
excellent economy. For con- trol of magnetite in processes ... weight percentage. OUTOKUMPU. OY. ( TAPIOLA. FINLAND. Circle No. 5 on Readers' Service ...
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Rapid, Quantitative separation of metals by DYNA-CATH mercury cathode

For determination of aluminum in steel, aluminum in zinc base alloys, and other separations. This apparatus does a faster, more complete j o b in analytical separation of metals. Example, Dyna-Cath quantitatively removes 1 gram of iron from 5 0 ml. of electrolyte in 1 0 minutes or less. Catalog 1 5 1 0 complete w i t h t w o N o . 1 5 2 0 platinum anodes and t w o N o . 1 5 3 0 platinum cathode connectors installed and ready for operation.

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Circle No. 2 on Readers' Service Card

Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106

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magnetic balance SATMAGAN magnetite analysis by chemical methods is one of the most time consuming and difficult tasks. Satmagan is a magnetic balance which ana­ lyzes t h e magnetite content in less than one minute at a precision of 0.1 percent. This fabulous result is realized by satu­ ration magnetization of the sample. During the time needed for one chemical analysis you will analyze several hundred samples with Satmagan and with higher accuracy. This assures excellent economy. For c o n ­ trol of magnetite in processes Satmagan has proved extremely useful. It is excellent for analysis of any ferromagnetic material and gives t h e result directly as weight percentage.


FINLAND Circle No. 5 on Readers' Service Card