loomis engineering & manufacturing co. - American Chemical Society

American Chemical Society/ 127th Na- tional. Meeting,. Cincinnati,. Ohio,. March 29 to April 7, 1955. Eighth Annual Analytical Symposium. Syracuse Uni...
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Application blanks m a y be obtained from t h e A M E R I C A N C H E M I C A L SOCIETY,

1155 Sixteenth St., N . W . , Washington 6, D . C. T h e y should be completed and returned t o t h e Merck Fellowship Com­ mittee, a t t h e same address, along with letters of recommendation and t r a n s scripts of credits. Deadline date for receipt of all material is F e b r u a r y 1, 1955.

aboratory work.. Adams Centrifuges

Metropolitan Microchemical Society

• Faster Sedimentation—utilize principle

T h e Metropolitan Microchemical So­ ciety h a s planned t h e following pro­ gram for t h e coming year, meeting a t t h e American M u s e u m of N a t u r a l History, New York, a t 8 P . M . Sec­ r e t a r y of t h e group is B a r b a r a C. R y a n , D e x t r a n Corp., Yonkers, Ν . Υ.

• Rheostats have " o f f " position for con­ tinuous speed control


• For micro and semi-micro w o r k



• Accurate alignment in o p ­ eration • Guided m o v i n g


• Sturdy 3 column tion


• Even pressure distribution for uniformly dense pellets •


• Bench mounted • H a n d operated • 9 " χ 9 " platen area • 2 2 " m a x . vertical opening, adjustable

A multi-purpose unit with quickly adjusted vertical open­ ing, by handwheel, permits many different set-ups in mini­ mum time. Used around the world for RESEARCH, CONTROL, & TESTING. Available accessories include: Heat­ ing and Cooling Platens; Temp. Con­ trols; Auxiliary low pressure gauges; Fast air closing; Extruding units; Testing units, etc. Other capacities and sizes available. Write for Bulletin.

LOOMIS ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING CO. 133 So. 14th St., N e w a r k 7, N. J.

November 18. Organic Reagents in Microanalysis. J. H. Yoe, University of Virginia. December 15. Gadget Meeting. January 20. Micropotentiometric Ti­ trations. M. S. Schmall, HoffmannLa Roche. February 17. Microtechniques in Air Pollution "Studies. M. B. Jacobs, New York City Air Pollution Bureau. March 18 and 19. Tenth Annual Mi­ crochemical Symposium. Micromethods for Physical Constants. April 21. Oxygen by Isotope Dilution. A. D . Kirshenbaum and A. V. Grosse, Temple University. May 19. Ladies' Night, at Fordham University. Gems. H. L. Cox, Corn Prod­ ucts, Inc.

• Permanently lubricated—require oiling

• Precision-machined heads for accurate balance • 2 models: Safety-Head for six 15-ml tubes; Safeguard Angle-Head for 1 2 15-ml tubes and nine interchangeable heads Write

30 A


Yankee Shakers • Low f o r m , compact design • Ball bearing moving parts

• Timed or continuous Write

A b o u t 800 s t u d e n t s with special abilities in science will be selected for a year of g r a d u a t e scientific s t u d y during t h e academic year 1955-56 in t h e


• 2 0 " χ 1 2 " x 8"—Platform size 1 2 " χ 1 5 "

for complete

operation details.

Yankee Rotators

ANALYST'S CALENDAR Metropolitan Microchemical Society. Gadget Meeting, New York, Ν. Υ., December 15. Eighth Annual Symposium on Modern Methods of Analytical Chemistry. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La., January 31 to February 3, 1955.

• Impart a gentle circular motion of diameter similar to hand rotation • Rubber-covered


• 2 to 5 minute timer with automatic cut-off

Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. Pittsburgh, Pa., February 28 to March 4, 1955.


American Chemical Society/ 127th Na­ tional Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 29 to April 7, 1955.


Eighth Annual Analytical Symposium. Syracuse University, Syracuse, Ν. Υ., June 17 and 18, 1955.


• 1 1 " χ 1 1 " p l a t f o r m - 1 3 0 or 180 RPM

for complete


Order from your dealer

141 East 25th Street, New York 10, Ν. Υ. Circle

Circle No. 30 4-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 47 A

for complete

• 1 V i " stroke—275-285

National Science Foundation Fellowships


Nos. 30 A-2, 30 A-3, 30 A-4 Service Card, page 47 A


on Readers'