Literature Resources For Chemical Process Industries - Analytical

May 16, 2012 - Literature Resources For Chemical Process Industries. Anal. Chem. , 1955, 27 (1), pp 38A–38A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60097a743. Publication D...
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ionXchange LABORATORY SIZE OF CARTRIDGE DE-IONIZER GIVES MINERAL-FREE WATER The latest development in ionXchange equipment is the mixed-bed de-ionizer, which combines both anion and cation resins in one vessel or tank. The unit shown below is a miniature model of such a de-ioni*2er, made up in such a manner as to be an ideal accessory in any laboratory where mineralfree water is wanted occasionally in comparatively small quantities. The ILLCO-WAY Cartridge De-Ionizer consists of a plastic tubular column containing 3 lbs. of mixed resin. When the resins are exhausted, as shown by a change in color, the entire cartridge can be discarded and a fresh one substituted. N o electrical connections are needed. The column can be clamped, as shown, in any convenient location or manner. RESEARCH MODEL Produces water comparable to that obtained by triple distillation. Removes all ionizable solids» including silica and CO2. CAPACITY -

450 groins




PRICE (FOB Rockford) — $12.50 BRACKET (Extra) — $5.00 UNIVERSAL MODEL Produces water comparable to that obtained by single distillation. Removes all ioniz· able solids except silica and CO;. CAPACITY — 900 grains

FLOW R A T E - s


PRICE (FOB Rockford)-$9.75 BRACKET (Extra) — $5.00 Write for fully descriptive literature Bulletin CA-254


ionXchange 835 CEDAR ST. ROCKFORD,



Circle No. 38 A on Readers' Service Card, page 43 A

38 A

the nearest eighth inch are 153/e inches high, 6'A inches wide, and l7 5 /s inches deep. Net weight is 60 pounds. There are several optional features: It can be fitted with two cam-operated micro switches providing SPDT action at any two points on scale. The micrometer adjustment of position is within 0.2% full scale. The switches are rated at 1 ampere, 115 to 120 volts a.c. noninductive load, or 1.5 amperes, 30 volts d.c. A thermocouple and component failure-protection feature can cause the instrument to act as though the temperature were excessively high in the event of thermocouple or extension wire open circuit, or voltage amplifier tube failure. This extra feature is available with all models having thermocouple calibration with spans of 6.0 mv. or greater. The checking terminals on the front panel may be omitted if desired. Additional data on the vertical scale indicator are : Accuracy as a potentiometer with ±0.02 mv. for spans less than 10 mv. As a resistance thermometer, within 0.25% of scale span. The sensitivity is 1/SÎ% OÎ scale span, or 0.005 mv. for spans less than 16 mv. The minimum span is 2.5 mv., which is standard. For information on microvolt spans, the company's Instrumentation Data Sheet No. 10.0-8 should be consulted. There are 300 to 650 scale divisions on the dial, depending upon span. Operation is on 110 to 125 volts, 60 cycles at 37 watts, and 91.5% power factor. Models are available in five standard pyrometer ranges from —20° to 2400° F. for use in the different ranges with copper-constantan, iron-constantan, or Chromel-Alumel thermocouples. Four standard ranges are also offered, reading in millivolts: 0-100, 0-150, 0-200, or - 1 0 0 to 0,0 to +100. Additional details on this and related indicators are available from the Industrial Division, Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co., Wayne and Windrim Aves., Philadelphia 44, Pa., or any of the company's regional offices or foreign subsidiaries. Tube Driven Motor Circuits

N u m b e r 10 i n Advances in C h e m i s t r y Series


by the staff of

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry

Literature Resources For Chemical Process Industries Designed To Help B o t h T h e New And T h e Experienced Searcher Of Literature F i n d What He Wants



Symposium on Market Research Sources 14 papers — 117 pages

Literature of Resins and Plastics 7 papers — 39 pages

Literature of Textile Chemistry 6 papers — 67 pages

Literature of Food Industry 10 papers — 86 pages

Literature of Petroleum Chemicals 10 papers — 121 pages

13 General Papers 109 pages sources a n d how t o use them foreign language problems

24 Page Index 582 pages—paper b o u n d $6.50 per copy



Special P u b l i c a t i o n s D e p t . American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth Street, N. W. Washington 6, D . C.

Attention is drawn to the manifold possibilities in instrumentation which ANALYTICAL