Local Aromatic Character of C60 and C70 and Their Derivatives

Mar 24, 1995 - Sci. 1995, 35, 1001—1003. 1001. Local Aromatic Character of Ceo and C70 and Their Derivatives. Tadeusz Marek Krygowski* and Arkadiusz...
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J. Chem. In& Comput. Sci. 1995,35, 1001-1003


Local Aromatic Character of CSOand C,O and Their Derivatives Tadeusz Marek Krygowski* and Arkadiusz Ciesielski Department of Chemistry of the University of Warsaw, 02 093 Warsaw, ul. Pasteura 1, Poland Received March 24. 1995@ The ambiguity of the aromatic character of C, and C ~ may O result from two reasons: (i) aromaticity is a multidimensional phenomenon and (ii) the local aromatic character of the molecular fragment in question may vary considerablydepending on its topological and chemical environment. Application of the aromaticity index HOMA, based on experimental bond lengths, supported (ii): pentagons in fullerenes and their derivatives exhibit very weak or even antiaromatic character, with HOMA values ranging from -0.26 to 0.25. In contrast to that, hexagons exhibit a much larger variation in aromatic character, with HOMA , ) to 0.76 in C70dSg. Pentagons are less aromatic than hexagons, values ranging from 0.1 (anion of C except in the case of Cm-, and CM is insignificantly less aromatic than (270;both conclusions are in line with magnetic susceptibility studies, the latter also remains in agreement with enthalpy of formation measurements. INTRODUCTION

for the nonaromatic system and equals 1 for a system with all CC bond lengths equal to the optimal one, 1.388 A. Aromaticity is one of the most important general concept The increasing body of experimentally determined geomfor understanding of organic chemistry and of physicoetries of fullerenes and their derivatives encouraged us to chemical properties of n-electron systems in ~articular.’-~ apply them to study the local aromatic character of these Hence in the last few decades many quantitative measures compounds. of aromatic character have been i n t r o d ~ c e d . ~ - ~ Accepting the I h symmetry for C,, the situation is simple, Aromatic character of fullerenes7has been the subject of and HOMA values calculated from experimental bond many studies, yet with no clear cut conclusions.8-14 Their lengths25for pentagons and hexagons are 0.10 and 0.55, rather considerable stability may vote for some ar0mati~ity.I~ respectively. This is in line with strong paramagnetic However, its enthalpy of formationI6does not support this currents associated with five-membered ringz6and modest idea. Magnetic s~sceptibility’~ and enthalpy of formationi8 diamagnetic shifts by six-membered The HOMA measurements suggest that Cm is less aromatic than C70 and, value for the whole molecule equals 0.38 and is in line with in general, that the carbon spheroids constitute a class of small ring current for the whole molecule.26 If the symmetry compounds of “ambiguous” aromatic character.j 9 This of the refined model is lowered by using various models of “ambiguity” may result from two independent factors: (i) disorder, the number of symmetrically independent pentagons aromatic character being a multidimensionalphenomenon20~2’ and hexagons increases, and different geometries are found and hence energetic, geometric, and magnetic properties of for both kinds of rings. Nevertheless, the HOMA values a molecule need not be equivalent and (ii) in a general case for the whole molecule for those different models of the aromatic character is not a global property of a molecule refinement range between 0.34 and 0.43 and are close to since its various fragments may exhibit different aromaticthe value obtained for the symmetrical refinement, 0.38. Gas ity.22 phase electron diffraction gave a slightly different geometry of and all HOMA values obtained from it are lower, RESULTS maintaining the formerly presented regularity: for pentagons -0.26, for hexagons 0.35, and for the whole molecule 0.14. In studies of the local aromatic character it is convenient Low values of HOMA €or pentagons are in line with their to use the index of aromaticity, HOMAz3(harmonic oscillator magnetism almost completely quenched by paramagnetic model of aromaticity), which employs experimental bond contributi~n.~~ lengths. and describes the degree of alternation of bond Cm forms a salt with Cs, whose geometry is e~tablished.~~ lengths in question as well as their deviations from the HOMA values for pentagons are 0.25, for hexagons 0.13 optimal lengths attributed to the typical aromatic state and 0.10 and for the whole molecule 0.17. In view of the above the following conclusions may be drawn for CW,and 257.7 its anion are as follows: (i) in Cm pentagons are less aromatic HOMA = 1 - -C(ropt- rJ2 ?l i=l than hexagons, whereas in the anion the reverse is true, (ii) pentagons in Cm and all bonds in its anion exhibit very low where r,,, for CC bonds is 1.388 A, n stands for the number or none alternation of bond lengths, thus (iii) if only the of bonds in the molecular fragment (or molecule) in question, alternation of bond lengths is taken to measure aromaticity, and 257.7 is a normalization factor to get HOMA = 0 for i.e., the geometrical indices of a r o m a t i ~ i t yare ~ ’ ~applied, ~~ bond lengths as in b~tadiene-1,3,~~ which is a reference state then pentagons in C, and both pentagons and hexagons in Cm- exhibit aromatic character. This finding is contrary to the results of HOMA estimation and magnetic susceptibility ‘Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, September 1, 1995. 0095-2338/95/1635-1001$09.OO/0 0 1995 American Chemical Society

1002 J. Chem. In5 Comput. Sci., Vol. 35,No. 6, 1995

- 0.09


Figure 1. HOh4A values for symmetrically independent pentagons and hexagons of C in C706s8. One molecule of C70 is surrounded by 14 molecules of S8 which are in direct contact with it. Table 1. HOMA values for some selected molecules or their fragments molecule or its cyclic fragment



benzene Perylene

0.99 0.13 0.81


0.50 0.86 0.00

neutron diffr at 15 K X-ray, central ring mean value for other ring which in the crystal lattice are not equivalent, room temp measurement X-ray, room temp, central rings other rings mean value of 11 structures




X-ray, two independent molecules X-ray X-ray at 110 K, I h symmetry

6,6-dialkiloderivatives of fulvene 6(N,N-dimethyl-amino)fulvene cyclopentadienyl anion, Ca salt Be salt c 6 0 the whole molecule the hexagon rings the pentagon rings c60, the whole molecule the hexagon rings the pentagon rings C60-, the whole anion the hexagon rings the pentagon rings c 7 0 dS8. the C ~moiety O

0.79 0.67

0.38 0.55 0.10 0.14 0.35 -0.26 0.17 0.10 0.13

0.25 0.39

electron diffraction in the gas phase X-ray two kinds of symmetrically independent rings X-ray

measurements. It is also a substantial support of the idea of multidimensionality20x21of the aromatic character as the observed phenomenon. A more complicated situation exists in the case of C70, whose geometry is known only for the C 7 0 6 S s complex ~~ in which, however, no strong intermolecular interactions are expected. In this case HOMA values for pentagons range from -0.09 to 0.23, whereas for hexagons they are between 0.40 and 0.76, cf. Figure 1 for details. The HOMA value for the whole C ~ moiety O is equal to 0.39, indicating its slightly (but statistically insignificantly) more aromatic character than that of (260, which remains in agreement with literature More clear differentiation between C a and C ~ O needs more precise determination of their molecular geometry. Table 1 presents HOMA values for a collection of pentagons and hexagons taken from selected derivatives of O which geometry was determined experimenC a and C ~for tally. For comparison a few data for pentagonal and hexagonal fragments of typical n-electron systems are added.

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