Low-molecular-weight polyethylene has unusual combination of

Nov 6, 2010 - facebook · twitter · Email Alerts · Current Issue ... For example, in the packaging field, paper coaters and converters are applying cer...
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Low-molecular-weight polyethylene hoc ϋηϋΟ 1 "»' n o m n i n o t i n n n f


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Resins Expands Rapidly PRODUCERS OFFER SEVERAL TYPES Without a doubt, polyethylene is the fastest growing plastic. Predictions are it will b e the first billion-pounda-year plastic. Conventional polyethylene resins are available in molecular weights ranging from only a few hundred to approximately 50,000, those at the upper end being more suitable for plastic molding and extruding, those at the lower end finding varied and extensive use as a synthetic wax. Recent reports indicate renewed interest in the low-molecular-weight resins, probably because of the vari­ ety of types now available that meet specific formulating and perform­ ance requirements in many different industries. For e x a m p l e , in t h e packaging field, paper coaters and converters are applying certain low-melt types of polyethylene directly to paper, using modified melt-coating equip­ ment. Such coatings, applied as a fluid, penetrate well and assure good adhesion t o paper stock. Of interest to paper converters and packaging engineers also is the fast heat-sealing cycles and short dwell times of these polyethylene coatings. The low-molecular-weight resins also have application in the paper converting i n d u s t r y as u p g r a d i n g modifiers for paraffin and microcrystalline wax blends. Their presence improves gloss, blocking tempera­ ture, resistance to cracking, flaking and abrasion, as well as resistance to thermal shock. Their good flow characteristics at moderate temperatures also make the low-molecular-weight resins use­ ful in cast-, slush-, a n d rotational molding operations for novelties, art objects and reproductions. No cur­ ing is necessary, the articles solidify simply on cooling. They are easily removed from the molds without re­ lease agents. Rejects may be melted for re-use. In liquid and paste polishes for 40





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molecular-weight polyethylene res­ ins contribute high gloi»s, hardness and durability, as well as anti-shp characteristics and resistance to scuffing and yellowing. Both cmulsifiable and nonemuisifiable types of resins are available. Their excellent color, compatibil­ ity with dyes, pigments and waxes and their high melting point (com­ pared with paraffin ) make these res­ ins excellent additives for upgrading candle wax and crayons. T h e y a r e useful, t o o , as a w a x coating for the reverse side of car­ bon paper. Coatings of high gloss, good hardness and low curl can be obtained. Added to certain types of rubber, low-molecular-weight polyethylene resins p r o v i d e excellent calender a n d mold r e l e a s e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s w i t h o u t a p p r e c i a b l y affecting t h e physical properties of the rubber. T h e moldability and extrudability of plastic-grade polyethylene can also be improved by the addition of a few per cent of a low-molecularweight material. Other applications where lowmolecular-weight polyethylene can be used advantageously include den­ tal waxes, pharmaceutical prepara­ tions, paste polishes, cosmetics and pyrotechnics.

For those considering the use^of low-molecular-weight polyethylene resins in the manufacture of their products, it would seem to make good sense to seek the advice of someone with a broad line of resins and whose experience and technical facilities enable them to suggest t h e most economical material and the most efficient formulating procedure Chemical Products, Inc., Kingsport, Tennessee.

Eastman offers 4 types of low-molecular-weight polyethylene Epolene W—molecular weight of 2,500 to 3,000, for paste polish formula­ tions and for upgrading paraffin and similar materials. Epolene C —higher in molecular ueight, designed particularly for use as a hot melt paper coating and for slush- and cavity-molding. Epolene i—emuhifiable type of resin similar to Epolene Ν in molecular weight, for preparation of emulsions for polishes, textile finishes and other coatings. Epolene LV—molecular weight of 1,500 to 2,000 for paraffin modification, as an additive in rubber and plastics, and as an ingredient in polishes. E p o l e n e resins are supplied in closely controlled viscosity ranges. Because of their uniformity, you c a n s t a n d ­ ardize formulas a n d p r o c e d u r e s a n d p r o d u c e finished products of con­ stant, predictable quality.

Buying polyethylene

in molecular mights between 1.500 and 6.000? -For-easy-'handling ,quick-"melting> ψ


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SALES OFFICES: Eastman Chemical Products/ Inc., 'KinasportVTëhn:;'AtIanta; Chicago; Cincinnati; ClévelandrTraminqh'am, Mas s ·. ;- G re é n s b ο ro, N.-C; Houston; New York; 5t, Louis. W e s t • Coqst; W i l s o n M e y e r Co„,.-Son Francisco; Los Angeles; Portland; Salt Lake City; Seattle',·