Möbius Aromaticity in N-Fused [24]Pentaphyrin upon Rh(I) Metalation

Jan 17, 2008 - Zhan Zhang , Won-Young Cha , Neil J. Williams , Elise L. Rush , Masatoshi Ishida ... of Pd and/or Au Bis-Metalated [32]Octaphyrins(1,0,...
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Mo1 bius Aromaticity in N-Fused [24]Pentaphyrin upon Rh(I) Metalation Jong Kang Park,† Zin Seok Yoon,† Min-Chul Yoon,† Kil Suk Kim,† Shigeki Mori,‡ Ji-Young Shin,‡ Atsuhiro Osuka,*,‡ and Dongho Kim*,† Department of Chemistry, Yonsei UniVersity, Seoul 120-749, Korea, and Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto UniVersity, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8502, Japan Received November 6, 2007; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

The concept of Mo¨bius aromaticity that predicts aromatic nature for [4n]annulenes lying on a twisted Mo¨bius strip is fascinating from both the theoretical and experimental standpoints.1 Since the first idea on the feasibility of stable Mo¨bius aromatic molecules by Heilbronner early in 1964,2 there have been speculations on Mo¨bius aromatic molecules as transition states,3 reactive intermediates,4 and conformational isomers.5 Finally we have witnessed the appearance of the first Mo¨bius structure molecule in a seminal work by Herges et al.6 However, the status of this macrocyclic molecule has encountered disputes over the issue of aromaticity due to its large dihedral angle (-107.7°) between the most distorted sites and small NICS value (-3.4 ppm).7 In annulenic systems, Mo¨bius topology may need a large macrocyclic ring for molecular twisting, where a cis-trans isomerization energy barrier would be very small, thus making “locking in a twisted Mo¨bius structure” very difficult. Very recently, we reported the spontaneous formation of Mo¨bius aromatic molecules upon metalation of expanded porphyrins including [28]hexaphyrin, [32]heptaphyrin, and [36]octaphyrin,8 whereas [20]porphyrins9 and [16]porphyrin10 exhibit severely distorted conformations. The latter results suggest that the tetrapyrrolic porphyrin skeleton is not large enough to implement Mo¨bius twisted topology within a molecule. Now we examine N-fused [22] and [24]pentaphyrins ([22]NFP5 and [24]NFP5) focusing on the possibility of a Mo¨bius aromatic system, since it is important and interesting to characterize the minimum size of pyrrolic macrocycles that can achieve Mo¨bius aromaticity. N-fused [22] and [24]pentaphyrins 1-4 (Chart 1) that are stable forms of meso-aryl pentaphyrins were prepared as reported previously.11 [22]NFP5 1 should exhibit aromatic character according to Hu¨ckel rule, when it is planar. This has been supported by its diatropic ring current as seen for the chemical shifts of the inner C-H and N-H protons observed at -1.78 and 1.27 ppm, respectively, in the 1H NMR spectrum. A large negative NICS value of -26.7 ppm calculated at the central position of π-conjugation pathway of 1 also supports its aromatic character. The dihedral angle of the puckered pyrrole ring (ring C) is only ∼30° with respect to the entire molecular plane. In contrast, [24]NFP5 2 shows the inner NH proton at 16.98 ppm and the C2 proton at 12.01 ppm and the outer β-protons at 4∼5 ppm, featuring a distinct paratropic ring current and hence antiaromatic nature for 2. In accord with this analysis, a positive NICS value (+7.71 ppm) was obtained at the center of 2 (Table 1). Similar to 1, the strong diatropic ring current of [22]NFP5 3 is evident from its 1H NMR spectrum that records a large difference of 11.39 ppm between the chemical shifts of the inner and outer pyrrolic β-protons (∆δ). Thus, 3 can be characterized as a Hu¨ckel aromatic molecule with 22 π-conjugated electrons. In contrast, the 1H NMR spectrum of [24]NFP 4 exhibits a singlet at 7.84 ppm 5 due to the inner C2 pyrrolic β-proton and signals of the outer † ‡

Yonsei University. Kyoto University.



J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2008, 130, 1824-1825

Chart 1. Molecular Structures of [22] and [24]N-Fused Pentaphyrinsa


Dicarbonyl group being attached to Rh was omitted for clarity.

Table 1. Magnetic, Geometric, and TPA Properties of 1-6 sample

π e-

NICS (ppm)

∆RX (Å)a

∆RO (Å)b

∆δ (ppm)c

σ(2) (GM)d

1 2 3 4 5 6

22 24 22 24 22 24

-26.68 +7.71 -28.02 -11.75 -27.11 -16.14

0.095 0.167 e 0.144 0.094f 0.100f

0.0645 0.107 0.0786 0.0765 0.0758 0.0803

10.62 -7.42 11.39 -2.60 9.17 8.23

1430 750 1580 1160 1720 1500

a Bond length alternation obtained from X-ray crystal structure. b Bond length alternation obtained from optimized structure. c Difference between the most upfield and the most downfield chemical shifts for β-CH signals (δo - δi) for 1, 3, 5, and 6 and vice versa for 2 and 4 in 1H NMR spectra in CDCl3 at room temperature. d TPA cross-section values were measured at 1150 nm for 1 and 3, 1600 nm for 2 and 4, 1200 nm for 5 and 6, respectively. e The analysis of the X-ray data of 3 was not good enough to resolve the structure satisfactorily. f The values are the averaged ones of the two independent molecules in the unit cell.

β-protons in 5.58-6.19 ppm, which leads to ∆δ ) -2.60 ppm, hence indicating a weak paratropic ring current. The X-ray crystal structure of 4 shows a significant distortion at the pyrrole C, which is held almost perpendicular to the mean plane of the macrocycle with dihedral angles of -122° and 55.7° (Figure 1a). It is worthy to note that the large deviation of the pyrrole C is allowed in 4, presumably due to the less steric interaction of pentafluorophenyl substituents, while larger 2,6-dichlorophenyl substituents in 2 suppress such a ring distortion, hence preserving a relatively planar conformation. This explains the observed antiaromatic character of 2. It is thus conceivable that the distorted conformation of 4 reduces the strain energy by the fused part of the pyrrole rings. Curiously, the pyrrole C in 4 constitutes the most distorted turning point as it connects the relatively planar N-fused segment consisting of pyrroles A and B and the dipyrromethene segment consisting of pyrroles D and E, where the phase shift in the conjugated π-network might be close to realizing Mo¨bius topology by twisting the conjugated p-orbitals. Metalation of 3 with Rh(I) ion in the presence of sodium acetate provided complexes 5 and 6 with 22 and 24 π-electrons, respectively. DDQ oxidation of 6 gave 5 quantitatively via a pivotlike Rh(I)-walk.11b In 5, Rh(I) ion is bound to the nitrogen atoms of 10.1021/ja7100483 CCC: $40.75 © 2008 American Chemical Society


Figure 1. (a) Molecular structure of 4 with the three largest dihedral angles obtained from X-ray crystal structure. (b) Molecular structure of 6, Mo¨bius strip aromatic compound. The values are the average of the two independent molecules in the unit cell. (c) X-ray structure and schematic representation of molecular topology of 6. The meso-pentafluorophenyl groups are omitted for clarity.

pyrroles D and E with an overall planar structure of macrocycle. The aromatic character of 5 has been ascertained from the 1H NMR spectrum where the inner β-protons appear at 0.05, 1.16, and 1.62 ppm in the shielded region. Additionally, a small bond-length alternation (BLA) of 0.094 Å from X-ray crystal data and a large negative NICS value of -27.11 ppm at its central position support the Hu¨ckel-type aromaticity of 5. Remarkably, the structure of Rh(I)-complex 6 has been revealed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis to be a Mo¨bius topology similar to metalated [28]hexaphyrin, [32]heptaphyrin, and [36]octaphyrin.8 The rigid and planar N-fused tricyclic part (the pyrroles A and B) is nearly planar with the pyrrole E, and the remaining distorted part (the pyrroles C and D) is fixed by Rh(I)-metalation. The pyrrole D constitutes a bent dipyrromethene segment with the pyrrole E, while the pyrrole C is highly distorted. While the pyrrole C in 4 is pointing slightly outward from its π-conjugation pathway, that in 6 is locked inclining inward by Rh(I)-metalation, serving to realize a Mo¨bius topology with reasonable overall conjugation, in which the largest dihedral angles are modest, 51.93° (C10-C11) and -146.72° (C9-C10). These dihedral angles are considerably smaller than those of 4, allowing the structure of 6 to satisfy the criteria of Mo¨bius aromaticity asserted by Rzepa.1a Importantly, the 1H NMR spectrum of 6 reveals a distinct diatropic ring current by displaying the inner β-protons and NH proton at 0.10 and 0.68 ppm in a shielded region, respectively, and the outer β-protons in a slightly deshielded region (7∼9 ppm). The large negative NICS value of -16.1 ppm and the BLA value of 0.100 Å also support the aromatic character of this molecule. It should be noted that this BLA value is smaller than 0.157 Å of Mo¨bius structure molecule proposed by Herges et al.7 and comparable to 0.107, 0.099, and 0.113 Å of Mo¨bius type [28]hexaphyrin, [32]heptaphyrin, and [36]octaphyrin, respectively.8 Thus, the aromatic character of 6 is apparent from its 1H NMR spectrum, a large negative NICS value, and small BLA with Mo¨bius strip topology. Therefore, 6 can be assigned, to the best of our knowledge, as the smallest Mo¨bius aromatic system with a distinct aromatic diatropic ring current characterized so far. To explore the relationship between two photon absorption (TPA) phenomena and aromaticity demonstrated in our previous work,12 the TPA cross-section values (σ(2)) were measured by using the femtosecond Z-scan method.13 The Hu¨ckel aromatic compound 1 shows a TPA value of 1430 GM, almost twice the value for the antiaromatic compound 2 (750 GM). The small σ(2) value of 2 can be ascribed to its antiaromatic character, which is consistent with its almost zero HOMA value (SI). The Hu¨ckel aromatic compound

3 also shows a relatively large TPA cross-section value of 1580 GM, which is similar to that of Hu¨ckel aromatic compound 1. Nonaromatic molecule 4 with a distorted conformation exhibits a larger TPA value of 1160 GM than 2. Thus, it is conceivable that the larger TPA cross-section value of 4 as compared with that of 2 is arising from its distorted conformation to reduce the strain energy. The Mo¨bius aromatic compound 6 with a distinct diatropic ring current shows the TPA cross-section value of 1500 GM, which is almost comparable to 1720 GM of Hu¨ckel aromatic molecule 5. These results demonstrate that the TPA cross-section values can be used as a quantitative measure of aromaticity in porphyrinoid systems although it still necessitates more theoretical and quantitative analyses. In summary, NFP5s are interesting platforms to realize Hu¨ckel aromaticity, Hu¨ckel antiaromaticity, and Mo¨bius aromaticity depending on the number of π-electrons, meso-substituent, and metalation. Remarkably, the complex 6 has been confirmed as a Mo¨bius aromatic molecule by the crystal structure, 1H NMR spectrum, NICS calculation, and TPA cross-section values. This molecule 6 is the smallest Mo¨bius aromatic system with a distinct diatropic ring current. This work demonstrates the potential of our synthetic strategy based on metalation of expanded porphyrins toward Mo¨bius aromatic molecules as well as the possible use of TPA value as a quantitative measure of aromaticity. Acknowledgment. This research was financially supported by the Star Faculty program of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD) of Korea (D.K.). The work at Kyoto was supported by a grant-in-aid (A No. 19205006) (A.O.). J.K.P. acknowledges the fellowship of the BK21 program from the MEHRD of Korea. Supporting Information Available: Details of X-ray crystal structure, 1H NMR spectrum, X-ray crystal structure, details of synthetic procedure, NICS calculation, HOMA, steady-state absorption, TPA spectra and geometric information. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org. References (1) (a) Rzepa, H. S. Chem. ReV. 2005, 105, 3697-3715. (b) Herges, R. Chem. ReV. 2006, 106, 4820-4842. (2) Heilbronner, E. Tetrahedron Lett. 1964, 5, 1923-1928. (3) (a) Zimmerman, H. E. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1966, 88, 1564-1565. (b) Moll, J. F.; Pemberton, R. P.; Gutierrez, M. G.; Castro, C.; Karney, W. L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 274-275. (4) Mauksch, M.; Gogonea, V.; Jiao, H.; Schleyer, P. v. R. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 1998, 37, 2395-2397. (5) Ste¸ pien´, M.; Latos-Graz˘ yn´ski, L.; Sprutta, N.; Chwalisz, P.; Szterenberg, L. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 7869-7873. (6) Ajami, D.; Oeckler, O.; Simon, A.; Herges, R. Nature 2003, 426, 819821. (7) Castro, C.; Chen, Z.; Wannere, C. S.; Jiao, H.; Karney, W. L.; Mauksch, M.; Puchta, R.; Hommes, N. J. R. v. E.; Schleyer, P. v. R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 2425-2432. (8) Tanaka, Y.; Saito, S.; Mori, S.; Aratani, N.; Shinokubo, H.; Shibata, N.; Higuchi, Y.; Yoon, Z. S.; Kim, K. S.; Noh, S. B.; Park, J. K.; Kim, D.; Osuka, A. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 681-684. (9) (a) Pohl, M.; Schmickler, H.; Lex, J.; Vogel, E. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 1991, 30, 1693-1697. (b) Cissell, J. A.; Vaid, T. P.; Rheingold, A. L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 12212-12213. (c) Cissell, J. A.; Vaid, T. P.; Yap, G. P. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 7841-7847. (d) Liu, C.; Shen, D.-M.; Chen, Q.-Y. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 5814-5815. (10) Yamamoto, Y.; Yamamoto, A.; Furuta, S.; Horie, M.; Kodama, M.; Sato, W.; Akiba, K.; Tsuzuki, S.; Uchimaru, T.; Hashizume, D.; Iwasaki, F. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 14540-14541. (11) (a) Shin, J.-Y.; Furuta, H.; Osuka, A. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2001, 40, 619-621. (b) Mori, S.; Shin, J.-Y.; Shimizu, S.; Ishikawa, F.; Furuta, H.; Osuka, A. Chem. Eur. J. 2005, 11, 2417-2425. (12) Yoon, Z. S.; Kwon, J. H.; Yoon, M.-C.; Koh, M. K.; Noh, S. B.; Sessler, J. L.; Lee, J. T.; Seidel, D.; Aguilar, A.; Shimizu, S.; Suzuki, M.; Osuka, A.; Kim, D. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 14128-14134. (13) Sheik-Bahae, M.; Said, A. A.; Wei, T. H.; Hagan, D. J.; Van Stryland, E. W. IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 1990, 26, 760-769.




VOL. 130, NO. 6, 2008 1825