Lockheed Dialog - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Lockheed Dialog. Anal. Chem. , 1983, 55 (13), pp 1337A–1337A ... Flow system does the dirty work. Organic chemists optimizing a reaction, like chefs...
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Short Courses ACS Courses. These new courses will be listed only once. For information on other ACS courses, see back issues and contact Department of Educational Activities, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St.,N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036; 202-872-4508. The following courses are being offered in conjunction with the 1984 Pittsburgh Conference in Atlantic City, N.J., March 5-9, 1984.


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Electronics for Laboratory Instrumentation March 2-3. Howard Malmstadt, Chris Enke, Stan Crouch. $575, ACS members; $635, nonmembers Practice of Modern Liquid Chromatography March 2-4. J. J. Kirkland, L. R. Snyder. $585, ACS members; $655, nonmembers

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Interpretation of NMR Spectra March 2-4. Leroy F. Johnson, Roy H. Bible. $575, ACS members; $645, nonmembers Analytical Light Microscopy March 2-4. Barbara M. Foster, Robert Hoffman. $585, ACS members; $655, nonmembers X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry March 2-4. Ron Jenkins, John Croke. $575, ACS members; $645, nonmembers LC/MS March 3-4. Jack Henion, Dai Games. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Capillary Gas Chromatography March 3-4. Stuart Cram, Milos Novotny. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Laboratory Automation: Micro-, Mini-, or Midicomputers? March 3-4. Raymond E. Dessy. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Atomic Absorption and Plasma Emission Spectrometry March 3-4. Theodore C. Rains. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Priority Pollutant Analysis— Wastewater March 3-4. Marcus Cooke. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers

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