New York 17, Ν. Υ.
Lummus to Build 200,000,000 lb. per Year Ethylene Plant for Petroleum Chemicals, Inc. Installation Designed for 50% Expansion Part of the new plant's ethylene output will be The Lummus Company is presently designing and sold to Calcasieu Chemical Corporation, which will will build for Petroleum Chemicals, Inc. at Lake use it to produce ethylene oxide and glycol in a Charles, Louisiana a plant to produce 200,000,000 plant adjacent to the ethylene unit. Lummus is pounds per year of ethylene. Scheduled for comple currently designing and will build the Calcasieu tion by the end of 1957, the plant is designed to installation. permit expansion of output to 300,000,000 pounds. Lummus has over half a century of experience The plant will use Lummus' ethylene process and with chemical and petrochemical projects. Why not will draw refinery gases supplemented with LPG discuss your next project with a Lummus repre from the nearby refineries of Cities Service and sentative. Continental Oil, by whom P.C.I, is jointly owned. THE LUMMUS COMPANY, 385 Madison Avenue, Ethylene will be made in two grades — the top New York 17, N. Y. Engi)icering and Sales Offices and Subsidiaries: New York, Houston, Montreal, grade 99.8% pure — the second 98.5 r ;. By-prod London, Paris, The Hague, Bombay. Sales Offices: ucts will be 95(/< pure propylene, C.,s, and an aro Chicago, Caracas. Heat Excluuiger Plant: Honesmatic distillate. dale, Pa. Engineering Coder: Newark, N. J. Cracking section of the plant features an improved Lummus heater which em bodies years of research and development by Lummus' Heater Division. Equipment in the Lummus-designecl low-temperature fractionation unit includes 12,500-hp gas t u r b i n e s wThich drive the centrifugal charge and refrigeration compressors ; exhaust from these turbines generates high-pressure steam in three waste heat boilers. The system utilizes high efficiency expanders to recover very low tempera ture refrigeration. This plant brings the total of Lummus designed ethylene plants to 14, with a combined capacity of over 3 million pounds per day. Lummus engineer points out cracking heaters :n model of Petroleum Chemicals, Inc. ethylene plant. APRIL
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