Magnetic Properties of Daily Sampled Total Suspended Particulates in

Magnetic Properties of Daily Sampled Total Suspended Particulates in ... J Shu - ‎2000 - ‎Cited b...
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Environ. Sci. Technol. 2000, 34, 2393-2400

Magnetic Properties of Daily Sampled Total Suspended Particulates in Shanghai J I O N G S H U , * ,† J O H N A . D E A R I N G , ‡ ANDREW P. MORSE,‡ LIZHONG YU,† AND CHAOYI LI† Department of Geography, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China, and Department of Geography, University of Liverpool, P.O. Box 147, Liverpool L69 7ZT, U.K.

Samples of total suspended particulates (TSPs) and 80 kAm-1 (Figure 2). The weak negative relationship between HIRM and TSP concentrations especially (Figure 3d) indicates that the major source of hematite minerals is probably less local and becomes progressively diluted at times of high dust deposition. These temporal variations suggest that city-wide TSP loadings and magnetic concentrations are strongly affected by daily fluctuations in industrial and commercial activities but that dust mineralogy and domain sizes at a site may reflect more the proximity to dust sources and meteorological conditions. VOL. 34, NO. 12, 2000 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



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FIGURE 2. Magnetic measurements and TSP concentrations for sites 3 and 6. Days represented as 1: Wednesday-Thursday, 2: Thursday-Friday, 3: Friday-Saturday, 4: Saturday-Sunday, 5: Sunday-Monday, 6: Monday-Tuesday, 7: Tuesday-Wednesday.


FIGURE 3. Correlation analysis between (a) TSP concentration and χLF; (b) TSP concentration and SIRM; (c) TSP concentration and χARM; and (d) TSP concentration and HIRM. One point (site 6) excluded in (d) for clarity (TSP 370 µg m-3; HIRM 8574.7 10-5 Am2 kg-1).



TABLE 2. Means and Standard Deviations for Magnetic Measurements of TSP Samples at 11 Sites χLFa

site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 a


χfd %


493.5 ( 167.5 35.8 ( 9.5 7.5 ( 1.7 6660.5 ( 2063.1 408.5 ( 145.2 28.4 ( 9.3 7.0 ( 0.8 5729.5 ( 2160.6 298.7 ( 72.4 23.4 ( 5.8 8.0 ( 1.9 4389.0 ( 944.4 523.7 ( 222.7 36.3 ( 13.9 7.1 ( 0.7 7294.8 ( 3069.6 413.2 ( 112.1 22.8 ( 22.7 4.6 ( 3.4 5090.7 ( 1270.0 1521.2 ( 925.6 23.6 ( 10.7 2.3 ( 1.8 22087.0 ( 15958.2 743.1 ( 304.5 36.5 ( 24.7 5.2 ( 2.7 11174.5 ( 4387.7 1098.1 ( 454.2 66.0 ( 28.9 6.1 ( 0.9 15332.3 ( 6129.5 410.3 ( 164.6 26.3 ( 5.1 7.0 ( 1.8 6669.8 ( 4396.8 441.1 ( 120.2 31.8 ( 8.3 7.5 ( 2.3 7006.2 ( 2476.8 327.8 ( 77.9 6.8 ( 8.3 6.8 ( 2.0 4977.8 ( 1430.8 10-8 m3 kg-1.


10-8 m3 kg-1. c 10-5 Am2 kg-1.


χARMd 440.9 ( 322.9 298.6 ( 228.4 219.4 ( 153.2 403.0 ( 325.9 274.3 ( 188.6 1454.0 ( 1196.3 605.4 ( 427.4 949.2 ( 612.8 347.9 ( 193.4 379.6 ( 195.0 314.6 ( 182.3



13.6 ( 0.6 269.8 ( 118.8 14.0 ( 0.9 313.0 ( 222.4 14.8 ( 1.1 254.43 ( 114.4 14.2 ( 2.7 406.7 ( 504.9 12.4 ( 1.6 298.6 ( 164.2 14.2 ( 2.3 1731.8 ( 2806.0 15.1 ( 2.0 448.6 ( 389.4 14.2 ( 1.3 646.0 ( 254.3 15.1 ( 3.5 252.3 ( 128.9 15.6 ( 2.7 418.4 ( 188.7 15.1 ( 1.5 216.2 ( 55.7

10-8m3 kg-1. e kAm-1. f10-5 Am2 kg-1.

Spatial Variability in Magnetic Properties. Table 2 shows that mean magnetic properties of TSPs vary from site to site. In general terms, the highest mean and maximum magnetic concentrations (χLF, SIRM, χARM, SOFT, and HIRM) are found at sites 6, 7, and 8, close to the Baoshan complex (Figure 1). These data are consistent with magnetic phases dominated by the coexistence of a low coercivity magnetite component, in varying domain ranges, and a high coercivity hematite component. Mean magnetic concentrations (χLF) at sites 9, 10, and 11, situated 5-10 km W of Baoshan (Figure 1), are 20-60% lower and similar to other sites close to the Taopu chemical industrial area (sites 1, 2, and 4) and residential quarters on the edge of city center (site 5). The lowest mean and maximum magnetic concentrations are found at site 3, another residential quarter lying a few kilometers W of Taopu (Figure 1). Overall, the variability in quotient parameters is less than for concentration parameters. In particular, low variability in mean values for SOFT % (24-28%), SIRM/χLF (12-16 kA m-1), and HIRM % (4-6%) across the sites (Table 2). Mean values for χFD % in the range 2.3-8.0 indicate significant but variable proportions of SP grains. SP grains not only are normally associated with secondary ferrimagnets formed in surface soil but may also be found in the finest-grained fly ash particles (22). Exceptions are samples from site 6 that have low χFD % values (mean 2.3%) and where high values for SOFT and SIRM/χARM values may be interpreted as coarsegrained MD+PSD magnetite. Relatively high mean values of HIRM % (5.7%) at site 6 also suggest a significant proportion of high coercivity hematite. The magnetic concentrations of daily PM10 samples (mass 0.003-0.036 g) were normally too weak to measure. Aggregating six daily samples (mass ∼ 0.1 g) for the magnetically strong site 6 gives repeatable magnetic measurements for χLF, SIRM, and χARM of 269.0 10-8 m3 kg-1, 3454.0 10-5 Am2 kg-1, and 1130.7 10-8 m3 kg-1, respectively. These values are significantly lower than TSP samples from the same site (Table 2) as shown by ratios of magnetic values for PM10 to TSP for χLF , SIRM, and χARM of 1:10, 1:10, and 1:2, respectively. Ratios of magnetic values for PM10 to TSPs at magnetically weaker sites (e.g. site 5 day 2) are 1:2.2, 1:2.0, and 1:0.5, respectively, showing the greater importance of magnetic phases in 10% at sites 1, 3, and 10 indicative of a significant upwind source of SP grains. These three sites are close to the rural fringe or building and road construction sites, and windblown soil with secondary ferrimagnetic minerals seems the most probable dust source. It appears that the city-wide impact of the Baoshan complex seems to be substantially reduced during a southerly airflow, and the domain assemblage becomes considerably finer (SP 10-50%). The return of a low velocity NNE wind the following day (9/1110/11/98) was associated again with high concentrations of coarser domain magnetic minerals at all sites (Figure 4c), particularly sites 6 and 7 close to Baoshan. Values for SIRM/ χARM significantly increased in all samples reaching a maximum for this sampling period, possibly indicating a strong coarsening of grain sizes at all sites linked to short distance transport from local sources, such as vehicle emissions (18, 33). Magnetic properties are thus sufficiently sensitive to monitor shifts in particulate sources caused by daily changes in wind conditions. An expanded network of sampling sites across the city would provide source data for daily monitoring of point sources, regional sources, and the testing of pollution dispersion models.

Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge financial support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project Approval No. 49671069) and the University of Liverpool. Mr. Bob Jude and




Mr. Nu Yuan provided valuable help with magnetic measurements. Mr. Baogen He, Mr. Liantang Den, Mr. Tianhan Jiang, and Mr. Xiaomin Yang provided the particulate samples. Drs. S. J. Sangode, J. Reinders, Yuquan Hu, Weiguo Zhang, Ming Liu, and Yu Xu and two anonymous reviewers provided useful comments on the work. We thank Mrs. Sandra Mather for the cartography.

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Received for review September 23, 1999. Revised manuscript received January 27, 2000. Accepted February 29, 2000. ES9910964