Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology

University of Tokyo, 156. U.S. Department of Agriculture, ... K-Casein genetic differences, 281 particle sizes, 61-78 properties, 61 self-association ...
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University of California—Davis, 210 University of Guelph, 104 University of Leeds, 197 University of Manitoba, 82

University of Reading, 178 University of Tokyo, 156 U.S. Department of Agriculture, 61,134,145 Yamaguchi University, 93,243

Subject Index

Downloaded by on May 19, 2018 | Publication Date: November 19, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0650.ix002

B Actin, role in gelation properties of myosin, 130-132 Activation energy, use for P-lactoglobulin denaturation kinetic analysis in skim milk, 50-59 Active filler, description, 10 Aggregation bovine P-lactoglobulin, a-lactalbumin, and serum albumin experimental description, 114 gel stiffness development, 121,123 gelation of protein mixtures, 114-115,121 molecular events occurring during heating and gelations, 121,122/ nativelike concentrations, 116,117/,119 protein aggregate formation prior to gel formation, 116,119,121 relationship between storage modulus and protein aggregate formation, 119,120/,121 sodium dodecyl sulfate-monomeric protein concentrations, 116,118/, 119 myosin, 127-130,131/ Albumin, aggregation and gelation, 113-123 Amphiphilic a-helixes, presence in proteins, 157-162 Antimicrobial activity, lysozymepolysaccharide conjugates, 246,248,249/ Aqueous medium composition, role in determining character of biopolymerbiopolymer interactions in multicomponent aqueous solutions modeling food systems, 45,47-48

Bilayers, role of macromolecular interactions in permeability, 141 Bioavailability, cross-linked proteins, 275-278 Biopolymer-biopolymer interactions in multicomponent aqueous solutions modeling food systems, factors determining character, 37-48 Biopolymer compatibility, influencing factors, 4-5 Biopolymer conformation, role in determining character of biopolymerbiopolymer interactions in multicomponent aqueous solutions modeling food systems, 39-43 Biopolymer functionality, incompatibility effect, 9-10 Biopolymer interactions in emulsion systems experimental description, 198 influencing factors, 198 repulsive droplet-polysaccharide interactions, 198-203 weakly attractive droplet-polysaccharide interactions, 202-206 role in shelf life and texture of food products, 197 Biopolymer structure, role in determining character of biopolymer-biopolymer interactions in multicomponent aqueous solutions modeling food systems, 39-46 Bovine serum albumin presence in proteins, 159 role in emulsion systems, 197-206

Parris et al.; Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




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Ca , role in protein network formation, 83-86,87/ Canola proteins, role of divalent cations, phytic acid, and phenolic compounds on gelation, 82-91 Casein description, 61 formation of associated structures, 61 micelles, 61-62 role in emulsion systems, 197-206 self-association behavior, 62 submicelles, particle sizes, 61-78 as 1-Casein, presence in proteins, 157 K-Casein genetic differences, 281 particle sizes, 61-78 properties, 61 self-association behavior, 62 Chitosan, film(s) from pectin, chitosan, and starch, 145-153 Circular dichroism, phosphorylated proteins, 214-215 Coagula, description, 17-18 Colloidal dispersions, thermodynamic stability, 5 Competitive adsorption, 197-198 Complexing of biopolymers, macromolecular interactions, 4 Composite edible films, role of macromolecular interactions on permeability, 134-143 Conformational potential, 3 Cooperative adsorption, 198 Creaming, role of biopolymer interactions, 197-206 Creep analysis, heat-induced ovalbumin gels, 104-111 Cross-linked proteins, bioavailability, 275-278 Crystallization, recombinant soybean proglycinins, 257-269 D Dairy products, role of bovine P-lactoglob­ ulin phenotype on properties, 281-291

Denaturation myosin, 125-127 quantification using kinetics, 50 Depletion flocculation, 5 Dextran, role in emulsion systems, 197-206 Dextran sulfate, role in emulsion systems, 197-206 Diffusion coefficient, 106 Divalent cations, role in gelation of ovalbumin and canola proteins, 83-86,87/ Domain, definition, 125,166 Dynamic light scattering, particle sizes of casein submicelles and purified K-casein, 61-78 E Edible films classes, 134-135 oxygen permeability, 134-135 role of macromolecular interactions on permeability, 134-143 water vapor permeability, 134-135 Egg white protein, functional property improvements by conjugation with glucose 6-phosphate, 230-241 Electron microscopy, particle sizes of casein submicelles and purified K-casein, 61-78 Electrostatic complexes, interbiopolymer, See Interbiopolymer electrostatic complexes Emulsified oil surface, lipid-protein interaction, 156-164 Emulsifying activity index, limited proteolysis of p-lactoglobulin, 166-176 Emulsifying properties oligomannosyl lysozyme, 250,254-255 phosphorylated proteins, 212-213,217,226 polymannosyl lysozyme, 250,254-255 protein-polysaccharide conjugates, 245-246,247/ Emulsion(s) phosphorylated proteins, 214,217 role of biopolymer interactions, 197-206 role of macromolecular interactions in permeability, 136-140

Parris et al.; Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



G Film(s) from pectin, chitosan, and starch acetamido group effect on crystalline form of chitosan, 150 experimental materials, 147 HC1 vs. HN0 effect, 152 loss moduli, 148-150,152 pectin vs. stabilization, 148,150,152 solubility of pectin in chitosan hydrochloride solutions, 150 starch effect on storage loss moduli, 150,151/,152-153 Flocculation macromolecular interactions, 4-5 role of biopolymer interactions, 197-206 Foaming capacity and stability, phosphorylated proteins, 214,217,221-222 Food(s), structure-property relationships, 2-12 Food proteins functional property improvements by conjugation with glucose 6-phosphate, 230-241 macromolecular interactions, 15-34 Functional properties glycosylated lysozymes constructed by chemical and genetic modifications, 243-255 influencing factors, 166 methods for improvements, 243 modifications, 243-255 phosphorylated proteins, 212-214 Functional property improvements for food proteins by conjugation with glucose 6-phosphate calcium absorption effect, 239 experimental procedure, 231-232 functional properties emulsifying activities, 234,237/ heat stability, 234,237/ net charge, 234,238 interactions with calcium phosphate, 238-239,240-241/ Maillard reaction, 232-234,235-236/

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Gel(s) and precipitates, protein structures, 18-19 Gelation bovine p-lactoglobulin, a-lactalbumin, and serum albumin, See Aggregation of bovine p-lactoglobulin, a-lactalbumin, and serum albumin definition, 16 globular proteins coagula vs. transparent and opaque gels, 17-18 lysozyme, 21 molten globule state, 17 protein mixture interaction effect on gelation and aggregation, 21-22 protein structure in gels and precipitates, 18-19 two-step process, 16 whey proteins, 19-21 heat induced, See Heat-induced gelation importance in foods, 124 ovalbumin and canola proteins nonprotein component effect on network formation Ca and Mg effect, 83-86,87/ phenolic compound effect on canola protein gelation, 88,90,91/ phytic acid effect on canola protein gelation, 86-88,89/ principles of protein network formation, 82-83,85/ Gelation properties of myosin actin effect, 130-132 experimental description, 125 myosin aggregation, 127-130,131/ myosin denaturation, 125-127 viscoelasticity development, 128-129 Genetic modification, glycosylated lysozymes, 243-255 Genetic variant type, role in milk composition, 282-283 Glucose 6-phosphate conjugation of food proteins for functional property improvements, 230-241 Maillard reaction with protein, 231-233/ 2+


Parris et al.; Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Downloaded by on May 19, 2018 | Publication Date: November 19, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0650.ix002


e-(y-Glutamyl)lysine, 275-277 Glycerol, role in films from pectin, chitosan, and starch, 145-153 Glycosylated lysozymes constructed by chemical and genetic modifications antimicrobial action of lysozymepolysaccharide conjugates, 246,248,249/ emulsifying properties oligomannosyl and polymannosyl lysozymes, 250,254-255 protein-polysaccharide conjugates, 245-246,247/ experimental description, 244 heat stability Maillard-type lysozyme-polysaccharide conjugates, 246,247/ oligomannosyl and polymannosyl lysozymes, 250,253/ lysozyme-polysaccharide conjugates as afunctional food additive, 248 Maillard-type protein-polysaccharide conjugate preparation, 244-245 methods for improvement, 243 number of glycosylation site effect on polymannosyl lysozyme, 254/255 polymannosyl lysozyme constructed by genetic engineering, 248,250,251-252/ Guar gum, role in emulsion systems, 197-206 H Heat-induced gelation lysozyme, 23-27 whey proteins process, 26,28-29 role of a-lactalbumin, 93-102 Heat-induced ovalbumin gels, laser light scattering properties, 104-111 Heat stability Maillard-type lysozyme-polysaccharide conjugates, 246,247/ oligomannosyl lysozyme, 250,253/ polymannosyl lysozyme, 250,253/ Hydrolysis, p-lactoglobulin, 285-286,288/

Hydrophobicity, phosphorylated proteins, 214

Immobilized proteinases, advantages for limited proteolysis, 167 Incompatibility biopolymers, macromolecular interactions, 4 Interaction factor, calculation, 139-140 Interbiopolymer complexes, thermodynamic stability, 5 Interbiopolymer electrostatic complexes, 6-8 Interbiopolymer interactions, control, 2 Interfacial layers in two-phase system, incompatibility effect, 11 Irreversible complexing, interbiopolymer electrostatic complexes, 6-7 L a-Lactalbumin aggregation and gelation, 113-123 functional and structural properties, 215-219 gelation, 19-21 heat-induced gelation, 26,28-29 interactions in binary mixtures with lysozyme, 29-34 a-Lactalbumin role in heat-induced gelation of whey proteins experimental description, 94 gel hardness of protein mixture, 94-95,97/ gelation of whey proteins, 94,95/ nature of soluble aggregate as progel, 99,101-102 protein-protein interactions, 96,98-99,100/ stabilization of mixed protein gels, 96-98/ p-Lactoglobulin aggregation and gelation, 113-123 bovine P-lactoglobulin phenotype, 281-291 emulsion systems, 197-206

Parris et al.; Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by on May 19, 2018 | Publication Date: November 19, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0650.ix002



p-Lactoglobulin—Continued functional and structural properties, 217,220-224 functional property improvements by conjugation with glucose 6-phosphate, 230-241 gelation, 19-21 heat-induced gelation, 26,28-29 interactions in binary mixtures with lysozyme, 29-34 limited proteolysis, 166-176 presence in proteins, 157-159,160/ X-ray crystal structure, 167 P-Lactoglobulin denaturation kinetic analysis in skim milk, nonlinear regression, 50-59 P-Lactoglobulin emulsions, role of high pressure, 187,190-193 P-Lactoglobulin phenotype effect on properties of p-lactoglobulin, milk composition, and dairy products detection methods for p-lactoglobulin variants, 282 experimental description, 282 genetic variant type effect on milk composition, 282-283 heat coagulation of milk, 289-291 heat-induced gelation, 289 hydrolysis, 285-286,288/ hydrolysis inhibition, 286 ligand binding, 285 primary structure, 283-284 protein charge, 284-285 protein denaturation, 286 purified proteins, 287,288/290/ secondary structure, 284 self-association, 285 tertiary structure, 284 whey, heat effect, 287 Lactophorin, presence in proteins, 159,161,162/ Laminants, role of macromolecular interactions in permeability, 141 Laminated films, applications, 145

Laser light scattering properties of heat-induced ovalbumin gels creep analysis, 107,108/ experimental description, 105-106 laser light scattering, 107,109/110f,l 11 Ligand binding, P-lactoglobulin, 285 Limited proteolysis of P-lactoglobulin characteristics of p-lactoglobulin, 168 conditions, 166-167 emulsion characteristics, 168,170-172 gelling properties of proteolysate of whey protein isolate, 172-176 immobilization of trypsin, 167 membrane fractionation of limited proteolysate, 167-168,169/ Lipid(s) addition, role on permeability of composite edible films, 136-137 binding, role of protein structures, 156-164 concentration, role on permeability of composite edible films, 137,138/ edible film formation, 134-135 type, permeability of composite edible films, 137-138 Lipid-polysaccharide interactions, role in permeability of composite edible films, 142 Lipid-protein interaction at emulsified oil surface in biosystems, 156-157 presence of amphiphilic cc-helixes in proteins, 157-162/ use of synthetic peptides, 161,163-164 role in permeability of composite edible films, 136-141 Lipophilic molecule, role in determining character of biopolymer-biopolymer interactions in multicomponent aqueous solutions modeling food systems, 45,47,48/ Low interfacial tension, incompatibility effect, 11 Lysozyme gelation, 21 heat-induced gelation, 23-27 thiol-induced gelation, 23-27

Parris et al.; Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Lysozyme-polysaccharide conjugates antimicrobial activity, 246,248,249/ use as Afunctional food additive, 248 Lysozyme-whey protein binary mixtures, interactions, 29-34

N Nonlinear regression P-lactoglobulin denaturation kinetic analysis in skim milk, 51-59 statistical analysis of kinetic data, 54


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O Macromolecular interactions effect on permeability of composite edible films, 134-143 food proteins studied with Raman spectroscopy, 23-29 types, 4-5 Magnesium ion, role in protein network formation, 83-86,87/ Maillard reaction, protein with glucose 6-phosphate, 231,233/ Maillard-type lysozyme-polysaccharide conjugates, heat stability, 246,247/ Maillard-type protein-polysaccharide conjugate, preparation, 244-245 Mean particle diameter, role on permeability of composite edible films, 140 Membraneless osmosis, incompatibility effect, 11 Microbial protein-cross-linking enzyme, characteristics, 271-278 Microemulsions, role of macromolecular interactions in permeability, 140-141 Milk proteins, properties of genetic variants, 281-291 Molecular weight, role in determining character of biopolymer-biopolymer interactions in multicomponent aqueous solutions modeling food systems, 42 Molten globule state, 17 Multicomponent aqueous modeling food system, factors determining character of biopolymer-biopolymer interactions, 37-48 Multicomponent gels, incompatibility effect, 9-10 Myosin, gelation properties, 124-132

Oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by protein, incompatibility effect, 9 Oil surface, lipid-protein interaction, 156-164 Oligomannosyl lysozyme emulsifying properties, 250,254-255 heat stability, 250,253/ Opaque gels description, 17-18 heat- and thiol-induced gelation, 23-27 Ovalbumin functional property improvements by conjugation with glucose 6-phosphate, 230-241 role of divalent cations, phytic acid, and phenolic compounds on gelation, 82-91 Ovalbumin gel(s), heat induced, laser light scattering properties, 104—111 Ovalbumin gelation, role of Ca and Mg , 83-86,87/ 2+


Particle size casein submicelles and purified K-casein dynamic light scattering determination, 65-68/ electron microscopic determination purified K-casein, 72,74-75,76/ whole caseins, 66,69-73 experimental description, 62-65 physical data K-caseins, 77-78 whole caseins, 75,77-78 role on permeability of composite edible films, 138-139

Parris et al.; Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Pectin film formation with polysaccharides, 146-147 role in films from pectin, chitosan, and starch, 145-153 structure, 145-146 Permeability of composite edible films, role of macromolecular interactions, 134-143 Phase equilibrium, incompatibility effect, 11 Phase separation, macromolecular interactions, 4-5 Phenolic compounds, role in protein network formation, 88,90,91/ Phosphate groups, addition to proteins, 211 Phosphopeptides, function, 230 Phosphoproteins, occurrence, 210-211 Phosphorus pentoxide, use in phosphorylation of proteins, 210-228 Phosphorylated a-lactalbumin, functional and structural properties, 215-219 Phosphorylated P-lactoglobulin, functional and structural properties, 217,220-224 Phosphorylated zein, functional and structural properties, 222,225-226 Phosphorylated zein with covalently bound amino acids, functional and structural properties, 226-228 Phosphorylation of proteins experimental description, 211-215 function, 230 a-lactalbumin and phosphorylated a-lactalbumin, 215-219/ P-lactoglobulin and phosphorylated P-lactoglobulin, 217,220/-224/ zein and phosphorylated zein, 222,225-226 zein and phosphorylated zein with covalendy bound amino acids, 226-228 Phytic acid, role in protein network formation, 86-88,89/ Polymannosyl lysozyme construction by genetic engineering, 248,250,251-252/ emulsifying properties, 250,254-255

Polymannosyl lysozyme—Continued heat stability, 250,253/ role of number of glycosylation site, 254/255 Polysaccharide(s) edible film formation, 134-135 role in emulsion systems, 197-206 similarity of properties, 2 Polysaccharide-lipid interactions, role in permeability of composite edible films, 142 Polysaccharide-lysozyme conjugates antimicrobial activity, 246,248,249/ use as Afunctional food additive, 248 Polysaccharide-protein conjugates, emulsifying properties, 245-246,247/ Polysaccharide-protein interaction role in permeability of composite edible films, 142-143 of high pressure, 178-193 Preexponential term, use for P-lacto­ globulin denaturation kinetic analysis in skim milk, 50-59 Pressure, high, effect on proteinpolysaccharide interactions biological materials, 179-182 development, 178-179 experimental procedure, 182-183 P-lactoglobulin emulsions, 187,190-193 protein aggregation, 183-186 protein denaturation, 187,188-189/ Primary structure, p-lactoglobulin, 283-284 Proglyeinin, soybean, See Soybean proglyeinin Property-structure relationship in foods, See Structure-property relationship in foods Protein(s) cross-linked, bioavailability, 275-278 edible film formation, 134-135 function in food systems, 82 of phosphorylation, 230 functional property improvements by conjugation with glucose 6-phosphate, 230-241 instability problems, 243

Parris et al.; Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


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Protein(s)—Continued macromolecular interactions, 15-34 Maillard reaction with glucose 6-phosphate, 231,233/ methods for improvements of functional properties, 243 phosphorylation, 210-228 role in emulsion systems, 197-206 role of bonds in formation and maintenance, 271 similarities of properties, 2 Protein aggregation, role of high pressure, 183-186 Protein charge, P-lactoglobulin, 284-285 Protein denaturation, role of high pressure, 187-189/ Protein gel network, formation, 104 Protein-glutamine y glutamyltransferase, See Transglutaminase Protein-lipid interaction at emulsified oil surface, See Lipidprotein interaction at emulsified oil surface role in permeability of composite edible films, 136-141 Protein network formation principles, 82-83,85/ role of nonprotein components, 83-91 Protein-polysaccharide conjugates, emulsifying properties, 245-246,247/ Protein-polysaccharide interactions role in permeability of composite edible films, 142-143 role of high pressure, 178-193 Protein structures gels and precipitates, 18-19 role in lipid binding, 156-164 Proteolysis of p-lactoglobulin, See Limited proteolysis of P-lactoglobulin

R Raman spectroscopy, macromolecular interactions of food proteins, 15-34 Rayleigh ratio, definition, 105-106

Recombinant soybean proglycinins construction of modified soybean proglyeinin, 258-261 crystallization of normal and modified proglycinins, 262-264 expression of soybean proglyeinin in Escherichia coli, 258 preliminary X-ray analysis of normal and modified proglycinins, 264,265r three-dimensional structure of normal proglyeinin at 6-A resolution, 264,266-269 Repulsive droplet-polysaccharide interactions, role in emulsion systems, 198-203 Reversible complexing, interbiopolymer electrostatic complexes, 6-7 Rhamsan, role in emulsion systems, 197-206 Rheology, role of biopolymer interactions, 197-206

S Scale transformation, statistical analysis of kinetic data, 53-54 Secondary structure, p-lactoglobulin, 284 Self-association, p-lactoglobulin, 285 Self-correlation function, equation, 106 Serum albumin, aggregation and gelation, 113-123 Skim milk, nonlinear regression for P-lactoglobulin denaturation kinetic analysis, 50-59 Solubilities, phosphorylated proteins, 212,217,220,225-226 Soybean proglyeinin construction, 258-261 crystallization, 262-264 expression in Escherichia coli, 258 preliminary X-ray analysis, 264,265? triree-dimensional structure, 264,266-269 Soybean proteins, 257 Stability, interbiopolymer electrostatic complexes, 7

Parris et al.; Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Starch, role in films from pectin, chitosan, and starch, 145-153 Structural properties, phosphorylated proteins, 214-215 Structure, recombinant soybean proglycinins, 257-269 Structure-property relationship in foods incompatibility, 8-12 interbiopolymer electrostatic complexes, 6-8 types of macromolecular interactions, 4—5 Subfragments, role in gelation properties of myosin, 125-131 Sucrose, role in determining character of biopolymer-biopolymer interactions in multicomponent aqueous solutions modeling food systems, 47-48 Surface activity, phosphorylated proteins, 214

Two-step method, statistical analysis of kinetic data, 52-53

V Viscosity, myosin, 128-129


Weakly attractive droplet-polysaccharide interactions, role in emulsion systems, 202-206 Whey protein(s) denaturation in milk, quantification using kinetics, 50 description, 113 food applications of products, 93 gelation, 19-21 T heat-induced gelation, 26,28-29 role of a-lactalbumin in heat-induced Tertiary structure, P-lactoglobulin, 284 gelation, 93-102 Thermal gelation process, models, 125 Whey protein isolate Thermodynamic approach, factors food applications, 113 determining character of biopolymerfunctional property improvements by biopolymer interactions in multiconjugation with glucose 6-phosphate, component aqueous solutions modeling 230-241 food systems, 38-39 interactions with lysozyme binary Thiol-induced gelation, lysozyme, 23-27 mixtures, 29-34 Three-dimensional molecular models, limited proteolysis, 166-176 particle sizes of casein submicelles and purified K-casein, 61-78 Three-dimensional structure, recombinant X soybean proglycinins, 257-269 Transglutaminase X-ray analysis, recombinant soybean bioavailability of cross-linked proteins, proglycinins, 257-269 275-277 Xanthan, role in emulsion systems, 197-206 catalytic action, 271,274/ microbial transglutaminase derived from variant of StreptoverticilUum Z mobaraense, 272-276/ Transparent gels Zein, functional and structural description, 17-18 properties, 222,225-228 heat-induced gelation, 26,28-29 Zimm equation, definition, 106

Parris et al.; Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.