Rapid, Quantitative separation of metals by DYNA-CATH mercury cathode
For determination of aluminum in steel, aluminum in zinc base alloys, and other separations. This apparatus does a faster, more complete j o b in analytical separation of metals. Example, Dyna-Cath quantitatively removes 1 gram of iron from 5 0 ml. of electrolyte in 1 0 minutes or less. Catalog 1 5 1 0 complete w i t h t w o N o . 1 5 2 0 platinum anodes and t w o N o . 1 5 3 0 platinum cathode connectors installed and ready for operation.
Cat. No. 1510
Request Cat. 67 & Working Manual
C a t h o d e cells n o w available w i t h teflon s t o p cocks a n d teflon p l u g s . C a t . No. 1542—35 m l C a t . No. 1552—70 m l
$33.00 $33.00
P.O. Box 1 0 2 4
Circle No. 2 on Readers' Service Card
Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106
See ACS Laboratory Guide for All Products/Sales Office
magnetic balance SATMAGAN magnetite analysis by chemical methods is one of the most time consuming and difficult tasks. Satmagan is a magnetic balance which ana lyzes t h e magnetite content in less than one minute at a precision of 0.1 percent. This fabulous result is realized by satu ration magnetization of the sample. During the time needed for one chemical analysis you will analyze several hundred samples with Satmagan and with higher accuracy. This assures excellent economy. For c o n trol of magnetite in processes Satmagan has proved extremely useful. It is excellent for analysis of any ferromagnetic material and gives t h e result directly as weight percentage.
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