiegandt, H . F., Thorpe, R. G , 46, 1870-1881 (1954). Roche, A. F , 47, 1903-1910 (1955); 48, Pt. II, 1643-1652 (1956). Roche, A . F., Bolton, F. H . , 49, Pt. II, 1540-1547 (1957); 50, Pt. II, 1393-1400 (1958). Bolton, F. H . , 51, pt. II, 1135-1141 (1959); 53, 79-81 (1961) (none in 1960); Annual Review Supplement, 107-109 (1962); none in 1963 to 1967. Jennings, C , "Views and Reviews Section," in Rubber Journal and its predecessors, 69/77 High S t , Croydon, Surrey, England. Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry (chapter on Rubber), Society of Chemical Industry, London, annual, 1916-K Introductory Polymer Texts Billmeyer, F. W , "Textbook of Polymer Science," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1962. Brovldna, I. A , Dulitskava, K. A , Kuz michev, S. T , "Uvedenie ν Khimiyu Organocheskikh Polimerov" (introduction to the Chemistry of Organic Polymers, Text­ book), Izd.^Min. Vyssh. i Sred. Spets. Ohrazov, RSFSR, Moscow, 1963. Craig, A . S , "Rubber Technology: A Basic Course," Oliver & Boyd, L t d , London, 1963. Huke, D. W , "Introduction to Natural and Synthetic Rubbers," Hutchinson & C o , L t d , London, 1961. Killeffer, D . H , "Banbury, The Master Mixer," Palmerton Publishing C o , New York, 1962. Marvel, C. S , "Introduction to the Organic Chemistry of High Polymers," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1959. Moore. W . R , " A n Introduction to Polymer Chemistry," Aldine, Chicago, 1963. Morton, M , e d , "Introduction to Rubber Technology," Reinhold Publishing C o , New York, 1959. O'Driscoll, K. F , "The Nature and Chemistry of High Polymers," Reinhold Publishing C o r p , New York, 1964. Pinner, S. H , " A Practical Course in Polymer Chemistry," Pergamon Press, New York, 1961. Stille, J . K , "Introduction to Polymer Chemistry," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1962. Latex and Reclaimed Rubber Kroneisl, L , "Technologie Makromolekularnich Latek I. Suroviny Gumarenskeho Prumyslu," Statni Nakl. Tech. L i t , Prague, 1961. Kunrt, F , "Technologie Makromolekularnich Latek 2. Zpracovani Kaucuku na vyrobky," Statni Nakl. Tech. L i t , Prague, 1961. Lebedev, Α. V , e d , "Sintez Lateksov i ikh Prinenenie" (Synthesis of Latexes and Their Use), Gas. Nauchn. Tekhn. Izd. Khim. L i t , Leningrad, 1961.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.






Madge, E. W., "Latex Foam Rubber," Maclaren & Sons, Ltd., London, 1962. Noble, R. J . , "Latex In Industry," Rubber Age, New York, 1963. Nourry, Α., éd., "Reclaimed Rubber," Maclaren & Sons, L t d . , London, 1962.

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General Books on Polymers Bateman, L . C., ed., "Chemistry and Physics of Rubber-Like Substances," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1963. Cassidy, H . G., Kun, Κ. Α., "Redox Polymers; Electron Transfer Polymers" (Polymer Reviews, Vol. 11), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1965. Chemical Institute of Canada, "Advanced Rubber Technology," Ryerson Institute of Technology, Toronto, 1962. Golding, B., "Polymers and Resins," D. Van Nostrand Co., Princeton, N . J., 1959. Institution of the Rubber Industry, Proceedings of the Rubber Technology Confer­ ences, 1st 1938, 2nd 1948, 3rd 1954, 4th 1962; W . Heffer & Sons, L t d . , Cambridge. International Rubber Study Group, "The Future of Natural and Synthetic Rubbers," Proceedings of a Symposium, Washington, D. C , May 1962, Brettenham House, London, 1962. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Applied Chemistry Section, Plastics and High Polymer Division, "Classification of High Polymers," Butterworth & Co., London, 1960. Kargin, V . Α., "Sovremennye Problemy Nauki ο Polimerokh. 1960-1961 Uchebnyi God" (Present Day Problems of Polymer Science, Lectures, 1960-1961 School Year), Izd. Mosk. Gas. Univ., Moscow, 1962. Lasev, I. P., Fedatoua, O. Ya., "Praktikum po Khimii Vysokopolimernykh Soedinenii" (Practical Work in the Chemistry of High-Molecular-Weight Polymeric Com­ pounds), 2nd ed., Gas. Nauchu. Tekhn. Izd. Khim. Lit., Moscow, 1962. Le Bras, J . , " L e Caoutchouc," Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1961. Makhnach, V . O., "Soedineniya ioda s vysokopolimeramic ikh antimekrobnye i lichebnye svaistva" (Compounds of Iodine with High-Molecular Weight Polymers, and Their Antimicrobic and Therapeutic Properties), Lenningrad i Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Lenningrad Otd., 1962. Nagiev, M . F., "Chudesnoe Veshchestvo: Osnovnye Ponyatiya of Nefti, Neftekhimicheskom Sinteze i Proivodstve Polimernykh Materialov" (Miracle Substance: Fun­ damental Ideas about Petroleum, Petroleum-Chemical Synthesis and Production of Polymeric Materials), 2nd ed., Azerb. Gas. Izd., Baku, 1962. National Research Council, "Unsolved Problems in Polymer Science," National Acad­ emy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D. C , 1962. Phillips, C. F., "Competition in the Synthetic Rubber Industry," University of North Carolina Press, Chapel H i l l , 1963. Polhamus, L . Α., "Rubber—Botany, Production and Utilization," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1962. Robb, J . C , Peaker, F. W., eds., "Progress in High Polymers," Vol. 1, Academic Press, New York, 1961. Shakhtakhtinskii, T. N . , "Alifaticheskie Kislorodsoderzhaschchie Monomery i Polimery" (Aliphatic Oxygen-Containing Monomers and Polymers), Azerneshr, Baku, 1963. Shapkin, K. D., "Poluchenie Svoistva i Primenenic Polimerov" (Production, Proper­ ties, and Use of Polymers), Izd. M i n . Putei Sovbshch SSSR Moscow, 1962. Society of Chemical Industry, "Techniques of Polymer Science," Papers presented at symposium held in London, September 27-28, 1962 (SCI Monograph No. 17), Gordon & Breach, New York, 1963. VasiFeva, F. Α., Klassy organischeskikh soedinenii i polimery na ikh asnove" (Classes of Organic Compounds and Polymers Based on Them), Izd. M i n . Vyssh. i Sredn. Spets Obrazov, RSFSR. Vses. Zaochn. Machinostroit. Inst. Kafedra Khim., Moscow, 1962. Vene, J., "Caoutchoucs et Textiles Synthétiques," Universitaires de France, Paris, 1961. Winding, C. C , Hiatt, G. D., "Polymeric Materials," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1961. %



Laboratoire de Recherches et de Contrôle du Caoutchouc, "Accélérateurs de V u l canisation," Revue Générale du Caoutchouc, S E T C O , Paris, 1963.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.




Lundberg, W . O., ed., "Autoxidation and Antioxidants," 2 vols., Interscience Pub­ lishers, New York, 1961-62. Specific Types of



Burlant, W . J . , Hoffman, A . S., "Block and Graft Polymers," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1960. Ceresa, R. J . , "Block and Graft Copolymers," Butterworth & Co., Washington, D . C , 1962. CONDENSATION POLYMERS

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Morgan, P. W., "Condensation Polymers: by Interfacial and Solution Methods," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1965. INORGANIC P O L Y M E R S

Andrianov, Κ. Α., "Polymers with Inorganic Main Chains," Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Va., 1963. Andrianov, Κ. Α., "Metal-Organic Polymers" (Polymer Reviews Series, Vol. 8), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1965. Gefter, E . L . , "Organophosphorus Monomers and Polymers," Pergamon Press, New York, 1962. Gimblett, F. G. R., "Inorganic Polymer Chemistry," Butterworth & Co., London, 1963. Hunter, D. N . , "Inorganic Polymers," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1964. "International Symposium on Inorganic Polymers," Chemical Society, London, 1962. Kreshkov, A. P. et al, "Prakticheskoe Rukodostvo po Analizy Monomernykh i Polymernykh Kremniiorganiche-skikh Soedinenii" (Practical Handbook on Analysis of Monomeric and Polymeric Organosilicon Compounds), Goskhimizdat, Moscow, 1962. Lappert, M . F., Leigh, G. J . , eds., "Developments in Inorganic Polymer Chemistry," Elsevier Publishing Co., New York, 1962. Stone, F. G. Α., Graham, W . A . G., "Inorganic Polymers," Academic Press, New York, 1962. NEOPRENE

Carl, J . C , "Neoprene Latex," Ε. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del., 1962. Murray, R. M . , Thompson, D. C , "The Neoprenes," Ε. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del., 1963. POLYCARBONATES

Christopher, W . F., Fox, D . W., "Polycarbonates," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1962. Schnell, H . , "Chemistry and Physics of Polycarbonates" (Polymer Reviews, Vol. 9), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1964. POLYESTERS

Boenig, H . V., "Unsaturated Polyesters: Structure and Properties," American Elsevier Publishing Co., New York, 1964. POLYETHERS

Gaylord, N . G., ed., "Polyalkylene Oxides" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 13, Pt. 1), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1963. Gaylord, N . G., ed., "Polyalkylene Sulfides and Other Polythioethers" (High Polymer Series, Vol. 13, Pt. 3), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1963. POLYOLEFINS

Friedlander, H . N . , ed., "Symposium on Copolymers of Alpha-Olefins," American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry, 141st National Meeting, March 1962), Interscience Publishing Co., New York, 1962. Raff, R. Α. V., Allison, J . B., "Polyethylene" (High Polymer Series, Vol. 11), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1956.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.






Raff, R. Α. V , Doak, K. W , "Crystalline Olefin Polymers" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 20, Pt. 2), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1964. Topchiev, Α. V , Krentsel, B. A , "Polyolefins," Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1962. POLYURETHANES

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Phillips, L . N , "Polyurethanes," Iliffe Books L t d , London, 1964. Saunders^ J. H , Frisch, K. C , "Polyurethanes," Vol. 1, "Chemistry," Vol. 2, "Tech­ nology" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 16), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1964. Polymerization Bevington, J . C , "Radical Polymerization," Academic Press, New York, 1961. Fettes, Ε. M , "Chemical Reactions of Polymers" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 19), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1964. Furukawa, J , Saegusa, T , "Polymerization of Aldehydes and Oxides" (Polymer Re­ views Series, Vol. 3), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1963. Gaylord, N . G , Mark, H . F , "Linear and Stereoregular Addition Polymers: Poly­ merization with Controlled Propagation" (Polymer Reviews Series, Vol. 2), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1959. Gordon, G. Y a , "Khimicheskie Svoistva i Modifikatsiya Polimerov" (Chemical Prop­ erties and Modification of Polymers), Izd. Akad. Nauk, SSSR, Moscow, 1963. Ham, G. E , e d , "Copolymerization" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 18), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1964. Kuechler, L , "Polymerisationskinetik," Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1961. Overberger, C. G , e d , "Macromolecular Syntheses" (Vol. 1 of series), John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1963. Plesch, P. H , e d , "The Chemistry of Cationic Polymerization," W . Heffer & Sons, L t d , Cambridge, 1963. "Polymerization and Polycondensation Processes," A D V A N . C H E M . SER. 34, American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C , 1962. "Résines Synthetiques-Synthese," Industrieweg, Pays-Bas, Ν. V . Katwijk aan Zee, 1962. Schnildknecht, C. E , e d , "Polymer Processes" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 10), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1956. Smirnov, Ν. I , "Teoreticheskie Osnovyi Proizvodstu Osnovnogo Organischeskogo Sinteza i Sinteticheskikh Kauchukov (Uchebnae Posohie)" (Outline of Basic Proc­ esses in Organic Synthesis and in Synthetic Rubber Production), Sw.-Zapadn. Zaochn. Politekhn. Inst, Leningrad, 1961. Smirnov, Ν. I , "Theoretischeskie Osnovy Proizvodsty Osnovnogo Organiseheskogo Sinteza i Sinteticheskikh Kauchukov" (Theoretical Principles in Effecting Funda­ mental Organic Synthesis and Synthetic Rubbers Textbook No. 3), Izd. M i n . Vyssh i Sred. Spets. Obrazov. RSFSR, Leningrad, 1962. Sorenson, W . R , Campbell, T. W , "Preparative Methods of Polymer Chemistry," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1961. Starck, D , "Zur Polymerisation der Fumarester und deren Copolymerisation mit Olefinen," Verlag F. Becker and C o , Weisbaden, 1961. Processing Alliger, G , e d , "Vulcanization of Elastomers," Reinhold Publishing C o r p , New York, 1964. Baramboim, Ν. K , "Mechanochemistry of Polymers," Maclaren & Sons, L t d , London, 1964. Helen, J , "From Theory to Practice in Rubber Fabrication," C M S Press, Kottayam, West Travancore, India, 1962. McKelvey, J . M , "Polymer Processing," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1962. Naunton, W. J . S , "Applied Science of Rubber," E . Arnold, L t d , London, 1961. Nikalinski, Petko, "Tekhnologiya na Kauchuka" (Rubber Technology), 2nd e d , Tekhnika, Sophia, 1962. Penn, W . S , "Synthetic Rubber Technology," Vol. 1, Maclaren & Sons, L t d , London, 1960. "Polymer Processing," American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York, 1964. Priklonshaya, Ν. V , Skachkov, A. S , "Skorostnye Metody Prigotovleniya Rezinovykh Smesei" (Rapid Method for Preparation of Rubber Mixtures), Goskhimizdat, Mos­ cow, 1963.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.




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General Applications Aleksandrova, A. N . , "Poluchenie, Svoistva i Oblasti Primeneniya Sinteticheskikh Vysokopolimerov" (Production, Properties and Fields of Application of the HighMolecular Weight Polymers), Izd. M i n . Vyssh. i Sred. Spets. Obrozov RSFSR, Moscow, 1962. Arumaa, K h . , "Technologiya Izgatovleniya Rezinovykh Tovarov iShirokogo Potrebleniya i Kauchukovyh Zamenitelei Kozhi" ( Manufacturing Technology for Widely Used Rubber Goods and Rubber Leather Substitutes), Izd. Tartusk Gas. Univ., Tartu, 1963. Champetier, G., "Les Macropolymeres et leurs Applications Textiles Naturels, Artificiels et Synthétiques, Plastomeres et Elastomeres," S.E.D.E.S., Paris, 1961. Deutschen Nornenausschuss, éd., "Materialpruefnormen fuer Kautschuk Und Gummi," Beuth. Vertrieb, Berlin, 1961. Hoffmann, B., "Peintures au Caoutchouc," Centre d'Enseignement de la Lutte Contre la Corrosion, Paris, 1961. Klinova, I. Ya., Udyma, P. G., "Primenenie Polimerov ν Antikorrozionnoi Tekhnike" (Use of Polymers in Anticorrosion Techniques), Gas. Nauchn. Tekhn. Izd. Mashinostr Lit., Moscow, 1962. Labutin, A. L . , "Kauchuk ν Antikorrozionnoi Tekhniki" (Rubbers in Anti-Corrosion Technology), Gas. Nauchn. Tekhn. Izd. Khim. Lit., Moscow, 1962. Oates, J . Α., éd., "Pipes and Pipelines, Manual and Directory," Pipes and Pipelines ( Scientific Survey, Ltd. ), London, 1962. Payne, P. L . , "Rubber and Railways in the Nineteenth Century," University Press, Liverpool, 1961. "1967 Yearbook," Tire and Rim Association, Inc., Akron, 1967. ADHESIVES

"Adhesion," STP-360, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1964. Blomquist, R. F., "Adhesives—Past, Present, Future" (Edgar Marburg Lecture), American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1963. Bodnar, M . J . , ed., "Symposium on Adhesives for Structural Applications," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1962. Eley, D. D., ed., "Adhesion," Oxford University Press, London, 1961. Katz, I., "Adhesive Materials," Foster Publishing Co., Long Beach, 1964. McGuire, E . P., ed., "Adhesive Raw Materials Handbook," Padric Publishing Co., Mountainside, N . J., 1964. McGuire, E. P., ed., "American Adhesive Index," Padric Publishing Co., Mountainside, N . J., 1962. McGuire, E . , "Packaging and Paper Converting Adhesives," Palmerton Publishing Co., New York, 1963. Skeist, L , ed., "Handbook of Adhesives," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1962. Voyutskii, S. S., "Autohesion and Adhesion of High Polymers" (Polymer Reviews Series, Vol. 4), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1963. Weiss, P., "Adhesion and Cohesion," Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1962. Willard, R. S., "Adhesive Patents 1955-1963," Padric Publishing Co., Mountainside, N . J . , 1964. BELTS

"Recommended Practice for Troughed Belt Conveyors," Mechanical Handling Engineers Association and British Rubber and Plastics Belting Mfgrs. Assn., London, 1962. "Standards for Light Duty or Fractional Horsepower V-Belts," Rubber Manufacturers Association, Inc., New York, 1963. General Properties and Testing American Chemical Society, "Morphology of Polymers," Papers Presented at Symposium held at Los Angeles, April 4-5, 1963 (Journal of Polymer Science, Part C, Polymer Symposia No. 3, 1963), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1964. Eirich, F. R., Mark, H . F., "Principles of Polymer Stability," SCI Monograph No. 13, Society of Chemical Industry, London, 1961. Geil, P. H . , "Polymer Single Crystals" (Polymer Review Series, Vol. 5), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1963.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.






Gordon, G. Y a , "Stabilizatsiya Sintecheskikh Polimerov" (Stabilization of Synthetic Polymers), Goskhimizdat, Moscow, 1963. Gordon, M , "High Polymers: Structure and Physical Properties, 2nd e d , Iliffe Books, L t d , London, 1963. Kargin, V . A , Slonimskii, G. L , "Uvad Do Fyzikalni Chemie Polymeru," Statni Nakl. Tech. L i t , Prague, 1963. Kasterina, T. N , Kalinia, L . S , "Chemical Methods of Investigation of Synthetic Resins and Plastics," Goskhimizdat, Moscow, 1963. Ke, B , e d , "Newer Methods of Polymer Characterization" (Polymer Reviews Series, Vol. 6 ), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1964. Kline, G. M , e d , "Analytical Chemistry of Polymers; Analysis of Monomers and Polymeric Materials: Plastics-Resins-Rubbers-Fibers" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 12, Pt. 1), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1959. Kline, G. M , e d , "Analytical Chemistry of Polymers; Analysis of Molecular Structure and Chemical Groups" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 12, Pt. 2), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1962. Kline, G. M , e d , "Analytical Chemistry of Polymers; Identification Procedures and Chemical Analysis" ( High Polymers Series, Vol. 12, Pt. 3 ), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1962. Leigh-Dugmore, C. H , "Microscopy of Rubber," W . Heffer & Sons, L t d , Cambridge, 1961. Mandelkern, L , "Crystallization of Polymers," McGraw-Hill Book C o , New York, 1964. Tanford, C , "Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1961. Volkenstein, M . V , "Configurational Statistics of Polymeric Chains" (High Polymer Series, Vol. 17), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1963.

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Bueche, F , "Physical Properties of Polymers," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1962. "Evaluation of Compression Set of Vulcanized Elastomers," STP-311, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1962. Kluckow, P , "Rubber and Plastics Testing," transi, by D . Kerry, Chapman & Hall, Inc., London, 1963. Moseley, R. J , Amos, R. A , Scott, J . R , eds, "Physicomechanical Testing of Unvulcanized and Vulcanized Rubber," Maclaren & Sons, L t d , London, 1962. Nielsen, L , "Mechanical Properties of Polymers," Reinhold Publishing C o r p , New York, 1962. Payne, A. R , Scott, J . R , "Engineering Design with Rubber," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1960. Rosen, B , e d , "Fracture Processes in Polymeric Solids: Phenomena and Theory," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1964. "Skid Resistance," STP-366, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1964. "Symposium on Skid Resistance," STP-326, American Society for Testing and M a terials, Philadelphia, 1962. MOLECULAR WEIGHT

Ch'ien, J . Y , "Determination of Molecular Weights of High Polymers," Daniel Davey and C o , New York, 1964. D u Pont, G , Lacquin, R , Kirrmann, A , Ourisson, G , "Monographies de Chimie Organique Bd IV. TL1—Microanalyse Organique Elémentaire, Qualitative et Quantitative. TL2—Determination des Masses Molecularies et des Degrés de Polymerisation," Masson et Cie, Paris, 1961. Levy, R , Piagiol, P , Jean, H , Vallett, G , and Wippler, C , "Microanalyse organique élémentaire qualitative et quantitative. Determination des masses moléculaires et des degrés de polimerisation," Masson et Cie, Paris, 1961. Piganiol, P , Jean, H , Vallet, G , Wjppler, C , "Determination des Masses Moléculaires et des Degrés de Polymerisation," Masson et Cie, Paris, 1961.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.




Rafikov, S. R. et ah, "Determination of Molecular Weights and Polydispersity of High Polymers," Daniel Davey & Co., New York, 1964. RADIATION


Bovey, F. Α., "The Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Natural and Synthetic High Polymers" (Polymer Reviews Series, Vol. 1), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1958. Chapiro, Α., "Radiation Chemistry of Polymeric Systems" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 15), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1962. Nikitina, T. S., "Effect of Ionizing Radiation on High Polymers," Gordon & Breach, Publishers, New York, 1963.

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Belkin, I. M . , Vinogradov, G . V . , Konstantinov, A . A . et al, "Pribory alya Khimicheskikh i Fiziko-Khimicheskikh Issledovanii. Vypusk 7 Rotatsionnyi Viskozimetr deya Issledovaniya Polimernykh Materialov" (Apparatus for Chemical and PhysicoChemical Studies No. 7. Rotation Viscometer for the Study of High-Viscosity Polymers), Izdatel Tsentral. Inst. Takh. Ekon. Inform., Moscow, 1961. Ferry, J . D . , "Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1961. Polymer Research Institute and American Physical Society, "Rheo-optics of Polymers," Papers Presented at conference held in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 24, 1963, R. S. Stein, ed. (Journal of Polymer Science, Part C , Polymer Symposia, No. 5, 1964), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1964. Severs, E . T., "Rheology of Polymers," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1962. SPECTRA

Zbinden, R., "Infrared Spectroscopy of High Polymers," Academic Press, New York, 1964. T H E R M A L PROPERTIES

Madorsky, S. L . , "Thermal Degradation of Organic Polymers" (Polymer Reviews Series, Vol. 7 ), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1964. Society of Chemical Industry, " H i g h Temperature Resistance and Thermal Degrada­ tion of Polymers," The Macmillan Co., New York, 1960. "Thermal Effects on Polymers" (Report M A B 186-M), National Academy of SciencesNational Research Council, Washington, D . C , 1963. Boote Published

before 1960

Reviews of Polymer Literature Bedford, C. W., Winkelmann, Η. Α., "Systematic Survey of Rubber Chemistry," The Chemical Catalog Co., New York, 1923. Introductory Polymer Texts "One Hundred Years of Vulcanized Rubber," American Chemical Society, Washing­ ton, D . C , 1939. Battista, Α., "Fundamentals of High Polymers," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1958. Davis, C. C , Blake, J . T., "Chemistry and Technology of Rubber," Reinhold Publish­ ing Corp., New York, 1937. Flory, J . , "Principles of Polymer Chemistry," Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1953. Melville, " B i g Molecules," The Macmillan Co., New York, 1958. Memmler, L . , "The Science of Rubber," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1934. Moakes, R. C. W . , Wake, W . C , eds., "Rubber Technology," Butterworth Scientific Publications, London, 1951. Schidrowitz, P., Dawson, T. R., eds., "History of the Rubber Industry," Institution of the Rubber Industry, London, 1952; W . Heffer & Sons, Cambridge, 1952. Tudor, R. J., "The Story of Rubber," Burke Publishing Co., London, 1947.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.






Whitby, C. C , Dunbrook, R. F , "Synthetic Rubber," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1954. Latex and Reclaimed


Ball, J . M , "Manual of Reclaimed Rubber," Rubber Reclaimers Association, New York, 1956. Cook, P. G , "Latex—Natural and Synthetic," Reinhold Publishing C o r p , New York, 1956. Flint, C , "Chemistry and Technology of Rubber Latex," Chapman & Hall, L t d , London, 1938.

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Stern, H . J , "Practical Latex Work," 3rd e d , Blackfriars Press, Leicester, 1955. General Books on Polymers Allen, P , e d , "Techniques of Polymer Characterization," Butterworth Scientific Pub­ lications, London, 1959. Barron, H , "Modern Synthetic Rubbers," 3rd e d , D . Van Nostrand C o , Princeton, N . J , 1949. Bawn, C. Ε. H , "The Chemistry of High Polymers," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1948. Carswell, T. S , "Phenoplasts: Their Structure, Properties, and Chemical Technology" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 7), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1947. Dawson, T. R , Porritt, B. D , "Rubber, Physical and Chemical Properties," The Re­ search Association of British Rubber Manufacturers, Croyden, 1935. Faraday Society, "The Structure and Reactions of Rubber," Gurney and Jackson, London, 1942. Fisher, "Chemistry of Natural and Synthetic Rubbers," Reinhold Publishing C o r p , New York, 1957. Frith, M , Tuckett, R. F , "Linear Polymers," Longmans, Green & C o , New York, 1951. Grassie, "Chemistry of High Polymer Degradation Processes," Interscience Pub­ lishers, New York, 1956. Houwink, R , e d , "Elastomers and Plastomers," Vol. 1, "General Theory," Vol. 2, "Manufacture, Properties, and Applications," Vol. 3, "Chemistry, Physics, and Technology," Elsevier Publishing C o , Amsterdam, 1948-1950. Houwink, R , e d , "Fundamentals of Synthetic Polymer Technology in its Chemical and Physical Aspects," Elsevier Publishing C o , Amsterdam, 1949. Howard, F , "Buna Rubber, The Birth of an Industry," D. Van Nostrand C o , Prince­ ton, N . J , 1947. Huggins, M , "Physical Chemistry of High Polymers," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1958. Knorr, K , "World Rubber and Its Regulation," Stanford University Press, Stanford, C a l i f , 1945. LeBras, J , "Rubber: Fundamentals of its Science and Technology," Chemical Pub­ lishing C o , New York, 1957. Mark, H , Tobolsky, Α. V , "Physical Chemistry of High Polymeric Systems" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 2), 2nd e d . Interscience Publishers, New York, 1950. Mark, H . N , Whitby, G. S , "Collected Papers of Wallace Hume Carothers on High Polymeric Substances" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 1), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1940. Mark, H , Whitby, G , "Scientific Progress in the Field of Rubber and Synthetic Elastomers," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1946. Melville, H , "The Chemistry of High Polymers," W . Heffer & Sons, L t d , Cambridge, 1948. Meyer, Κ. H , "Natural and Synthetic High Polymers" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 4), 2nd e d . Interscience Publishers, New York, 1950. Ott, E , Spurlin, H . M , Grafflin, M . W , "Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives, Parts 1, 2, and 3" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 5), 2nd e d . Interscience Publishers, New York, 1954-55. Parkinson, D , "Reinforcement of Rubbers," Lakeman and C o , London, 1957. Ritchie, P. D , "Chemistry of Plastics and High Polymers," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1949.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.




Rofï, W . J . , "Fibres, Plastics, and Rubbers; A Handbook of Common Polymers," Academic Press, New York, 1956. Saechtling, H . , "Werkstoffe aus Menscherhand (Man-Made Materials)," Verling, Munich, 1961. Schmidt, Α. X . , Marlies, C. Α., "Principles of High-Polymer Theory and Practice," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1948. Stern, H . J., "Rubber: Natural and Synthetic," Maclaren & Sons, Ltd., London, 1954. Tompa, H . , "Polymer Solutions," Academic Press, New York, 1956. Wildschut, A . J., "Technological and Physical Investigations on Natural and Synthetic Rubbers," Elsevier Publishing Co., New York, 1946. Compounding Ingredients

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van Alphen et al., "Rubber Chemicals," D . Van Nostrand Co., Princeton, 1956. Neoprene Catton, L . , "The Neoprenes: Principles of Compounding and Processing," Ε. I. D u Pont de Nemours, Wilmington, D e l , 1953. Polymerization Alfrey, T., Bohrer, J . H . , Mark, H . , "Copolymerization" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 8), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1952. Bovey, F., Kolthoff, I. M . et al., "Emulsion Polymerization" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 9), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1955. Burnett, G. M . , "Mechanism of Polymer Reactions" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 3), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1954, D'Alelio, G., "Fundamental Principles of Polymerization: Rubbers, Plastics, and Fibers," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1952. Processing of Polymers Bergem, N . , "Contributions to the Theories of Vulcanization," A / S Askim Gummivarefabrik, Norway, 1948. Simonds, H . R. et al., "Extrusion of Plastics, Rubbers, and Metals," Reinhold Pub­ lishing Corp., New York, 1952. Willshaw, H . , "Calendars for Rubber Processing," Lakeman and Co., London, 1956. Applications of Polymers Burton, W. E., "Engineering with Rubber," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1949. Burton, W . E., "The Story of Tire Beads and Tires," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1954. Kummer, H . W., Meyer, W . E . , "Rubber and Tire Friction," Pennsylvania State U n i ­ versity, University Park, 1960. McPherson, A. T., Klemin, Α., "Engineering Uses of Rubber," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1956. Woods, E . C , "Pneumatic Tyre Design," a monograph of the Institution of the Rubber Industry, W . Heffer & Sons, L t d . , Cambridge, 1952. Adhesives De Bruyne, Ν. Α., Houwink, R., eds., "Adhesion and Adhesives," Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1951. Properties and Testing of Polymers Buchan, S., "Rubber to Metal Bonding," Lockwood & Sons, London, 1959. Buist, J. M . , "Ageing and Weathering of Rubber," W . Heffer & Sons, L t d . , Cambridge, 1956. Norman, R., "Conductive Rubber: Its Production, Application, and Test Methods," Maclaren & Sons, Ltd., London, 1957.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.



Synthetic Rubber


Society of Chemical Industry, "The Physical Properties of Polymers," The Macmillan Co., New York, 1959. "Symposium on Aging of Rubbers," STP 89, American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, 1949. "Symposium on the Effect of Ozone on Rubber," STP 229, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1958. "Symposium on Rubber Testing," STP 74, American Society for Testing and M a ­ terials, Philadelphia, 1947. Tobolsky, Α., "Properties and Structure of Polymers," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1960. Treloar, L . R. G., "Physics of Rubber Elasticity," 2nd ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1958. Wake, W., "The Analysis of Rubber and Rubber-like Polymers," Maclaren & Sons, Ltd., London, 1958. Downloaded by UNIV OF NEW ENGLAND on February 8, 2017 | Publication Date: January 1, 1968 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1968-0078.ch026


M e c h a n i c a l Properties of Polymers Alfrey, T., "Mechanical Behaviour of High Polymers" (High Polymers Series, Vol. 6), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1948. Rheology of Polymers Mason, P., Wookey, N . , eds., Rheology of Elastomers," Pergamon Press, New York, 1958. Journals Die Gummi Bereifung, Bielefelder. Verlagsanstalt K G , 48 Bielefeld, Ulmenstrasse 8, Postfach 1140, Fernruf, Germany. Fortschritte der Hochpolymeren (Advances in Polymer Science), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberger Platz 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany, irregular. International Rubber Digest, Secretariat of the International Rubber Study Group, Brettenham House, 5-6 Lancaster Place, London W C 2 , England. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Interscience Publishers, 605 Third Ave., New York, Ν. Y. 10016. Journal of IRI, Institution of the Rubber Industry, 4 Kensington Palace Gardens, London W 8 , England, bimonthly. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 95 Madison Ave., New York, Ν. Y. 10016. Journal of Polymer Science, Interscience Publishers, 605 Third Ave., New York, Ν .Y. 10016. Kautschuk und Gummi-Kunstoffe Ashest, Verlag fur Radio-Foto-Kinotechnik, G m b H , Berlin-Borsigwalde, Germany, monthly. Macromolecules, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036, bimonthly. Makromolekulare Chemie, Huthig & Wepf Verlag, Eisengasse 5, Basel, Switzerland, irregular. Polymer, Butterworth & Co., 88 Kingsway, London W C 2 , England, monthly. Polymer Mechanics (English translation of Makhanika Polimerov), The Faraday Press, Inc., 84 5th Ave., New York, Ν. Y. 10011. Polymer Science (USSR), (English translation of Vysokomolekulyarne Soedineniya), Pergamon Press, 122 East 55th St., New York, Ν. Y. 10022. Revue Générale du Caoutchouc, Revue Générale du Caoutchouc, 42 Scheffer, Paris 16 , France, monthly. Rubber Age, Palmerton Publishing Co., Inc., 101 West 31st St., New York, Ν. Y. 10001, monthly. Rubber and Plastics Age, Rubber & Technical Press, L t d . , Gaywood House, Great Peter St., London SW1„ England, monthly. Rubber Chemistry and Technology, Division of Rubber Chemistry, American Chem­ ical Society, Prince and Lemon Sts., Lancaster, Pa. 17601, quarterly. Rubber Digest and Newsletter, Rubber Digest and Newsletter, P. O. Box 4263, Atlanta, Ga. 30302, weekly. Rubber Highlights, Rubber Manufacturers Association, Inc., 44 Madison Ave., New York, Ν. Y. 10022, monthly. e

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.






Rubber Journal Maclaren & Sons, L t d , 131 Great Suffolk S t , London SE1, England, weekly. Rubber World, Bill Brothers Publishing C o r p , 630 Third A v e , New York, Ν. Y. 10017, monthly. Soviet Rubber Technology (English translation of Kauchuk i Rezina), Maclaren & Sons, L t d , monthly.

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American Chemical Society, Division of Rubber Chemistry, "Bibliography of Rubber Literature/' 1935; 1936; 1937; 1938-39; 1940-41; 1942-43; 1944-45; 1946-48; 1949-51; 1952-54; 1955-56; 1957-58; 1959, 1960, 1961-62, Division of Rubber Chemistry, Akron, Ohio, 1963 to 1967. Applied Science and Technology Index, H . W . Wilson C o , 950 University A v e , New York, Ν. Y. 10452, monthly. Chemical Abstracts, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth S t , N . W , Washing­ ton, D. C. 20036, weekly. Year 1912 1915 1961 1962 1963 1967

26. 30. 30. 46. 49. 38. 35.

Section Pigments, Resins, Varnishes & India Rubber Rubber and Allied Substances Rubber and Other Elastomers Rubber and Other Elastomers Elastomers, Including Natural Rubber Elastomers, Including Natural Rubber Synthetic High Polymers

Chemical Titles, American Chemical Society, biweekly. Current Chemical Papers, Chemical Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W l , England, monthly. Engineering Index, Engineering Index, Inc., 345 East 47th S t , New York, Ν. Y. 10017. Kunststoffe und Kautschuk-Literatur-Schnelldienst, Deutsches Kunststoff-Institut, Darmstadt, Germany, monthly. Rubber RAPRA Abstracts, Rubber and Plastics Research Association of Great Britain, Shawbury, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, monthly. Technical Survey, Technical Survey, 650 Newark A v e , Elizabeth, N . J . 07207, weekly. Patents Derwent Publications, L t d , Rochdale House, Theobalds R d , London W C 1 , England. Patent Abstracts Belgian Patents Reports ( chemical groups only ), weekly. British Patent Abstracts (complete coverage), weekly. French Patents Abstracts ( chemical groups only ), weekly. German Patents Abstracts (complete coverage), weekly. Japanese Patents Report ( chemical groups only ), weekly. Netherlands Patent Report (chemical groups only), weekly. Soviet Inventions Illustrated ( complete coverage ), monthly. Patent Bulletins Chemical Process Patents Bulletin, monthly. Organic Patents Bulletin, monthly. Polychemicals Patents Bulletin, monthly. Patent Journals Fine Chemical Patents Journal, weekly. Petrochemicals Patents Journal, weekly. Plastics Patents Journal, weekly. Index of Patents Issued by the U. S. Patent Office, Superintendent of Documents, Gov­ ernment Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402, annual. Official Gazette, Superintendent of Documents, weekly. Uniterm Index to U. S. Chemical Patents, Information for Industry, Inc., 1000 Con­ necticut A v e , N . W , Washington, D. C. 20036.

Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.






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Conferences "Abstracts of Papers," American Chemical Society, Special Issues Sales, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036, 3 times a year. Division of Polymer Chemistry, American Chemical Society: "Polymer Preprints," papers presented at meetings in April and September, annual. "Polymer Symposium," papers presented at biannual meeting and published in Journal of Polymer Science, Part C, Polymer Symposia, No. 1 (1963), Interscience Publishers, New York. "Thermal Analysis of High Polymers," papers presented at the symposium held in New York City, Sept. 1963 published in Journal of Polymer Science, Part C, Polymer Symposia, No. 6 (1964), Interscience Publishers, New York. "Gordon Research Conferences—Program for 1967," Science 155, 1290-1313 (1967). "International Rubber Conference Proceedings," American Chemical Society, Wash­ ington, D. C , 1959. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, "Macromolecular Chemistry," papers presented at international symposium held in Paris, 1963, published in Journal of Polymer Science, Part C, Polymer Symposia, No. 4, parts 1, 2, 3 (1964), Interscience Publishers, New York (previous years also published in Journal of Polymer Science. National Center for the Chemistry of Macromolecules, Chemistry Committee of the National Research Council of Italy, "Vibrational Spectra," papers presented at con­ ference held in Milan, 1963, published in Journal of Polymer Science, Part C, Polymer Symposia, No. 7 ( 1964 ), Interscience Publishers, New York. "National Symposium on Instrumentation in the Rubber and Plastics Industry," In­ strument Society of America, Pittsburgh, 1957. Scientific Meetings, Special Libraries Association, 235 Park Ave., South, New York, Ν. Y. 10003, quarterly. World List of Future International Meetings, Part I : Science, Technology, Agriculture, Medicine, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. 20540, monthly. U.S. Patent Classes and Subclasses Rubber Synthetic Buna s Butyl Chloroprene Diolefine Dispersions or solutions Factice Natural rubber with Perbunan Plasticizer containing Reaction induced by electrical or radiant energy Within nuclear reactor Sulfurized Synethic resin containing R E C E I V E D May 19, 1965.


Class 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 204 176 260 260 260

Subclass 709+ 2+ 83.7+ 85.3 92.3 94.2+ 29.1 + 399 4+ 83.7+ 29.1+ 154+ 10+ 79.5 79.5 3+


Smith; Literature of Chemical Technology Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.