LOENCO inc. - ACS Publications

Ave., Garden City, L. I., X. Y.. 502. Radiochemical Catalog. A 32-page catalog and price ... license-free cali- brated and uncalibrated sources. Atomi...
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Single Crystals Single crystals of alpha titanium, magnesium fluoride, and manganese zinc ferrite are now available from general production, rather than on a research effort basis. Data on alpha titanium are meager, but single crystal magnesium fluoride has been shown to be a preferred window material from the infrared to the ultraviolet, scanning a range from 11 microns down to 0.2 micron with 98 to 99% transparency over the whole region. Single crystal manganese zinc ferrite shows evidence of usefulness in the microwave region and its availability should stimulate research in this application. Semi-Elements, Inc., Saxonburg Blvd., Saxonburg, Pa. 501 TLC Adsorbent A new cellulose ion exchange material produced by Serva of Heidelberg, Germany, has been specifically prepared for the separation of nucleotides by thin layer chromatography. This product is polyethyleneimine cellulose, PEI-Cellulose. Gallard-Schlesinger Chemical Mfg. Corp., 1001 Franklin Ave., Garden City, L. I., X. Y. 5 0 2 Radiochemical Catalog A 32-page catalog and price list of certified tagged radiochemicals, including over 700 carbon-14 and tritium labeled compounds is available. The illustrated catalog also contains information on deuterium compounds, counting standards, instrument calibration sources, and many license-free calibrated and uncalibrated sources. Atomic Accessories, Inc., 811 West Merrick lîd., Vallev Stream, X. Y. 503

and references to their use in the scientific literature are available on request. Mann Research Laboratories, Inc., 136 Liberty St., New York 6. Ν. Υ. 5 0 4 Radiochemicals Atropine-a-C 14 Avith a specific ac­ tivity of 1.07 mc./mM is available for general pharmacological and anti­ cholinesterase studies. Also available is crystalline (//-tropic acid-a-C 14 hav­ ing a specific activity of 1.06 mc./mM. Traeerlab, 1601 Trapelo Pul., Waltham 54, Mass.' 505 High Purity Solvents A line of solvents, redistilled at high reflux ratio in all-glass equipment is use­ ful for zero-tolerance residue analysis, counter-current distribution analysis, and spectrophotometric work. Some IS solvents (others on request) are available in one-gallon bottles, pack­ aged in cases for four. Among the solvents are acetone, acetonitrile, ben­

NBS Metal Standards Four groups of metal standard sam­ ples have been issued by the National Bureau of Standards. Included in the new standards are four high tempera­ ture alloys, ten copper-base alloys, two Zircaloy-2 standards, and a leaded steel standard. In addition, a revised cer­ tificate of analysis has been issued for one Zircaloy-2 and two zirconium metal standards which were made available earlier. Standard samples issued by the Bureau are described in Standard Ma­ terials, NBS Miscellaneous Publication 241, available for 30 cents from the Superintendent of Documents, I*. S. Gov't Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.





Single f l a m e

Dual f l a m e

Dinitrophenyl Amino Acids Dinitrophenyl ( D X P ) amino acids which have been completely tested for their conformance to theoretical, physical, and chemical properties including UV absorption are available as single materials, or as kits containing groups. In addition, two P T H amino acid kits are offered. The two PTH amino acid kits contain 35 PTH amino acids. In addition to previously offered D N P amino acid kits, kits can be purchased with the purchaser's choice of 12 or 24 D N P amino acids. Detailed literature on these materials

zene, butanol-1, butanol-2, cyclohexane, ethyl acetate, methanol, methyl ethyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, propanol-2, and toluene. Burdick & Jack­ son Laboratories, 1953 S. Harvey St., Muskegon, Mich. 506

Model 21B


INCREASE T H E SENSITIVITY O F YOUR GAS CHROMATOGRAPH T h e L O E N C O Single or Dual H y ­ drogen Flame Ionization Detectors, in conjunction with the Model 2 1 Β Electrometer, make a gas chroma­ tographic quantitative analysis of organic c o m p o u n d s in p a r t s p e r billion possible. This represents a sensitivity range several orders of magnitude beyond that of a ther­ mal conductivity detector. Either of these detectors can be installed in t h e oven of your gas c h r o m a t o g r a p h or a r e a v a i l a b l e with the L O E N C O Model 7 0 Dual Column Programmed Gas Chroma­ tograph or the L O E N C O Model 15B Series Gas Chromatograph. For complete information write f o r Data Sheet L O E - 1 0 .






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VOL. 35, NO. 8, JULY 1963 .

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