Lot-Analyzed Solvents Three more - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 17, 2012 - Lot-Analyzed Solvents Three more. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (4), pp 123A–130A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60172a828. Publication Date: April 1961...
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Lot-Analyzed Solvents Three more high-purity solvents are added to the list of Certified Grade reagents available from Fisher Scientific Co. They are ethylene dichloride, designated E-175; ethylene glycol monomethyl ether, E-182; and triethanolamine, T-407. Ethylene dichloride is described as a base for many organic syntheses, having important uses in concentrating vitamins A and D from liver oils, and in vapor phase degreasing of electronic components. Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether is said to have many analytical uses, especially in colorimetric determination of both cations and anions. Triethanolamine is used as a solvent for cellulose acetate and as a chromatographic solvent. It is a mildly alkaline buffer. The company says that the T-407 product contains a maximum of 1.8% mono- and diethanolamines, compared with up to 15% in the TJSP grade. C-l Rare Earth Metals Six high purity rare earth metals— dysprosium, erbium, gadolinium, holmium, samarium, and ytterbium—are added to the products line available from High Purity Metals, Inc. The materials, which may be obtained in minimum 25-gm. lots, are refined to the following purity levels, according to the company: iron, less than 0.03% ; tantalum, less than 0.01%; other rare earths, less than 0.1%; oxygen, less than 0.1?r ; and silicon, calcium, etc., traces only. C-2

test method which enables analysis of monoglyceride at levels as low as 0.05%. The products are available in 5-, 30-, and 50-gram ampules, sealed under inert gas. C-3

the categories, 7-bottle kits of the more frequently used reagents come in rubber-coated wire carrying racks. C-4 Tracer Compound

Reagents and Dye Solutions More than 50 standardized Volutec reagents and dye solutions for paper chromatography and electrophoresis are available from Research Specialties Co. in 200-ml. aerosol spray bottles. A plastic coating on the bottles prevents breakage and shields the contents from the effects of light. The tight seal for retaining the aerosol also protects the contents from contamination. The reagents available are useful for studying the following classes of organic substances: aliphatic acids and amines, amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, phenols, proteins, purines, pyridine nucleotides, pyrimidine reduction products, steroids, and vitamins. For several of

Thymidine-methyl-H 3 , a new compound being offered by New England Nuclear Corp., is a precursor of both RNA and DNA and can be used for studies of cell growth, genetic patterns, turnover, and others. The specific activity currently supplied is 2360 millicuries per millimole but greater specific activities are available on request. The company says that independent laboratories have confirmed the compound's biological activity and that chromatographic analysis has shown it to be radiologically pure. License exempt packages of 250 microcuries are priced at $15. One millicurie and five millicuries are $40 and $160, respectively. C-5

OiiinjO-duoUix^ the






Ultrapure Triglycerides Three ultrapure triglycerides—trioleate, tristearate, and trilinoleate—are now offered by The C. P. Hall Co. of Illinois. The company says that extremely pure triglycerides are rare in nature and almost as rare in synthetic form. Even when the product is prepared from the pure acid, as by interesterification between the pure methyl ester and glycerine, it contains monoand diglycerides and their positional isomers. These are difficult to remove by conventional methods. Also, in order to test for the impurities, the company cooperated with the University of Wisconsin's pharmacy department in developing a chromatographic



Littrow Type Optical System Direct Reading in Millimicrons 2 0 0 to 7 0 0 Millimicrons Wavelength Range Entrance and Exit Slits Adjustable in Unison Optics of UV G r a d e Fused Silica Motor Driven Wavlength Movement Plus a Fine Adjustment for Individual Settings.




O. C. RUDOLPH & SONS, INC. P. O. BOX 446, CALDWELL, NEW JERSEY Circle No. 9 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 3 3 , N O . 4 , APRIL 1 9 6 1





Technical Reprints. The following re­ prints are available on request made directly to the address given below : • Electronic Spectra oj Absorbed Mole­ cules: Stable Carbonium Ions on Sil­ ica Alumina • New Sulfur Oxidizing Iron Bac­ terium: Ferrobacillus Sulfooxidans SP.N. • Nickel Nitrosyl Complexes • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spec­ tra of the Triphenylcarbonium and Methyldiphenylcarbonium Ion. Mellon Institute, Office of Public Rela­ tions, 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh 13, Pa. Technical Data Sheets. Company services and products are described in technical data sheets on the following: • general radiochemical analysis L-l • fallout analysis L-2 • environmental and personnel moni­ toring L-3 • autoradiography L-4 • particle analysis L-5 Isotopes, Inc.

High Temperature Operation — Up to 5100°F for intermittent 4800°F for continuous operation.

use, up to

Extremely Compact 8" high χ 4 " diameter working volume con­ tained within a 2 0 " χ lOVe" unit. Also avail­ able, 15" high χ 12" diameter working volume contained within a 3OV2" χ 2 2 " unit. Controlled Atmosphere — I nert gas protects charge and furnace element. Water-Cooled — Circulation through electrodes, coverplates and outer shell. Easy Furnace Access — Removable top and bottom covers, with hearth lift mechanism for bottom loading. Unrestricted Viewing — Inert gas is directed against side and top sight ports to scavenge atmosphere. Unusually compact and economical labor­ atory furnaces meet the severe requirements of melting and sintering materials in excess of 4500°F. Curtiss-Wright Research Furn­ aces feature a specially designed cylindrical graphite resistance element surrounded by a graphite radiation barrier, carbon insulation and aluminum outer shell; mounted on a vertical supporting column for easy access. Equipment and instrumentation is available for any degree of semi-automatic or auto­ matic control. Systems Engineering Services available Phone SWinburne 9-0500 or w r i t e :



Princeton Division · Princeton, N. J. Circle No. 172 on Readers' Service Card 124 A



Chemicals List. Catalog lists com­ pany's complete line of reagent and in­ dustrial grade chemicals, both house and nationally-advertised brands. Available package sizes for each chemi­ cal are given. F. P. Jay Chemicals, Inc. (Cat. 3). " L-6 Research Chemicals. Catalog lists about 200 items, including nearly 50 chemicals not previously offered. Most are offered in laboratory lots; some are available in pilot plant lots. Includes prices. Kaplop Laboratories. L-7 Regulated




Illustrated single page describes unit for providing constant measuring-circuit current for L&N recorders and con­ trollers from the a.c. line. Leeds & Northrup Co. [Data Sheet NY [2)}. L-8 Chromatography Equipment. Series of illustrated data sheets discusses the company's thermal conductivity detec­ tors, the Model 22 programmed column accessory, and the Model 60 propor­ tional temperature controller. Loe En­ gineering Co. L-9 Electric Furnaces. Illustrated 6-page bulletin describes a complete company

line for ashing, assaying, drying precipi­ tates, and other uses. Includes speci­ fications and prices. The Electric Hotpack Co. L-l Ο Resistance Filaments. Single sheet describes high positive coefficient resist­ ance filaments for vapor phase chroma­ tography detectors, gas analysis by thermal conductivity, pirani gages, and anemometers. Gow-Mac Instrument Co. [Bull. FIL 12-60). L-l 1 Laboratory Equipment. Descriptions, illustrations, and prices are given on a variety of equipment ; 8 pages. Harshaw Scientific. L-l 2 Controllers. Well-illustrated 56-page catalog covers the complete line of ElectroniK pneumatic and electric con­ trollers. Detailed descriptions and many photographs, tables, and dia­ grams. Minneapolis-Honeywell Regu­ lator Co. (Cat. C-15-2a). L-l3 Radiation Detection. Illustrated 4page bulletin describes integrated mon­ itoring systems, air and fluid monitors, a gamma alarm system, and a gamma spectrometer. Nuclear Measurements Corp. (The NMC Fallout). L-14 Magnifiers and Microscopes. Illus­ trated folder describes the company's line of illuminated magnifiers and shop microscopes. E. W. Pike λ- Co. L-l 5 Company Services. Booklet gives brief descriptions of supporting serv­ ices available for assisting users and potential users in applying or evaluat­ ing the company's instrumentation. Perkin-Elmer Corp. (May We Help You?). L-l 6 Controlled Volume Pumps. Illus­ trated 32-page bulletin on motor driven units features a selection data guide, materials selection charts, and capacity-pressure selection tables. Milton Roy Co. (Bull. 553-2). L-l 7 Automatic Determinations. Four data sheets discuss continuous auto­ matic determination, respectively, of chloride content of water, citric acid, benzoic acid content of fluids, and chromâtes. Flow diagrams are included. Technicon Controls, Inc. L-l 8

Synthesis Work in Process. Single page lists some 55 labeled compounds on which initial syntheses are being conducted or have just been completed. Includes many carbon-14 and tritium



MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE compounds, as well as three short-lived compounds. New England Nuclear Corp. L-19 Modernization Service. Folder de­ scribes an instrument modernization service which is designed to restore the company's products to a "like-new" condition. Tracerlab, Inc. L-20

3 - 1 0 Minute Analysis Time

Testing Services. Two price lists on the company's biological service and metals chemistry service cover various types of studies, tests, and quantitative and semi-quantitative analyses. United States Testing Co. L-21 Electrical Heaters. Illustrated bulle­ tin features description of Heat-Pak unit available for both acid and alkaline bath heating. Several models are dis­ cussed. Electrical Accessories Co. (Process Equipment News, No. 1).

Uses the hot extraction principle. Meets \STM requirements (tentative pro­ cedure) of 1200°C or 2192°F operating • emperature. Outgassing of a crucible s eliminated, due to a patented, inert, Mank free susceptor. A unique device illows one sample to be loaded at a 'ime, and removed from the system tfter extraction, without breaking • he vacuum !

L-22 Membrane Filters in Radiochemistry.

Three-page manual gives information on techniques for radiochemical appli­ cation of microporous plastic filters. Includes 25 references. Gelman Instru­ ment Co. (Manual 5). L-23

Write for literature today LABORATORY EQUIPMENT CORP. 3033 Hilltop R o a d , S t . J o s e p h , Michigan Circle No. 57 on Readers' Service Card

Clay Adams





Eight-page pamphlet describes Microphore, composed of thin microporous cellulose acetate sheet. Gelman Instru­ ment Co. L-24 Gas Chromatograph. Illustrated 16page brochure describes the Model GC2A gas chromatograph. Beckman Sci­ entific and Process Instruments Divi­ sion (Bull. 787). L-25 Closed Loop Process Control. Appli­ cation data sheet discusses advanced chromatographic closed loop process control through use of the Model 26212 chromatograph. Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp. (Bull. 26212). L-26

Additions to Chemicals List. Fourpage bulletin discusses five new addi­ tions to the company's catalog and in­ cludes reference list on each. The sub­ stances are JV-benzoyl-iV-phenyl hydroxylamine, hydrolyzed starch (Smithies) for starch-gel electro­ phoresis, dextran, thallium metal, and reserpine. The British Drug Houses, Ltd. L-27

Efficient, compact, durable, every Clay-Adams centrifuge is precision engineered and manufactured to guarantee superior performance. Clay-Adams centrifuges are available from your local supply dealer. Write us today for an illustrated brochure on our complete line of table model centrifuges.

Optical Coatings. Brochure shows ten spectral curves representative of some of the coatings produced by the company ; also gives a short description of the firm's activities. Optical Coat­ ing Laboratory, Inc. L-28


Circle No. 32 on Readers' Service Card 126 A



New York 10, Ν. Υ.

Price Lists. Two 16-page price lists cover combustion bombs and calo-

MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE rimeters, and pressure reaction apparatus; component parts and accessories are included. Illustrated. Parr Instrument Co. {Price Lists 61-1 and 61-2). L-29


Chemical Products List. More than 300 items are listed in a 68-page booklet, divided into sections on antibiotics, chemicals, narcotics, and vitamins. Also has a section describing the company's confidential development and production facilities. S. B. Penick & Co. L-30 Hot Plates and Heaters. Illustrated 12-page catalog covers the complete line of hot plates, heaters, and immersion heaters, with descriptions, specifications, and prices. Palo Laboratory Supply Co. L-31 Nuclear Problems. Four-page reprint from Nondestructive Testing discusses analytical procedures for uranium fuel alloy ingots, stainless steels, hafnium reactor control rods, and others. Philips Electronic Instruments (Nuclear Problems Handled with X-Rays). L-32

Removes fumes without loss of conditioned air

Petroleum Analysis. Four-page reprint from Oil and Gas Journal describes how Gulf Research and Development Co. uses x-ray methods of analysis on lube oils, crudes, distillates, additives, and others. Philips Electronic Instruments (Gulf's New 100 KV X-Ray Spectrograph). L-33 Laboratory Equipment. Illustrated 16-page catalog covers large variety of items such as the Burd-Watcher I I programming instrument, International Model CS centrifuge, Beckman hydrogen flame detector, flasks, beakers, balances, laboratory supports, and others. Scientific Glass Apparatus Co. (What's New, No. 41). L-34 Enzyme Procedures. Folder gives brief descriptions and references in six enzyme procedures, and lists kits available for doing them. Prices included. Sigma Chemical Co. L-35 Caustic Soda. Chemical and physical properties of caustic soda are given in 40-page booklet. Includes about ten pages of graphs and tables. IT. S. Industrial Chemicals Co. L-36 Thermistors. Tenth edition of catalog lists all the company's thermistors and other products; general purpose bead thermistors in glass probes are featured. Victory Engineering Corp. L-37 Dry Box Gloves. Specification sheet gives information on the Wil-Gard in-






In addition to protecting laboratory personnel from obnoxious or toxic gases, the Aloe-Petrolite Fume Hood saves conditioned air. Not only in the room where it is installed, but in the entire building. Losing cooled or heated air through fume hoods places a n extra load on refrigeration a n d heating equipment. Result: unnecessary expense. But — by using outside air instead of room air, to carry off fumes, waste of conditioned air is stopped. This hood does just that. It operates as an independent unit, completely isolated from rest of room. And in air conditioning savings it can pay for itself. Descriptive bulletin and all details ore yours for the asking. Write or call us today.

aloe scientific DIVISION



Genera/ Offices: 1831 Olive St. · St. Louis 3, Missouri

FULLY STOCKED DIVISIONS COAST-TO - COAST Circle No. 16 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 33, NO. 4 , APRIL 19*1


127 A

MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE terchangeable Berkeley Box sleeve and glove combination. Wilson Rubber Co. L-38 Instruments Information. Two tabu­ lations are available, one listing instru­ ments made by Evans Electroselenium, Ltd., of Britain, and the other giving prices of company products. The in­ struments list also shows applications and classes of users. Electronic Equip­ ment (Export) Ltd. L-39 Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Sen­ sors. Two folders describe polarographic oxygen sensor and glass elec­ trode carbon dioxide sensor, designed for space travel or other uses where size, weight, and dependability are crit­ ical. Beckman Instruments, Inc. (Bull. CS-60-1005 & CS-60-1006). L-40


CHROMATO-TUBE This new laboratory aid for carotene determination (A.O.A.C. chromatographic method) helps you get uniform results . . . saves time . . . eliminates messy packing . . . and is economical. The CHROMATO-TUBE is made of polypropylene—a rigid, transparent, totally inert plastic. It is machine packed giving even density and freedom from channeling. CHROMATO-TUBES are sealed at both ends and are always ready for quick use. The magnesia, called MAGNOX, absorbs added fats thus avoiding false high carotene readings.





Circle No. 135 on Readers' Service Card

detect and continually record...


concentration down to 0.001 ppm


T E C H N I C O N ®

A f i e l d - p r o v e n s y s t e m . . . over 1500 AutoAnalyzers are now automating routine wet-chemistry analyses in plants a n d laboratories throughout the free world . . . analyzing up to 0 0 repetitive samples per hour and monitoring on-stream continuously. *Defecfs other irace elements too, e.g.; silica, copper, sugar, chloride, phosphate, etc. A total of 60 fully-automated determi­ nations now possible, more are coming. Send for your free abstract method kit and brochure AK& today




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Circle No. 148 OR Readers' Service Card

128 A






Bimetal and mercury thermoregulators, heaters, relays, stirrers, pumps, and transformers for controlling tempera­ tures in any type containers or entire rooms are described. American Instru­ ment Co. (Cat. 360). L-42

8811 Prospect Kansas City 32, Missouri



Nine-page report describes application of the Dystac dynamic storage analog computer to determination of complex chemical equilibrium conditions and composition. Computer Systems, Inc. (Form 80-105-008). L-41

Salt Spray Chambers. Data sheet gives working dimensions, specifica­ tions, and price information on four models in the company's all-Lucite line foi environmental testing. Associated Testing Laboratories, Inc. (Bull. C-II2). L-43 Plasma



System for use in plasma diagnostics and high temperature gas research is described in four-page folder. BairdAtomic, Inc. 1-44 Mechanical Vacuum Pump. Illus­ trated 14-page booklet gives mechanical and operating details on the Hyvac S14 single stage vacuum pump, which pumps down to 10 μ, Hg and is rated at 140 liters per minute at atmospheric pressure. Central Scientific (Booklet 322). L-45 X-Ray Analyzer. Elaborately illus­ trated 32-page booklet gives general description of the Microscan system and detailed descriptions of its com­ ponents. Also covers performance, ap­ plications, specifications, installations, advisory service, and a bibliography. Cambridge Instrument Co. (Microscan X-Ray Analyzer). L-46





Requests for copies of the following periodical publications should be sent directly to the addresses shown. The Analyzer. An informative article on sampling systems for liquid injec­ tion process chromatographs is illus­ trated by photos, flow diagrams, and drawings. Intriguing, too, is a short piece entitled "Case of the Cosmic Cul­ prit." Beckman Scientific and Process Instruments Division, Fullerton, Calif. (Vol. Π, No. 1). Atomlight. Two papers from the 4th Symposium on Advances in Tracer Methodology are presented. One dis­ cusses some experiences with labeling nucleotides, and the other deals with correlation of efficiency of labeling with chemical constitution. New England Nuclear Corp., 575 Albany St., Boston, Mass. {No. 16. Jan. 1961).

New Mechanically Convected Ovens Provide Maximum Heat Uniformity — 35° to 350°C Hotpack's 5 2 years of engineering experience are reflected in these compact units. Built-in features such as two rear entrance ports and stainless steel chambers (not to mention extra insulation and improved chamber design) means: maximum performance for all heating, baking, drying, etc. Critical temperatures are quickly and accurately attained with an indicating-controlling thermostat, sensitive to within ~ 1 ° C ; optional, true SaturableCore-Reactor allows variable heater input every step of the way. Added protection is afforded by a'Limitsfat control. Hotpack's modern crafted recessed panel and plexiglass cover discourages unauthorized or accidental disturbance to controls. Four new models to choose from (each with fully adjustable stainless steel shelving) . . . chamber 1 6 " to 3 6 " wide, 1 6 " to 3 0 " deep and 1 9 " to 5 0 " high . . . or engineered to your specifications.

For oven bulletin write to.·





Circle No. 173 on Readers' Service Card ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

CIC Newsletter. Four-page issue has series of short items on various topics, plus an editorial on advantages of com­ plementary use of IR spectroscopy and gas chromatography. Connecticut In­ strument Corp., Wilton, Conn. (No. 11, Feb. 1961). JarrellrAsh Newsletter. The entire issue is devoted to a pictorial tour of the company's facilities, from exterior through offices, laboratories, and shops to shipping room; 8 pages. JarrellAsh Co., 26 Farwell St., Ncwtonville, Mass. (No. 9. Dec. 1960). The Laboratory. This issue's feature article is on epilepsy research—surpris­ ing how many of history's leading fig­ ures were epileptics. Many new prod­ ucts are discussed in 1- or 2-page articles. Thirty-two pages. Fisher Scientific Co., 711 Forbes Ave., Pitts­ burgh 19, Pa. (Vol. 29, No. 1). S/P Bulletin. Ninth anniversary issue features variety of apparatus and sup­ plies; some items have 19% price re­ ductions. Two-page pictorial discus­ sion depicts the development of a new product, from idea to production item. Scientific Products, 1210 Leon Place, Evanston, 111. (Feb. 1961). Instrument News. The illustrated fea­ ture is on infrared in education, written by Sister Miriam Stimson, O.P., chair­ man of the Division of Natural Science at Siena Heights College. Several of the company's instruments are also discussed in other articles, and news of summer courses at various colleges is given. The Perkin-Elmer Corp., Norwalk, Conn. (Vol. IS, No. 2).