Logarithmic Scales Whenevrr a plot call; for a logarithmic sralr. it ran readily be r o n s r ~ r r e d\instead o i w n p a c ~ ~ m m c r rgrnph ~ n l pnprr, 1," proper aligt~mwt01 2 dctnrlwd H \ ~ w u r y c l prr e ~ trn inchrc, or C \onr r)clr per rrn fret, srnlr < . I nsllds r d r . A s a matter oi i x t , ~ h kc n y ~ ho i variuus hmnda u t ' n m r n r r r d log paper arc q u a 1 tc, the lenyrh d t h r R (tr ('xalciof.r ten inch A d t rule. Moreover, in case of the one cycle paper, the C scale of the slide rule is more convenient to use since it has mare numbers designating the smaller intervals of the scale New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark. 07102
Volume 54, Number 10, October 1977 / 641