Lithium triethylborohydride reduction of alkyl methanesulfonate esters

2166 J. Org. Chem., Vd. 42, No. 12, 1977. Notes. ~0.4t5 PPMq. ~ 0 . 4 6 PPM*. (a 1 e0.52 PPM+. 4.0. 3.5. 3.0. Figure 2. lH NMR spectra (100 MHz) of ...
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2166 J. Org. Chem., V d . 42, No. 12, 1977


~ 0 . 4 t 5PPMq

~ 0 . 4 PPM* 6

Figure 3. A perspective representation of t h e structure of e t h y l m e t h y l s u l f o n i u m 3,4-dihydro-1,4-dioxo-3-(phenylimino)-2( 1H)naphthylenylide (3).

31914-13-3; 6,31914-17-7; 7,57893-97-7; t r i e t h y l o x o n i u m tetrafluo368-39-8.


References a n d Notes (1) A. F. Cook and J. G. Moffatt, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,90, 740 (1968). (2) K. W. Ratts and A. N. Yao, J. Org. Chem., 31, 1185 (1966). (3) W. J. Middleton, E. L. Buhle, J. G. McNalley, Jr., and M. Zauger, J. Org. Chem., 30, 2384 (1965). (4) H. Nozaki, M. Takaku, Y. Hayasi and K. KO&, Tetrahedron, 24, 6563 (1968). (5)C. K. ingoid and J. A. Jessop, J. Chem. Soc., 713 (1930); E. D.Hughes and K. I. Kuriyan, bid., 1609 (1935); V. Franzen, Chem. Ber., 94, 2942 (1961). (6) The stable sulfonium ylide of a pyrimidobenzothiazine has been described: I. M. Goidman, First International Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry, Albuquerque, N.Mex., June 12-15, 1967, Papers 51 and 52. (7) K. Fries and F. Kerkow, Justus Liebip Ann. Chem., 427, 287 (1921). (8) Thin crystals of 3 are orange red in transmitted light; large crystals are nearly black in reflected light. (9) S. Ukai and K. Hirose, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 16, 195 (1968). (10) R. Gompper and H. Euchner, Chem. Ber., 99, 527 (1966). (1 1) F. M. Lovell and D. B. Cosulich. to be published.

Lithium Triethylborohydride Reduction of Alkyl Methanesulfonate Esters1*2 e 0 . 5 2 PPM+


W. H o l d e r * and M i c h a e l G. Matturro3

Department of Chemistry, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131

(a 1

Received November 19,1976

In the course of preparing some hydrocarbons for another study we required an efficient procedure for the transformation >C=O >CH2 for cases in which the carbonyl group is in a sterically hindered neopentyl environment. A number of techniques are available for this reduction: but after trying several of these with uncertain or unsatisfactory results, we decided to test lithium triethylborohydride (LiEt3BH, or Super Hydride) on alkyl methanesulfonate esters (mesylates). This reagent is a powerful hydride donor toward alkyl halides? and we reasoned that it might behave in an analogous fashion toward alkyl mesylates. Further, these esters are usually stable, easily handled compounds, and are ordinarily acces-


4.0 3.5 3.0 Figure 2. lH NMR spectra (100 M H z ) o f ethylmethylsulfonium 3,4-dihydro-1,4-dioxo-3-(phenylimino)-2(lH)-naphthylenylide (3) in MezSO-de a t various temperatures: (a) 32 O C , (b) 60 O C , (c) 80 O C , (d) 100 O C .

J.Org.Chem., Vol. 42, No. 12, 1977



Table I. Reduction of Alkyl Methanesulfonates (ROMes) with Lithium TriethylborohydrideO Compd

Registry no.

n-C,H, ,OMes (CH, )$ C-CH, OMes CH,(CH, ),CHOMes

16156-51-7 16427-42-2 62078-83-5


Time, hb

Temp, "C

0.5 3.0 0.5

25 60 25





ProductC n-Heptane Neopentane n -Heptane

Yield, %d 90 6ge 92

CH, CH,OMea"

62078-84-6 16 156-56-2

P f O M e s





(PhCH,CH, ),CHOMes




7 5h




0 8


68 12 9 38 65



The reactions, except where noted, were conducted in THF at either room temperature (25 "C) or reflux (60 "C) using a 2.1-fold excess of LiEt,BH. b Not necessarily minimum times. CExcept where noted no alkenes or alcohols were detected. All products are known compounds and in each case isolated samples had spectral properties corresponding to literature descriptions. d Except where noted these are VPC yields, utilizing an internal standard and corrected for detector response. e Yield calculated by measuring gas volume. fMixture of endo and exo isomers. g Trace of cyclooctene noted. h Reaction run in benzene solution. Q



sible by two high-yield steps (>C=O XHOH XHOS02CH3). Finally, the desired reductive displacement does occur with the less powerful lithium'aluminum h ~ d r i d e , ~ J O albeit in poor yields for sterically hindered cases." Treatment of the mesylates of the alcohols recorded in Table I with 2.1 equiv of LiEt3BH as a 1M solution in tetrahydrofuran (THF) rapidly .produced the corresponding alkanes in high yields (eq l).An extra l equiv of the hydride



showed essentially complete retention of configuration (95 f 5%exo-2-D). Presumably the enhanced leaving group ability of the methanesulfonate anion relative to bromide" results in a transformation of the mechanism to s N 1 for this easily ionizable substrate.18 A further indication of a possible s N 1 component in secondary systems is that the mesylates of both 1-heptanol and 2-heptanol react at comparable rates (Table The intervention of the 2-norbornyl carbonium ion in eq 2 is also supported by the formation of 35% exo-2-n-butoxynorbornane when the reaction is run in THF. This unusual product could come from attack on a T H F molecule involved in solvation, as shown below:


R' I




+ CH$OJ-Lit


reagent proved necessary, evidently because initially formed triethylboron itself reacts readily to form a relatively unreactive complex of stoichiometry EkB2H-.l2 Rough kinetic studies in several cases established the enhanced reactivity of LiEt3BH relative to LiAlH4. For example, for n-heptyl mesylate after 0.5 h at 25 "C the reaction was 90% complete with LiEtSBH but only 59% complete with LiAlH4. Although the attack of LiEt3BH on alkyl bromides was demonstrated to occur with configurational inversion, implicating an s N 2 mechanism for the displacement? treatment of the mesylate of exo- 2-norborneol with LiEt3BD (eq 2),



+ 2LiEtJ3D


followed by NMR analysis of the VPC-purified norbornane,16

Lithium triethylborohydride cleaves epoxides easily,lg and lithium tri-tert-butoxyaluminohydridein the presence of triethylboron rapidly opens the T H F ring at 25 0C.20 No analogous ethers were formed in any of our other experiments, however, and no formation of 1-butanol could be detected. In any case, when the reaction was run in about 9.55 benzene-THF21 to minimize ether formation the yield of norbornane was raised from 21% to 65%. Carrying out the experiment of eq 2 in benzene resulted in isolation of norbornane that contained 60 f 5% exo-2-D. Thus the s N 1 component is less important in the less ionizing medium. After submission of our preliminary results we became aware of the independently conceived and executed work of Krishnamurthy and Brown who have developed the reduction of alkyl p-toluenesulfonate esters (tosylates) with LiEt3BH.23p24Our work presented in this note therefore corroborates and extends their recently published results. Although our preoccupation with the development of the reaction has kept us from applying it to the original synthetic targets, the combination of our results with those of Krishnamurthy and Brown make it clear that LiEt3BH reduction of both the mesylates and tosylates of a wide variety of ali-


J.Org. Chem., Vol. 42, No. 12, 1977

phatic alcohols is a procedure of sufficient utility and generality to be added to those previously available for the reduction of carbonyl groups, to methylene groups.

Experimental Section M a t e r i a l s . LiEt3BHand LiEt3BD were purchased as 1M solutions in THF f r o m A l d r i c h Chemical Co. Reactant alcohols were either commercially available or prepared by unexceptional procedures. T h e mesylates were made by a standard literature method;25 in a l l cases IR a n d NMR established t h e absence o f reactant alcohol after t h e esterification. G e n e r a l P r o c e d u r e f o r R e d u c t i o n s . T o a dry, Nz-flushed, r o u n d - b o t t o m flask equipped w i t h r e f l u x condenser, magnetic s t i r bar, and rubber stopple was introduced by syringe x m m o l o f mesylate a n d x mL of dry THF. With stirring, 2 . 1 ~mL o f a 1M LiEt3BHSOl u t i o n in THF was added in one p o r t i o n by syringe. T h e resulting reaction was s t i r r e d under N2 for t h e t i m e period a n d a t t h e temperature recorded in Table I for each mesylate. A useful signal o f reaction progress was f o u n d t o be f o r m a t i o n o f lithium methanesulfonate, w h i c h precipitated. A f t e r t h e reduction periiod, the vessel was cooled in a n ice b a t h a n d excess h y d r i d e quenched by dropwise a d d i t i o n o f water. T h e organoboranes were oxidized by adding 0 . 7 ~mL o f 3 N N a O H , followed by t h e slow, dropwise a d d i t i o n o f 0 . 7 mL ~ o f 30% H 2 0 2 . T h e ice b a t h was removed a n d t h e reaction m i x t u r e refluxed for 1h. VPC analyses were measured f r o m t h e THF layer o f t h e cooled p r o d u c t m i x ture.26 Isolation of products was accomplished by p o u r i n g t h e reaction m i x t u r e i n t o l o x mL o f water, extraction w i t h pentane, washing t o remove dissolved THF, d r y i n g (MgS04), a n d concentration t o t h e crude p r o d u c t by flash distillation. F i n a l p u r i f i c a t i o n for structural studies was accomplished using standard preparative VPC techniques.

Acknowledgment. We are grateful to Dr. R. E. Williams and Professors H. C. Brown, R. 0. Hutchins, and R. T. Paine for helpful suggestions;. R e g i s t r y No.-Heptane, 142-82-5; neopentane, 463-82-1; ero2-methylnorbornane, 872-78-6; endo-2-methylnorbornane, 765-90-2; cyclohexane, 110-82-7; cyclohexene, 110-83-8; cyclooctane, 292-64-8; norbornane, 279-23-2; l,!j-diphenylpentane, 1718-50-9.

References and Notes Presented in preliminary form: R. W. Holder and M. G. Matturro, Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Laramie, Wyo., June 1976, Abstract No. 149. Acknowledgment is made to the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, the Research Corporation. and the University of New Mexico Research Allocations Committee for the support of this research. American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Undergraduate Scholar, 1975- 1976. Conventional procedures are compiled in (a) H. 0. House, "Modern Synthetic Reactions", 2nd ed, W. A. Benjamin, New York, N.Y., 1972; (b) I. T. Harrison and S . Harrison, "Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods", Wiley-Interscience, New York, N.Y.. 1971. More recently developed methods include use of sodium cyanoborohydride or tetrabutylammonium cyanoborohydrlde,5 reduction of the tetramethylphosphorcdiamldate derivative of the corresponding alcohol,e treatment of mesylates or halides with copper hydride reagents,' and formation of the tosylhydrazonefollowed by reduction with catecholborane or other active hydrides8 (a) R. D. Hutchins, 8. E Maryanoff, and C. A. Milewski, Chem. Commun., 1097 (1971); Org. Synth., 53, 107 (1973); (b) R. 0. Hutchins and D. Kandasamy, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,95, 6131 (1973). R. E. Ireland, D. C. Muchmore, and U. Hengartner, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94, 5098 (1972). (a) S.Masamune, P. A. Flossy, and G. S.Bates, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 05,6452 (1973); (b) S.Masamune, G. S.Bates, and P. E. Georghiou, ibM., 96,3686 (1974); (c) T. Yoshida and E. Negishi, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 762 (1974). (a) G. W. Kabalka and J. D. Baker, Jr., J. Org. Chem., 40, 1834 (1975); (b) L. Caglioti, Tetrahedron, 22, 487 (1966). H. C. Brown and S. Krishnamurthy, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 05, 1669 (1973). (a) Review: N. G. Gaylord, "Reduction with Complex Metal Hydrides", Interscience. New York, N.Y., 1956, pp 855-875; (b) C. W. Jefford, D. Kirkpatrick, and F. Delay, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 04, 8905 (1972). J. A. Marshall and R. A. Ruden, J. Org. Chem., 36, 594 (1971). This phenomenon has been observed before,13-15but apparently has not been discussed explicitly in the open literature. A. Khuri, Ph.D. Dissertation, Purdue University, 1960. R. E. Williams, K. M. Harmon, and J. R. Spielman, Office of Naval Research Report AD-603782. 1964. C. A. Brown, Abstracts, 172nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, Callf., Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 1976, No. ORGN-153.

Notes (16) A. P. Marchand and N. W. Marchand, Tetrahedron Lett., 1365 (1971). (17) Expected to be closely analogous to the ptoluenesulfonate leaving group, which departs about 5 X lo3 more easily than bromide: R. C. Blngham and P. v. R. Schleyer, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 93, 3 189 (197 1). (18) In this case LiEt3BH evidently acts as a carbonium ion trap in much the same way as does BH4-: H. M. Bell and H. C. Brown, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 88,1473 11966L (19) S.Krishnamurthy, R. M. Shubert, and H. C. Brown, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,95, 8486 (1973). (20) H. C. Brown, S.Krishnamurthy, and R. A. Coleman, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 04, 1750 (1972). (21) The LiEt3BH was transferred to benzene by pumping off the THF in the standard manner,** but it proved impossible to remove the last traces of THF. (22) H. C. Brown, "Organic Syntheses via Boranes", Wiley. New York, N.Y., 1975, p 229 ff. (23) S.Krishnamurthy and H. C. Brown, Abstracts, 172nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, Calif.. Aug 30-Sept 3, 1976, NO. ORGN-172. (24) S . Krishnamurthy and H. C. Brown, J. Org. Chem., 41, 3064 (1976). (25) Analogous to a procedure suggested by P. v. R. Schleyer for tosylate preparation: L. F. Fieser and M. Fieser, "Reagents for Organic Synthesis", Vol. 1, Wiley, New York, N.Y., 1967, p 1180. (26) Control experiments established the absence of product alkane and internal standard in the lower layer. Internal standards were either introduced at this point or before reduction; no difference in calculated yields was noted. ?

The Basicity of Enones. Substituent Effects and the Correlation of Protonation with HA J. L. Jensen*

a n d A n i t a T. T h i b e a u l t

Department of Chemistry, California State University, Long Beach, California 90840 Received December 13, 1976

The basicity of carbonyl compounds is of considerable interest since most acid-catalyzed reactions proceed via a preequilibrium protonation of the carbonyl group, followed by some sort of nucleophilic attack. Scheme



Arnett has recently reported thermodynamic pK,s for 52 protonated carbonyl compounds, based on heats of ionization in fluorosulfonic acid.' Of particular interest to a kinetic study we carried out2 are the basicities of a$-unsaturated ketones. These compounds as a class are much more basic than other ketones by 3-5 pK, units.' There have been several recent reports of basicity studies on a series of alicyclic a,@-unsaturated ketone^.^,^ However, the only reported pK, value for a protonated noncyclic a,P-unsaturated ketone is 2.4 for 4methyl-3-penten-2-0ne.~,~ We wish to report pK,s for several +unsaturated ketones demonstrating a sizable substituent effect on pK,. Acidity Dependence. Table I presents pK, values measured in aqueous HC104 and H2SO4 solutions. Plots of log [BH+]/[B] vs. -HA gave straight lines of slope 1.0 for 3methyl-3-penten-2-one and 4-methy1-3-penten-Z-one; thus protonation of acyclic a,@-unsaturatedketones follows the acidity function based on amide protonation a t least through 75% (12 M)H2S04 and 65% (10.5 M) HC104. This result is consistent with previous studies on cyclopentenones and cyclohe~enones.~ It is striking that protonation of 3-alkenones follows H A so closely throughout such a broad range of acidity. This requires that the f B / f B H + ratio for the protonation of amides and