LITHIUM......the Miracle Element - Chemical & Engineering News

Nov 5, 2010 - LITHIUM......the Miracle Element. Chem. Eng. News , 1955, 33 (11), p 1137. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v033n011.p1137. Publication Date: March 14, ...
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LI T H I U M the Miracle Element

A continent's resources available to industrial find new LITHIUM end-uses for aJJ industry Take a look at Lithium, if you have a production interest in ceramics, multi­ purpose greases, air conditioning, brazing fluxes, pharmaceuticals, organic chemi­ cals or metallurgy. If your industry is not one of those mentioned above—why don't you take a long look at Lithium too? Lithium's unusual, sometimes paradox­ ical, often uniquely valuable properties have achieved over-all savings—through shortcuts, reduction of waste, improve­ ment of end product and simplification of operating procedures—in industry after industry. Investigate how Lithium may fit into your production picture. Its pos­ sibilities are unlimited. Write for Data Sheets.

MINES: Keystone, Custer, Hill City, South Dakota Bessemer City, North Carolina _$£ Cat Lake, Manitoba " ^ Amos Area, Quebec


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St. Louis Park, Minnesota Bessemer City, North Carolina 1

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RESEARCH LABORATORY: St. Louis Park, Minnesota

General Offices: Suite F. Rsnd Tower, Minneapolis 2, Minn.

MINES: Keystone, Custer, Hill City, Soutr* Dakota · Bessemer City, North Carolina · Cat Lake, Manitoba - Amps Area, Quebec CHEMICAL PLANTS : St. Louis Park, Minnesota · Bessemer City, North Carolina - RESEARCH LABORATORY : St. Louis Park, Minnesota VOLUME

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