Magnetic Hot Spots in Closely Spaced Thick Gold Nanorings - Nano

May 20, 2013 - This behavior has not been reported before to the best of our knowledge. .... The red-shift of the magnetic resonance in comparison to ...
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Magnetic Hot Spots in Closely Spaced Thick Gold Nanorings María Lorente-Crespo,†,‡ Li Wang,§ Rubén Ortuño,∥ Carlos García-Meca,† Yasin Ekinci,§ and Alejandro Martínez*,† †

Nanophotonics Technology Center, Universitat Politècnica de València, Camino de Vera, s/n, 46022, Valencia, Spain Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, United Kingdom § Laboratory for Micro- and Nanotechnology, Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland ∥ TERALAB (MmW-THz-IR & Plasmonics Laboratory), Campus Arrosadía s/n, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona 31006, Spain ‡

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Light−matter interaction at optical frequencies is mostly mediated by the electric component of the electromagnetic field, with the magnetic component usually being considered negligible. Recently, it has been shown that properly engineered metallic nanostructures can provide a magnetic response at optical frequencies originated from real or virtual flows of electric current in the structure. In this work, we demonstrate a magnetic plasmonic mode which emerges in closely spaced thick gold nanorings. The plasmonic resonance obtains a magnetic dipole character by sufficiently increasing the height of the nanorings. Numerical simulations show that a virtual current loop appears at resonance for sufficiently thick nanorings, resulting in a strong concentration of the magnetic field in the gap region (magnetic hot spot). We find that there is an optimum thickness that provides the maximum magnetic intensity enhancement (over 200-fold enhancement) and give an explanation of this observation. This strong magnetic resonance, observed both experimentally and theoretically, can be used to build new metamaterials and resonant loop nanoantennas at optical frequencies. KEYWORDS: Surface plasmons, plasmonic array, gold nanorings, optical magnetism, magnetic field enhancement, nanoantennas


active media at optical frequencies. However, we could think that nanostructuring metals is a way to strengthen the magnetic response at optical frequencies, as it occurs for the electric field. In fact, it has been shown that LSPRs can have a magnetic character, which gives rise to magnetic activity in the optical regime.6,7 In this case, the underlying atoms or molecules are not magnetically polarized. Instead, it is the generation of surface currents on metallic surfaces as a consequence of external illumination that produces an effective magnetic moment which interacts with the incident field. A typical method to get magnetic activity at optical frequencies is to have two parallel metallic plates in close proximity so that the incoming magnetic field parallel to the plates can create a virtual current loop (VCL) that gives rise to another magnetic field which sums up to the incoming one.8−11 This kind of LSPRs is commonly referred to as magnetic plasmons7 which are ultimately responsible for the magnetic response in fishnet metamaterials.12 Other configurations to obtain magnetic plasmons have also been proposed, such as self-assembled nanoparticle clusters,13 both approaches sharing the creation of

nteraction between radiation and matter at optical frequencies is mostly mediated by the polarization of atoms and molecules induced by the electric component of an incoming electromagnetic wave. Electric polarizability is the physical phenomenon behind the refractive index of dielectric materials. When illuminating a nanostructure made of a noble metal with near-infrared (NIR) or visible light, it is possible to induce localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs). These occur because the incoming electric field interaction with free electrons on the metal surface, which produces an effective electric polarization.1 A key property of LSPRs, whose wavelength largely depends on the nanostructure shape and size and the local dielectric environment, is the possibility to concentrate light in subwavelength regions where electric field intensities are enhanced up to several orders of magnitude, which have been sometimes referred to as electric hot spots.2 This effect has been used to realize plasmonic nanoantennas to strongly localize and concentrate free-space radiation into a subwavelength region,3 as well as to develop ultrasensitive sensors.4 On the contrary, magnetic activity at optical frequencies is about 4 orders of magnitude smaller than its electric counterpart because the response of matter to the magnetic component of light is extremely weak.5 In fact, it is widely accepted that there are no naturally occurring magnetically © 2013 American Chemical Society

Received: March 4, 2013 Revised: May 17, 2013 Published: May 20, 2013 2654 | Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 2654−2661

Nano Letters


Figure 1. (a) Array of gold nanorings with inner radius Rin, outer radius Rout, thickness t, and separation between rings s. The nanorings are placed on top of a dielectric substrate with refractive index n. (b) Simulated extinction coefficient of the array of gold nanorings with t = 100 nm, Rout = 300 nm, Rin = 200 nm, and s = 30 nm. A quartz substrate is considered. (c and d) IE calculated at 920 nm for the same configuration as in b) The polarization of the incident field is shown.

optical nanoantenna mimicking a magnetic resonant nanoloop if isolated or for building optical metamaterials with enhanced magnetic activity when arranged in an array. An isolated gold nanoring supports two main LSPRs whose origin can be explained from the hybridization of the resonances of a disk and a hole.18 These two resonances, usually called bonding (or symmetric) and antibonding (or antisymmetric) modes, take place in the NIR and visible wavelength regions, respectively. The bonding mode exhibits charge concentrations of different signs at the opposite sides of the nanoring, which results in a considerable electric dipole that gives rise to intense local electric fields.19 This also means that this LSPR has an electric character that should be manifested in producing a far field similar to that of an electric dipole at the resonance wavelength. When two nanorings are put together, the resulting dimer also displays a bonding resonance (which is called coupled-bonding resonance) which inherits the main properties from the resonance of an isolated nanoring except for very small gap distances where higher-order modes arise as a consequence of the splitting of the bonding mode. 17 Interestingly, such strongly coupled nanoring dimers display a huge concentration of the electric field in the subwavelength gap region,17 which can become much higher than what is observed for an isolated nanoparticle.19 If the gold nanorings are periodically arranged in a square lattice, the response will become completely independent of polarization at normal incidence even for very small gaps. Moreover, the structure will be denser which will facilitate the characterization in the laboratory by means of straightforward techniques. If the period of the array p is smaller than the resonance wavelength divided by the index of the underlying substrate n, diffraction effects are avoided,20 and the array

a VCL under proper illumination as the mechanism that produces the magnetic response. Interestingly, the created VCL between adjacent metallic plates can also give rise to a strong confinement of the local magnetic field in the subwavelength gap (magnetic hot spot).11,14 Lately, it has been predicted that a strong concentration of the magnetic field also appears in some metallic nanoantennas, such as the diabolo antenna15 and the complementary bowtie antenna.16 It should be noted that in such nanoantennas the local magnetic enhancement does not arise from a VCL between parallel plates but as a consequence of real currents flowing through an ultrathin metallic wire. Therefore, metallic nanostructures do not only provide a powerful way to concentrate the electric field, but also to locally enhance the magnetic field, which could find new unprecedented applications. In this work, we show both numerically and experimentally that a strong magnetic response in the NIR regime is attained by illuminating subwavelength-spaced thick gold nanorings. If the nanorings are thin, the LSPR exhibits a pure electric behavior which gives rise to a strong enhancement of the electric field in the gap (coupled-bonding mode).17 However, when the height of the nanorings is much larger than the spacing, a VCL appears between them, providing a strong magnetic field concentration in the gap or magnetic hot spot. In fact, our results show that the LSPR gets a magnetic character for sufficiently thick nanorings and indicate that there is an optimum thickness that maximizes the magnetic field enhancement up to more than 2 orders of magnitude. We observe experimentally the resonance in arrays of coupled gold nanorings and its red-shifting when the nanoring thickness is increased as expected from numerical simulations. These results suggest that two coupled thick nanorings could be used as an 2655 | Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 2654−2661

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response in the NIR region should be dominated by the excitation of the coupled-bonding mode regardless of the polarization. This is confirmed by numerical simulations performed using the commercial software CST Microwave Studio, a three-dimensional electromagnetic simulator based on the finite integration technique. In our modeling, we consider a square array of gold nanorings with outer radius Rout, inner radius Rin, and thickness t on top of a quartz substrate (see Figure 1a). The spacing between neighbor nanorings is s = p − 2Rout. Gold is modeled by using values of the permittivity obtained experimentally by ellipsometry whereas quartz is fitted following the Sellmeier equation (see Supporting Information). The extinction spectrum of an array of gold nanorings with t = 100 nm, Rout = 300 nm, Rin = 200 nm, and s = 30 nm plotted in Figure 1b displays a great resemblance with the results presented in ref 17 for an isolated dimer. The observed extinction peak at 920 nm corresponds to the excitation of the coupled-bonded mode of nanoring dimers extended over the whole lattice. Since we are exciting the coupled-bonding mode, we can expect a strong concentration of the electric field in the gap between adjacent nanorings for sufficiently small s values when illuminated by NIR radiation at normal incidence. This is confirmed by our simulations as shown in Figure 1c representing the electric field enhancement as IE = |E|2/|E0|2, where the electric field is measured at a point equidistant from the nanorings and at a height t/2 over the substrate with (E⃗ = Ex̂) and without (E⃗ 0 = E0x̂) nanorings. As in the case of the dimers, for very small gap distances the bonding resonance will split up, although in the case of the array the situation is even more complex since each nanoring is coupled to four neighbors. The study of this splitting is out of the scope of this work and will be considered elsewhere. In most previous studies of the optical response of gold nanorings (isolated, or forming dimers and arrays) only relatively thin metal layers have been considered.21 It would be interesting to know what happens when the metal thickness is increased. If the metal is thick enough, the region between nanorings closely resembles a pair of coupled nanoplates, which has been shown to support a magnetic plasmon resonance7−9 and an enhancement of the magnetic field in the gap region22 as a consequence of the formation of a VCL. In our structure, the coupled-bonded mode shows charges of different signs at the surfaces of adjacent nanorings. Therefore, if these charges are put in motion upon excitation by an incoming wave, opposite currents in the z-direction can arise, just as in the case of the nanoplates. In Figure 2 we show the currents under normal illumination at the resonance wavelength for three different values of the nanoring thickness. For small values of t (Figure 2a), the opposite currents generated at each side of the gap have a small distance to flow so we merely have an accumulation of opposite charges which produces an electric dipole and gives rise to the enhancement of the electric field. This is the case explained in Figure 1. If t is increased (Figure 2b), the electric current has enough distance to flow, and ultimately an VCL is formed (see Figure 2c). The formed VCL behaves as a magnetic dipole and a strong magnetic field in the gap should appear. In analogy to what is done in the case of the electric field, we can study the magnetic field enhancement in the gap by means of the parameter IM = |H|2/|H0|2, where H and H0 stand for the magnetic field along the y-axis with and without nanorings monitored at the same position as before. Figure 3a plots the electric and magnetic field enhancements as a function of the metal thickness for three different values of

Figure 2. Currents generated in a pair of coupled nanorings for different values of the metal thickness. A VCL (overimposed in c for clarity) is formed in the gap under normal illumination, being responsible for the strong enhancement of the magnetic field in the gap as well as for the creation of a magnetic dipole. Parameters: Rout = 300 nm, Rin = 200 nm, and s = 30 nm.

nanoring spacing (s = 10 nm, s = 30 and 60 nm). It can be seen that, for thin nanorings, the electric field is highly enhanced at the center of the gap, as expected, but the magnetic field is comparable to the case with no nanorings as no enhancement is obtained. However, when t > 150 nm there is a growth of the IM parameter which is accompanied by a reduction of the IE parameter. This means that, for sufficiently thick nanorings, we do not only observe a great enhancement of the magnetic field in the gap (a magnetic hot-spot), but a decrease of the electric field concentration in the middle of the gap. Indeed, for t > 250 nm we observe that IM > IE. Notice, however, that the local electric field at the metal surface will be higher than in the center of the gap, corresponding to the excitation of a plasmonic resonance. Our results suggest that the excited LSPR changes its character from electric to magnetic for sufficiently thick nanorings. In other words, for thin nanorings the LSPR resembles a pure electric dipole while for sufficiently thick nanorings a magnetic dipole arises. This behavior has not been reported before to the best of our knowledge. In addition, we notice that IM reaches a maximum at a given value of t (for instance, IM = 178 for s = 30 nm and IM = 140 for s = 60 nm). This suggests that there is an optimum metal thickness that maximizes the magnetic field enhancement. The explanation of the optimum thickness to maximize IM is strongly related with the generation of VCLs as depicted in Figure 2. For very thin nanorings, there is no current flow; as a consequence, the magnetic field is not enhanced, and the resonance displays only electric dipole behavior. Roughly speaking, it can be said that there is not enough space for a current loop to be formed. For higher values of t the currents have enough distance to flow, and the magnetic enhancement reaches a maximum that will depend on the size of the nanostructures. For a certain thickness, a quasi-symmetric (the substrate cannot be neglected) VCL will be formed, and the local magnetic field will present a maximum at a height of t/2, 2656 | Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 2654−2661

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Figure 3. (a) IE and IM values obtained from numerical simulations as a function of the nanoring thickness for different nanorings spacings. The array is illuminated normally at a wavelength at which the extinction reaches a maximum. (b) IE and IM as a function of the spacing for a fixed thickness t = 275 nm. (c) Resonant wavelength as a function of the metal thickness for the three previously considered separation distances between nanorings. Constant parameters: Rout = 300 nm and Rin = 200 nm. (d) Resonant wavelength as a function of the outer radius for different values of the inner radius and a fixed thickness t = 275 nm. The separation distance for each value of Rout is chosen so that the period is fixed to 630 nm.

Figure 4. Map of IM when the array is illuminated at normal incidence at the resonance wavelength for Rout = 300 nm and Rin = 200 nm, when the separation between adjacent rings is (a and d) s = 10 nm, (b and e) s = 30 nm, and (c and f) s = 60 nm. For unpolarized light the magnetic hot spots will appear in all the gaps.

which is where it is monitored in the simulations. This conclusion can also be extracted if we consider a pair of coupled-nanorings as a cavity formed by a certain length t of a plasmonic waveguide consisting of two coupled metallic hollow nanocylinders surrounded by low-reflectivity mirrors. In this case, the cavity will become resonant as long as a certain condition between the cavity length and the wavelength is accomplished. Below we also discuss the existence of the maximum in the local magnetic field by comparing the behavior

of two coupled nanorings with a resonant magnetic nanoantenna. Initially, for t values above the optimum, we observe that the resonant condition is not maintained and the maximum of the local magnetic field will not be situated at the center of the gap. Moreover, if we consider again the coupled nanorings as a cavity formed by a finite plasmonic waveguide, an increase in t means an increase in the length of the waveguide forming the cavity, so higher order resonant modes occur which manifest themself as multiple VCLs in the 2657 | Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 2654−2661

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Figure 5. Scanning electron microscope images of fabricated samples with t = 350 nm, Rout = 300 nm, and Rin = 200 nm (nominal values). (a, c) s = 30 nm, (b, d) s = 60 nm. Images a and b are taken from the top and c and d at a 25° tilt angle. Scale bars are all 500 nm.

Figure 6. Measured (a) and simulated (b) extinction spectra of arrays of gold nanorings on quartz with for different geometrical parameters. Red curve: t = 220 nm, Rout = 305 nm, Rin = 195 nm, and s = 20 nm; blue curve: t = 350 nm, Rout = 285 nm, Rin = 190 nm, and s = 30 nm; black curve: t = 350 nm, Rout = 310 nm, Rin = 210 nm, and s = 50 nm; green curve: t = 420 nm, Rout = 330 nm, Rin = 190 nm, and s = 15 nm. The dimensions correspond to those used in the simulations to fit the experimental curves and were calculated by performing a fine-tuning of the dimensions obtained from the SEM images of the measured samples.

metal23 or quantum-tunneling,24 as it occurs for the electric field enhancement. In the previous results we have considered the fields and the currents at resonance, this is, at the wavelength where the extinction reaches a maximum. Our calculations show that the resonant wavelength strongly depends on the metal thickness, as shown in Figure 3c. In fact, we have observed that for thin nanorings (t < 150 nm) the resonance has a purely electric behavior and its wavelength remains approximately constant. However, as the thickness is increased and the resonance enters the magnetic regime, we observe a strong red-shift which can be considered as a clear signature of the magnetic resonance. The red-shift of the magnetic resonance in comparison to the original electric resonance in thinner coupled nanorings has also been observed in other plasmonic nanostructures.6,11 It has to be stressed that there are no significant diffraction effects in the wavelength region under consideration. For the arrays under consideration in Figure 2−4 the Wood’s anomaly happens at 1 μm for s = 60 and 960 nm for s = 30 nm, so

gap. For instance, we have observed in the numerical simulations that for t = 600 nm two VCLs with opposite phase appear inside the gap. This corresponds to the second magnetic mode of the system under study. Therefore, an array of coupled gold nanorings with a properly chosen thickness will produce an array of spots with high magnetic field intensity under normal illumination as depicted in Figure 4. It has to be emphasized that an isolated nanoring would only interact with the local electric field. It is the combination of a small spacing gap together with the thick metal walls which produces the observed magnetic resonance. In fact, the spacing between nanorings (s parameter) also plays a key role in the formation of the magnetic resonance, as shown in Figure 3b. As it occurs with the electric field enhancement, IM grows with decreasing distance. Therefore, the magnetic resonance is a result of strong coupling between the nanorings. We expect that the magnetic field enhancement can be ultimately limited by mechanisms such as the intrinsic nonlocality of the dielectric response of the 2658 | Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 2654−2661

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Figure 7. (a) Measured extinction spectra of different nanoring arrays as a function of the inner radius Rin with t = 175 nm, Rout = 325 nm, and s = 120 nm (nominal values). Scanning electron microscope images of fabricated samples with (b) Rin = 50 nm and (c) Rin = 0 nm. The scale bar is 400 nm.

in Figure 6 for different sizes of the nanorings. In the simulations we started initially from the geometrical parameters observed in the SEM images and performed a fine-tuning of Rout, Rin, and s to match the obtained extinction curves with the experiments. The larger experimental peak widths are thought to be the result of an inhomogeneous broadening since multiple nanorings are simultaneously illuminated and their dimensions can slightly differ. We observe that the resonance wavelengths for the two samples with the same thickness almost coincide, which is in agreement with the results in Figure 3c. But the most significant finding is the strong red-shift of the resonance wavelength when t grows, which is a clear signature of the magnetic behavior of the LSPR,11 as previously mentioned. The LSPR wavelength reliance on the rest of the structural parameters allows the response to be tuned over the whole NIR range. The influence of Rout on the position of the resonance for different values of Rin is shown in Figure 3d, where all the calculations were performed with a p = 630 nm period and t = 275 nm thickness. For Rout values above 245 nm, s is reduced which results in a red-shift of the resonance and an increase of the magnetic field enhancement as Rout grows. The coupling between adjacent nanorings is stronger than the coupling between the inner and outer nanoring surfaces as suggested by the curves in Figure 3d. The resonance wavelength is mainly controlled by Rout and almost independent of Rin. When Rout = 305 nm and s = 20 nm, Rin has little influence on the resonance wavelength as the field is strongly confined in the gap region and does not see the inner hole. In this case the strong magnetic field concentration will remain regardless of Rin, which means that a coupled-disk array would also display magnetic hot spots when illuminated at resonance. For smaller values of Rout, the nanorings are not coupled, and we see that the resonance behaves as in the case of an isolated nanoring. Moreover, for the case of Rin = 200 nm we observe that when Rout is reduced, the inner and outer sidewalls of the nanorings get very close, which results in a strong red-shift of the resonance that ultimately tends to infinity (in terms of wavelength). This is in close agreement with the results reported by Aizpurua and co-workers.19 Variations in Rin would allow for fine-tuning of the resonant frequency in which the nanorings are coupled, and the magnetic behavior emerges. To validate this, we fabricated another sample containing nanoring arrays in which Rin was changed, keeping all other parameters constant (see details in Figure 7). The measured optical spectrum clearly shows a slight red-shift of the resonance when

we can assume that the observed extinction peak does not come from the periodicity but from the local response of the nanorings. A typical top-down process to build plasmonic nanostructures on dielectric substrates makes use of electron-beam lithography (EBL) on a thin resist layer followed by metal deposition and lift-off. This fabrication method limits the metal thickness to be below the thickness of the employed resist, which is usually smaller than 100 nm. Therefore, other methods have to be employed to fabricate thick gold nanorings with small separation so that the magnetic effects are enhanced. In our approach, a thick polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) resist layer was deposited onto an electroplating base coated quartz substrate, which was then patterned using an EBL tool (Vistec EBPG5000Plus) with 100 keV electron energy. The high energy enables electrons to penetrate deep into the resist with little scattering. After development, the resist voids were filled with gold by electroplating, and the remaining PMMA mold was subsequently removed by oxygen plasma etching. This technique provides precise structuring at the nanoscale,25 which allowed us to fabricate a wide range of nanoring structures of varying diameter, spacing, and height, resulting in various aspect-ratios. In contrast to fabrication based on lift-off,21 thicker nanorings can be attained. More details about the fabrication of the samples can be found in the Supporting Information. In a first sample, we fabricated nanoring arrays with thicknesses of t = 220, 350, and 420 nm containing 200 × 200 μm2 arrays with nominal values of Rout = 300 nm, Rin = 200 nm, and s = 30 and 60 nm. Some images of the fabricated arrays obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) are shown in Figure 5. The SEM images show that the obtained thicknesses of the nanorings were very close to the nominal values. We also obtained some differences in the other geometrical parameters. For example, we found that the gap spacing for some samples with nominal value of s = 30 nm was reduced down to 15 nm in a certain array (see Figure 6). Other fabrication routes could be followed in order to build high-aspect ratio gold nanorings with small spacing between them.26 The obtained nanorings as well as the separating gaps could be even smaller than in our approach, which would suggest an increase in resonant frequency of the LSPR to frequencies in the visible range. Experimental extinction spectra of the fabricated samples were collected by means of a Bruker Vertex 80 Fouriertransform interferometer (FTIR) spectroscopy system. The obtained results together with numerical simulations are shown 2659 | Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 2654−2661

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Rin grows, which is in good agreement with the simulation results. The array of thick gold nanorings converts the incoming light into localized magnetic field spots with an intensity enhancement over 250 for certain parameters (see Figure 2a). The arrangement in an array provides a very dense periodic structure of magnetic hot spots (about 500 millions per cm2 in the fabricated samples) when illuminating the nanorings with unpolarized light at the resonant wavelength. Therefore, we can consider this as an array of magnetic nanoantennas. Each nanoantenna will be formed by two closely spaced nanorings whose performance mimics an electrically large resonant nanoloop.27 Indeed, a loop antenna resonates at a wavelength equal to its perimeter. In our case, the resonance (see Figure 2c) occurs at wavelength about 1.5−2 times the perimeter (obtained as 2s + 2t). However, this can be explained by the penetration of the fields inside both the metal and the dielectric substrate, which is well-known to produce an increase in the wavelength of the LSPR, as in the case of dipole nanoantennas.3 This also explains the optimum value of s observed in Figure 2b: the strongest resonance occurs when the perimeter is just equal to an effective wavelength. Therefore, it is reasonable to think that our structure performs as an array of resonant nanoloops. Future work will address the far-field radiation properties of the nanoring arrays. The magnetic field enhancement observed in the fabricated structures at NIR wavelengths (around 1300 nm) is on the same order of magnitude as a diabolo15 or complementary bowtie28 nanoantenna in which the magnetic enhancement is achieved through high real current flows along very thin metallic wires. The enhancement could even be improved by reducing s, although some more complex effects can arise for very small gaps.23,24 In comparison with horizontal parallel nanoplates which also permit the excitation of magnetic plasmons as well as the concentration of the magnetic field, our structure does not require the existence of a dielectric spacing layer between metallic walls. This means that the region of magnetic field localization is accessible from the outside so it could be used for applications such as sensing, manipulation, or trapping. Moreover, it makes possible to locally probe the magnetic field in the gap region using appropriate techniques.29 In summary, we have shown that the LSPR of coupled gold nanorings changes from an electric to a magnetic character (magnetic plasmons) for sufficiently thick nanorings. A high magnetic field concentration (magnetic hot spot) with enhancement values over 250 takes place in the subwavelength gap region for normal illumination. As a result, an array of such nanorings acts as an array of magnetic nanoantennas mimicking resonant nanoloops in which the incoming propagating light is converted into a strongly localized magnetic field. The induced VCLs will therefore create strong magnetic dipoles which could be used to build magnetically active metamaterials in the optical domain. The proposed structure constitutes a new building block to achieve magnetism in the optical domain.30



Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Author Contributions

M.L.-C., L.W., and R.O. contributed equally to this work. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work has been supported by Spanish Government and European Union (EU) funds under contracts CSD2008-00066 and TEC2011-28664-C02-02 and Universitat Politècnica de València (program INNOVA 2011). The authors extend special thanks to Mr. J. Ross Aitken for his contribution to this work.


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S Supporting Information *

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