Looking for ways to reduce filtration costs? - C&EN Global Enterprise

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Looking for ways to reduce filtration costs? To improve product clarity? To increase flow rates? To help fight pollution? Switching to Dicalite perlite filteraids may be the answer to your filtration problems. It can help you obtain optimum c l a r i t y . . . help make your effluent meet disposal s t a n d a r d s . . . help reclaim waste water or liquids . . . help improve flow rates . . . all at lower


SCANNING ELECTRON PHOTOMICROGRAPH of an expanded perlite particle magnified approximately 9,500 times actual size to show its glasslike cellular structure. When shattered, this structure produces one of the world's great filteraids because every fragment has a// curved surfaces, forming an almost incompressible filter cake. From the DICALITE perlite collection. By courtesy of the Laboratory of Electronmicroscopy, Ghent University, Belgium.

DARK FIELD PHOTOMICRO­ GRAPH of the diatom ARACHNOIDISCUS GREVILLEANUS with TERPSINOE INTERMEDIA. Magnification is approximately 2.100 times. From the DICALITE diatom collection. Photomicro­ graph by Richard B. Hoover.

Switching to Dicalite perlite filteraids may give you every third, fourth or fifth bag free. This is because Dicalite perlite forms filter cakes at consider­ ably lower densities than diatomite. The range is 20% to 50% lower, espe­ cially on vacuum precoat filtration. The way to tell exactly how perlite can serve you is to ask for a free inplant test. Only Dicalite engineers are equipped to test your production liquors using the Dicalite Pressure Test F i l t e r or the Dicalite R o t a r y Vacuum Precoat Test Leaf. Only Dicalite is your single source

for a full range of filtration materials, including perlite, diatomite, SolkaFloc® cellulose, Diabestos®, DiaFloc®, a c i d - w a s h e d a n d n o n - a c i d washed asbestos. New deposits of both diatomite and perlite assure users of Dicalite filteraids an unlimited supply—well into the 21st Century. Another Dicalite product—DicaSorb™ high-bulk sorbent—has been developed as an aid to combat pollu­ tion. An 18-lb. bag of Dica-Sorb can absorb 9 to 15 gallons of oil, depend­ ing on viscosity.

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A subsidiary of General Refractories Company

WRITE FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING (All Free) Π Ν-Ρ-6: Full color reproduction of expanded perlite particle. Π Ν-16: Full color reproduction of diatom ARACHNOIDISCUS GREVILLEANUS with TERPSINOE INTERMEDIA. Π General Filtration Manual Π Mineral Filler Bulletin Π Perlite Technical Bulletin (P-ll) Π Diatomite Technical Bulletin (D-ll) Π Solka-Floc Technical Bulletin (SF-11) Π Dica-Sorb Technical Bulletin Π Please have Dicalite Technical Representative call me to make an appointment for a free in-plant test. Kent Cochran, Dicalite/GREFCO, Inc. 630 Shatto Place Los Angeles, California 90005 Name Title Company

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D i c a l i t e D i v i s i o n P l a n t s : Antonito, Colorado; Basalt, Nevada; Lompoc, California; Crawfordsville, Indiana. International D i v i s i o n Plants: E u r o p e / D i c a l i t e Europe Nord, S.A., Ghent, Belgium; Dicalite Europe Sud, S.p.A., Corsico ( M i l a n o ) , Italy; Dicalite Espanola, S.A., Rubi ( B a r c e l o n a ) , Spain. L a t i n A m e r i c a / D i c a l i t e de Mexico, S.A., Mexico, D . F. J a p a n / Dicalite Orient Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. Distributors or S a l e s A g e n t s throughout the world.

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