Making candy with enzymes

3) be able to subtract 1 and 2 from a number. For the use of the chart, n is the number of the row. The lanthanide and actinide series are inserted, m...
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Explosive lsopropanol To The Editor:

"Safety A1ert"in the September 1983issue of the JOURNAL informs of an explosion of isopropanol. I had a similar accident when distilling the contents of an old bottle of isopropanol. The explosion t w k place at the end of the distillation, when the "tail" contained a high concentration of peroxides formed during long storage (3-4 years) in- the ~ ~-~~stockroom. The fourth edition of Vogel's "Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry" (p. 270) gives a method for purifying isopropanol and directions for testing and removal of its peroxredevelo~sdurineides. warnine that "neroxide eenerallv " several days." The formation of ~eroxidesfrom iso~rooanolis. eenerallv. not described in organic chemistry textbooks \th&retical ;r ursctiral I. Since the hazards of its distillation are no1 known t,, students and many instructors, clearer warnings in textbooks and laborntorv mnnunls would he desirable. ~





envision the square for He being next to the square for H instead of with the noble gases, 2) know the mechanics of reading, i.e., have his eyes follow the horizontal lines from left to right before drovdnz to the next 1)


row, 3) be able to subtract 1 and 2 from a number

For the use of the chart, n is the number of the row. The lanthanide and actinide series are inserted, mentally, where indicated. As far as the exceptions go, they are still unaccounted for. However, I tell the students there are no d4's or d9's in neutral atoms. Where they would occur, an electron comes out of the previous s to bring it to a d5 or dlO. The next electron refills the s, and then the order resumes. I realize some other exceptions occur, but I tell the students not to worry about them. As I said, I have found that my students pick this up very quickly and I teach it in the first year of high school chemistry.

' Term used by Dave Robare. North Seattle Community College.

Jullo ~ a n i e Bonafede

John M. Leach

Facubad de Farmacia y Bioquimica Universidad de Buenos Aires Buenos A i m , Argentina

Agua Fria Union High School Avondale. AZ 85323

Ediior's -- ~. .Note:

We also have received an informal commentary from Leslie Eretherick suggesting that such explosions might result from the peroxidation of ketonels) present as trace contaminank in the isopropanol. This is a possibility if the made e l m by fermematian a pebochemicaliy isapropanol were an old -le from propene, when traces of 2-butanone could be formed. He refers to page 447 of his "Handbaak of W d a u ! Chemical Reactions," 2rd ed.. Butterwams, 1979 lor relevant detads of the peroxidation mechanism. (MMR)

E-Z S, p

To the Editor: In his article, "4s, 3d, What?"in the July 1983 issue of the JOURNAL, A. Kurtz Carpenter pointed out the need for students to have a simple method for remembering the filling order of orbitals. He reviewed the Uncle Wiggly system' and then proposed his own variation. I agree with the need, but I do not see the necessity of learning or memorizing a crutch. If the crutch, or system, is misdrawn, then it is, of course, useless. I have heen using a method for teaching the filling order for 24 years and have done so with great success. The method I use is based w o n somethine with which everv chemistry student is familia; and is highG visible in ever; science classroom. The item is the extended form of the Deriodic table. As long as the table and the symbols of the k e ments are visible, the student need not he ahle to see atomic numbers nor anything else. The student needs to be ahle t o do only three things:

Making Candy with Enzymes

To the Editor: The article by Harriet Friedstein, Basic Concepts of Culinary Chemistry, (J. CHEM.EDUC.,60,1037 (1983)), was most interesting and informative. The chemistry of candy-making is also of interest to students a t all levels of education. In the introduction to my lecture on therapeutic uses of enzymes, which I give to all first-year medical students, I ask them to consider the following problem: How is a liquid-center, chocolate-covered cherry made? (This is a candy which has a cherry floating in a sugar solution and the whole is covered with chocolate.) At the end of the lecture I tell them how the candy is made. The cherry, a portion of sucrose paste, and invertase are covered with chocolate and allowed to incubate. The sucrose is converted to a solution of glucose and fructose, and the concentration of glucose is high enough to suppress bacterialgrowth. I have also raised the question: Why can't Jellom he made with fresh pineapple chunks hut only with canned pineapple chunks? The answer is supplied when I discuss collagen structure and function. Donald M. Kirschenbaum DepaRment of Biochemistry State University of New Yark Downstate Medical Center 450 Clarkson Avenue Brwklyn, NY 11203