LOW COST PUMP - ACS Publications

142 on Readers' Service Card. LOW COST ... 11:10 Chemical Problems Encountered in the Administration of the Food ... V. A. Sedlak, J. W. Miles, U. S. ...
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9:50 CATALOG N O . 60-D

Here is t h e f i r s t c a t a l o g lever d e v o t e d ex­ clusively t o s t a n d a r d a n d c u s t o m built glass h i g h v a c u u m s y s t e m s . C o m p l e t e parts a n d accessories i t e m s l i s t e d . One source of i n ­ f o r m a t i o n f r o m idea t o i n s t a l l a t i o n . Reserve y o u r free copy t o d a y . Write



10:50 D E L M A R SCIENTIFIC L A B O R A T O R I E S 4701 West Grand Avenue, Chicago 39, Illinois


Circle No. 142 on Readers' Service Card


LOW COST PUMP for Laboratory Use

oj Agricultural

and Food


K. S. Konigsbacher, Presiding 9:00


Simple and Rapid Analysis of a Wide Variety of Sam­ ples by Fluorescent X-Ray Spectrography. M . L. Salmon, Fluo-X-Spec Laboratory.

Symposium on A n a l y t i c a l Methods f o r Food A d d i t i v e a n d Pesticide Chemicals


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Introductory Remarks. K . S. Konigsbacher, Evans Re­ search and Development Corp. Fluorometric Determination of Added Pyridoxine in Enriched White Flour and Bread. D . J. Hennessy, Anne Steinberg, George Wilson, William Keaveney, Fordham University. Colorimetric Method for the Determination of 3,5 D i nitro-o-Toluamide (Zoalene) in Chicken Tissues. G. N. Smith, B. J. Thiegs, M . G. Swank, The Dow Chemi­ cal Co. Colorimetric Method for the Determination of 3Amino-5-Nitro-o-Toluamide (ANOT) in Chicken Tis­ sues. B. J. Thiegs, G. N . Smith, J. L. Bevirt, The Dow Chemical Co. Turbidimetric Determination of the Extractibility of Polyethylene Food Packaging Film into Vegetable Oil. D. P . Johnson, F . E . Critchfield, Union Carbide Chemi­ cals Co. Evaluation of Instrumental Techniques for the Analy­ sis of Trace Constituents. S. Z. Lewin, New York Uni­ versity. Jane Conner, G. S. Konigsbacher, Evans R e ­ search and Development Corp. Problems of Analytical Methodology Under the Re­ cent Food Law Amendment. Kenneth Morgareidge, Food & Drug Research Laboratory, Inc. Chemical Problems Encountered in the Administration of the Food Additives Amendment. L. L. Ramsey, FDA, Washington. Discussion. Panel of Symposium Participants. Tuesday A f t e r n o o n SECTION A

Symposium on X-Ray A b s o r p t i o n and Emission in A n a l y t i c a l C h e m i s t r y H. G. Pfeiffer, Presiding

• Pumps Liquids, Gases, Slurries • No stuffing boxes • No shaft seals • No check valves • Non contaminating

2 00 X-Ray Emission Spectrography for Trace Determina­ tions. P . D . Zemany, H . G. Pfeiffer, H . A. Liebhafsky, General Electric Research Laboratory. 2 30 Direct Nickel Analysis in Petroleum by X-Ray at the 0.1-P.P.M. Level. C. C. Hale, W. H . King, Jr., Esso Research and Engineering Co. 3:00 Precision in X-Ray Emission Spectrography. H. G. Pfeiffer, P . D . Zemany, H . A. Liebhafsky, General Elec­ tric Research Laboratory. 3:30 General Discussion. 3:45 Comparison of X-Ray Emission with Optical Emission Spectrography. R. L. Steiner, Aluminum Co. of 4:15

The Nenn "Kinetic Chtnp'Pump O p e r a t e s b y t h e action o f r a d i a l a r m s successively pressing o n a l o o p o f f l e x i b l e t u b i n g . The mechanism clamps one a r m a g a i n s t the t u b i n g w h i l e t h e n e x t a r m descends t o c l a m p i n g p o s i t i o n . Previous c l a m p i n g a r m t h e n raises t o p e r m i t t u b i n g t o assume its n o r m a l shape a n d a g a i n f i l l w i t h l i q u i d b e i n g m o v e d . S t a n d a r d types o f l a b o r a t o r y t u b i n g i n a w i d e r a n g e o f materials provide a pumping member f o r almost a n y liquid, slurry or g a s . T u b i n g c a n be c h a n g e d q u i c k l y e l i m i n a t i n g necessity o f cleaning p u m p . There is n o d a n g e r o f corrosion or contamination. Pumps c a n b e f u r n i s h e d w i t h m o t o r o r f o r d r i v i n g f r o m l a b o r a t o r y s t i r r i n g m o t o r . W r i t e f o r l i t e r a t u r e a n d prices.

Middleport, Ν. Υ.

Circle No. 87 on Readers' Service Card 46 A



K. G. Carroll, T h e

SECTION Β Symposium on A n a l y t i c a l Methods f o r Food A d d i t i v e and Pesticide Chemicals (Joint with Division of Agricultural 2:00 2:05 2:25

SIGMAMOTOR, INC. 47 N. Main Street

The X-Ray Emission Microprobe. International Nickel Co.


and Food


K. S. Konigsbacher, Presiding Introductory Remarks. K. S. Konigsbacher, Evans Re­ search and Development Corp. Determination of D D V P in Air. A. M . Mattson, Geigy Chemical Co. V. A. Sedlak, J. W. Miles, U. S. Public Health Service. Enzymatic Determination of Dibrom Residues and the Simultaneous Determination of Dibrom and Its Cholinesterese-inhibiting Metabolic Product. D . E . Pack, J. N. Osperson, G. K. Kohn, California Spray-Chemical Corp. Discussion. Panel of Symposium Participants.