Magnesium Trisilicate - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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Magnesium Tricilicate \h$oti\ ,ms

Mallinckrodt, one.of the first American producers, of pharmaceutical grades of magnesium trisilicate, began manufacturing.this valuable, antacid in 19S7 and is today among the foremost domestic producers; ^ / ^~, ^ , VOf special value to pharmaceutical manufacturers is the high degree of lot-to-lot uniformity of MçllMckrodt^ magnésium trisilicate, not only in chemical composition but also in moisture content, particle size .distribution, and bulk. Mallinckrodt magnesium trisilicate fully meets U.S,?P. requirements. ^ ^ ^ . , . To-fit'both tableting and suspension needs Mallinckrodt magnesium trisilicate. is supplied intthe following forms: ^ \ \ ; . : , \ * MagnesiunaTrisilicate U.S.P. Powder \ . ^ Magnesium Trisilicate U,S. P. Bulïy ^ ! ,. " \ ^ ) Magnesium Trisilicate U.S.P. Super Bulky . 1 „ . 4

Important Properties—Typical Values . -



Bulk—Approx. fl.^oz./Ib. . . . . 45 Apprbx. Particle Size Distribution* ^ less than 5 microns Λ . ~. . . \ 15% 5-10 microns ·" . . ^. Γ % . ~- ,"1 10% 10-20 microns ~ . . . ^ . 35% „

20-40microns - s .

. . - %ir:

^ 40%

* Determined by sedimentation methods. *> < Adsorptive power— ^ ^ ^ not less mg. methylene bluë/gram • ί , than 100 r Acid consuming capacity— « ~ -- ~* r * c c . N / 1 0 H C f / g r a m . . , / . . .; 140;160


75 50% 30% * 10% ~ 10%

^ Svpor Balky

J» 65%

' U%

. not less" than 200

about 150


< 140-160

For alkaline mixtures containing magnesium trisilicate^ Mallinckrodt aîsà jsuppKes^ top-quality companion products siacfa as Magnesium Carbonate IJ.S.P^ Calcium Carbonate U.S·?. and Bismuth Stsbçarbonate U.S.P* ; Samples and prices will be supplied on request. For technical information write for Magnesium Trisilicate Data Unit X-212. , MAUSNCSCftO&T M e t t i n c k r o d t S t „ St. U u i s 7» M o .

CBSMfC^l -



G o l d St., Mew

Y o r k 8 , Ν. Y.

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