LL 1I.W Sr.ur;u. - ACS Publications

Church's Laboratory Guide. 131, EI)IY\KII. Krwir. I.). \.an Nostrand Co.. S . Y, st11. 'l'hi. ... rspc.ci:ill> ir! rc!atioii to tliosc clernc-nts oi :...
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Church's Laboratory Guide. 131, E I ) I Y \ KK I Ir w i r . eti., r i p h . pp. iq). Pricc, $ 2

I.). \.an Nostrand C o . . S . Y , st11

'l'hi.: hook is l;irgcly clc.\-otctl ! o tlica qiiantitati\-e analysis of agricultiin1 procliicts. 'I 1:c. tirst cdition was publisliccl in I S64 and i o u r d c s tensil-e use i r i Cre.it Britaiii, 1ndi:i. 1t~ily,J a p a n , v t c . '!'lie prcsmt cditioii has l m i i c:dL:ll!- rct\%c,tl : i n ( \ l ~ r g e l yrcivrittcii ; t i i d brought up t o d a t e . I'art I ronsists oi :I g,iieru: introrluctioii i i i clicniical n:anipu lation. Part 11 is r!e\-otc~tl t o clii:ilitati\-c! : i i ~ I ~ ~ srspc.ci:ill> is, ir! rc!atioii t o tliosc clernc-nts oi ::grictiltiir:iI iiitcrest . IJLirt-111. coinprising a l i o i : ~ XIC) pagesq r1r:als nit11 t!:a c1u:intit:itive :iii'ilysis of :tgriciiltural in:i tc. rials, s:-;ch a s coils, itiaiii.irv>, i x x i ; crops, c ; i t t l ( ~foo(1.:. (lair? products, brcntl, rt.c. '!'lie h o k i i el~'~irl!.writtim ~vc.11 arraiipc'cl ; t i i c l , iii Iliost respects, well i:p to c!:!te. \Iy(>Iiotice t ! i y L t , iii coiiinioii \\.it11 most E l i ropenn works, t?ir llabcock iiiet!iot! of tlcteriiiining fat i ~ iiiiilk ; i i i t l its products (nlinost c.scliisi\-el>. :tsetl i!i .Lrierica j is ciiLiryly igi1r)retl liy tlic, \vi-iter. .\s L: i-ulc, l.sis do not p r c p r c lvorlis tliat arc. c.iitircl!- s:itisfactory for the IISV of .\iiicric:iii s t u d e ~ i t siri our :igricultural colleges. I t is not tiiftkult to sc'c' 1\11>. this slioulrl be so. L. L. 1I.W Sr.ur;u. Dairy Laboratory Guide. I < y C t i . i ! < ~ ~ %\\.. .\IELIc'I- course.; covering oiilv :I few months of work. I t treats from the si:acdpoiiit of laboratory practice ;i largv riumher of siibjects coiinected with iiiilk rind its liiariipulaof butter and chcescl making and tions in coiinection with the proces preparation of other (lair\- products '1'1:~ t rcatiiient gi\-cn to eacli topic is brief :ind ncccssarily stipcrfkial hut is tlnck~ubtedlyinteiided to be sup plenlcntcti 1jy class work witli lectures. lye questioii the \visdoni of using chexiiical forniulas in ;L book of so elc.iiic!itary a character ivitli stutlciits ivlio lia\-c studic(1 cheiiiistr!- little, if at all. 'i'he stateiiients f o r tlic lnost par^ clear :tt!cl ~ i c c i l r ~ l t ~~ .' I K . l,001< 11:~s I I O inctes, :I ious fault iii gin!. book, 1wivevc.r siiiail. \Ve notice. that tlie author adheres to tlic old theory 01 tlic C;tiiSe of iiiottles in butter, xttributing it exclusively t o tlic actioii of salt anitl ignoring the essential part played b y the presence of butterniilk. 0 1 1 the ~vliole!the book, if properly used, c:ui be recomiiiencled for ~ 1 1 ~purposes s intended. I.. I,. \ r . \ N SI,\,KIC. Annuaire pour 1'An 1908. PubliC par le I3ureau des Longitudes. 16mo., .sical t:iI)lrs, iimrly oncl quartcr clicniical tables, ;Lntl an appciidix contains ,special xrticlc's un the distances of the fixed

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stars (G. Bigourdan) solar researches (Deslandres) the observatory of Montsouris (E. Guyon), and obituary notices of M. Loewy and Chas. Trepied. It is impossible to obtain anywhere else so much physical and chemical data for such a small price, and the data given are in the main reliable. The criticisin made on previous volumes still holds true on this, czz., that data obtained by famous French scientists continue t o be given even where some of them have been proved in error and replaced by better observations b y scientists outside of France: e . g., Regnault's determinatioii of the vapor tension of mercury below I O O O . J. W. RICHARDS.

RECENT PUBLICATIONS. ARRHENIUS, S. IMMUNOCHEMIE. Anwendungen der physikalischen Chemie auf die Lehre von den physiologischen Antikorpern. Leipzig: 1907. 203 ss. $1. 7. AUTESRIETH,W. QUASTITATIVE CHEWISCHE ASALYSE,Massanalyse, Gewichtsanakyse, und Untersuchungen aus dem Gebiete der angewandten Chemie, zum Gebrauche im chem. Laboratorien. Zweite vollig umberarb. Aufl. Tubingen: 1907. gr. 8. 380 ss. M. 9.40. Text-book for schools and colBEARD,J. T. MIXE GASES AND EXPLOSIOSS. leges and for general reference. New York: John U'iley & Sons. 1908. 380 pp, 68 fig. 1 2 mo. $3. LINCOLN,AZARIAH T., AND WALTON,JAMES H. EXERCISES IN ELEMENTARY QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSISFOR STUDENTS OF AGRICULTURE. New York : The Macmillan Co. 1907. 5x8 pp. I m o . $1.25. LOW, ALBERTH. TECHSICAL.METHODS OF ORE ANALYSIS. 3rd Ed. revised and enlarged. Kew York: John Wiley & Sons. 1908. 1 2 344 pp. 8vo. $3.


~~AIRE F.,

MODERNPIGMENTS AND THEIR VEHICLES: their properties and uses, considered mainly from the practical side, and how to make tints from them. New Yorlr: John Wiley & Sons. 1907. 266 pp. Izmo. $ 2 . MOLLER, A. ALLGEMEINECHEMIE DER KOLLOIDE.Leipzig: 1907. M. IO. NAMIAS,R. THEORETISCH-PRAKTISCHES HANDBUCHDER PHOTOGRAPHISCHEN CHEMIE. I. Band. Photographische Prozesse und orthochromatische Photographie. h'ach der 3. italienischen Auflage iibersetzt von A. Valerio und C. Stiirenberg. Halle: 1907. 406 ss. M. 8. NESSLER, J . BEREITUSC,PFLEGE U N D UNTERSUCHUNC DES ~ ' E I N E s . 8 Auflage, neubearbeitet von K. Windiscli. Stuttgart: 190;. gr. 8. j08 ss. mit 134 Figuren. M. 1 1 . NEUBURGER, A. HANDBUCH DER PRAKTISCHEN ELEKTROMETALLURGIE. Mtinchen und Berlin: 1907. M. 14. NISSENSON,H . UND POHL,W. LABORATORIUMSBUCH FUR DES METALLHOTTENCHEMIKER. Halle: 1907. gr. 8. M. 3. OSTWALD,A. LEHRBUCHDER CHEMISCHES PATHOLOGIE. Leipzig: 1907. gr. 8. 614 ss. M. 14. PASSON, H. DIE HOCHOFENSCHLACKE I N DER ZEMENTINDUSTRIE. Wiirzburg : 1907. M. 7.