Macroscopic Consequences of PolymerParticle Interactions

0097-6156y93/0532-0001$06.00/0. © 1993 American ... (2) Diblock copolymers act somewhat as polymeric surfactants in selective solvents, forming micel...
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Chapter 1

Macroscopic Consequences of Polymer—Particle Interactions William B. Russel

Downloaded by on May 21, 2018 | Publication Date: July 14, 1993 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1993-0532.ch001

Department of Chemical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544-5263

The following surveys the nature of interactions between soluble polymer and colloidal particles in the context of controlling the bulk behavior of dispersions through polymeric additives. The intent is to relate course-grained macromolecular structure and solution properties to effectiveness in flocculating, stabilizing, or phase separating dispersions and to identify the corresponding effects on the rheology.

Interactions between soluble polymer and either colloidal particles, surfactant micelles, or proteins control the behavior and viability of a large number of chemical and biochemical products and processes. Considerable scientific interest also centers on these interactions because of their profound and, sometimes, unexpected effects on the thermodynamics and dynamics of the dispersions or solutions, known collectively as complex fluids. Syntheses of novel block copolymers, improved scattering and optical techniques for characterization, and predictions emerging from sophisticated statistical mechanical approaches provide additional stimulus. Thus, the area is vigorous academically and industrially as evidenced by the broad and international participation in this volume. Polymers in these systems function in a variety of ways depending on their molecular structure and concentration, the nature of the solvent, and the characteristics of the other components (1). For homopolvmers three primary types of situations exist (Figure 1): (1) Adsorption. Reversible adsorption of individual segments onto a surface perturbs the chain configuration substantially from a random coil. A t equilibrium bound and free segments may interchange rapidly within the adsorbed chains, but bound and free chains exchange more slowly. Kinetics can also affect the adsorption step, through slow relaxation of the first chains to arrive from their initially coiled state and slow passage of subsequent chains through the barrier posed by those already adsorbed (2). (2) Depletion. Nonadsorbing chains have little incentive to sacrifice configurational entropy in order to approach a surface closely. Consequently the center of mass remains a radius of gyration or more away from the surface in dilute solutions, leaving a depleted segment density at the surface (5). 0097-6156y93/0532-0001$06.00/0 © 1993 American Chemical Society

Dubin and Tong; Colloid-Polymer Interactions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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(3) Grafting. In principle and, in some cases, in practice a chain can be tethered to the surface by one end, leaving the rest of the molecule extended toward the bulk fluid. At low graft densities the surface only slightly perturbs the random coil, but at high densities excluded volume interactions cause extension away from the surface toward the pure solvent (2). The proliferation of copolymers offers the possibility of combining these modes of interaction in several ways (Figure 2): (1) Random copolymers comprised of strongly adsorbing and nonadsorbing groups assume configurations that depend on the detailed structure, e.g. with the size of loops primarily reflecting the distance between adsorbing groups rather than the balance between configurational and enthalpic contributions to the free energy. Most polymeric flocculants and many polymeric dispersants have such structures. If present, surfactants often "decorate" the hydrophobic groups, reducing the tendency to adsorb and perturbing the conformation of the chain in solution. (2) Diblock copolymers act somewhat as polymeric surfactants in selective solvents, forming micelles in solution and adsorbing strongly to surfaces via the less soluble block. The more soluble blocks then behave much as grafted chains. Many dispersants are tailored in this way (4). (3) Grafting terminal hydrophobes onto water soluble chains or polar groups onto nonpolar backbones produces triblock copolymers. In solvents selective for the midblock these associate to form a network in solution, adsorb onto the surfaces of colloidal particles, or absorb into the core of micelles. The reversibility of these complexes varies with size of the end blocks and the selectivity of the solvent and is sensitive to the presence of surfactants. The water soluble versions comprise the associative thickeners cited as a revolutionary advance in the coatings industry (5). The behavior of these systems hinges on short range intermolecular forces among polymer segments, solvent molecules, the particle surface, and any surfactant or protein present. In addition, fixed charges on either the polymer backbone or the particle surface introduce strong electrostatic forces, which act over distances varying from microns to nanometers as a function of ionic strength. Thus nonionic polymers and polyelectrolytes often perform quite differently. This overview attempts to anticipate some of the subjects addressed in the papers of this volume, providing some background and perspective by drawing heavily on the introductory and concluding portions of Ploehn and Russel (7). Readers interested in more complete treatments should consult that review for theoretical approaches, the treatment of experimental techniques by Cohen Stuart, et al. (6), and the elegant presentation of scaling theories by de Gennes (2). Polymeric Flocculation Water soluble polymers function as flocculants in water treatment processes, paper making, and minerals processing. The objective is to destabilize colloidal particles, creating large floes to be removed subsequently by sedimentation, flotation, or filtration. Polymers function without the salt necessary to suppress the electrostatic forces generally controlling colloidal stability in aqueous dispersions. High molecular weights, 10-10 kg/mole, are advantageous and polyelectrolytes promote adsorption onto particles of opposite charge (7). With nonionic polymers flocculation results from bridging of individual chains across the gap between two particles, producing a deep attractive minimum in the pair potential. This occurs, however, only for partial coverage, implying an optimum at adsorbed amounts of about one half monolayer per surface. Theoretical analyses of adsorption, assuming that chains equilibrate within the gap but do not exchange with the bulk solution, suggest that low molecular weight polymers adsorb with relatively flat conformations, making bridging across the stabilizing electrical double layers unlikely. For higher molecular weights at moderate 4

Dubin and Tong; Colloid-Polymer Interactions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Macroscopic Consequences of Polymer—Particle Interactions

(c) depletion layer

(d) grafted chain

Figure 1. Conformation of homopolymer chains in solution: a, bulk solution; b, adsorbing; c, nonadsorbing; and d, terminally anchored. (Reproduced with permission from reference 1. Copyright 1990 Academic.)

(a) random copolymer

(b) block copolymer

(c) triblock copolymer

Figure 2. Conformation of A B copolymers in solution: a, random copolymers; b, diblock copolymer; and c, triblock copolymer. (Reproduced with permission from reference 1. Copyright 1990 Academic.)

Dubin and Tong; Colloid-Polymer Interactions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.




concentrations the depth and range of the attractive minimum in the potential initially increase with surface coverage, but the former decreases to zero at full coverage (8). Hence, bridging flocculation should occur only if the range of the attraction exceeds twice the double layer thickness while the magnitude remains significant, i.e. before restabilization occurs. Pelssers, et al (9) probed these issues for PEO adsorbed onto polystyrene at different surface coverages. At low molecular weights, the adsorption was allowed to equilibrate before the ionic strength was raised to l O M to initiate flocculation. A distinct onset of flocculation appeared at a critical polymer dose, presumably corresponding to the surface coverage at which the range of the attraction due to bridging exceeded twice the double layer thickness. Restabilization was not observed with the limited surface coverage achievable with low molecular weights. For higher molecular weights, however, the process differs qualitatively with a marked dependence on time, the initial number density of particles, and polymer dosage. Apparently the rate of polymer reconformation during adsorption relative to the rate of particle collisions becomes a key consideration (10,11). Indeed, the data reveals a transition from encounters between particles bearing equilibrium adsorbed layers, at low particle number densities and long collision time scales, to bridging by adsorbed polymer with dimensions comparable to the coil in solution at higher number densities and, hence, shorter collision times. In the latter situation reconformation continues during the flocculation process, causing the rate to decrease monotonically with time and, in some cases, arresting the process with floes of finite size. The advantages of higher molecular weight polymers must arise in part from such kinetic effects. Recent simulations by Dickinson and Euston (72) address bridging by very short chains at very low coverages as a function of the strength of attraction. With adsorption energies greater than 1 kT per segment, trains of segments lying on the surface dominate the polymer configurations. Rocs grow as fractals with dimension 1.75 and particles connected by rather short bridges only a few segments long. The shortness of the chains and the weakness of the attraction introduce sufficient reversibility to prevent many floes from growing very large, so the connection with actual systems is still weak. For polyelectrolytes, analyses of equilibrium adsorption are only beginning to emerge. Muthukumar's (13) treatment of a single polyelectrolyte chain interacting with a charged surface predicts adsorption with a mean square end-to-end distance of 0(* ) below a critical ionic strength. The consequences with respect to the mechanisms just cited and the interaction potentials between two surfaces remain to be explored. Thus, the situation is currently clouded by an incomplete understanding of both the kinetic processes and the equilibrium behavior of polyelectrolytes. Experimental studies by Peffercorn and coworkers (14) further probe these issues, characterizing the evolving aggregate size distribution via conventional particle counting for polystyrene latices in solutions of partially ionized poly(vinyl pyridine). The results illustrate several transitions, necessitating somewhat speculative interpretations supported by comparison with results for classical fractal aggregation results. A t low surface coverages bridging apparently dominates, producing kinetics and aggregate size distributions characteristic of reaction limited aggregation. For slightly higher coverages a similar initial period is followed by an asymptotic regime with a diffusion limited character. The authors attribute this to charge neutralization, through relaxation of the oppositely charged polymer chains into a flat conformation on the surface, permitting dispersion attractions to act as for high ionic strengths in the absence of polymer. For coverages of 0.50 and above flocculation slows considerably and resumes reaction limited behavior, apparently due to bridging controlled by slow reconfiguration of chains between two interacting particles. Clearly the time scales delineating the various regimes must be strong functions of the adsorption energy, polymer molecular weight, particle size, etc.

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Dubin and Tong; Colloid-Polymer Interactions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



Macroscopic Consequences of Polymer—Particle Interactions


These studies demonstrate considerable progress in sorting out the relative importance of bridging versus charge neutralization, as affected by the configurational relaxation of the adsorbed chains. One suspects, however, that rational design of processes must still rely on empirical studies of the systems of interest.

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Polymeric Stabilization Interaction potentials calculated from scaling, lattice, and self-consistent field theories for adsorbing homopolymer and terminally anchored layers in good solvents clearly confirm their ability to stabilize colloidal dispersions against flocculation due to dispersion forces. In fact, the practice preceeded the analyses by centuries for adsorbing polymers, with applications dating to ancient times, and decades for block copolymers, which emerged from industrial laboratories in the 1960s (75). Relative to electrostatic stabilization polymeric dispersants offer several advantages: (1) no electroviscous effects, (2) stability in nonaqueous solvents with low dielectric constants and surface charges, (3) robust, long-term stability at high volume fractions, and (4) reversibleflocculationwith changes in solvent quality. Stability generally requires a good solvent for the stabilizer and a minimum layer thickness to mask the dispersion forces. In addition, adsorbing homopolymers only produce fully repulsive interaction potentials for strong adsorption at full coverage, when the slowness of desorption retains polymer within the gap during interactions between particles. Otherwise, macromolecules squeezed between the surfaces desorb, thereby reducing their free energy and the repulsive potential. Indeed, slow flocculation, or aging, occurs in dispersions sufficiently concentrated to maintain the layers in contact. Thus, homopolymers can be satisfactory but are not the optimum stabilizers. Chains anchored to the surface, by either chemical grafting or an insoluble block, always produce a repulsion in good solvents. Consequently, copolymers, e.g. diblock, comb, or graft, comprise the most effective stabilizers. Advances in polymer synthesis continue to increase the macromolecules available for this application (e.g.4). Direct grafting to the particle is a feasible alternative but requires chemistry specific to the particle. Two important features of the phenomena addressed by experiment and theory are the layer thickness necessary to provide stability and the conditions at which the dispersions flocculate. The first follows from superposition of the repulsive potential for terminally anchored chains and the attractive dispersion potential, as the layer thickness necessary to maintain the attractive minimum shallower than a few kT. For relatively dense layers of monodisperse chains in good solvents the variation of the repulsive force between flat plates with separation is reasonably well characterized (76,77). Conversion via the Derjaguin approximation to spheres produces a potential that dominates the attraction for even weak interactions between the grafted layers; so the minimum occurs at separations of roughly twice the layer thickness. Except for rather low molecular weight stabilizers, the dispersion attraction is retarded by the finite propagation speed of electromagnetic waves and decays as the separation squared. Consequently, the critical layer thickness varies as [aXAefj/kT] with A jf characterizing the magnitude of the dispersion force and ^representing the characteristic wavelength associated with the dielectric relaxations (18). Hence, the requisite molecular weight increases with the radius of the particle and the dielectric mismatch between the particle and the solvent, a fact not always appreciated by those choosing dispersants. A large body of experimental data gathered by Napper and others (75) first established a correlation between the condition for incipient flocculation, i.e. the 112


Dubin and Tong; Colloid-Polymer Interactions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

Downloaded by on May 21, 2018 | Publication Date: July 14, 1993 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1993-0532.ch001



delineation between stable and unstable dispersions, and the theta condition for the soluble block of the stabilizer. Theoretical predictions for the interaction potentials agree for modest surface coverages, e.g. 1-3 monolayers. However, for PDMS chains grafted onto silica particles at surface coverages of 12-18 monolayers Edwards et al. (79) observed stability to considerably worse than theta conditions. This phenomena, termed "enhanced steric stabilization" by Napper (75), is predicted by mean-field theories as the consequence of three-body correlations among segments at high concentrations (c.f. 18, Chap. 9). Recent studies are beginning to assess in more detail the effects of adsorbed amount and layer thickness on stability (20). Underlying the application of block copolymers as stabilizers is, of course, the necessity of adsorbing them onto the particles from solution or introducing/growing them during the particle synthesis. The latter serves for the original application, emulsion polymerization of latices. However, success in stabilizing coating formulations or ceramic slips, for example, depends on the former. Here two issues arise: (i) the kinetics of adsorption from selective solvents (21,22). (ii) the factors controlling the total adsorbed amount (23,24,25). Experiments probing the kinetics for macroscopic surfaces of metal or glass/quartz are diffusion limited at short times, but at longer times reveal extraordinarily complex relaxation processes unless the solution concentration lies below the critical micelle concentration. The adsorbed amounts reported in the latter work exhibit interesting trends with assymmetry of the diblock, in reasonable conformity with expectations from the theory of Marques, et al. (26). Thus the basic understanding is advancing quite nicely, but cost and availability still loom as factors limiting applications. Phase Separations The alternative to stability is not always flocculation, i.e. a nonequilibrium aggregated state, as implied in the preceeding sections. As with molecular systems, homogeneous dispersions become thermodynamically unstable when an attractive minimum tffoi becomes sufficiently deep to drive the osmotic compressibility to zero. The locus of points on a kTI^P^-^ plot corresponding to this condition comprises the spinodal and lies within the boundary defining a two-phase region. Generally, #min= 2-5 kT suffices to cross the phase boundary yet permits dispersions of submicron particles to separate on a reasonable time scale, e.g. in a few days, into two coexisting equilibrium phases. With significantly stronger attractions, equilibration requires up to six months or a year. Asakura and Oosawa (3)firstidentified depletion as a mechanism for generating an attractive interparticle potential. Numerous elaborations of their simple model followed, including sophisticated lattice and self-consistent field theories. Recently, Evans (27) resolved some inconsistencies in the evaluation of the effective pair potential between the original niave model and the subsequent detailed analyses and achieved quantitative consistency between predictions and the detailed experiments employing bilayer membranes in a micropipette device. Phase separations induced by dissolved nonadsorbing polymer were recognized and exploited in the 1930s to concentrate, or cream, rubber lattices (76, §15.2) and reappeared in the 1970s in the formulation of coatings (e.g.25). Experiments with a variety of dispersions - polymer latices, silica spheres, and microemulsions - in aqueous or nonaqueous polymer solutions at either ideal of non-ideal conditions now clearly establish the coexistence of equilibrium phases, one dense and one dilute in particles, above a critical polymer concentration corresponding to an attractive minimum of 0(2-3 kT). As expected from simple theory, the critical polymer concentration decreases with increasing molecular weight or particle size (e.g. 29,30,31). Subsequent studies revealed two modes of phase behavior depending on the ratio of the particle radius a to the polymer's radius of gyration r (32,33,34). For example, n


Dubin and Tong; Colloid-Polymer Interactions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



Macroscopic Consequences of Polymer—Particle Interactions

electrostatically stabilized polystyrene latices in aqueous solutions of dextran exhibit a simple fluid - solid transition for al r = 6.9, but a more complex phase diagram with a fluid - fluid envelope, critical and triple points, and a fluid - solid region for a/r =1.9 (33). The solid phases display iridescence, characteristic of crystalline order, and the expected mechanical responses, i.e. yield stresses and finite low-frequency elasticity; the fluid phases are opaque and flow as Newtonian liquids in the low shear limit (35). At modest concentrations of free polymer, all dispersions behave generally as described above, independent of the mechanism stabilizing the particles in the absence of polymer, e.g. grafted polymer chains or electrostatic repulsion. However, with increasing polymer concentration, the correlation length and, hence, the depletion layer thickness decrease, so the range of the repulsion ultimately becomes important For particles stabilized with grafted chains, free polymer penetrates further into the grafted layer with increasing concentration, causing

faopossess easily measurable static elastic moduli and offer a rheological means of characterizing the interparticle potential. Second, the softer repulsion apparently suppresses the shear thickening transition encountered at high volume fractions for the harder particles. With adsorbing homopolymer the phenomena differ significantly since the polymer can either stabilize or bridge colloidal particles. In addition, the viscous forces generated by shear can either induce bridging or breakup floes formed by bridging. Otsubo and co-workers (41-45) illustrate the possibilities with silica spheres in solutions of poly(acrylamide) in glycerin - water mixtures over a range of particle sizes and volume fractions, polymer molecular weights and concentrations, solvent quality, and shear rates. In glycerin, the dispersions are stable and behave as a shear thinning fluids. However, the viscosity initially decreases with the addition of silica, only increasing at higher concentrations. Adsorption reduces the solution viscosity by the depletion of polymer, but enhances the relative viscosity by increasing the hydrodynamic volume of the particles. Since the particles adsorb ~1.5 mg/m of polymer on a surface area of 0.13 m /mg, 5 wt% silica lowers the solution concentration by 1 wt%. At higher silica concentrations, interactions among the coated particles increase the viscosity, suggesting a layer thickness of ~10nm, and lead to shear thinning at higher shear rates. Thus, the coated particles behave as stable spheres at all shear rates. Better solvents, e.g. glycerin - water mixtures, enhance the possibility of bridging and render the rheological behavior quite sensitive to those parameters controlling the surface coverage: the molecular weight and concentration of the polymer, the size and concentration of the particles, and the solvent quality. At high surface coverages, achieved with large particles, low silica concentrations, or high polymer molecular weights, the dispersions exhibit stability and relatively low viscosities. But rather low coverages, arising for smaller particles, higher silica concentrations, or lower molecular weights, permit bridging and produce highly pseudoplastic materials. Most interesting then are intermediate coverages, for which an irreversible shear-induced transition occurs, transforming a low viscosity dispersion into a paste at a critical stress.

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Dubin and Tong; Colloid-Polymer Interactions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

Downloaded by on May 21, 2018 | Publication Date: July 14, 1993 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1993-0532.ch001



Macroscopic Consequences of Polymer—Particle Interactions


Subsequent analyses support this interpretation and correlate the elasticity of the samples with bridging through simulations and analogies to percolation processes (46). With nonadsorbing polymer, significant rheological transitions correlate with the phase boundaries mentioned above (35). The slowness of the macroscopic phase separation permits rheological characterization of a metastable structure that changes little over time for samples formulated within the two-phase region. The systems respond pseudoplastically, but the microstructure recovers to a reproducible rest state after shear. The initial steady shear measurements identified several features of the phenomena: (1) an apparent yield stress appeared at the fluid-solid phase boundary and increased with distance into the two-phase region and (2) discontinuous shear thinning appeared near or within a fluid - fluid envelope, though the low shear viscosity remained Newtonian. However, rheometry on such dispersions is fraught with difficulties. For example, Buscall, et al. (47) subsequently reported much lower and essentially Newtonian viscosities at low shear rates for formulations exhibiting a fluid-solid transition. When challenged that slip at the wall might be the culprit, they machined Couette devices with much larger gaps and repeated one set of measurements. The results reveal a much higher but still Newtonian low shear viscosity, suggesting that both previous sets of measurements were confounded by a stress-controlled slip process! As a final example, let's consider the rheological effects of the associative polymers formulated in the single phase fluid region at high concentrations (5). The solutions themselves respond viscoelastically as classical reversible networks (48) well characterized by a single relaxation time, associated with the dynamics of junction formation and breakup. The steady shear viscosities exhibit a Newtonian low shear plateau, a modest degree of shear thickening (for relatively low molecular weights), and pronounced shear thinning. The shear thickening clearly derives from extension of the chain beyond the linear elastic limit, but either nonaffine deformation of the network or rupture of the junctions by viscous stresses could produce the shear thinning. In the commercial formulations the presence of particles at 0=0.20 merely increases the level of the viscosity and shifts the characteristic shear rates and frequencies. Jenkins' data (48) conforms at 0.10, but at higher volume fractions the Newtonian plateau disappears. This raises the question of whether a reversible polymer network persists or the particles simply interact as fuzzy and, perhaps, sticky spheres with much slower dynamics that control the shear rate. Additional data exists beyond that cited here but does not seem to resolve this issue. Similar possibilities have been demonstrated for nonpolar continuous phases (49,50). With A O T w/o microemulsions having decane as the continuous phase, poly(isoprene) with terminal poly(ethylene oxide) blocks associates with the water droplets. Under conditions that promote bridging between droplets the microemulsions become orders of magnitude more viscous and appear to undergo a sol-gel transition (Figure 4). This presents an ideal system for detailed study since conductivity, dynamic light scattering, and dielectric measurements, among others, readily probe the dynamics and microstructure. Thus soluble polymer, interacting in a controlled fashion with colloidal particles, can transform both the equilibrium state and the mechanical properties of dispersions. The possibilities range from equilibrium, low viscosity fluids to nonequilibrium, pseudoplastic pastes with high yield stresses. However, substantial gaps still exist in the ability to, for example, (i) create high viscosity equilibrium fluids with prescribed relaxation spectra, (ii) impart a sol-gel transition at prescribed conditions, or (iii) connect explicitly macromolecular structure with rheological behavior.

Dubin and Tong; Colloid-Polymer Interactions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.




J3 >



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10 .001


.1 Wt % Polymer



Figure 3. Phase behavior of 0.24 (o) and 0.068 /urn (A) acrylic latices containing poly(ethylene oxide) of M = 35-40 kg/mole with terminal hydrophobes. (Reproduced with permission from reference 38. Copyright 1990 Royal Society of Chemistry.) n


turbid solution



clear solution




clear gel


, o o-°'

phase separation

P o'



3.0 P%


Figure 4. Phase diagram of A O T microemulsion containing a poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(isoprene)/poly(ethylene oxide) copolymer illustrating the polymer induced phase separation and gelation boundaries. (Reproduced with permission from reference 49. Copyright 1989 Elsevier.)

Dubin and Tong; Colloid-Polymer Interactions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



Macroscopic Consequences of Polymer—Particle Interactions


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Dubin and Tong; Colloid-Polymer Interactions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.