Magnetic Resonance of Carbonaceous Solids - American Chemical

sets of six equivalent protons, 196 lines are expected in the EPR spectrum, and only three ..... pulse conditions, particularly the microwave-inversio...
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4 Advances in Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Spectroscopy

Downloaded by CORNELL UNIV on May 18, 2017 | Publication Date: December 9, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1993-0229.ch004

Hans Thomann and Marcelino Bernardo Corporate Research Laboratory, Exxon Research and Engineering Company, Annandale, N J 08801 The introduction of pulsed techniques has significantly enhanced the versatility of electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy. In pulsed ENDOR experiments, short, intense microwave and radio frequency (rf) pulses are used to induce electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and NMR transitions on time scales short with respect to the electron and nuclear spin relaxation times. EPR detection of both spin-population transfer and coherence transfer among the nuclear hyperfine sublevels is then possible. In contrast to the conventional experiments using continuous-wave (CW) irradiation, ENDOR spectra recorded by pulsed population-transfer techniques are not sensitive to the ratio of the electron and nuclear spin relaxation rates. Consequently, pulsed ENDOR experiments are expected to be more widely applicable than CW experiments. Pulsed techniques further offer the possibility for greater sensitivity, enhanced spectral resolution, and for completely new types of double resonance experiments.


N U C L E A R D O U B L E R E S O N A N C E (ENDOR) spectroscopy (1) is a well-established technique in which N M R transitions are detected via electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) transitions. The primaxy application of E N D O R experiments is the measurement of hyperfine and quadrupole couplings of paramagnetically shifted nuclei (2, 3). The E N -

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Botto and Sanada; Magnetic Resonance of Carbonaceous Solids Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

Downloaded by CORNELL UNIV on May 18, 2017 | Publication Date: December 9, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1993-0229.ch004



D O R experiment offers roughly 3 orders of magnitude greater sensitivity over direct N M R detection. Compared to the E P R experiment, both greater spectral resolution and spectral simplification are obtained in the E N D O R experiment (4). The enhanced spectral information is a direct consequence of the quantum selection rules in the E N D O R experiment. In the E N D O R spectrum, a one-to-one correspondence exists between the number of coupled inequivalent nuclei and the number of E N D O R transitions observed. This feature is in contrast to the E P R spectrum in which the number of transitions observed is a multiplicative function of the number of inequivalent nuclei. For Ν equivalent protons, (Ν + 1) lines appear in the EPR spectrum, but (M + 1)(N + 1) lines are expected for M sets of Ν equivalent protons. In contrast, only M pairs of lines are expected in the E N D O R spectrum. This spectral simplification is particularly significant in the study of conjugated organic radicals in which the derealization of the paramag­ netic electron over the molecule results in hyperfine coupling with many nuclei, especially protons (5). A striking example of this property is evi­ dent in the spectra of the relatively simple organic doublet radical, the triphenylmethyl radical. With one set of three equivalent protons and two sets of six equivalent protons, 196 lines are expected in the EPR spectrum, and only three pairs of lines are expected (and observed) in the E N D O R spectrum. In E P R spectra of organic ττ-radical molecules in the solid state, the individual hyperfine transitions are usually no longer resolved, and only the envelope of many transitions is observed. Such an EPR line is referred to as "inhomogeneously broadened". Inhomogeneously broad­ ened E P R lines offer perhaps the most pronounced examples of the en­ hanced information content obtained in the E N D O R experiment (1-4). The conventional continuous-wave E N D O R experiment, hereafter referred to as CW E N D O R , is a double resonance experiment in which N M R and EPR transitions are continuously irradiated. The success of the CW E N D O R experiment has been well-documented. The development of pulsed E N D O R methodology requires some motivation, especially in light of the increased cost and complexity of the instrumentation required for the pulsed experiments. The C W E N D O R signal intensity is a complex function of the induced electron and nuclear spin transition rates and the intrinsic spin relaxation rates. In fact, the CW E N D O R experiment is often only successful over a narrow temperature range or may not be pos­ sible at all because of unfavorable relaxation rates (2, 3, 5, 6). In pulsed E N D O R experiments, the N M R and E P R transitions are excited by microwave and radio frequency (rf) pulses in which the pulse widths are short compared to the intrinsic spin relaxation times. Consequently, the pulsed E N D O R signal is not sensitive to the detailed balance of the elec­ tron and nuclear spin relaxation rates. This characteristic is one of the major advantages of the pulsed E N D O R experiment.

Botto and Sanada; Magnetic Resonance of Carbonaceous Solids Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Advances in ENDOR Spectroscopy


The second important advantage of the pulsed E N D O R experiment is that completely new types of experiments become possible using pulsed excitation. These include the EPR detection of nuclear hyperfine sublevel coherence phenomena as well as multiple-resonance experiments in which two EPR and/or two NMR transitions are excited. Although the multiple experiments are also possible using CW excitation (3), greater versatility is possible with pulsed technology. A single crystal of irradiated malonic acid serves as a convenient model sample we will use to demonstrate many of the pulsed E N D O R techniques. The electron spin-echo (ESE) spectrum of the irradiated malonic acid crystal at an arbitrary orientation is shown in Figure 1. This spectrum is recorded by plotting the electron spin-echo intensity with a fixed refocusing delay time as a function of the applied magnetic field. The doublet splitting arises from the hyperfine coupling of the unpaired electron in the carbon /^-orbital with the α-proton of the C Hfragmentof the malonic acid radical molecule, -CH(COOH) . The strongly coupled α-proton can to a very good approximation be treated as an isolated S = % I = % spin system (7). Many additional lines arising from the hyperfine coupling with the carboxyl protons and with protons on neighboring mol2


3260 3280 3300 Magnetic Field (Gauss)


Figure 1. ESE-detected EPR absorption spectrum for the irradiated malonic acid radical at an arbitrary crystal orientation. Experimen­ tal conditions: 9.162 GHz; microwave pulse widths, 0.50 and 0.10 ps for π/2 and w pulses; 100 echo samples per magneticfieldvalue; magneticfieldresolution, 256 points/104.3 G; pulse sequence repeti­ tion rate, 500 Hz; Ί, 80 Κ

Botto and Sanada; Magnetic Resonance of Carbonaceous Solids Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



ecules in the crystal are resolved in the E N D O R spectrum. These weaker hyperfine splittings are not resolved in the EPR spectrum but do contrib­ ute to the inhomogeneous broadening of the doublet.

Bask Concepts The E N D O R signal is the EPR signal observed with a finite rf field. The relative E N D O R enhancement, Δ χ , or simply Δ χ , is defined from the change in the E P R signal due to the N M R transitions induced by the rf excitation: Downloaded by CORNELL UNIV on May 18, 2017 | Publication Date: December 9, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1993-0229.ch004






XESR (rf > 0)


XESR (rf = 0)


where x identifies the paramagnetic susceptibility detected in the EPR experiment. This susceptibility is known as the E N D O R enhancement because usually X > 0. The absolute E N D O R enhancement factor can be determined from Δ χ / χ (rf = 0). Most E N D O R experiments can be understood by considering only the first-order interactions describing the magnetic coupling of an S = % electron to an J = Ht nucleus. Additional simplifications assumed include an isotropic g-value and an isotropic hyperfine interaction, A, also known as the Fermi contact coupling. We further assume that the hyperfine interaction is small, so that second-order hyperfine terms (of order h A /g fi B ) are negligible. (Here g is the Lande g factor, /3 is the Bohr magneton, B is the externally applied magnetic field, known as the Zeeman field, and h is the Planck constant.) These assumptions lead to the simplified Hamiltonian (8); E S R















= vS -






+ AS I Z



where z/ = g fiJB /h and u = g fi B /h are the electron and nuclear Lar­ mor frequencies, respectively; S is the electron spin polarization operator; and I is the nuclear spin polarization operator. The negative sign for the nuclear Zeeman term (i.e., uj ) accounts for the fact that the electron and proton are of opposite charge. The Hamiltonian (eq 2) is applicable in the high-field limit in which the applied magnetic field is sufficiently large so that the electron, 5, and nucleus, J, are separately quantized along the applied magnetic field direction. This condition is equivalent to stipulat­ ing that Mj and M are good quantum numbers. Equation 2 will not quan­ titatively describe the E N D O R spectrum of the α-proton hyperfine coue











Botto and Sanada; Magnetic Resonance of Carbonaceous Solids Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Advances in ENDOR Spectroscopy


pling of the irradiated malonic acid radical, but it will nevertheless be ade­ quate to illustrate most pulse schemes described in this chapter. In the high-temperature limit, g^ B /kT < < 1, and the spin eigen­ values, E/h(M^Mj), in hertz, are given by Q

f(M Mi) s

= vM e




u Mj + AM Mj n



Ε is the energy of the spin eigenstates as defined by eq 3. The ordering of the spin energy levels depends on the relative magnitudes of hA and hv and on the sign of A. For an α-proton on a C - H fragment, A < 0 (7, 8). This value corresponds to a negative spin density on the proton, which is in turn a consequence of spin polarization. The spin energy level diagram for A < 0, \A 112 < v , and g > 0 is shown in Figure 2. For easy refer­ ence, the spin eigenstates are labeled in order of increasing energy as El, E2, E3, and E4. The splitting of the electron Zeeman interaction by the nuclear Zeeman and hyperfine interactions produces the "sublevels" El and El in the lower electron spin manifold and the sublevels E3 and E4 in the upper manifold. In the high-temperature, high-field limit, the equilib­ rium spin populations are Ρ ~ P ~ (1 + 5/2) and P ~ P ~ (1 - 612), where 6 = g^^B^/kT. The sublevel population, Ρ , corresponds to the nuclear spin polarization in sublevel E . The polarization due to the nuclear Zeeman and hyperfine interactions is negligible compared to the electronic part.

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EPR and N M R transitions are represented by the Hamiltonian term: ω S and ω^ , where ω = gJJJB^h, ω = g fi B /h, and Β and B are the magnitudes of the microwave and rf magnetic fields, respectively. The allowed E P R transition frequencies are i / = v ± A/2, and the alt














Τ -E4

+1/2 .

ω (NMR)




-E2 -1/2 ,

Figure 2. Energy level diagram for a four-level system.

Cup (NMR)


Botto and Sanada; Magnetic Resonance of Carbonaceous Solids Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




lowed N M R transition frequencies are Z / N M R = „ ± jifi. N M R trans­ itions that are detected via the EPR transition are referred to as E N D O R transitions. In the present example with v > A/2, peaks in the E N D O R spectrum occur at I/ ENDOR = ± A/2. When v < A/2, the E N D O R peaks occur at i / = A/2 ± v . In the E N D O R experiment, microwave and rf magnetic fields are applied to induce EPR and N M R transitions. In the CW E N D O R experi­ ment, the intensity of a partially saturated EPR transition is recorded as a function of an applied rf magnetic field while sweeping the rf frequency. The magnitude of the E N D O R enhancement depends on the ability to saturate the E P R and N M R transitions and on the relation between the electron and nuclear relaxation rates. The EPR transition must be at least partially saturated, but the N M R transition, that is, transitions between the nuclear hyperfine sublevels, must be strongly saturated. From the Bloch equations, it is readily shown that the condition for partially satu­ rating the EPR transition is u^T^T^ ~ 1, and the condition for strongly saturating the N M R transition is ω Γ Γ >> 1 (9). (T is the elec­ tron spin-lattice relaxation time, is the electron phase memory (or spin—spin) relaxation time, Γ is the nuclear spin—lattice relaxation time, and Γ is the nuclear spin-spin relaxation time.) Because r >> T -\ strong E N D O R signals requires the use of strong rf fields to drive the N M R transitions. This criterion naturally suggests the use of pulsed excitation because ω ~ « r J and w 0. With the pulse sequence shown in Figure 8, it is possible to generate an E P R spectrum arising only from E P R transitions connected to the hyperfine sublevels resonant with the rf pulse. This step is accomplished by setting the rf pulse to irradiate a preselected E N D O R line and sweep­ ing the difference frequency Δ between the excitation frequencies in the preparation and detection periods on successive pulse iterations. The spectrum recorded in this manner corresponds to a spectral slice parallel to the Δ-axis in the 2D-ENDOR plot described. A transition along the Δ-axis will be observed when Δ / = Α.. The transition j is a direct measure of the hyperfine coupling associated with the E N D O R transition irradi­ ated by the rf pulse. Additional transitions along Δ may be observed from the excitation of forbidden transitions (discussed later). Experimentally, it is convenient to isolate the sublevel polarization transfer by taking the difference of the E P R susceptibility obtained by switching the rf pulse (in Figure 8) on and off on alternate pulse itera­ tions. The plot of the susceptibility difference against Δ generates a plot of the sublevel saturation transfer. Sublevel EPR spectra for the irradiated malonic acid single crystal are shown in Figure 10. The spectra in Figures 10A-10C were obtained with rf irradiation at 7.32, 31.33, and 16.33 MHz, respectively. The strong side-hole peak at -38.6 MHz identifies this value as the hyperfine cou­ pling for the E N D O R lines at 7.32 and 31.33 MHz. This hyperfine cou­ pling is immediately evident from a single sublevel E P R spectrum, either Figure 10A or 10B. The assignment of the hyperfine coupling does not depend on a rigorous analysis of the E N D O R spectrum such as whether the E N D O R lines are shifted by second-order hyperfine interactions. The other two side-hole peaks in Figures 10A and 10B arise from the excita­ tion of forbidden E P R transitions. In Figure 10C, the microwave excita­ tion pulse in the preparation period overlaps the side-hole peak at 5.17 MHz. This overlap determines the intensity of the weakly coupled pro­ tons in the HS-ENDOR spectrum.

EPR-Detected Sublevel Coherence When the excitation pulses are short compared to the electron and nuclear spin relaxation times, sublevel coherence phenomena can be detected in pulsed E N D O R experiments. As is well-known in N M R spec­ troscopy, a transient nuclear spin magnetization response M (t), known

Botto and Sanada; Magnetic Resonance of Carbonaceous Solids Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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I —





Τ ­


40 Δ (MHz)


Figure 10. EPR subspectra of irradiated malonic acid A: 7.32 MHz; \(rf), 5.60 ps. B: 31.3 MHz; t (rf), 3.40 ps. C: 16.31 MHz; t (rf), 8.70 ps. All other experimental conditions were the same as for Figure 9 except that the step increment was 0.75 MHz, and 100 data points. (Reproduced with permissionfromrefer­ ence 12. Copyright 1990.) p


as the free induction decay (FID), can be observed following the applica­ tion of an rf pulse resonant with the N M R transition. In N M R spectros­ copy, the FID is detected and Fourier transformed to give the N M R spec­ trum. A wide spectrum of rf pulse sequences have been developed for manipulating the evolution of the magnetization. Many of these methods for creating and detecting nuclear spin coherence are also possible in E N ­ D O R spectroscopy. Several are illustrated in the next section.

Sublevel Free Induction Decay. FID signals from hyperfine sublevels can be created simply by applying an rf pulse that is resonant with the N M R transition of the sublevel. However, the free precession signal cannot be directly observed in the EPR spectrometer because it is nominally at the rffrequencywhile the spectrometer receiver is tuned to the microwave frequency range typical of EPR transitions. The FID signal must be encoded on to an E P R transition in order to be detected. This encoding can be accomplished by converting the sublevel FID signal into a population difference by using a second rf pulse as proposed by Hofer et

Botto and Sanada; Magnetic Resonance of Carbonaceous Solids Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Advances in ENDOR Spectroscopy π/2


EPR π/2




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fïgwre 12. Pulse sequence for EPR detection of sublevel FID. al. (23). In the ideal case, both rf pulses are π/2 pulses. The pulse se­ quence is shown in Figure 11. The sublevel FID is detected point by point during the evolution period, t by incrementing t on successive iterations of the pulse sequence. The sublevel population difference is detected as an amplitude modulation of the electron spin echo in the detection period. EPR-detected FID waveforms recorded for the 14.42-MHz line in the E N D O R spectrum of an arbitrary orientation of a single crystal of irradi­ ated malonic acid are shown in Figure 12A. (The E N D O R spectrum for this orientation of the crystal is shown as an inset in Figure 16.) Both the in-phase and phase-quadrature sublevel FID signals can be detected with appropriate phase-cycling schemes. The in-phase sublevel FID signal (upper trace in Figure 12A) can be detected by using rf pulses with the same phase. The phase-quadrature sublevel FID signal (lower trace in Figure 11A) is detected by phase shifting the second rf pulse by π/2 with respect to the first rf pulse. Additional phase cycling is used to cancel the overall electron spin-lattice magnetization recovery during the t evolu­ tion period. This canceling is achieved by phase cycling the second rf pulse by π on alternate pulse-sequence iterations. Thus, rf pulses with relative phases of 0, π/2, π, and 3π/2 (or - π / 2 ) are required for the EPR detection of the complete quadrature sublevel FID waveforms. Additional phase cycling of the microwave pulses is used to eliminate any unwanted microwave or rf interference signals other than the electron spin echo in the detection period. The complex Fourier transform (FT) spectrum corresponding to the FID waveforms shown in Figure 12A is shown in Figure 12B. The E N ­ D O R line at 14.42 MHz is a single relatively narrow line that does not exhibit any fine structure (as shown in the inset in Figure 16). However, the sublevel FID E N D O R spectrum in Figure 12B reveals that it is actu­ ally composed of two and possibly three E N D O R transitions. The struc­ ture on the weaker line near +50 kHz could conceivably arise from hyper­ fine anisotropy effects but more likely arises from the overlap of two par­ tially resolved sublevel transitions. The observation of a three-quantum v



Botto and Sanada; Magnetic Resonance of Carbonaceous Solids Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


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Frequency (KHz) Figure 12. A: In-phase and phase-quadrature sublevel FID signals observed with the rffrequencyirradiating the ENDOR line at 14.42 MHz. Experimental conditions were the same as in Figure 5 except the following: rf pulse width, 2.50 ps; increments, 0.20 ps. B: Complex FT spectrum obtainedfromthe FID signals in part A. (Reproduced with permissionfromreference 12. Copyright 1990.)

Botto and Sanada; Magnetic Resonance of Carbonaceous Solids Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Advances in ENDOR Spectroscopy

transition in the multiple-quantum E N D O R spectrum for the 14.42-MHz E N D O R line (discussed in the next section) suggests that the occurrence of overlapped sublevel transitions is the correct interpretation.

Sublevel Spin Echoes. The pulse sequence in Figure 11 can be easily amended to form sublevel spin echoes, as shown in Figure 13 (23). Spin echoes from the hyperfine sublevels can be created by adding a refocusing pulse between the two π/2 rf pulses to form a simple Hahn spin-echo sequence, π/2 - τ - π - τ - S(2r ), where τ is the free preces­ sion evolution period during which nuclear coherence will evolve. The sublevel coherence is again converted to a population difference by the third rf pulse, which is applied coincident with the sublevel spin echo. The population difference is then observed as an amplitude modulation of the electron spin echo in the detection period. N M R spin echoes from the nuclear hyperfine sublevels can be observed by sweeping the evolution time, t through r starting from t < τ . Two sublevel spin echoes for the E N D O R line at 30.19 MHz observed for τ = 5.0 and 20 ps are shown in the inset in Figure 14. Phase cycling is used to eliminate unwanted signals arising from nonideal pulse condi­ tions and to cancel the overall loss of sublevel polarization arising from the loss of electron spin magnetization during the t period. The open cir­ cles in the inset figure indicate the correspondence of the amplitude of these two spin echoes to the echo envelope-decay function. The entire sublevel spin-echo envelope decay, recorded as a function of r with t r , is shown in Figure 14. The small dots correspond to the echo ampli­ tudes measured for a given r. The least-squares fit to a single exponential and the residuals of the fit are also shown. The decay of the nuclear spin echo intensity, described by the spin-spin relaxation time, T , has the value of nominally 60 ps, indicating a homogeneous line width of order 16 kHz.

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EPR π/2



NMR ΜΗ Figure 13. Pulse sequence for EPR detection of the sublevel spin echo.

Botto and Sanada; Magnetic Resonance of Carbonaceous Solids Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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300 2τ(μεθθ)




Figure 14. The sublevel spin-echo envelope decay recorded with t = r along with the fit to a single ex oonential and the residuals of the fit. Experimental conditions were he same as in Figure 5 except the following: rffrequency,30.19 MHz; rf pulse width, 2.50 ps for α π/2 pulse. Two sublevel spin echoes observed for r = 5.0 and 20.0 ps are shown in the inset. 2



Multiple-Quantum ENDOR. One limitation of E N D O R spec­ troscopy is that the E N D O R line intensities are generally not propor­ tional to the number of nuclei contributing to the E N D O R transition (24, 25). Thus it is not possible to determine from the relative line intensities alone the number of equivalent nuclei corresponding to each type of ine­ quivalent nucleus. In CW E N D O R spectroscopy, it is possible to partially restore the proportionality by using nonsaturating N M R rf fields (24, 25). However, this approach often fails because of the low E N D O R suscepti­ bility obtained when using nonsaturating rf fields. The sensitivity can be improved by using an extension of the E N D O R experiment, the electron nuclear nuclear triple resonance experiment (26). This experiment is a more successful approach, but it is experimentally complex (27), and it is not generally applicable in solids where electron-nuclear cross-relaxation mechanisms can rapidly transfer energy among lines in the E N D O R spec-

Botto and Sanada; Magnetic Resonance of Carbonaceous Solids Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Advances in ENDOR Spectroscopy

trum (20). The situation is improved but not completely eliminated in the pulsed versions of the E N D O R and electron nuclear nuclear triple reso­ nance experiments (28). Multiple-quantum (MQ) E N D O R spectroscopy provides another approach to counting the number of nuclei that contribute to an E N D O R line (29). Multiple-quantum coherences from sublevel transitions in E N ­ D O R spectroscopy can be detected by the phase-incrementing method used in solid-state NMR spectroscopy to observe multiple-quantum N M R transitions (30, 31). The implementation of this pulse sequence in pulsed E N D O R spectroscopy is shown in Figure 15. Multiple-quantum orders are separated on the basis of their phase accumulation during the t pre­ cession period following excitation of a sublevel transition by an rf pulse. A n nth-order coherence will accumulate phase θ = ηωΐ for an evolution time t For example, a double-quantum coherence will accumulate twice the phase of a single-quantum coherence in a given evolution time t The higher order coherences are detected by incrementing the phase r of the second rf pulse in steps between 0 < τ < 2π on successive pulse-sequence iterations. Analogous to the detection of the sublevel FIDs or spin echoes, an rf pulse converts the sublevel free precession signal into a sublevel population difference at time t The nth-order sublevel coherence induces an nth-order modulation in the population difference over a periodicity of 2 radians. The modulation of the sublevel population differ­ ence is detected as an amplitude of the electron spin echo formed in the detection period of the pulse sequence. Thus the M Q - E N D O R waveform is recorded by monitoring the intensity of the electron spin echo as a func­ tion of the relative phase r of the two rf pulses. The M Q - E N D O R spec­ trum is then obtained by cosine Fourier transformation of this waveform. Multiple-quantum coherences occurring within a spectral bandwidth of approximately 2ω will be observed in the M Q - E N D O R spectrum.

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The M Q - E N D O R spectrum obtained for the 14.42-MHz line in the E N D O R spectrum of an arbitrary orientation of an irradiated malonic acid crystal is shown in Figure 16. A portion of the E N D O R spectrum



EPR (π/2)



NMR Figure 15. Pulse sequence for multiple-quantum ENDOR experiment.

Botto and Sanada; Magnetic Resonance of Carbonaceous Solids Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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8 12 number of quanta, Am l

Figure 16. MQ-ENDOR spectrum for obtained for the irradiation of the 14.42-MHz line in the ENDOR spectrum of the single crystal of the irradiated malonic acid radical. The Davies ENDOR spectrum is shown in the inset. Experimental conditions were the same as in Figure 5 except the following: rf pulse width, 2.50 ps; resolution, π/Δτ = 16; data collected over r = 16π. (Reproduced with permis­ sionfromreference 12. Copyright 1990.)

with the 14.42-MHz line denoted by an arrow is shown as an insert. The 14.42-MHz line appears to be composed of only a single transition in the E N D O R spectrum. However, the three-quantum coherence observed in the M Q - E N D O R spectrum indicates that it is actually composed of at least three transitions. Three E N D O R lines are also observed in the sublevel FID E N D O R spectrum shown in Figure 12, which was recorded at the same crystal orientation as for Figure 16. These combined results indicate that the three-quantum coherence arises from three slightly ine­ quivalent N M R transitions that give rise to the inhomogeneous broaden­ ing of the E N D O R line at 14.42 MHz. The 33-kHz line width of the lines in the sublevel FID E N D O R spectrum suggests that these lines are also inhomogeneously broadened because the homogeneous line width deter­ mined directly from the value of T^ measured by sublevel spin echoes is on the order of 16 to 20 kHz.

Botto and Sanada; Magnetic Resonance of Carbonaceous Solids Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Advances in ENDOR Spectroscopy


Future of Pulsed Techniques

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Pulsed technology has significantly extended the original scope of both EPR and E N D O R spectroscopies and is presently in a period of rapid evolution. New areas of applications will emerge as the versatility of this spectroscopic technique is expanded. Developments in the field of pulsed EPR spectroscopy will also likely affect future developments in pulsed E N D O R spectroscopy.

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