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private concern are necessarily on the small side, and it would be a matter of good ..... schaften," a directory of German companies, gives detailed i...
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Market Research in Western Europe F. P. STEVENS

Downloaded by UNIV OF PITTSBURGH on May 3, 2015 | Publication Date: June 17, 1954 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1954-0010.ch007

Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Nobel House, Imperial Chemical House, Millbank, London S.W. 1, England

Information on chemical markets in western continental Europe is compiled from government or semiofficial statistical publications, from directories of manufacturers, and from trade journals and other publications which help to build up a background for a market investigation. A selected list of publications is presented; and their contents are described.

T h i s is not a paper i n the ordinary sense of the term. These preliminary remarks are intended to serve only as an introduction to the sources of information on chemical markets in western continental Europe. The majority of the sources will be familiar to most •people working i n this field, but there may be an occasional one or two of value which have been overlooked hitherto by some, and if this is so, the labor of compiling the list will not have been i n vain. The sources chosen for inclusion are those generally familiar to the author and his colleagues. They are, i n fact, those which are regularly or inter­ mittently consulted for the provision of data for market research, or are being kept i n mind for future eventualities. The list is by no means exhaustive, large as i t is there must be many gaps, but there may be an advantage i n selecting only those sources which are considered valuable for the purpose i n question i n the light of practical experience. The sources mentioned are freely available to a l l . They consist mainly, of printed publications which can be purchased through the usual channels. F o r convenience, they may be classified as follows. Statistics generally appear i n government or semi­ official publications and include figures on output, imports and exports, and on a host of economic factors such as public finance, labor conditions, price movements, and cost of living trends, which have a bearing on business and competitive conditions. Directories show the names of manufacturers or other suppliers of products, revealing the identity of competitors or potential customers. Other sources consists chiefly of trade journals and other organs of the press, which are the main regular sources of the innumerable scraps of information collected on a routine basis; these help to build up the background for a market investigation. I n the author's experience, these public sources constitute the main channels for the data used i n the kind of market research which is carried out at the headquarters of a company, the research with which he is himself concerned. This is not to discount the importance of private sources of information, such as sales personnel actually i n contact with a market, sales agents, and the like. The organization of a routine flow of information through the selling side is inclined to be difficult, however, since the salesman is quite naturally preoccupied with current problems and cannot be expected to have the almost academic detachment of the research worker. A glance at the list will at once reveal an uneveness i n the amount of material provided for the different countries. I t is natural to expect a more highly evolved press i n the more developed countries, but i t must be confessed that the main reason for the difference in treatment is the language difficulty. The staffs of market research organizations i n a private concern are necessarily on the small side, and i t would be a matter of good fortune indeed if i t should turn out to be possible to recruit a membership of economists and tech57

In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



nical people who together could cover the majority of European languages. I n practice i t is necessary to hope that the news from countries whose languages are less known will be covered i n the press of neighboring countries whose languages are more familiar. Something should be said, perhaps, about the value, accuracy, credibility, and other characteristics of the sources listed, but i t is practically impossible to generalize about such a mass of material. I t is hoped that the discussion of each item, briefly indicating the contents, or otherwise commenting on the source, will provide some guide. I n any case, every worker i n this market research field knows that the value or credi­ bility of every single item of information, even when taken from the most respectable sources, must be weighed and tested i n the fight of experience and against the available knowledge around the subject. E v e n government statistics, although perfectly accurate, may not represent what they seem and require further explanation or interpretation.

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Sources of Information General. T h e statistical bulletin issued b y the Organization for European Economic Co-operation (1) contains economic statistics for the countries participating i n the organization—Austria, Belgium and Luxemburg, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Turkey, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. A l l figures are given for individual countries. Indices of total industrial output and of production i n food, mining, textile, chemical, basic metal, and engineering industries are given on a monthly basis. Production, by quantity, is given on a monthly or quarterly basis for the materials listed in Table I . Table I.

List of Materials and Industries for Which Production Figures A r e Given in

the O.E.E.C. General Statistical Bulletin Aluminum, primary Bricks, building Cement Coal Coke Copper, primary Cotton Fabrics R a w , consumption a n d stocks Yarn Electricity Fertilizers, nitrogenous Iron Ferro-alloys Ore Pig Lead Ore Primary M a c h i n e tools M o t o r cars Paper a n d paper board (also c o n s u m p t i o n )

R a i l w a y cars Rayon S t a p l e fiber Yarn Rubber, natural ( c o n s u m p t i o n a n d stocks) Shipbuilding Steel Crude Finished S u l f u r (also c o n s u m p t i o n ) Sulfuric acid Textile machinery T i m b e r (also c o n s u m p t i o n ) Tractors, agricultural Wood pulp Wool Fabrics Unmanufactured, consumption Yarn Zinc P r i m a r y , a n d c o n s u m p t i o n thereof

Agricultural production and food supply figures are given on an annual basis. Popu­ lation and man power figures, including employment and unemployment, are given on a monthly basis. Figures on foreign trade, given on a monthly basis, include total trade, distribution, trade balances, and changes i n terms of trade. Prices—wholesale price, cost of living and earnings indexes, prices of major world trade commodities, and agri­ cultural prices—are given on a monthly basis. Figures for finance, including gold and foreign exchange holdings, exchange rates, indexes of share prices, money supply, and European Payments Union settlements, are given monthly. In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.

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Tables for each country summarizing the principal statistics of general economic importance are given monthly. The ' 'United Nations Statistical Yearbook" (2) contains statistics for countries throughout the world on population, manpower, land use, agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, mining and quarrying, manufacture (for a selected group of important products such as foods and fuels), external trade, balance of payments, national income, currency and credits, public finance, social welfare, and education. Production statistic include data for sulfuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acid, caustic soda, superphosphates, nitrogenous fertilizers, "benzol," phosphate rock, potash, and sulfur. Austria. T h e Statistische Nachrichten (#), issued monthly, gives statistics on population, labor conditions, production, foreign trade, and wholesale prices. Production figures are given for caustic soda, chlorine, carbon dioxide, calcium carbide, lime-ammo­ nium nitrate, acetylene (dissolved), oxygen, soda crystals, soaps and detergents, cellulose, rayon, and magnesite. Official returns of imports and exports are given i n "Statistik des Aussenhandel Oesterreichs" (4). Belgium. T h e Bulletin de Statistique (δ) gives comprehensive statistical infor­ mation on a l l aspects of the Belgian economy including descriptive analyses of eco­ nomic developments. There is a l i m i t e d section on chemical i n d u s t r y showing output and number of employees and hours worked for industries producing synthetic and b y ­ product nitrogen, nitrogenous fertilizers and technical products, and tar and benzol products. Official monthly returns of imports and exports are given i n a bulletin (6). T w o directories of value have been issued. The "Indicateur des Produits Belges" (8), a gen­ eral directory of products and suppliers, contains an alphabetical list of products, showing suppliers, but i t does not indicate which are manufacturers of the products i n question and which are only merchants. This contains an English index of products. A directory of Belgian chemical manufacturers and merchants (7) covers the more important producers, gives an alphabetical listing of chemical products, and indicates separately the manufacturers and merchants. The Federation des Industries Chimiques de Belgique issues a monthly organ (9) containing articles mainly on strictly technical subjects. Branches of the Belgian chemical industry are described; there is a section of foreign news items; a table of Belgian chemical prices; and an index to advertisers of chemicals and chemical plants, classified by products. Denmark. The government statistical department publishes annually statistics on population, weather, surface area, employment, housing, agriculture, industry (num­ bers employed i n different branches), output of principal products (virtually no chemicals), fuel and power supplies, transport, consumption of food and staple commodities, cost of living, wholesale and retail prices, public finance, social insurance, and education. This publication (11) is i n French as well as Danish. There is a yearbook for the Danish industry (12) which gives general statistics for the various industries (number of works, number of workers, primary power machinery, electric motors, and fuel and electricity consumption) ; extensive tables for each new i n ­ dustry show output of products and consumption of raw and auxiliary materials. Among the industries dealt with are the explosives, soap, paint and chemicals industries. Among individual chemicals listed are soda crystals, synthetic detergents, baking powder, flavors, acetic acid, saccharin, gelatine, pharmaceuticals, polishes, dry colors, insecticides, weed killers, disinfectants, a m y l and butyl alcohols, ethyl acetate, molding powders, synthetic resins, tanning extracts, and hydrochloric acid. There is some guidance i n French. Official annual returns of imports and exports are given i n " D a n m a r k s Vareinf^rsel og Udf^rsel" (10); official monthly returns are given i n Varomsaetningen med Udlandet (13), but these are not by countries of origin or destination. A directory of Danish exporters (14) gives a list of Danish products with names and addresses of suppliers. This gives reasonably good coverage of products including a few in the chemical field. There is an index of products i n English. In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.

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Finland. A government statistical annual (15), contains statistics on area of country, population, health, agriculture, fisheries and forests, industries (including em­ ployment i n the different branches, output value, wages and raw material costs, and production of more important products) transportation, foreign trade, currency and credit, social insurance, cost of living, wholesale price indexes, and retail prices. Chemical m a ­ terials for which production figures are given include sulfuric acid, superphosphate, chlo­ rine, caustic soda, wood tar, lime, paints and varnishes, rayon, and chemical pulps. The information is given i n Finnish, Swedish, and French. A statistical yearbook of the Furnish industries (16) includes general statistics for the various branches of industry (value of output, number of workers, wages, and motive power), and detailed tables of output and raw material consumption by the different i n ­ dustries. Chemicals for which output figures are given include paints, varnishes, and lacquers, superphosphate, turpentine, explosives, chlorine, caustic soda (solid and solu­ tion), hydrochloric acid,.phosphates, trichlorethylene, chlorophenolates, calcium hypo­ chlorite, carbon tetrachloride, calcium carbide, potassium chlorate, carbon dioxide (liquid), sulfuric acid, water glass, metasilicate, plastics and synthetic resins, dichloroethane, and chloral. F o r lacquers and varnishes, and plastics and synthetic resins, data are given for individual products. Official annual returns of imports and exports are given i n "Utrikeshandel Arspublik a t i o n " (17), and official monthly returns are given i n Utrikeshandel M ânads-publikation (18). M o n t h l y figures are not very detailed; countries of origin or destination are not given. A general directory of Finnish suppliers (19) has been issued i n several languages, including English. About 40 chemicals are given i n the classified list of products. The quarterly Finnish Trade Review (20) contains articles on industry, trade, and other matters affecting the Finnish economy, with a few statistics and news items. This is published i n English. France. A n official bulletin (21), issued monthly, gives statistics on popula­ tion, employment, industrial production, foreign trade, retail and wholesale prices, wages, a n d public finance. Production figures are given for the chemicals listed i n Table I I . Statistics on industrial production are given i n greater detail in another official publi­ cation (22) issued annually. This provides output data (in many cases ajso domestic delivery and foreign trade data) for the products of most of the main industries, including those listed i n Table I I I , for the chemical industry. Official import and exports are available monthly (23). A directory of the French chemical industry (24) gives alphabetical lists of suppliers and products. There is no discrimination between manufacturers and merchants. A French newspaper (25) includes news items on developments i n industries, markets, and individual companies i n France, with valuable coverage, also, for other countries. Short articles on general developments of an economic and commercial nature, which are useful in throwing light on current trends, are also included. Table II.

Chemicals Listed in the Bulletin Mensuelle de Statistique

Ammonia A m m o n i u m sulfate (synthetic a n d by-product) C a l c i u m carbide Calcium cyanamide Calcium nitrate C a r b o n bisulfide C a u s t i c soda (solid a n d solution) Chlorine C o p p e r sulfate Dyestuffs, organic Fertilizers, mixed Formaldehyde Hydrochloric acid Methanol

Nitric acid N i t r o g e n fertilizers (synthetic) Phenol Phosphate, ground P o t a s h salts Resins, phenolic a n d urea-formaldehyde Slag, basic S o d i u m carbonate Sodium nitrate (production a n d imports) S o d i u m sulfate Sulfur, refined Sulfuric acid Superphosphates T a n n i n g extracts

In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.


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Table III.



Chemicals Listed in the "Annuaire de Statistique Industrielle"

Acetic acid Acetone Acetone cyanhydrin A c e t y l e n e (dissolved) Alkaloids Alum Aluminium chloride (anhy­ drous) A l u m i n i u m fluoride A l u m i n i u m sulfate (ordinary a n d pure) A m m o n i u m chloride A m m o n i u m phosphate A m m o n i u m sulfate (synthetic and by-product) Anthracene A n t i m o n y oxide Arsenous oxide B a r i u m carbonate B a r i u m chloride B a r i u m sulfate B a s i c slag Benzene (motor, industrial, a n d pure) B l e a c h (chloride of l i m e ) Bromine B u t y l acetate B u t y l phthalate Butyric acid C a l c i u m carbide Calcium cyanamide Calcium hypochlorite Calcium nitrate C a l c i u m potassium ferrocyanide (double salt) C a r b o n bisulfide Carbon black C a r b o n tetrachloride Caustic potash (solid and liquor) C a u s t i c soda (electrolytic a n d lime-soda) C h i o l i t e (calcined) Chlorinated dielectric products C h l o r i n e (gaseous & l i q u e f i e d ) C h r o m i u m sulfate C o a l t a r ( b y sources) Copper sulfate Copper thiocyanate

C r e a m of t a r t a r Cresols C r y o l i t e (artificial) Diacetone alcohol D i s o d i u m phosphate DyestufTs E t h y l acetate E t h y l chloride Ethylene glycol E t h y l ether E t h y l phthalate E x p l o s i v e s (separate products) F a t t y acid condensation prod­ ucts F a t t y alcohols Fertilizers Formaldehyde Formic acid Gelatines Glycerine Hydrochloric acid Hydrofluoric acid H y d r o g e n (compressed) H y d r o g e n peroxide Lactic acid L e a d oxides Lime Lithopone Metaldehyde M e t h a n o l (synthetic) M e t h y l acetate Methylal M e t h y l chloride Monoethanolamine N a p h t h a l e n e ( c r u d e a n d refined) N i t r o g e n (synthetic) Olein Oxalic acid O x y g e n (compressed) P a i n t s (separate products) Pentaerythritol Pharmaceuticals (separate products) Phenol (synthetic a n d b y - p r o d ­ uct) Phosphoric acid Phosphorus (yellow a n d red) Phosphorus oxychloride Phthalic anhydride

Plastics (in detail b y chemical types) Potassium bichromate P o t a s s i u m carbonate P o t a s s i u m chlorate Potassium ferrocyanide P o t a s s i u m perchlorate Potassium silicate (liquid) Potassium-sodium tartrate Pyridine Rubber, synthetic (consump­ tion) Silver nitrate Soaps (separate products) S o d i u m (metal) Sodium bicarbonate Sodium bichromate S o d i u m carbonate S o d i u m chlorate S o d i u m cyanide S o d i u m ferrocyanide Sodium fluoride Sodium hypochlorate Sodium nitrate S o d i u m s i l i c a t e (liquid a n d solid) S o d i u m sulfide Stearin Sulfonated alkylnaphthalenes Sulfonated f a t t y alcohols S u l f u r ( c r u d e & refined) Sulfur chloride Sulfuric acid Superphosphate T a n n i n g materials Tartaric acid Tetrachloronaphthalene T i n tetrachloride Titanium white Toluene Triarylphosphates Trichloroethylene Trioxymethylene T r i s o d i u m phosphate Ultramarine W h i t e lead Xylene Z i n c oxide

A bimonthly publication (27) of the Institut Nationale de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques is principally devoted to studies and analyses of various aspects of the French economy; i t is of assistance i n providing general economic data which have a bearing on production and competitive trends i n the French market. L'Industrie Chimique (28) has a small commercial section with news on chemical manufacturing and other developments i n France and i n other countries. Chimie & industrie (26) has a commercial section with special articles on the French chemical industry and trade, news items, and some statistics. Germany. T h e Statistisches Bundesamt, the federal West G e r m a n statistical office, publishes statistics i n Die Industrie der Bundesrepublik (30). P a r t I gives monthly statistics of employment and unemployment, hours and wages, and fuel and electricity supplies and consumption b y individual industries. Part I I gives monthly production statistics for mining, fuel and power, and the main industries. Chemicals included are sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, chlorine, caustic soda, synthetic ammonia, In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.

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technical nitrogen, phosphate fertilizers (superphosphate, basic slag, etc.), calcium carbide, methanol, ethylene oxide, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, pharmaceuticals, mineral pigments, cellulose plastics, synthetic resins and plastics (phenolic, urea, polyvinyl chloride, poly­ styrene), paints and lacquers, and soaps. Part I I I gives quarterly statistics on industrial output, covering a range of products similar to that i n Part I I . I n the chemical section there are statistics, i n addition, for the following: phosphates, compounds of aluminum, lead, copper, and nickel, active carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, acetylene, and a further breakdown of pharmaceuticals. F o r most of the chemical products there are separate figures for production for sale, and for output for consumption i n plant use. Part I I I appears much later than Part I I , and contains revised figures. Wirtschaft und Statistik (31), the official monthly statistical bulletin of West Germany, gives statistics on population, education, labor and unemployment, wages, cost of living, prices, welfare services, agriculture, forestry and fishery, industry (including products), electricity, gas and fuels, building, foreign trade, transportation, and public finance. There are special articles analyzing the implications of the statistics on one or more aspects of the country's economy. Chemical production figures are included for sulfuric acid, sodium carbonate, chlorine, caustic soda, nitrogenous fertilizers, phosphate fertilizers, potash salts, calcium carbide, synthetic resins, and plastics. Official annual and monthly returns of imports and exports are published i n Der Aussenhandel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (29). A general directory of commodity suppliers (32) lists products alphabetically and gives names of suppliers but does not discriminate between manufacturers and merchants. The list is inadequate for chemicals. The " H a n d b u c h der Deutschen Aktiengesellschaften," a directory of German companies, gives detailed information on the finances, directorates, and industrial and other activities of the individual concerns. This is i n five large volumes (33). Three chemical journals (36-38) contain news items on chemical industries i n Ger­ many. Die Chemische Industrie (38) is one of the most useful periodicals i n the chemical industry; it can be relied on, to a considerable degree, for particulars of development i n other European countries. Lists of German prices for chemicals are published i n ChemieIngenieur-Technik (36). Handelsblatt (Deutsche Wirtschaftszeitung), a commercial newspaper, contains news on a l l usual commercial angles i n Germany, and surveys of individual industries and overseas markets. This is useful for understanding current trends and policies (39). Der Volkswirt, (42) a weekly economic, financial, and commercial journal, gives anal­ yses of current economic events, trends, and policies; surveys of industries (nationally or by region, and i n relation to the national or regional economy), status and activities of companies with full particulars on finances, history, current manufacturing facilities, and projects; and some economic statistics. This is possibly the best journal of its kind in Germany. Bundesanzeiger (35) is the official daily gazette for government announcements. I t contains information on government regulations affecting trade, currency dealings, and legal status of companies. A weekly periodical (34) contains special articles on various problems affecting inter­ national trade and short surveys of current trade questions, including trade agreements. Statistics and other information bearing on economic trends are published i n Schnelldienst (41), a weekly economic review. This is useful for market prospects. A monthly economic and financial periodical published by the B a n k Deutscher Lander (40) contains factual analyses of economic conditions i n Germany, with a separate statistical section. This is a high-quality publications. Greece. Statistics on currency, banking, and other financial matters, indexes on cost of living and on output of the m a i n industries are published i n the Monthly Bulletin of the Bank of Greece (43). This is published i n English as well as Greek. Official monthly returns of imports and exports are published i n English (44)Italy. There is an official statistical yearbook (46) covering area and climate, population, public finance, labor, building, industry (giving general statistics and In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



production for various branches), m i n i n g , and transportation. Production data are given for the chemicals a n d related materials listed i n Table I V .

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Table IV.

Chemicals Included in "Annuario Statistico Italiano"

Acetic acid Acetone A c e t y l cellulose Alumina A l u m i n u m sulfate A m m o n i a (synthetic anhydrous) A m m o n i u m bromide A m m o n i u m carbonate A m m o n i u m sulfate (by-product) Arsenous oxide B a r i u m chlorate Borax Boric acid Bromine Butanol C a l c i u m arsenate Calcium bromide C a l c i u m carbide C a l c i u m chloride Calcium hypochlorite C a m p h o r (synthetic) C a r b o n (active) C a r b o n dioxide (solid a n d l i q u i d ) C a r b o n disulfide C h l o r i n e (gas a n d l i q u i d ) Citric acid Copper oxychloride C o p p e r sulfate C r e a m of t a r t a r Dextrin Dyestuffs Ethanol E t h y l bromide E t h y l chloride E t h y l ether Ethylene bromide Ferrous sulfate Formaldehyde Formic acid Furfural G l y c e r o l ( c r u d e a n d refined) H y d r o c h l o r i c a c i d ( b y processes) H y d r o g e n peroxide H y d r o s u l f i t e s (separate products) Iodine

L e a d arsenate M a g n e s i u m chloride M a g n e s i u m sulfate Methanol N i t r o g e n o u s fertilizers (separate products) Nitric acid Phenol P h o s p h a t e fertilizers (separate products) Phosphoric acid P h o s p h o r u s (yellow a n d red) P h o s p h o r u s sesquisulfide Pigments P l a s t i c s (separate products) Polysulfides (barium, calcium, potassium, a n d sodium) Potash, caustic, a n d i n t e r m e d i a t e s (separate products) Potassium aluminate Potassium bichromate Potassium bromide Potassium carbonate Potassium cyanide P o t a s s i u m chlorate P o t a s s i u m silicates S o d i u m arsenite Sodium bicarbonate Sodium bichromate Sodium bromide S o d i u m carbonate S o d i u m chloride S o d i u m chlorate Sodium hypochlorite S o d i u m h y d r o x i d e (solid a n d solution) Sodium nitrate S o d i u m silicates Sulfides (barium, calcium, potassium, and sodium) S u l f u r d i o x i d e (liquefied) S u l f u r i c a c i d ( b y processes) T a r a n d t a r products (separate products) Tartaric acid Trichlorethylene Urea Zinc phosphide Z i n c sulfate

The Instituto Centrale d i Statistica issues annually the statistics for area and popu­ lation, weather, education, armed forces, national income and expenditure, agriculture, fisheries and forests, industry (including output for the more important products), electricity and gas, housing, transportation, foreign trade, finance, prices, labor and wages, and food consumption. Output figures for industrial products include data for acetone, boric, citric, hydrochloric, nitric, sulfuric and tartaric acids, methyl and ethyl alcohols, aluminum oxide, synthetic ammonia, carbon dioxide (solid and liquid), borax, calcium carbide, synthetic organic colors (with separate figures for sulfur dyes), calcium cyanamide, ammonium nitrate, calcium nitrate, sodium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, iodine, compressed oxygen, superphosphates, synthetic perfumes, sodium carbonate, caustic soda, aluminum sulfate, copper sulfate, carbon disulfide, trichlorethylene, coal tar products and rayon {47). A n official monthly bulletin gives statistics on population, agriculture, forests and fisheries, industry (production indexes for main branches, output figures for salt, minerals, In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.

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textiles, iron and steel, engineering, motor vehicles, cement, chemicals (including syn­ thetic ammonia, sulfuric acid, dyes, caustic soda, and coal tar products), and fertilizer consumption including detailed figures by products and districts (45). Official monthly returns of imports and exports are published i n Statistica del Commercio con VEstero (48). There is a directory of Italian chemical manufacturers (49) arranged with alphabetical lists of companies and of products and their suppliers. The Italian chemical journal, Rassegna Chemica (50), contains articles on technical and industrial developments and on chemical markets i n Italy. M o n t h l y statistics on Italian chemical production (quoted from the M i n i s t r y of Industry and Commerce) include the following: synthetic ammonia, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, sodium carbonate, caustic soda, alumina, trichlorethylene, calcium carbide, carbon disulfide, explosives, superphosphates, ammonium sulfate, calcium cyanamide, calcium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, copper sulfate, dyestuffs, ethyl alcohol, methanol, tanning extracts, tartaric acid, citric acid, wood pulp and cellulose, and sodium nitrate. Netherlands. A n official statistical yearbook (51) gives statistics on popula­ tion, climate, health, employment and unemployment, wages, hours of work, social insurance, agriculture and fisheries, transportation, foreign trade, finance and credit, and public finance. Figures for industry include electricity and gas supply and con­ sumption, number of manufacturing enterprises i n main industries, and value of pro­ duction. Output figures are given for the main products, including, i n the chemical field, soaps, phosphate fertilizers, nitrogenous fertilizers, and sulfuric acid. The yearbook is printed in English and D u t c h . The official monthly publication (52) gives figures on population agriculture, finance and credit, and industrial output. This contains some English headings. Official monthly returns of imports and exports are available (53). A directory of Netherlands chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers (54) con­ tains alphabetical lists of companies and products. There is an index i n English to the products list. The Amsterdamsche Bank Quarterly Review (55), i n English, gives analyses of current economic conditions i n the Netherlands, and relative factual data. Two trade journals (56, 58) contain news on developments i n the chemical industry. Chemisch Weekblad, (57) a technical journal, occasionally contains items of commercial interest. Norway. Statistics on area and population, health, agriculture, fisheries, forestry and hunting, mines, industry (including output of more important products), electricity supply, building, foreign trade, transportation, finance, social insurance, price movements, labor and wages, housing and education are available annually (62). Production data are given for explosives and matches, paints and lacquers, calcium nitrate, sodium nitrate, lime-ammonium nitrate, mixed fertilizers, dolomite-ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, nitric acid, calcium carbide, cyanamide, and chemical pulps. This annual is published i n French and Norwegian. The official statistics annual for Norwegian industry (61) gives general statistics for the different branches of the industry and detailed tables of output of products which include figures for the consumption of individual raw materials and auxiliary materials i n the various industries. Figures are available for paints and lacquers (separate products), dry colors, tars, pharmaceuticals, polishes, baking powders, flavors, superphosphate, calcium nitrate, sodium bicarbonate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium bicarbonate, l i m e ammonium nitrate, sodium nitrate, ammonia, sodium carbonate, nitric acid, carbide, cyanamide, explosives, ammunition and matches, and chemical pulps (separate products). Official annual returns of imports and exports are published (60). M o n t h l y returns (59) do not give countries of origin or destination. A general directory of Norwegian exporters and export products (63) has classified lists of commodities with names and addresses of suppliers (manufacturers and merchants). Coverage of chemical products is moderate. Individual products are indexed i n English. Portugal. T h e official m o n t h l y statistical bulletin (65) includes figures on population, public finance, wages, agriculture, foreign trade (imports and exports In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



of principal products including some chemicals), wholesale a n d retail price move­ ments and transportation. T h i s is published i n F r e n c h as well as Portuguese. Official annual returns (66) and monthly returns (64) of imports and exports are avail­ able. A directory of Portuguese products and their suppliers (67) has a products index i n English. Spain. M o n t h l y official statistics on population, health, m i n i n g and industrial production, foreign trade, transportation, finance, labor, and cost of l i v i n g are a v a i l ­ able (68). C h e m i c a l production statistics are given for the materials listed i n Table V .

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Table V.

Materials Included in Boletin de Estadistica

Ammonia A m m o n i u m carbonate A m m o n i u m chloride A m m o n i u m sulfate B a r i u m carbonate B a r i u m chloride B a r i u m hydrate B a r i u m sulfate Borax Boric acid C a l c i u m carbide Calcium hypochlorite Chrome alum C o p p e r sulfate C a r b o n dioxide C a r b o n disulfide C a r b o n tetrachloride Caustic potash Caustic soda Chlorine Ferrous sulfate

Glycerol Hydrochloric acid Hydrocyanic acid Hydrofluoric acid Hydrogen Nitric acid Olein Oxygen Phosphate rock Potassium chlorate Potassium chloride Soda ash Sodium bicarbonate S o d i u m chlorate Sodium hydrosulfite Sodium hypochlorite Stearin Sulfur Sulfuric acid a n d oleum Superphosphate Trichloroethylene

Official returns of imports and exports are available annually (69) and monthly (70). Current news on commercial and related matters, and on industrial developments m a y be obtained from a weekly news bulletin printed i n English (72). There is a monthly chemical j ournal, Ion (71 ). Sweden. A Swedish government statistical annual (77) covers area and p o p u ­ lation, agriculture, fisheries a n d forestry, m i n i n g , industry (including numbers employed i n m a i n branches, total value of production, output of the more i m p o r t a n t products) power supply, foreign trade, transportation, finance, cost of living, labor and wages, social insurance, health, education, housing, and retail and wholesale price move­ ments. Production data are quoted for caustic soda, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, sul­ furic acid, chlorates and perchlorates, calcium carbide, superphosphates, médicinale and disinfectants, soaps, rayon, chemical pulps, tanning extracts, and explosives. This is available i n French and Swedish. A n official statistical annual for industry (75) covers numbers employed i n the differ­ ent branches of industry, hours worked, and motive power employed, and includes ex­ tensive tables of production data for industrial products and detailed figures of raw m a ­ terial consumption by industries. The section on the chemical industry includes output figures for the products listed i n Table V I . Annual and monthly returns of imports and exports are reported (74, 76). There is a statistical annual for the mining industry (73). A n alphabetical list of industrial products, including a fair coverage of chemicals and their manufacturers, is included i n a general directory of manufacturers (79). Names and addresses of exporters and export products classified b y trades are available i n the "Swedish Export Directory" (78). The Swedish chemical journal (82) contains articles on current chemical develop­ ments i n Sweden and elsewhere. In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



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Table VI.

Materials Included in "Industri"

Acetaldehyde Acetanilide Acetic acid Acetic anhydride Acetone Acetone o i l Acetyl salicylic acid A l u m i n u m sulfate A m m o n i a ( l i q u i d a n d solution) A m m o n i u m sulfate (by-product) A m y l acetate A m y l alcohol Arsenic compounds B u t y l acetate B u t y l alcohol C a l c i u m acetate C a l c i u m carbide C a l c i u m chloride C a r b o n bisulfide C a u s t i c potash (solid a n d solution) C a u s t i c soda (solid a n d solution) Celluloid C e l l u l o s e d e r i v a t i v e s (separate products) Chloramine Chlorates a n d perchlorates Chlorine Chlorine bleaching compounds (chloride of l i m e , h y p o c h l o r i t e solution) Chloroform Chlorosulfonic acid Chrome alum C o l o r s , d r y (separate products) Copper oxide Crotonaldehyde DDT Diethylene glycol Diphenylamine E l e c t r o p l a t i n g salts ( i n c l u d i n g cyanides) E t h y l abietate E t h y l acetate E t h y l diglycol E t h y l ether E t h y l glycol E t h y l e n e chloride Ethylene glycol E t h y l e n e oxide E x p l o s i v e s (separate products) Furfural F e r t i l i z e r s ( s y n t h e t i c nitrogenous a n d others) F o r m a l d e h y d e (solid a n d solution) Gases (separate products) Gelatine G l y c e r o l ( c r u d e a n d refined)

Hexamethylene tetramine Hydrochloric acid H y d r o g e n peroxide I r o n oxide L a c q u e r s a n d varnishes (separate products) L e a d oxide M e t h y l acetate Monochloroacetic acid M onochloroacet al N i c k e l sulfate Nitric acid Nitrobenzene Olein P a i n t s (separate products) Paraldehyde Pentaerythritol Perchlorethylene P e r f u m e s (separate products) Permanganates Phenols P h o s p h a t e s , i n o r g a n i c (separate products) Phosphoric acid Phosphorus (yellow a n d red) Phthalic anhydride P h t h a l i c esters Plastics ( p o l y v i n y l acetate, alcohol, chloride, m o n o v i n y l acetate, phenolic, urea, a n d m e l a m i n e resins, plastics i n rods, sheet, a n d other forms) Polyglycols Potassium carbonate Rosin R u b b e r , synthetic (chloroprene a n d thio types) Saccharine Salicylic acid Slag, basic Soaps (separate products) S o d i u m carbonate (ash a n d crystals) Sodium pentachlorphenate S o d i u m silicates (metasilicate, w a t e r glass, solids a n d solution) Stearin Sulfur S u l f u r i c a c i d (oleum a n d other) Superphosphate T a n n i n g extracts T a r products Trichloroethylene Tricresyl phosphate Triethanolamine Turpentine Z i n c sulfate

The Anglo-Swedish Review, issued by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce i n London, contains articles on current economic developments i n Sweden with reference to the effect of trade conditions (80). It also contains news items. A quarterly economic review (81) published i n Stockholm, includes articles on current economic developments and conditions i n Sweden, with emphasis on monetary and finan­ cial aspects, and surveys of industries and important companies. This is i n English. Switzerland. Statistics on banking a n d finance, share price movements, e m ­ ployment and unemployment, foreign trade, wholesale price movements, cost of l i v ­ ing indexes, agricultural prices, a n d balance of payments are published i n (84). Official returns of imports and exports are published annually (83) and m o n t h l y (85). A directory of Swiss Chemical manufacturers (86) gives particulars of companies and In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



their products, classified only under broad headings such as heavy chemicals, pharma­ ceuticals, and so on. There is no index to individual products. A monthly economic journal (88) contains concise statistical information on economic conditions in Switzerland, with short surveys of different aspects of Swiss economy (labor market, wage trends, credit conditions, and price trends). The Swiss daily newspaper, Ν eue Ziircher Zeitung (87), has an economic section with articles on current problems and news items on industrial and other developments. This paper contains useful information on all European countries, as well as Switzerland. Literature Cited General

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(1) O.E.E.C. General Statistical Bulletin, Organisation Europèene de Cooperation Economique (Organization for European Econmic Co-operation), Chateau de la Muette, Paris, France. Quarterly. (2) "United Nations Statistical Yearbook," Sales and Circulation Section, United Nations, New York.



(3) Oesterreichische Statistische Zentralamt in collaboration with Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wirtschaftlicher Zentralstellen und Kammern, Statistische Nachrichten, Carl Ueberreutersche Buchdrückerei and Schriftgiesserei (M. Salzer), Alser Strasse 24, Vienna. Monthly. (4) "Statistik des Aussenhandel Oesterreichs," Alser Strasse 24, Vienna, Carl Ueberreutersche Buchdrückerei und Schriftgiesserei (M. Salzer), annual.



(5) L'Institut de Statistique of the Ministère des Affairs Economiques et des Classes Moyennes, Bulletin de Statistique, L'Institut National de Statistique, 68, Rue Royale, Brussels. Monthly. (6) Bulletin Mensuel du Commerce Exterieure de l'Union Economique Belgo-Luxembourgo L'Institut National de Statistique, 68, Rue Royale, Brussels. Monthly.


(7) Federation des Industries Chimiques de Belgique, 32, Rue Joseph II, Brussels, "Annuaire de la Federation des Industries Chimiques de Belgique," 1953. (8) Annuaire Lesigne S.A., 27 Rue de la Charité, Brussels, "Indicateur des Produits Belges."


(9) Industrie Chimique Belges, Federation des Industries Chimiques de Belgique, 32, Rue Joseph II, Brussels. Monthly.



(10) Glydendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag, Copenhagen, "Danmarks Vareinførsel og Udførsel," annual. (11) Glydendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag, Copenhagen, "Statitisk Årbog," annual. (12) "Industriel Produktionsstatistik" (Danmarks Statistik), Copenhagen, annual. (13) Varomsaetningen med Udlandet, Glydendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag, Copenhagen. Monthly.


(14) Kraks Legat, Nytorv 17, Copenhagen, "Dansk Eksport Kalender." Index of products in English.



(15) Statistiska Centralbyrån, Helsinki, "Suomen Tilastollinen Vuosikirja" (Statistical Yearbook for Finland), annual. (16) Statistiska Centralbyrån, Helsinki, "Teollisuustilastoa" (Suomen Virallinen Tilasto) (Finnish Official Statistics), annual. (17) Tullstyrelsens Statistiska Byrå, Helsinki, "Utrikeshandel Årspublikation," annual. (18) Utrikeshandel Månadspublikation, Tullstyrelsens Statistiska Byrå, Helsinki. Monthly.


(19) Finnish Foreign Trade Association, E. Esplanaadi 18, Helsinki, "Finnish Foreign Trade Directory," 1953. In English. In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



(20) Finnish Trade Review, Finnish Foreign Trade Association, E. Esplanaadi 18, Helsinki. Quarterly. In English.



(21) Ministères des Finances et des Affaires Economique and Institute National de la Statistique et de Etudes Economiques, Bulletin Mensuelle de Statistique, Presses Universitaires de France, 108, Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris (6e). Monthly. (22) Ministere de l'Industrie et de l'Energie, Inprimerie Nationale, Paris, "Anuaire de Statistique Industrielle," Annual. (23) Statistique Mensuelle de Commerce Extérieur de la France, Imprimerie Nationale Monthly.


(24) "Guide de la Chimie," Paris (2e), 27 Rue de la Michodière, Editions Colma, 1951-52.

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(25) Agence Economique et Financiére, 108 Rue de Richelieu, Paris (2e). Daily newspaper (26) Chimie et Industrie, 28 Rue Saint-Dominique, Paris (7e). (27) Institut Nationale de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques, Etudes et Conjoncture, Presses Universitaire de France, 108 Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris (6e). Bimonthly. (28) L'Industrie chimique, 8 rue de Miromesnil, Paris (8e). Monthly.



(29) Der Aussenhandel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, W. Kohlhammer-Verlag, Stu Monthly. (30) Statistisches Bundesamt (West German Statistical Office), Die Industrie der Bundes-republik Deutschland, W. Kohlhammer-Verlag, Stuttgart. Part I, Beschäftung und Umsatz, Brennstoff- und Energieversorgung, monthly; Part II, Produktio wählter Erzeugnisse, monthly; Part III, Die Industrielle Produktion, quarter (31) Statistisches Bundesamt (West German Statistical Office), Wirtschaft und Statistik, W. Kohlhammer-Verlag, Stuttgart. Monthly.


(32) "Deutsches Handels Addressbuch," 2 vol., Friedrichstrasse, Berlin, S.W. 68, KaupertVerlag, 1951. (33) "Handbuch der Deutschen Aktiengesellschaften," 5 vol., Bergstrasse, Heppenheim, Western Germany, Verlag Hoppenstedt & Co., 1950-51.


(34) Aussenhandelsdienst, published by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Aussenhandel der Deutschen Wirtschaft, in collaboration with government departments and the Bundesauskunftstelle für den Aussenhandel, Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst G.m.b.H., 37, Unter Sachsenhausen, Cologne. Weekly. (35) Bundesanzeiger, Bundesministerium der Justiz, Cologne. Daily. (36) Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, Verlag Chemie G.m.b.H., Haupstr. 127. Weinheim/Gergstr. (17a). Semimonthly. (37) Chemiker-Zeitung Verlag Chemiker-Zeitung G.m.b.H., Humbodstr. 8, Stuttgart. Semimonthly. (38) Chemische Industrie (Düsseldorf), Verlag Handelsblatt: G.m.b.H., Pressehau, Düsseldorf. Monthly. (39) Handelsblatt (Deutsche Wirtschaftszeitung), Verlag Handelsblatt, Pressehaus, Düsseldorf. Three times per week. (40) Monatsberichte der Bank Deutscher Länder, Bank Deutscher Länder, Taunusanla Frankfurt-am-Main. Monthly. (41) Schnelldienst, Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Munich. Poschinger Strasse, Munich. Weekly. (42) Der Volkswirt (Wirtschafts- und Finanz-Zeitung). Verlag der Volkswirt, Wirtschafts und Finanz-Zeitung G.m.b.H., Beethoven Strasse, Frankfurt-am-Main. Weekly.



(43) Monthly Bulletin of the Bank of Greece, Bank of Greece, Athens. In Greek and Englis (44) Monthly Bulletin of the Special Trade of Greece with Foreign Countries, Stati ice Library, Ministry of Commerce, Athens. In English.



(45) (46) (47) (48)

BolletinoMensilede Statistica, Instituto Centrale di Statistica, Rome. Monthly. L'Instituto Centrale di Statistica, Rome, "Annuario Statistico Italiano," annual. L'Instituto Centrale di Statistica, Rome, "Compendio Statistico Italiano," annual. Statistica de Commercio con l'Estero, Instituto Centrale di Statistica, Rome. Monthly.

In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.




(49) "Nuovo Repertorio della Produzione Chimica Italiana," Viale Tito Livio 19, Rome, Tecnindustria Editrice, 1950-51.


(50) Rassegna chemica dell'industria e dei professionisti chimici, Michele Sambo Livio 19, c/c postalen1/31543, Rome. Six times a year.



(51) Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Uitgevermij. W. de Haan N.V. Rembrandtkade 35, Utrecht. "Jaarcijfers voor Nederland," annual. In English and Dutch. (52) Maandschrift van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Uitgevermij. W. de Ha Rembrandtkade 35, Utrecht. Monthly. (53) Maandstatistik van de In-,Uit-en Doorvoer per Goedensort, Uitgevermij. W. N.V., Rembrandtkade 35, Utrecht. Monthly.


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(54) "Nederlandsche Chemische en Pharmaceutische Producte," Java Straat, The Hague, Bedrijfsgroep Chemische Industrie, 1951. English index to products list.


(55) Amsterdamsche Bank Quarterly Review, Amsterdamsche Bank, Amsterdam. In En lish. (56) Chemical Trade News, Neuweg, Hilversum. Monthly. (57) Chemisch Weekblad, D. B. Centen's Uitgevers-Maatschappij, Sarphatikade 12, Amsterdam C. Weekly. (58) Netherlands Industrial and Commercial, Algemeen Handelsblad, 234-240 N.Z. Voor burgwal, Amsterdam-C. Monthly. In English.



(59) Manedsoppgaver over Vareomsetningen med Utlandet, Statistisk Sentralbyrå, D ensgatan 16, Oslo. Monthly. (60) Statistisk Sentralbyrå, Dronningensgatan 16, Oslo, "Norges Handel," annual. (61) Statistisk Sentralbyrå, Dronningengatan 16, Oslo, "Norges Industri," (Norges Offisielle Statistik), annual. (62) Statistisk Sentralbyrå, Dronningengatan 16, Oslo, "StatistikÅrbokfor Norge," annual. In French and Norwegian.


(63) "Norges Eksportkalender," Oslo, Centraltrykkeriet, 1948/49. Products in English.

Index of Individual



(64) Boletin Mensal, Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Lisbon. Monthly. (65) Boletin Mensal do Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Instituto Nacional de Estadi Lisbon. Monthly. (66) Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Lisbon, "Commercio Externo," annual.


(67) "Annuario Comercial de Lisboa, Porto et Provincias," Travessa do Poço da Cidade 26, Lisbon, Empresa Nacional de Publicidade, 1952.



(68) Boletin de Estadistica, Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Ferraz 41, Madrid. Monthly. (69) Direccion General de Aduanas (Oficina de Estadistica) Magdalena, 10-Madrid, "Estadistica del Comercio Exterior de Espana," annual. (70) Resumen Mensual, Direccion General de Aduanas (Oficina de Estadistica), Magdalena, 10-Madrid. Monthly.


(71) Ion, Hermanos Becquer, 6-Madrid. Monthly. (72) Spanish Economic News Service, Av. Joe Antonio 70, 9, Madrid. Weekly. In English



(73) "Berghanterung" (Sveriges Officiella Statistik), Stockholm, Kommerskollegium, annual. (74) "Handel," Stockholm, Kommerskollegium, annual. (75) "Industri" (Sveriges Officiella Statistik), Stockholm, Kommerskollegium, annual. (76) ManadsstatistiköverHandeln, Stockholm. Kommerskollegium, Monthly. (77) "StatistiskÅrsbokför Sverige," Stockholm, A.G. Nordiska Bokhandeln. Annual. In French and Swedish. In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



(78) The General Export Association of Sweden (Publishing Dept.), Stockholm, "Swedshi Export Directory," 1951. (79) Sveriges Industriforbund, Stockholm, "Svensk Industri Kalender," 1950.


(80) Anglo Swedish Review, Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the United Kingdom, 14 Trinity Square, London E.C.3. Monthly. (81) Index, A. B. Svenska Handelsbanken, Arsenalsgatan, Stockholm. Quarterly. In English. (82) Kemikali Facket, Regeringsgatan 111, Stockholm. Monthly.


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(83) Direction Générale des Douanes Fédérales, Berne "Statistique Annuelle du Commerce Extérieur de la Suisse," annual. (84) Monatsbericht der Schweizerische Nationalbank, Schweizerishe Nationalbank, B Monthly. (85) Statistique Mensuelle du Commerce Extérieur de la Suisse, Direction Générale des D anes Fédérales, Berne. Monthly.


(86) "Die Chemische Industrie der Schweiz und Ihre Nebenprodukte (l'Industrie Chimique en Swisse et ses Produits Anneses) ," 55 Heuried, Zurich, Verlag für Wirtschaftsliterature, 1950.


(87) Νeue Zürcher Zeitung, Falkenstrasse 11, Zurich 1, daily. (88) La Vie Economique, Department Fédéral de l'Economie Publique, Feuille Officielle Swisse du Commerce, Effingerstrasse 3, Berne. Monthly. RECEIVED April 22, 1952. Presented before the Division of Chemical Literature, Symposium on Literature Sources for Chemical Market Research, at the 121st Meeting of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Buffalo Ν. Y.

In LITERATURE RESOURCES; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.