May 25, 2012 - LITHIUM CORPORATION OF AMERICA, INC. Anal. Chem. , 1957, 29 (8), pp 39A–39A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60128a732. Publication Date: August ...
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Still another research tool from Lithium Corporation..·

LITHIUM METAL (LOW SODIUM -Lhe latest from L.C.A. Following on the heels of the discovery that lithium metal dispersions make unique polymerization catalysts (isoprene polymerized to a synthetic rubber which closely resembles natural rubber) comes recent interest in organolithium compounds as reagents for commençai uses. The preparation of these compounds often requires metallic lithium as the source of the lithium atom. This suggests that a lithium metal of low sodium

CONTENT) content (0.005% maximum) may be advantageous, research-wise, in developing laboratory experimentations into possible commercial processes. Atomic energy holds still further possibilities. This refined grade of lithium metal, as well as the commercial grade, is available in experimental and commercial quantities in the following physical forms: ingot, cup, rod, wire, ribbon, shot and dispersions in suitable media.

Got α catalyst problem? Investigate the practicability of lithium metal. Your request on company or institutional stationery will receive prompt attention.

. . . tteudl ahead m ûiduafokd applicatitmî. ^W lUUUmt


member of...


PROCESSORS OF LITHIUM METAL. METAL DISPERSIONS METAL DERIVATIVES: A m i d e . H y d r i d e SALTS: B r o m i d e · C a r b o n a t e · C h l o r i d e · H y d r o x i d e · N i t r a t e SPECIAL COMPOUNDS : A l u m i n a t e · B o r a t e · B o r o s i l i c a t e · C o b a l t i t e · M a n g a n i t e M o l y b d a t e » Silicate . T i t a n a t e . Zirconate · Z i r c o n i u m Silicate

BRANCH SALES OFFICES: N e w Y o r k · C h i c a g o · B e s s e m e r C i t y , N . C MINES: K e y s t o n e , C u s t e r , Hill C i t y , S o u t h D a k o t a . B e s s e m e r C i t y , N . C Cat Lake, Manitoba · A m o s Area, Quebec PLANTS: S t . L o u i s P a r k , M i n n e s o t a . B e s s e m e r C i t y , N . C . RESEARCH LABORATORY: S t . L o u i s P a r k . M i n n e s o t a

For further information, circle number 39 A on Headers' Service Card, page 73 A VOL. 29, NO. 8, AUGUST 1957


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