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DOROTHY M. CROSLAND, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga. ..... Columbia University Schools of Mines, Engineering, and Chemistry, Engineering...
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Literature of Dyes, Mordants, and Bleaches DOROTHY M. CROSLAND, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga.

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W . H. CADY, U. S. Finishing Co., Providence, R. I.

The development of the dyeing industry is discussed. An extensive bibliography, although not a complete survey of sources, lists books on bleaching, dyes and dyeing, and textile printing; textile journals, journals containing occasional papers of value; publications containing trade names; yearbooks; house organ reports; application manuals; and sources of bibliographies, abstracts, and patent literature.

T h e ingenuity of man no doubt led to the first use of color as a dye. Primitive peoples from all parts of the world are known to have used vegetable and animal dyes. Historians and archeologists have found evidence that dyes were used for clothing many thousands of years before the Christian era. A s communications opened up the world and as civiliza­ tion advanced, products and methods of dyeing were taken b y merchants from one coun­ try to another. There were no great dye industries; i n fact, the dyeing process was almost a domestic chore. Methods of dyeing were passed on verbally. Little was put into writing about how to extract colors or dye textiles. Histories contain some informa­ tion on colors—mention is made of T y r i a n purple, scarlet red, and indigo blue.

Development of Industry M u c h of the advancement of dyeing must be attributed to chemists. A s knowledge spread through Europe into England, chemistry began to play an important part i n revolutionizing the world. Today, it is v i t a l i n most walks of life. The date 1856 divides "before and after aniline dyes," for up to that time only natural dyes, vegetable and animal, had been used successfully. During the year 1856, a young student, W i l l i a m Henry Perkin, working with the famous German chemist, A . W . Hoffman, discovered the azine dye, mauve. I n 1859, magenta appeared, and during the next 10 years, additional aniline dyes were discovered. Dyeing became an industry full of intrigue, politics, and economics—one that advanced with new discoveries of colors. U p until 1876, Germany had no patent of protection; many of its country's finest chemists were found working i n England. W i t h the discovery of aniline and azo dyes, Germany realized the possibilities of a great new industry. The English patent laws became more restrictive, and many of the German chemists returned home. Thus began Germany's leadership i n the dye field, which i t held up to W o r l d W a r I , and i n production of dyes, i t retained leadership up to W o r l d W a r I I . D u r i n g the first world war, the dye situation was critical because Germany supplied dyes to most countries of the world. The great I . G . Farbenindustrie combine was organized i n 1916, of seven, later eight, large dye industries i n Germany. The United States, dependent upon Germany for 8 0 % of its dyes was forced to establish its own dye factories. D y e production i n the United States increased tremendously, and i n the late thirties, became independent of outside sources of supply. C . Z. Draves, in his paper, "Textile Chemical Specialties" (3) made the following statement: 200 In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



Since World War I, the dye industries, backed by adequate resources and research facili­ ties have flourished. As a result of this development we were able to dye with fast colors during World War I I the largest output of highgrade textiles of all the warring countries. Further­ more, with the cessation of hostilities we remain entirely independent of foreign sources in all classes of dyestuffs and even lead the world in total production in this highly technical and specialized field. The art of coloring or dyeing grew from a domestic process to a leading industry i n European countries, Great Britain, and the United States.

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Publications There is a little material published on the early dyes. A s stated, methods and proc­ esses of dyeing were handed down from dyer to dyer, verbally. According to the E n c y ­ clopedia Britannica (4), the first European book on dyeing was published i n Venice i n 1429; the first English book, " A n Apparatus for the History of the Common Practices of D y e i n g , " was published i n 1662. Publication was initiated by the R o y a l Society. A small volume, " A Bibliography of Dyeing and Textile Printing, Comprising a List of Books from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Time (1946)," by L . G . Lawrie (13), was published i n 1949. M r . Lawrie states that " t h i s book makes no pretense to be a detailed bibliography, i n the bibliophile's sense of the term, nor does i t attempt to attain completeness; i t does provide a useful list of references both for historicaland practical use." M r . Lawrie found that i n the first 200 years, from 1500 to 1700, there are listed only 23 books on dyeing. D u r i n g the next 50 years, 27 books on dyeing appeared. F r o m 1750 to 1850 as many as 187 books were published. W i t h the discovery of coal-tar colors and the developments i n chemistry, M r . Lawrie found nearly 300 books listed i n the latter part of the century. This rate, he states, has remained approximately the same up to the present time. I n his book are listed 816 titles; Germany led with 273 titles, followed by Great B r i t a i n (199), France (172) and the United States (64). Journals. One can not depend upon books for up-to-date literature on dyeing. Just as i n other scientific and engineering fields, a book is often said to be out of date when i t comes from the press. F o r current developments, the chemist a n d the dyer must t u r n to journal literature and to material published i n bulletin or report form b y the large dye industries. T h e librarian or literature searcher must be on his toes to get all current literature for the research chemists and dyers. Good illustrations of journal articles where the material has not yet been published i n book form are an article on the use of dyes i n the location of aircraft forced down at sea, b y spreading dye over the sur­ face of the water (2) and continuous piece goods dyeing with vat dyes, including the use of molten metal (1). T h e article on continuous dyeing includes mention of several continuous processes; the Stanfast process will not be found i n any of the books yet published. Patent Literature. Patent literature is highly valuable. Some dye factories have highly skilled specialists who do nothing but search through available patent litera­ ture. Indexes and Abstracts. T h e literature searcher must learn to use the periodical indexes, Chemical Abstracts (33), British Abstracts (31), and the journals that regularly publish abstracts of articles appearing i n other journals. Often material needed can be found only i n the most recent j ournal. The Engineering Index (11) and the Industrial Arts Index (12) are excellent sources for current literature. The A merican Dyestuff Reporter (29) the Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists (35), The Journal of the Textile Institute (36) y the Textile Research Journal (39), and the Textile Technology Digest (40), publish ab­ stracts and contain patent literature. Yearbooks. T h e " T e c h n i c a l M a n u a l and Y e a r B o o k " of the A m e r i c a n Associa­ tion of Textile Chemists and Colorists (20) is one of the more valuable reference books. It is divided into five sections. The first describes the organization. The second contains committee reports. T h e chairmen of various committees report on new methods and processes explored during the year. T h e Bibliography Committee's Report contains a list of current literature, arranged by author and subject, and a list of books. T h e 1951 In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.

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volume contains current literature published between July 1, 1949 and December 31,1950, and books published from 1930 to 1951. For books published prior to 1930, the 1947-48 volume and earlier volumes should be consulted. There is also a list of the journals from which the current literature articles are cited. Section I I I covers test methods, stand­ ard, tentative, and temporary. Testing procedures which have been thoroughly tried are designated standard tests by an open vote of the research committee. Procedures which are not yet wholly satisfactory and reliable are designated as Tentative Test M e t h ­ ods. Temporary Test Methods are mainly British i n origin and have been assigned to new research committees for further study and revision. The fourth section lists dyestuffs and textile chemical specialties, classified alphabetically and according to color index and foreign prototype numbers. The prototype list is invaluable i n a library. There is a list of dye makers with addresses and a list of registered trade-marks of different classes of dyestuffs. Membership, arranged alphabetically and geographically, is given i n Sec­ tion V . This particular reference book, is one that should be known for its valuable reference sources. The American Dyestuff Reporter Annual Volume (21), contains a list of the latest dyes and chemicals. There are other yearbooks and buyers' guides that are important and useful; their titles are given i n the bibliography. Manufacturer s ' Literature. The manuals, technical bulletins, and reports issued by the Calco Chemical D i v i s i o n , A m e r i c a n C y a n a m i d C o . ; C i b a C o . ; Sandoz Chemical W o r k s ; Ε. I. du Pont de Nemours & C o . ; General Dyestuff C o r p . ; D i v i s i o n of General A n i l i n e ; Geigy C o . Inc.; N a t i o n a l A n i l i n e D i v i s i o n , Allied Chemical and D y e C o r p . ; and Imperial Chemical Industries are valuable sources of information on new dyes and applications. There are other companies that publish literature equally as valuable and useful. Government Publications. Government, society, and academy publications must be included i n any source list. The " F I A T Review of German Science" (5) and our U . S. government publications must be considered. Reviews. I n 1949, the Society of Dyers and Colourists w i t h the Textile I n s t i ­ tute began publishing a "Review of Textile Progress" (26). The Jubilee issue of the Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists (1884-1934) (299), and for American dyes, the Silver Jubilee issue of the American Dyestuff Reporter, December 2, 1946 (116)'are good sources for the progress of the dyeing industry. Books. There are books that were published some years ago that are still useful. Some of these are still classic, i n c l u d i n g : " A M a n u a l of D y e i n g , " by K n e c h t , Rawson, and Loewenthal, first published i n 1893 (239); " T h e Bleaching, Dyeing, and Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres," by S. R . and E . R . Trotman (311) ; " D y e i n g with Coal-Tar Dyestuffs, the Principles Involved, and the Methods E m p l o y e d , " by Whittaker and Wilcock, first published in 1918 (323) ; " T h e Development of Commercial Synthetic D y e s , " by F . M . Rowe (287); and "Bleaching and Related Processes," by J . M . Matthews (258). Another excellent source is the " C o l o u r Index" of the Society of Dyers and Colourists (298). A new edition of this work is now in preparation; it is expected to contain the chemical constitution of at least 3800 different ctyes, together with much detail on their ap­ plication, fastness, and other properties. Today, the work considered classic by many textile chemists is Diserens, "Neueste Fortschritte und Verfahren i n der Chemischen Technologie der Textilfasern" (163) to be published i n two parts, totaling five volumes. Part I was originally published i n 1938/39 i n a French edition of two volumes. The German edition will have three volumes i n Part I, and two volumes i n Part I I . There is an American translation of the second German edition of Part I, entitled, " C h e m i c a l Technology of Dyeing and P r i n t i n g . " There is a third German edition of Volume I I I , Part I. The books contain useful bibliographies, and the detailed formulas from literature references are a good feature. This is a set of books that every library on dyeing and printing should own. M r . Diserens has made a distinct contribution to literature. Discussion. Opinions will v a r y as to which are the best sources for dye litera­ ture just as they v a r y as to which is the best book on dyeing. F a m i l i a r i t y with cerIn LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



tain books brings out useful features of particular interest to one person or to a research staff. Who then will say one book is the best in its field? The individual must be aware of many bibliographies, indexes, manuals, government and society publications, to determine which will give most promise of turning up the desired information with the least effort and in the quickest time. The source materials listed with this paper will generally suffice; however, since special needs, may call for others, searchers must be alert to all opportunities. Bibliography. The bibliography does not comprise a complete survey of sources in the field. It has been compiled to help the technical man and others, who must start from nothing to find literature they need on dyes, mordants and bleaches. Bibliography

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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Boardman, G. L., J. Soc. Dyers Colourists, 66, 397-405 (1950). Caspar, E. C., Ibid., pp. 177-81. Draves, C. Z., Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 28, 425-8 (1939). "Encyclopedia Britannica," 7, 789 (1951). "FIAT Review of German Science," Washington, D. C., Office of Technical Services, U.S. Department of Commerce.


(6) American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, New York, "Technical Manual and Year Book," annual. Bibliography of current literature and books. (7) Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 39, 663 (1950). Literature survey of textile bleaching. (8) "British National Bibliography," London, Council of the British National Bibliography, annual, 1950-. Weekly supplements. (9) Cumulative Book Index, H. W. Wilson Co., New York, monthly, 1928-. Cumulative volumes semiannually, biennially, and quinquennially. (10) Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt-am-Main, weekly, 1947-. (11) Engineering Index, Engineering Index, Inc., New York, 1884-. Cumulative annual volumes (12) Industrial Arts Index, H. W. Wilson Co., monthly, 1913-. Annual volumes. (13) Lawrie, L. G., "A Bibliography of Dyeing and Textile Printing," London, Chapman and Hall, 1949. (14) Technical Book Review Index, Special Libraries Association, New York, Monthly except July, Aug., 1935-. (15) Textile Research J., 20, 313-14 (1952). Dyeing bibliography. (16) Ibid., pp. 372-3. Bleaching bibliography. (17) Scott, R. C., compiler, Textile World, 100, 87-99 (August 1950). Textile bibliography, an up-to-date revision of the more important books on textile technology and the industry published in the english language. (18) Subject Catalog, (a cumulative list of works represented by Library of Congress printed cards), U. S. Library of Congress, Washington, D. C., quarterly, 1950-. Annual cumulations. (19) U. S. Library of Congress, Washington, D. C., "List of References on Dyestuffs, Chemistry Manufacture and Trade," Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1919. YEAR BOOKS AND BUYERS' GUIDES

(20) American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, New York, "Technical Manual and Yearbook" (formerly called "Yearbook"), annual, 1923-. (21) "American Dyestuff Reporter, Annual Volume," New York, Howes Publishing Co. (22) "Deutscher Färberkalender," hrsg. von W. Zänker, Munich, Eder, annual. (23) "McGraw-Hill Directory of Chemicals and Producers," New York, McGraw-Hill, annual, 1951-. (24) Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter, "Green Book; Buyer's Directory," New York, Schnell Publishing Co., annual, 1913-. (25) "Pre-filed Textile Catalogs and Textile World Yearbook; Textile World Yearbook and Catalog," New York, McGraw-Hill, annual, 1923-. (26) "Review of Textile Progress," Manchester, Eng., The Textile Institute and the Society of Dyers and Colourists, annual, 1949-. (27) "Textile Chemical Specialty Guide; a Comprehensive Buyers' Guide," 4th ed., New York, Textile Book Publishers, 1946. (28) "The Textile Manufacturer Year Book," Manchester, Eng., Emmott, annual. ABSTRACTS; PATENT LITERATURE

(29) American Dyestuff Reporter, biweekly, 1916-. Patent digest, ed. by Paul Wengraft included since 1946.

In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



(30) Australian Official Journal of Patents, Trade Marks, and Designs, with which are incorporated particulars of copyright applications, Canberra, Dept. of Patents, irregular, 1931-. (31) British Abstracts, Section Β: Applied Chemistry, 1924-. Before 1924, corresponding abstracts appeared in the Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. (32) British Cotton Industry Research Association, Summary of Current Literature, Manchester, Eng., semimonthly, 1920-. (33) Chemical Abstracts, 1907-. Section 25 deals with dyes and textile chemistry, includes patents. (34) Fortschritte der Teerfarbenfabrikation und verwandter industriezweige; dargestellt an hand der systematisch geordneten und mit kritischen Anmerkungen verschenen deutschen Reichs­ patente, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ausländerer Patent. (35) Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, monthly, 1885-. (36) Journal of the Textile Institute, Proceeedings and Abstracts, monthly, 1910-. (37) Patents for Inventions. Abridgements of Specifications. Great Britain, Patent Office, London, Dyes are included as Class 2 (1855-1908), Class 2 (iii) (1909-1930) and Group IV (1931 to

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date). (38) Rayon and Synthetic Textiles, monthly, 1925-. Contains data on American and foreign patents (39) Textile Research Journal Abstracts, Textile Research Institute, New York, monthly, 1950-. Previous to 1950 published as a section of the journal. (40) Textile Technology Digest, Institute of Textile Technology, Charlottesville, Va., monthly, 1944-.



(41) American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, "Technical Manual and Yearbook." New York, Howes, annual, 1951-. (42) Badische Anilin- & Soda-Fabrik, "The Aniline Colours of the Badische Anilin- & Soda-fabrik, Ludwigshafen Rhine and Their Application on Wool, Cotton, Silk and Other Textile Fibres,"

Ludwigshafen, Badische Anilin- & Soda-fabrik, 1901. (43) British Nylon Spinners, Ltd., Pontypool, England, "Technical Service Manual." (44) Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corp., New York, "Synthetic Organic Chemicals, 12th ed. 1946. (45) Garner, Walter, "Textile Laboratory Manual," London, National Trade Press, 1949. (46) General Dyestuff Corp., New York, "Manual for Dyeing Cotton and Other Vegetable Fibers," 1936. (47) General Dyestuff Corp., New York, "Manual for the Dyeing of Jute, Coir, Straw, Bast, Linen, Hemp, Piassava." (48) General Dystuff Corp., New York, "Manual for the Dyeing of Silk, Rayon, and Mixtures of These and Other Fibers." (49) General Dyestuff Corp., New York, "Manual for the Dyeing of Wool and Mixtures of Wool with Other Fibers." (50) General Dyestuff Corp., New York, "Manual for Printing of Cotton and Other Vegetable Fibers." (51) General Dyestuff Corp., New York, "Naphthols and Their Application," 1948. (52) Merrill, G. R., Macormac, A. R., and Mauersberger, H. R., "American Cotton Handbook," 2nd ed., New York, Textile Book Publishers, 1949. (53) Millson, H. E., and Stearns, Ε. I., "Study of Fluorescent Dyes," Calco Tech. Bull., No. 799, Bound Brook, N. J., Calco Chem. Div., American Cyánamid Co. (54) Peacock, W. H., "The Application Properties of the Certified Coal-tar Colors," Calco Tech. Bull., No. 715, Bound Brook, N. J., Calco Chem. Div., American Cyanamid Co. (55) Von Bergen, W., and Mauersberger, H. R., "American Wool Handbook," New York, Textile Book Publishers, 1949. (56) Welford, T., "The Textile Student's Manual," 3rd ed., New York, Pitman, 1950. (57) Whittaker, C. M., ed., "The Fibro Manual," London, Sylvan Press, 1949.

House Organs Reports (58) Barlow, Audrey, "An Introduction to the Dyeing of 'Ardil' Protein Fibre and 'Terylene' Polyester Fibre; a Paper Read Before the Guild of Dyers and Cleaners (London Center) and

Reprinted by Permission of the Guild," London, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1952. (59) Calco Technical Bulletin, Calco Chemical Division, American Cyanamid Co., Bound Brook, N. J. (60) Ciba Review, Society of Chemical Industry in Basel, monthly, 1937-. (61) Dyestuffs, National Aniline Division, Allied Chemical and Dye Corp., New York, quarterly, 1889-. (62) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, "Lissatan AC," 1952. (63) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, Dyestuffs Division, "Acid Dyestuffs on Wool," 1951. (64) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London Dyestuffs Division, "Acid Milling Dyestuffs on Wool Yarn," 1951. (65) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, Dyestuffs Division, "Caledon and Durindone Dyestuffs on Cotton." 1951.

In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.

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(66) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, Dyestuffs Division, "Chlorazol, Durazol and Chlorazol Diazo Dyestuffs on Cotton," 1951. (67) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, Dyestuffs Division, "The Dyeing of Nylon Textiles," 1952. (68) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, Dyestuffs Division, "Dyestuffs for Banks and Bonds," 1951. (69) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, Dyestuffs Division, "Dyestuffs for Coir," 1951. (70) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, Dyestuffs Division, "Dyestuffs for Garment Dy­ ers," 1952. (71) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, Dyestuffs Division, "Dyestuffs for Men's Half Hose (Wool/Nylon Unions)." 1951. (72) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London Dyestuffs Division, "Dyestuffs for Sisal," 1951. (73) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, Dyestuffs Division, "Dyestuffs for 'Terylene' Polyester Fibre," 1951. (74) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, Dyestuffs Division, "Fixanol Ρ in the Paper Industry," 1951. (75) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, Dyestuffs Division, "An Introduction to the Dyeing of Nylon Textiles: a Guide for Students and Others," 1952. (76) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, Dyestuffs Division, "Neran Brilliant Dyestuffs for Leather Finishing," 1951. (77) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, Dyestuffs Division, "Waxoline Dyestuffs," 1951. (78) Technical Bulletin, Ε. L du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del., quarterly, 1945-. (79) Vickerstaff, Thomas, "Investigations into the Dyeing of Synthetic Fibres: a Paper Read be­ fore the Institut Textile de France, 17th October, 1950," London, Imperial Chemical Indus­ tries, Ltd., 1952. TRADE NAMES

(80) American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, New York, "Technical Manual and Year Book," annual, 1923-. (81) "The American Trade Name Index," Vol. 3, of "Thomas' Register of American Manufac­ turers," 42nd ed. New York, Thomas Publishing Co., 1952. (82) Bennett, H., ed., "Chemical Formulary," Brooklyn, Chemical Publishing Co., 1933-. (83) Bennett, Harry, "Trade-marks; Legal and Commercial Aspects with Particular Attention to Chemicals, Chemical Specialties, and Allied Products, Including a List of Trade-mark and Trade-name Products and Suppliers," Brooklyn, Chemical Publishing Co., 1949. (84) "McGraw-Hill Directory of Chemicals and Producers," New York, McGraw-Hill, annual, 1951-. (85) Rayon and Synthetic Textiles, Rayon Publishing Corp., New York, monthly 1925-. Contains data on trade marks. (86) "Textile Brand Names Dictionary," New York, Textile Book Publishers, Inc., 1948. (87) "Trade-Names Index, with Definitions and Sources from a Card File in the Technology Dept. of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and a Bibliography of Sources of Trade-names and Trade-marks," New York, Special Libraries Association, 1941. (88) U. S. Patent Office, "Index of Trade-marks Issued from the United States Patent Office," Washington, D. C., Govt. Printing Office, annual, 1928-. BLEACHING

(89) Bean, Percy, and McCleary, William, "The Chemistry and Practice of Finishing; a Practical Treatise on Bleaching, and the Finishing of White, Dyed, and Printed Cotton Goods," 2 vol., 3rd ed., Manchester, Eng., Hutton, Hartley & Co., 1926. (90) Bottler, Max, "Modern Bleaching Agents and Detergents," trans. from the German by Chas. Salter, London, Scott, Greenwood & Son, 1910. (91) Denney, R., "Complete Spotting Guide," New York, Cleaning and Dyeing World, 1937. (92) Franco, Vitaly, "Some Studies of the Effects of Time, Concentration and Temperature in Sodium Hypochlorite Bleaching of Cotton," M.S. thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1946. (93) Gardner, John, ed., "Bleaching, Dyeing, and Calico-printing, with Formulae," Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1884. (94) Hall, A. J., "Textile Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing and Finishing Machinery," London, Benn, 1926. (95) Higgins, S. H., "Bleaching; Being a Résumé of the Important Researches on the Industry Published During the Years 1908-1920," London, Longmans, Green, 1921. (96) Higgins, S. H., "A History of Bleaching," London, Longmans, Green, 1924. (97) Hübner, Julius, "Bleaching and Dyeing of Vegetable Fibrous Materials," New York, Van Nostrand, 1927. (98) Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, "Laundry Washing and Bleaching." (99) Keghel, Maurice de, "Les produits de blanchiment et décolorants domestiques et industriels et leurs emplois," Nouv. éd., rev. et augm. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1951. In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.


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(100) Lesser, Μ. Α., "Modern Chemical Specialties," New York, MacNair-Dorland Co., 1950, (101) Losano, M., "Smacchiatura e tintura dei vestiti; lavaggio a secco, candeggio dei vestiti di lana; impermeabilizzazione dei vestiti," Torino, Lavagnolo, 1951. (102) "McGraw-Hill Directory of Chemicals and Producers," 2nd ed., New York, McGraw-Hill, 1952. (103) McMyn, J. W., and Bardsley, J. W., "Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing and Finishing for the Manchester Trade; a Book Intended for Warehousemen, Textile Students and Others Interested in This Important Section of the Textile Industry," 2nd ed., London, Pitman, 1932. (104) Marsh, J. T., "An Introduction to Textile Bleaching," London, Chapman & Hall, 1946. (105) Matthews, J. M., "Bleaching and Related Processes, as Applied to Textile Fibers and Other Materials," New York, Chemical Catalog Co., 1921. (106) Prelini, Giuseppe, "Sbianca e tintura delle fibre tessili; stampa dei tessuti," 2d ed., completa­ mente rifatta, Milano, Hoepli, 1949. (107) Steven, A. B., "Textile Bleaching," London, Pitman, 1921. (108) "Studies in Bleachery Management; Compliments of B. F. Perkins & Son, Inc., Holyoke, Mass.," Boston, Mass., and Greenville, S. C, F. P. Bennett & Co., 1925. (109) Taylor, R. L., "Bleaching Powder and Its Action in Bleaching," London, John Heywood, 1922. (110) Textile World, "The Bleaching, Dyeing, and Finishing Handbook," rev. ed., New York, Mc­ Graw-Hill, 1948. (111) Trotman, S. R., and Thorp, E. L., "The Principles of Bleaching and Finishing of Cotton," 3rd ed., London, Griffin, 1927. (112) Trotman, S. R., and Thorp, E. L., "The Principles of Bleaching and Finishing of Cotton," London, Griffin, 1911. (113) Trotman, S. R., and Trotman, E. R., "The Bleaching, Dyeing, and Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres," 2nd ed., London, Griffin, 1946. (114) Weyrich, Paul, "Das Färben und Bleichen der Textilfasern in Apparaten," Berlin, Springer, 1937.

Dyes and Dyeing (115) Abramov, S. Α., "Laboratornyĭ praktikum po krashenniu i otdelke trikotazhnikh izdeliĭ. Odobreno ν kachestve ucheb. posobiia Dlia, trikotazhnykh tekhnikumov," Moskva, Gos. Nauchno-Tekhn. Izd-vo Legkoĭ Promyshl., 1950. (116) American Dyestuff Reporter, "Silver Jubilee Issue," December 2, 1946. (117) Andrews, D. B., "German Dyestuffs and Dyestuff Intermediates," 3 vol., FIAT Rept. No. 1313. Washington, U. S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, 1949. (118) Anke, Ε. Α., "Kunstseide," 2nd ed. of "Technologie der Textilfasern," VII. Bd., Berlin, Springer, 1933. (119) Arens, Hans., "Farbenmetrik," ("Scientia Photographica, Bd. 1"), Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1951. (120) Austin, W. E., "Principles and Practice of Fur Dressing and Fur Dyeing," London, Library Press, 1922. (121) Avery, John, "German Dyestuffs and Dyestuffs Intermediates; Azo and Lake Dyestuffs," Washington, Hobart, 1947. (122) Baker, F. R., and Anderson, A. P., "The Dry Cleaners' Handbook; with a Special Section on Exhibition Window Cleaning," 1st American ed., New York, Chemical Publishing Co. (123) Bancroft, Edward, "Experimental Researches Concerning the Philosophy of Permanent Colours," 2 vol., London, Sidney, 1813. (124) Barnett, Edward de Barry, "Coal-tar Dyes and Intermediates," London, Baillière, Tindall and Cox, 1919. (125) Beacall, Thomas, and others, "Dyestuffs and Coal-tar Products; Their Chemistry, Manu­ facture and Application," New York, Appleton, 1915. (126) Beech, Franklin, "The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics; a Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student," 3rd ed., rev. and enl. by A. J. Hall, New York, Van Nostrand, 1927. (127) Beech, Franklin, "The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics," London, Scott, Greenwood & Co., 1902. (128) Berliner, J. J., & staff, New York, "Formulary and New World Development in Dyeing and Finishing of Cotton." (129) Berliner, J. J., & staff, New York, "New Developments in Textile Dyeing and Chemicals." (130) Berthollet, C. L., and Berthollet, A. B., "Elements of the Art of Dyeing," 2nd ed., translated from the French by Andrew Ure, London, Tegg, 1824. (131) Bird, C. L., "The Theory and Practice of Wool Dyeing," Bradford, Eng., Society of Dyers and Colourists, 1947. (132) Bird, F. J., "The American Practical Dyer's Companion," Philadelphia, Baird & Co., 1882. (133) Bogert, M. T., "The Bearing of a Synthetic Dye Industry upon our National Welfare," Columbia University Schools of Mines, Engineering, and Chemistry, Engineering and Scien­ tific Paper No. 4, New York, Columbia University, 1921. (134) Bolton, Clement, "Practical Manual of Wool Dyeing," London, Heywood, 1913. (135) Borgeius, T. W. Α., "Textiel-Scheikunde," 2. druk. Tilburg, H. Versteden, 1950.

In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



(136) Box, L. M., "Hints on Home Dyeing and Spinning, by London Pride," London, Whitcombe & Tombs, 1949. (137) Bouma, P. J., "Physical Aspects of Colour," London, Elsevier, 1948. (138) Brannt, W. T., ed., "The Practical Dry Cleaner, Scourer, and Garment Dyer," New York, H. C. Baird & Co., 1929. (139) Brewster, M. S., "Practical Study of the Use of the Natural Vegetable Dyes in New Mexico," Albuquerque, University of New Mexico, 1937. (140) Bronson, J., and Bronson, R., "The Domestic Manufacturer's Assistant and Family Directory in the Arts of Weaving and Dyeing, Comprehending a Plain System of Directions Applying

to Those Arts and Other Branches Nearly Connected with Them in the Manufacture of Cotton and Woollen Goods," Utica, printed by W. Williams, 1817; Boston, C. T. Branford 1949. (141) Brown, William, "Modern Dyeing and Cleaning Practice; a Practical Treatise on Present-day Methods," rev. ed., London, Heywood, 1943. (142) Brown, William, "What's Wrong and Why with Laundry Work; an Investigation of Faults and Remedial and Preventative Procedure in Laundering, Dyeing, Cleaning," London,


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Heywood, 1944. (143) Bustanoby, H., "Principles of Color and Color Mixing," New York, McGraw-Hill, 1947. (144) Cain, J. C., "The Manufacture of Dyes," London, Macmillan, 1922. (145) Cain, J. C., "The Manufacture of Intermediate Products for Dyes," 2nd ed., London, Mac­ millan, 1919. (146) Cain, J. C., and Thorpe, J. F., "The Synthetic Dyestuffs and the Intermediate Products from Which They Are Derived," London, Griffin, 1933. (147) Carter, H. R., "The Bleaching, Dyeing and Finishing of Flax, Hemp and Jute Yarns and Fab­ rics," London, Bale & Danielsson, 1911. (148) Cassella, Leopold, & Co., Frankfurt-am-Main, "The Dyeing of Cotton and other Vegetable Fibres with the Dyestuffs of Leopold Cassella & Co.," 1902. (149) Cassella, Leopold, & Co., Frankfurt-am-Main, "The Dyeing of Wool, Including Wool-Print­ ing, with the Dyestuffs of Leopold Cassella & Co.," 1905. (150) Chevreul, M. E., "Leçons de Chimie appliquée a la teinture," 2 vol., Paris, Pichon et Didier, 1830. (151) Clarke, Α., "Coal-tar Colours in the Decorative Industries," London, Constable, 1922. (152) Clayton, Ellis, "Identification of Dyes on Textile Fibres and Detection of Metals in Fibrous Materials, Dyes and Organic Pigments," 2nd ed., rev. and enl., Bradford, Yorkshire, Society of Dyers and Colourists, 1946. (153) Collins, J. E., "An Investigation of the Effect of Fabric Construction on the Color Fastness of Vat Dyes Applied to Cotton Cloth," M. S. thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1950. (154) Conn, H. J., "Biological Stains; a Handbook of the Nature and Uses of the Dyes Employed in the Biological Laboratory," Geneva, Ν. Y., Biotech Publications, 1946. (155) Conyers, F., "Cleaning and Dyeing Proficiency," London, Heywood, 1947. (156) Cooper, Thomas, "A Practical Treatise on Dyeing and Callicoe Printing," Philadelphia, Thomas Dobson at the Stone House, 1815. (157) Cox, J. H., "An Evaluation of Carriers for Use in the Application of Acid Dyestuffs to Dynel," M. S. thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 1952. (158) Crookes, William, "A Practical Handbook of Dyeing and Calico Printing," London, Longmans, Green, 1874. (159) Curtis, C. Α., "Artificial Organic Pigments and Their Applications," trans. by E. Fyleman, London, Pitman, 1930. (160) Damianovich, Horacio, "Estudio físico-químico y bio-químico de las materias colorantes orgánicas artificiales y contribución al estudio de la reacción de schiff, de las sales de rasanilina y de las soluciones coloidales," Buenas Aires, Coni, 1909. (161) Davidson, Α., "Intermediates for Dyestuffs," London, Benn, 1926. (162) Desbled, L. B., "Exact Colour Matching and Specifying," Paris, Technological & Industrial Service, 1928. (163) Diserens, Ludwig, "Neueste Fortschritte und Verfahren in der chemischen Technologie der Textilfasern," Part 1 has appeared in French, German, and English editions: "Progrès réalisés dans l'application des matières colorantes," 2 ème., rev. et mise à jour.,

Paris, Editions Teintex, 1950. "Die neueste Fortschritte in der Anwendung der Farbstoffe; Hilfsmittel in der Textilvol., Neubearb. und verm. 2. Aufl., Basel, Birkhäuser, 1946-49. "The Chemical Technology of Dyeing and Printing," trans, and rev. from the 2nd German ed. by Paul Wengraf and Herman P. Bauman, New York, Reinhold, 1948-51. Part 2 has, to date, appeared in a German edition only: "Neue Verfahren in der Technik der chemischen Veredlung der Textilfasern," 2 vol., Basel, Birkhäuser, 1946-49. (164) Dodson, W. C., "Remedies for Dyehouse Troubles," Charlotte, N. C., Clark Publishing Co., 1932. (165) Dreaper, W. P., "The Chemistry and Physics of Dyeing; Being an Account of the Relations

Industrie," 3

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between Fibres and Dyes, the Formation of Lakes, and the General Reactions of Colloids, and Their Solution State," London, Churchill, 1906. (166) Duerr, G., "Bleaching and Calico Printing," London, Griffin, 1896. (167) Du Pont de Nemours, Ε. I., & Co., Wilmington, Del., "The Dyeing of Paper." (168) Du Pont de Nemours, Ε. I., & Co., Wilmington, Del., "The Manufacture and Dyeing of Paper," 1946. (169) Du Pont de Nemours, Ε. I., & Co., Wilmington, Del., "Vat Colors on Cotton." (170) Dussance, Hippolyte, "Treatise on the Coloring Matters Derived from Coal Tar," Philadel­ phia, H. C. Baird, 1863. (171) Emig, W. H., "Stain Technology," Lancaster, Science Press, 1941. (172) Eppendahl, F., "Betriebspraxis der Baumwollstrangfärberei," Berlin, 1920. (173) Erfurt, J., "Dyeing of Paper Pulp," trans. from the 2nd completely rev. ed. by J. Hübner. London, Scott, Greenwood, 1901. (174) Faber, J. G., "Synthese van d-enl-Kleurstoffen voor histologische doeleinden," Utrecht, Kemink, 1947. (175) Farrell, F. J., "Dyeing and Cleaning, a Practical Handbook," 5th ed., London, Griffin, 1929. (176) Ferrer, Ricardo, "Tintorería, lavado y quitamanchas (métodos y procedimientos modernos)," 2a ed., ampl., Barcelona, Monteso, 1948. (177) Fay, I. W., "The Chemistry of the Coal-tar Dyes," 2nd ed., rev. and enl., New York, Van Nostrand, 1919 (178) Felsen, F., "Der indigo und seine Konkurrenten; eine kritigche Verlag für Textilindustrie Zusammenstellung," Berlin, 1909. (179) Felsen, F., "Turkischrot und seine Konkurrenten; eine kritische Zusammenstellung," Berlin, 1911. (180) Fierz-David, H. E., "Künstliche organische Farbstoffe," Berlin, Springer, 1935. (181) Fierz-David, H. E., and Blangey, L., "Fundamental Processes of Dye Chemistry," trans. from the 5th Austrian ed., by Paul W. Vittum, New York, Interscience, 1949. (182) Fierz-David, H. E., and Blangey, L., "Grundlegend Operationen der Farben-Chemie," 7. unveränderte Aufl., Wien, Springer, 1947. (183) Fort, M., and Lloyd, L. L., "The Chemistry of Dyestuffs; a Manual for Students of Chemistry and Dyeing," Cambridge, England, University Press, 1950. (184) Fortunato, Marino, and Pieri, Corrado, "Tintura e stampa del nailon," Milano, Editoriale italiana, 1947. (185) Foster, L. E., ed., "The Cleaning and Dyeing of Celanese and Rayon Including a Brief History of Rayon and Its Manufacture," New York, Neb., L. E. Foster, 1929. (186) Fox, M. R., "Vat Dyestuffs and Vat Dyeing," New York, Wiley, 1947. (187) Frank, G. H., "The Manufacture of Intermediates and Dyes; an Introduction to Works Practice," New York, Chemical Publishing Co., 1952. (188) Fraps, G. S., "Principles of Dyeing," New York, Macmillan, 1903. (189) Fuks, E. S., "Apparaty dlia krasheniia i beleniia khlopchatobumazhnoĭpriazhi i bobinakh i navoiakh," Moskva, Gos. Nauch.-Tekhn. izd-vo Legkoĭ Promyshl., 1949. (190) Ganswindt, Albert, "Dyeing Silk, Mixed Silk Fabrics and Artificial Silks," trans, from the German by Charles Salter, London, Scott, Greenwood, 1921. (191) Gardner, John, ed., "Bleaching, Dyeing, and Calico-printing, with Formulae," Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1884. (192) Gardner, W. M., "Wool Dyeing," Philadelphia, Posselt, 1896-1904. (193) "Garment Dyeing and Cleaning," by the editors of the Laundry Record and Dyeing and Cleaning Trades Journal, London, Heywood, 1928. (194) Georgievics, G. C. T. von, "Die Beziehungen zwischen Farbe und Konstitution bei Farbstoffen," Zürich, Schulthess, 1921. (195) Georgievics, G. C. T. von, "Chemistry of Dye-stuffs," trans, from the 2nd German ed. by Charles Salter, London, Scott, Greenwood, 1903. (196) Georgievics, G. C. T. von, "Handbuch der Farbenchemie," 5. erw. Aufl., Leipzig und Wien, Deuticke, 1922. (197) Georgievics, G. C. T. von, "Lehrbuch der Farbenchemie," 4. Aufl. hrsg. von Eug. Grandmougin. ("Lehrbuch der chemischen Technologie der Gespinstfasern," pt. 1) Leipzig, und Wien, Deuticke, 1913. (198) Georgievics, G. C. T. von, and Grandmougin, E., "A Text-book of Dye Chemistry; the Chemistry of Dyestuffs," trans, and rev. from the 4th German ed. (with additions) by F. A. Mason., London, Scott, Greenwood, 1920. (199) Girard, C. F., and Lair, G. de., "Traité dérivés de la houille, applicables à la production des matières colorantes," Paris, Masson, 1873. (200) Glatey, H., Kruger, D., and Ulrich, G., "Technologie der Wolle" "(Technologie der Textilfasern," VIII, 3 B), Berlin, Springer, 1938. (201) Götze, Kurt, and Merten, C. R., "Praktische Kunstseidenfärberei in Stang und Stück," Berlin, Springer, 1933. (202) Green, A. G., "The Analysis of Dyestuffs and Their Identification in Dyed and Coloured Materials," 3rd ed., Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1920. Reprinted, London, Griffin, 1949. (203) Green, A. G., "A Systematic Survey of the Organic Colouring Matters; founded on the German of Drs. G. Schultz and P. Julius," London, Macmillan, 1904. In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.

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(204) Hall, A. J., "Textile Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing and Finishing Machinery," London, Benn, 1926. (205) Haller, R., "Chemische Technologie der Baumwolle" (Technologie der Textilfasern, IV, 3), Berlin, Springer, 1928. (206) Harrison, A. W. C., "Manufacture of Lakes and Precipitated Pigments," London, Leonard Hill, 1930. (207) Hathorne, B. L., "Rayon Dyeing and Finishing," New York, Howes, 1934. (208) Haynes, Williams, "Dyes Made in America, 1915-1940," Bound Brook, N. J., Calco Chemical Division, American Cynamid Co. (209) Heermann, Paul, "Dyer's Materials. An Introduction to the Examination, Evaluation and Application of Substances Used in Dyeing, Printing, Bleaching and Finishing," trans. by A. C. Wright, 3rd ed., London, Scott, Foresman, 1919. (210) Heermann, Paul, "Enzyklopädie der Textil-chemischen Technologie," Berlin, Springer,. 1930. (211) Heermann, Paul, "Färberei-und Textilchemische Untersuchungen," 8. neubearb., Aufl. von Andreas Agster., Berlin, Springer, 1951. (212) Heermann, Paul, "Technologie der Textilveredlung," Berlin, Springer, 1926. (213) Hellot, Jean, and others, "The Art of Dyeing Wool, Silk, and Cotton," trans, from the French, London, Scott, Greenwood, 1901. (214) Hetzer, Josef, "Textil-hilfsmitteltabellen" (insbesondere Schaum-, Netz-, Wasch-, Reinigungs-Dispergier-usw.-mittel) 2. Aufl., Berlin, Springer, 1938. (215) Heumann, Karl, "Die Anilinfarben und Ihre Fabrikation," 4 vol. in 7, Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1888-1906. (216) Heuser, E. J., "Die Apparatefärberei der Baumwolle und Wolle," Berlin, Springer, 1913. (217) Heusser, A. H., ed., "The History of the Silk Dyeing Industry in the United States," Paterson, N. J., Dyers' Association of America, 1927. (218) Hewitt, J. T., "Synthetic Colouring Matters; Dyestuffs Derived from Pyridine, Quinoline, Acridine and Zanthene," London and New York, Longmans, Green, 1922. (219) Higgins, S. H., "The Dyeing Industry," 3rd ed. of "Dyeing in Germany and America," London and New York, Longmans, Green, 1919. (220) Hohmuth, Otto, "Die Baumwollfärberei," Leipzig, Fochbuch, 1952. (221) Holderegger, Hansruedi, "Untersuchungen Über das Verhalten von Färbungen beim Waschen, Zürich, St. Gallen, 1950. (222) Horsfall, R. S., and Lawrie, L. G., "The Dyeing of Textile Fibres," 2nd ed., London, Chapman & Hall, 1949. (223) Hottenroth, Valentin, "Artificial Silk; a Complete Treatise on the Theory, Manufacture and Manipulation of All Known Types of Artificial Silk," trans, from the German by Ernest Fyleman, London, and New York, Pitman, 1928. (224) Hübner, Julius, "Bleaching and Dyeing of Vegetable Fibrous Materials," New York, Van Nostrand, 1927. (225) Hummel, J. J., "The Dyeing of Textile Fabrics," London, Cassell, 1885. (226) Hummel, J. J., and Hasbuck, P. N., "Mordants, Methods and Machinery Used in Dyeing," London, Cassell, 1906. (227) Hurst, G. H., "Colour," London, Scott, Greenwood, 1900. (228) Hurst, G. H., "Dictionary of the Coal-tar Colors," 2nd ed., rev. and enl., London, Heywood, 1896. (229) Hurst, G. H., "Silk Dyeing, Printing, and Finishing," London, Bell, 1892. (230) Ikle, C. F., "Ikat technique and Dutch East Indian Ikats," New York, Round Table Press, 1934. (231) Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, "Fachworterbuch für die Farbstoffe und Textilhilfsmittel verbrauchenden industrien," German-English. New York, Dictionaries, Inc., 1947. (232) Intersociety Color Council, Washington, D. C., "Comparative List of Color Terms, a Report," Comp. by Sidney M. Newhall and Josephine G. Brennan. 1949. (233) Justin-Mueller Édouard, "Les phénomènes de teinture," Paris, Edition Textile, 1930. (234) Kale, D. G., "Dyeing with Fast AVIK Dyes," Kanpur, India, M. D. Kale, 1949. (235) Kierstead, S. P., "Natural Dyes." Boston, Bruce Humphries, 1950. (236) Kind, Walter, "Das Bleichen der Pflanzenfasern," 3. verm. und verb. Aufl., Berlin, Springer, 1932. (237) Kinosa, S., "Notes on Dyeing and Weaving in Ancient Japan." S. Pasadena, Calif., P. D. and Ione Perkins, 1940. (238) Knecht, E., and Fothergill, J. B., "The Principles and Practice of Textile Printing," 2nd ed., London, Griffin, 1936. (239) Knecht, E., Rawson, C., and Loewenthal, R., "A Manual of Dyeing," 2 vol., 9th ed., London, Griffin, 1933. (240) Lamb, M. C., " Leather Dressing, Including Dyeing, Staining and Finishing," 3rd ed., London, Anglo-American Technical Co., 1925. (241) Lastovskiĭ, R. P., "Tekhnicheskiĭanaliz ν proizvodstve promezhutochnykh produetov i krasiteleĭ," 2. izd., Moskva, Gos. Nauch.-Tekhn. izd-vo., Khim. Lit-ry, 1949. (242) Leechman, J. D., "Vegetable Dyes from North American Plants," Saint Paul, The Webb Publishing Co., 1945. In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.


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(243) Leggett, W. F., "Ancient and Medieval Dyes," New York, Chemical Publishing Co., 1944. (244) Lehne, Α., "Färberei und Zeugdruck," Wittenberg, Ziemsen, 1926. (245) Ley, Hermann, "Die neuzeitliche Seidenfärberei; Handbuch für die Seidenfärbereien, Färbereischulen und Farbereilaboratorien," 2. verm, und verb. Aufl., Berlin, Springer, 1931. (246) Lilley, Agnes, "Color Crafts for Everyone," Chicago, Rit Products Corp., 1945. (247) Littlejohns, I. B., "Ornamental Homecrafts, a Practical Description of Various Methods of Ornamenting by Means of Dyeing, Gesso, Bleaching, Batik, Lacquer, Enamelling," London and New York, Pitman, 1927. (248) Liu, Ching-i, "The Structure and Properties of Some Metallic Derivatives of Dyes," Urbana, Illinois, University of Illinois, 1951. (249) Lloyd, Joyce, "Dyes from Plants." Lower Hutt?, Ν. Z., 1950. (250) Losano, M . , "Smacchiatura e tintura dei vestiti: lavaggio a secco, candeggio dei vestiti di lana; impermeabilizzazione dei vestiti," Torino, Lavagnolo, 1951. (251) Luckiesh, M . , "Color and its Application," New York, Van Nostrand, 1915. (252) Ludt, R. W., "The Flotation of Copper Silicate by Alkyl-substituted Triphenyl Methane Dyes," Thesis, Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, East Lansing, 1947. Microfilmed by University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1947. (253) McFarlane, R. Α., "Processing and Finishing of Rayon Fabrics," London, Courtaulds, 1948. (254) McMyn, J. W., and Bardsley, J. W., "Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing and Finishing for the Manchester Trade; a Book Intended for Warehousemen, Textile Students and Others Interested in This Important Section of the Textile Industry," London, New York, Pitman, 1932. (255) Mairet, Ε. M . , "Vegetable Dyes; Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer," 6th ed., New York, Chemical Publishing Co., 1939. (256) Marsden, Κ. E., "Textile Dyeing and Finishing," London and New York, Southern Editorial Syndicate, 1947. (257) Matthews, J. M . , "Application of Dyestuffs to Textiles, Paper, Leather and Other Materials," New York, Wiley, 1920. (258) Matthews, J. M . , "Bleaching and Related Processes, as Applied to Textile Fibers and Other Materials." New York, Chemical Catalog Co., 1921. (259) Matthews, J. M . , "Laboratory Manual of Dyeing and Textile Chemistry," New York, Wiley, 1909. (260) Mayer, Fritz, and Cook, A. H . , "Chemistry of Natural Coloring Matters," New York, Reinhold, 1943. (261) Mees, C. Ε. K., "The Theory of the Photographic Process," New York, Macmillan, 1942. (262) Mitchell, C. Α., and Prideaux, R. M . , "Fibres Used in Textile and Allied Industries," London, Scott, Greenwood, 1910. (263) Möhlau, Richard, "Organische Farbstoffe, welche in der Textilindustrie Verwendung finden; Uebersicht ihrer Zusammenserzung, Gewinnung, Eigenschaften, Reaktionen und ihrer Anwendung zum Färben und Bedrucken von Siede, Wolle und Baumwolle," Dresden, Bloem, 1890. (264) Mullin, C. E., "Acetate Silk and its Dyes," New York, Van Nostrand, 1927. (265) Munsell, A. H., "Book of Color; Defining, Explaining, and Illustrating the Fundamental Char­ acteristics of Color: a Revision and Extension of the 'Atlas of the Munsell Color System,'" Abridged ed., Baltimore, Munsell Color Co., 1929. (266) Nietzki, R. H . , "Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der künstlichen organischen Farbstoffe," ("Sammlung Chemischen und Chemisch-technischen Vortrage," 7. Bd., S. 159-188), Stutt­ gart, Enke, 1902. (267) Noelting, D. E., and Lehne, Α., "Aniline Black and Its Applications in Dyeing and Printing," trans. by A. Morris, London, Heywood, 1909. (268) Olney, L. Α., "Textile Chemistry and Dyeing," 10th ed., Boston, Spaulding-Moss Co., 1947. (269) Osburn, Β. N . , "Home Craft Course in Pennsylvania German Spinning and Dyeing," Plym­ outh Meeting, Penn., Keyser, 1945. (270) Osipova, R. S., "Prochnost' okraski khlopchatobumazhnikh tkanei," Moskva, Gos. Nauchnotekhn. Izd-vo Tekstil., Legkoĭi P o l i g r .



(271) Owen, F. Α., "The Dyeing and Cleaning of Textile Fabrics; a Handbook for the Amateur and the Professional," New York, Wiley, 1909. (272) Parslow, V. D., "Weaving and Dyeing Processes in Early New York, Cooperstown, Ν. Y., Farmers Museum, 1949. (273) Paterson, David, "Colour-matching on Textiles; a Manual Intended for the Use of Dyers, Calico Printers, and Textile Colour Chemists," London, Scott, Greenwood, 1901. (274) Paterson, David, "The Colour Printing of Carpet Yarns," London, Scott, Greenwood, 1900. (275) Paterson, David, "Textile Colour Mixing; a Manual Intended for the Use of Dyers, Calico Printers and Colour Chemists," 3rd ed., London, Benn, 1927. (276) Pawlie, Edward, "The Practical Handbook of Garment Dyeing and Cleaning," Philadelphia, Frank, 1909. (277) Pellew, C. E., "Dyes and Dyeing," New York, McBride, 1928. (278) Perkin, A. G., and Everest, A. E., "Natural Organic Coloring Matters," New York, Long­ mans, Green, 1918. (279) Pierce, E. W., "Modern Methods of Dyeing," New York, Ciba Co., 1940.

In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.

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(280) Pratt, L. S., "The Chemistry and Physics of Organic Pigments," New York, Wiley, 1947. (281) Prelini, Giuseppe, "Sbianca e tintura delle fibre tessili; stampa dei tessuti," 2. ed., completamente rifatta. Milano, Hoepli, 1949. (282) Prüfer, H., "Die Wollen- und Halbwollenstückfärberei in ihrem ganzen Umfange," Leipzig, Weigel, 1878. (283) Rawson, C., Gardner, W. M., Laycock, W. F., "A Dictionary of Dyes, Mordants, and Other Compounds Used in Dyeing and Calico Printing," London, Griffin, 1937. (284) Remington, J. S., "Pigments, Their Manufacture and Properties," London, Leonard Hill, 1947. (285) Robinet, Maurice, "Précis de teinture des fibres textiles," 2ème éd., Paris, Editions Teintex, 1951. (286) Rinoldi, Luigi, "Tintura generale delle fibre tessili e materie affini," 3. ed., Roma-Biella, Laniera, 1950. (287) Rowe, F. M., "The Development of the Chemistry of Commercial Synthetic Dyes," (18561938), London, Institute of Chemistry, 1939. (288) Sansone, Antonio, "Dyeing: Comprising the Dyeing and Bleaching of Wool, Silk, Cotton, Flax, Hemp, China Grass," 2 vol., Manchester, A. Heywood & Son, 1888. (289) Saunders, Κ. H., "Aromatic Diazo Compounds and Their Technical Applications," 2nd ed., London, Edward Arnold, 1949. (290) Schaeffer, Albert, "Handbuch der Färberei und anderer Prozesse der Textilveredlung," 5 vol., Stuttgart, Konradin. 1949/50. (291) Scherf, C. F., "Die Kleinfärberel und ihre Hebenindustrien," 4. Aufl., Leipzig, 1899. (292) Schmid, Heinrich, "Ueber 2-Aminothizol und ihre Verwendung zur Herstellung von Fabstoffen," Zurich, Juris-Verlag, 1950. (293) Schwalbe, C. G., "Neuere Färbetheorien" ("Sammlung Chemischer und Chemisch-Technischer Vorträge," 12. Bd., S. 113-230), Stuttgart, Enke, 1907. (294) Sharova, Z. P., "Podgotovka i krashenie natural'nogo i iskusstvennogo melka," Moskva, Gos. Nauchno-Tekhn. Izd-vo Legkoĭ Priomyshl., 1950. (295) Shreve, R. N., Watson, N., and Wills, A. R., "Dyes Classified by Intermediates; Dyes Tabularly Arranged under Each Intermediate, with Statistical and Other Data for Both Dyes

and Intermediates. Glossary of Dye and Intermediate Names Alphabetically Arranged," New York, Chemical Catalog Co., 1922. (296) Shultz, G. T., "Farbstofftabellen," 7. Aufl., neubearb. und erweitert von Ludwig Lehmann, Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1931. (297) Skinkly, J. H., "Practical Tests for Quantitatively Evaluating Dye Characteristics and Dye­ ing Methods," Lowell Textile Institute, Ser. 53, Bull. No. 21, Lowell, Mass., Lowell Textile Institute, 1949. (298) Society of Dyers and Colourists, Bradford, Eng, "Colour Index," ed. by F. M. Rowe, 1924. Supplement, ed. by F. M. Rowe, 1928. (299) Society of Dyers and Colourists, Bradford, Eng., "Jubilee Volume," 1934. (300) Society of Dyers and Colourists, Bradford, Eng., "Report on the Work of the Fastness Com­ mittee in Fixing Standards for Light, Perspiration and Washing," 1934. (301) Society of the Dyers and Colourists, Bradford, Eng., "Symposium on Recent Advances in the Theory and Practice of Dyeing," 1948. (302) Steinbauer, H. R., "Der Anilindruck," 2. neubearb. Aufl., Frankfurt-am-Main, Polygraph Verlag, 1949. (303) Steinbeck, C. H., "Bleichen und Färben der Seide und Halbseide in Strang und Stück, Berlin, 1895. (304) Textile World, "The Bleaching, Dyeing and Finishing Handbook," Rev. ed. New York, Mc­ Graw-Hill, 1948. (305) Theis, F. C, " 'Khaki' on Cotton and Other Textile Material," trans, by E. C. Kayser, Berlin, Krayn, 1903. (306) Thomas, Η. Α., "Technique of Dyeing Rayons," 2nd ed., London, Emmott, 1944. (307) Thorpe, J. F., and Ingold, C. K., "Synthetic Colouring Matters; Vat Colours," London and New York, Longmans, Green, 1923. (308) Thorpe, J. F., and Linstead, R. P., "Synthetic Dyestuffs and the Immediate Products from Which They Are Derived," New York, Lippincott, 1934. (309) Thurston, Violetta, "Use of Vegetable Dyes," London, Dryad Press, 1946. (310) Thurston, Violetta, "Use of Vegetable Dyes for Beginners, with Pen Drawings of Some British Dye Plaids," Peoria, Ill., Manual Arts, 1942. (311) Trotman, S. R., and Trotman, E. R., "The Bleaching, Dyeing, and Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres," 2nd ed., London, Griffin, 1946. (312) Ullmann, G., "Die Apparate-färberei," Berlin, Springer, 1905. (313) U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, "Artificial Dyestuffs Used in the United States," (Quantity and value of foreign imports and of domestic production during the fiscal year 1913-14) by T. H. Norton, Washington, D. C., Govt. Printing Office, 1916. (314) U. S. Tariff Commission, "Dyes," (prepared in response to requests from the Committee on Finance of the United States Senate and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives), Washington, D. C., U. S. Govt. Printing Office, 1946. (315) Venkataraman, K., "The Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes," New York, Academic Press, 1952.

In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.

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(316) Vickerstaff, Thomas, "Investigations into Dyeing of Synthetic Fibres; a Paper Read before the Institut Textile de France, 17th October, 1950," London, Imperial Chemical Industries, 1952. (317) Vickerstaff, Thomas, "The Physical Chemistry of Dyeing," London, published for Imperial Chemical Industries by Oliver and Boyd, 1950. (318) Wahl, André, "The Manufacture of Organic Dyestuffs," trans, from the French by F. W. Atack, London, Bell, 1919. (319) Watson, E. R., "Colour in Relation to Chemical Constitution," London and New York, Longmans, Green, 1918. (320) Weltzien, Wilhelm, "Chemische und Physikalische Technologie der Kundstseiden," Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1930. (321) Weyrich, Paul, "Das Färben und Bleichen der Textilfasern in Apparaten," Berlin, Springer, 1937. (322) Wheeler, Edward, "Manufacture of Artificial Silk, with Special Reference to the Viscose Process," New York, Van Nostrand, 1931. (323) Whittaker, C. M., "Dyeing with Coal Tar Dyestuffs; the Principles Involved and the Meth­ ods Employed," 5th ed., London, Baillière, Tindall and Cox, 1949. (324) Whittaker, C. M., ed., "The Fibro Manual," London, Sylvan Press, 1949. (325) Whittaker, C. M., "The Testing of Dyestuffs in the Laboratory," London, Heywood, 1921. (326) Williams, J. G., "Textiles on Test; a Study for Distributors and Consumers of the Wearing and Washing Properties of Fabrics and Garments," London, Chapman and Hall, 1931. (327) Wood, J. K., "The Chemistry of Dyeing," rev. ed., New York, Van Nostrand, 1926. (328) Woodhouse, Thomas, "Artificial Silk or Rayon, its Manufacture and Uses," 2nd ed. London, Pitman, 1929. (329) Wulf, Heinrich, "Farbwarenkunde," Oldenburg, Müller, 1950. (330) Zerr, G., and Mayer, C , "Tests for Coal-tar Colors in Aniline Lakes," Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1910. (331) Zimmerman, C. L., "Some Studies of the Tendering of Sulfur Black Dyed Cotton," M. S. thesis, Georgia School of Technology, Atlanta, 1942. (332) Zühlke, Eduard, "Analyse von Färbungen," Leipzig, Janecke, 1937. (333) Zühlke, Eduard, "Praktischer Leitfaden zum Färben von Textilfasern in Laboratories" Berlin, Springer, 1930. Textile Printing (334) Berliner, J. J., and staff, New York, "Berliner Research Report on Screen Printing," 1949. (335) Berliner, J. J., and staff, New York, "Berliner Research Report on Textile Printing and De­ signs," 1949. (336) Biegeleisen, J. I., and Busenbark, E. J., "Silk Screen Printing Process," 2nd ed., New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,1941. (337) Brooks, Evelyn, "Your Textile Printing," London, Sylvan Press, 1950. (338) Capey, Reco, "The Printing of Textiles," New York, Wiley, 1930. (339) Clouzot, Henri, "Painted and Printed Fabrics, the History of the Manufactory at Jouy and other Ateliers in France 1760-1815," New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1927. Notes on the history of cotton printing, especially in England and America, by Frances Morris. (340) Corbin, T. J., "Hand Block Printing on Fabrics," London, Pitman, 1934. (341) Diserens, Louis, "The Chemical Technology of Dyeing and Printing; Vat, Sulfur, Indigosol, Azo and Chrome Dyestuffs and their Auxiliaries," 2 vol., translated and revised from 2nd German ed., by Paul Wengraf and Herman P. Baumann. New York, Reinhold, 1948-1951. (342) Diserens, Louis, "Die Neuesten Fortschritte in der Anwendung der Farbstoffe; Hilfsmittel in der Textilindustrie," Basel, Birkhäuser, 1941. (343) Diserens, Louis, "Neueste Fortschritte und Verfahren in der chemischen Technologie der Textilfasern," Basel, Birkhàuser, 1946. (344) Gardner, John, ed., "Bleaching, Dyeing, and Calico-printing, with Formulae," Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1884. (345) Hall, A. J., "Textile Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing and Finishing Machinery," London, Benn, 1926. (346) "Handbuch des Zeugdrucks," hrsg. von Prof. Dr. G. Georgievics, Prof. Dr. R. Haller, und Dr. L. Lichtenstein, Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1930. (347) Hiett, H. L., and Clemence, W., "Silk Screen Process Production," London, Blandford Press, 1948. (348) Jacobs, F. F., "Textile Printing," New York, Chartwell House, 1952. (349) Kasper, Karl, "Bunter Traum auf gewebtem Grund; aus der Wunderwelt des Stoffdrucks," Berlin, Otto Eisner. (350) Knecht, Edmund, and Fothergill, J. B., "The Principles and Practice of Textile Printing," London, Griffin, 1912. (351) Lehne, Α., "Fârberei und Zeugdruck," Wittenberg, Ziemsen, 1926, (352) McMyn, J. W., and Bardsley, J. W., "Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing and Finishing," 2nd ed. London, Pitman, 1932. (353) Rothwell, C. F. S., "The Printing of Textile Fabrics; a Practical Manual on the Printing of Cotton, Woollen, Silk and Half-silk Fabrics," London, Griffin, 1897. In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



(354) Steinbeck, C. H., "Bleichen und Fârben der Seide und Halbseide in Strang und Stuck," Berlin, 1895.

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(355) Taussig, W., "Screen Printing," 2nd ed., Manchester, England, Clayton Aniline Co.,


Journals (356) American Association of Textile Technologists, Papers, quarterly, 1946-. (357) American Dyestuff Reporter; includes Proceedings of the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, biweekly, 1916-. Contains abstracts, and patent literature beginning July 1946. (358) American Wool and Cotton Reporter, weekly, 1887-. (359) AnalesInvestigacion Textil. (Barcelona), monthly, 1949-. (360) British Cotton Industry Research Association Summary of Current Literature, monthly, 1921-. Contains abstracts. Manchester, England. (361 ) British Rayon and Silk Journal, monthly, 1924-. (362) Bulletin de VInstitut Textile de France. Documentation et recherche, bimonthly, 1947-. (363) Canadian Textile Journal, monthly, 1883-. (364) Color Trade Journal and Textile Chemist., 1917-1925. (365) Deutsche Textilgewerbe (Zeitschriftfiir die Gesamte Textil Industrie), monthly, 1949-. (366) Dyer; Textile Printer, Bleacher and Finisher, biweekly, 1879-. (367) Egyptian Cotton Gazette, journal of the Alexandria Cotton Exporters Association, Alexandria, Egypt, semiannual, 1947-. (368) Farber-Zeitung. Zeitschrift fur Fârberei, Zeugdruck und den gesamten Farbenverbrauch, 18891920. Organ des Vereines der Chemiker-Koloristen. Superseded by Textilberichte uber Wissenschaft, Industrie, und Handel, later Melliand Textilberichte. (369) Faserforschung und Textiltechnik, 1950-. (370) Faserforschung, Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaft und Technik der Faserpflanzen und der Bastfaserindustrie, 1921-1944. (371) Fibers, Fabrics, & Cordage, 1944-1950. Superseded by Textile Quarterly. (372) Indian Textile Journal, monthly, 1890-. (373) L'Industrie textile, monthly, 1885-. Contains abstracts. (374) Journal of the Society of Dyes and Colourists, 1884-. Contains abstracts. (375) Journal of the Textile Institute, Proceedings and Abstracts, monthly, 1910-. (376) Journal of the Textile Institute, Transactions, monthly, 1910-. (377) Kunstseide und Zellwolle, 1919-1950. Superseded by Reyon, Zellwolle und andere Chemiefasern, Jan. 1951. Contains abstracts. (378) Melliand Textilberichte, monthly, 1920-. Résumés in English, French, German and Spanish. (379) Monatschriftfur Textil-Industrie, 1895-1943. (380) Rayon and Synthetic Textiles, monthly, 1925-. Contains abstracts and patent literature. (381) Rayonne et fibres synthétiques, 1945-. Contains abstracts. (382) Revue générale des matières colorantes, 1897-1940. (383) Reyon, Zellwolle und andere Chemiefasern, 1951-. Contains abstracts. (384) Rusta-Rayonne (Revue universelle de la soie et des textiles artificiels), 1926-1940. Contains abstracts. (385) Shirley Institute Memoirs, 1922-. Contains abstracts. (386) Skinner's Silk and Rayon Record, formerly Silk and Rayon. Manchester, Eng., 1928-. (387) Svenska Textilforskningsinstitutet, 1946-. (388) Teintex. Revue générale des matières colorantes. Contains abstracts and patent literature. (389) TekstiV naya Promyshlennost, monthly, 1941-. (390) De Tex, (Technisch Wetenschappelijk Tidjschrift voor de Textielindustrie), 1942-. (391) De TextieUIndustrie. (Vakblad voor de Textielfabricage, imen Export Endegroothandel in Textielgoederen, C. Misset, Doetichem, 1920-. (392) Textielwezen (Le Monde textile), monthly, 1945-. (393) Textilhandel, Herford, Germany, 1946-. (394) Textil Industrie, Zeitschrift fur die Gesamte des Deutsche Textilgewerbe, Dusseldorf, 1951-. (395) Textil-mitteilungen, Dùsseldorf, 1946-. (396) Textil och Konfektion, Stockholm, 1944-. (397) Textil-Praxis, Berichte aus Betrieb und Forschung fur Spinnerei, Weberei, Wirkerei, Bleicherei, Fârberei, Druckerei und Ausrustung, monthly, 1946-. (398) Textil, Revista Técnica de las Industrias del Tejido, Sindicato Nacional Textil, Madrid, monthly, 1944-. Contains abstracts and Patent literature. (399) Textil-Rundschau, Monatsschrift fur Wissenschaft und Technik der Textil- und Papierindustrie, monthly, 1946-. Contains abstracts. (400) Textil-Sonderhefte, Dusseldorf, 1948-. (401 ) Textil- und Bekleidungsgewerbe: Schriften zur Berufsfortbildung, 1947-. (402) Textil-wirUchaft, Stuttgart, 1946-. (403) Textil-Zeitung, Supplement to Industrierte Textilzeitung, Wiesbaden, 1927-. (404) Textile Age, monthly, 1937-. (405) Textile Bulletin, monthly, 1911-. (406) Textile Colorist and Converter, monthly 1879-1948. (407) Textile Industries, monthly, supersedes Cotton (Atlanta), 1877-1946.

In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.


214 (408) (409) (410) (411) (412) (413) (414) (415) (416) (417) (418) (419) (420) (421) (422)

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Textile Industries and Fibres, formerly Fibres, monthly, 1940-. Textile Japan, (Japan Textile Industry Research Institute) Tokyo, 1951-52. Textile Journal of Australia, Melbourne, monthly, 1926-. Contains abstracts and patent literature. Textile Manufacturer, monthly, 1874-. Contains abstracts and patent literature. Textile Mercury and Argus, weekly, 1889-. Contains abstracts and patent literature. Textile Monthly (Tokyo), Japan Textile Industry Research Institute, 1949-. Textile Quarterly, 1951-. Supersedes Fibres, Fabrics and Cordage which ceased in 1950. Textile Recorder, monthly, 1883-. Contains patent literature. Textile Research Journal, monthly, 1930-. Abstracts published in journal through 1949. Textile Research Journal Abstracts, Textile Research Institute, New York, monthly, 1950-. Textile Technology Digest, Institute of Textile Technology, Charlottesville, V a . Monthly, 1944-. Contains Abstracts. Textile Weekly, 1928-. Contains patent literature. Textile World, monthly, 1888-. Textiler (Schweizerischen Textil-und Fabrikarbeiter-verband), Zurich, 1904-. Tidsskrift for Textilteknik. Udgivet af Danmarks Textiltekniske Copenhagen, 1943.- Contains abstracts. Wool Record and Textile World, Thomas Skinner and Co., Bradford, E n g . , 1909-.


(424) (425) (426) (427) (428) (429) (430) (431) (432) (433) (434) (435) (436) (437) (438) (439) (440) (441) (442) (443) (444) (445)


Chemical Engineering, monthly, 1902-. Chemical and Engineering News, weekly, 1923-. Chemical Industries, monthly, 1914-. Chemistry and Industry, weekly, 1881-. Chimie & industrie, monthly, 1917-. Contains abstracts. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, monthly, 1909-. Journal of the American Chemical Society, monthly, 1879-. Contains abstracts. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, monthly, 1924-. Contains abstracts. Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, quarterly, 1915-. Journal of Chemical Education, monthly, 1924-. Journal of the Chemical Society (London), monthly, 1841-. Journal of the Chemical Society of Japan, monthly, 1880Journal of Colloid Science, bimonthly, 1946-. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, monthly, 1924-. Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, monthly, 1896-. Journal of Polymer Science, bimonthly, 1945-. Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, monthly, 1928-. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry (London), monthly, 1882-. Kolloid Zeitschrift, monthly, 1906-. Makromolekulare Chemie, quarterly, 1947-. Science, weekly, 1880-. Soap and Sanitary Chemicals, monthly, 1925-. Contains abstracts.

RECEIVED October 14, 1952. Presented before the Division of Chemical Literature, Symposium on Literature of Textile Chemistry, at the 122nd Meeting of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Atlantic City, N . J.

In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.