Making Herbicides, Pesticides, Feeds, Fertilizers? See EASTMAN For these Basic Chemicals For herbicides and pesticides: acetic acid · acetic anhydride triethyl phosphate · diketene ethyl amyl acetate · methyl amyl acetate propionic acid · 2-ethylhexoic acid ethyl alcohol · η-butyl alcohol isobutyl alcohol · 2-ethylhexyl alcohol 2-ethylisohexyl alcohol isobutyronitrile · n-butyronitrile For fertilizers: Tecmangam® soluble sulfates: contain 75-78% manganese sulphate, completely soluble. In manganese-deficient areas, Tecmangam can be added to fertilizer to supply this essential element. For animal feeds: Tenox® BHT-Agricultural G r a d e : a free-flowing, non-dusting form of B H T specially prepared for feed use. For additional information, prices or samples of any of these Eastman chemicals, write or call the office nearest you
CHEMICAL PRODUCTS, INC. C H E M I C A L S D I V I S I O N , KINGSPORT, T E N N . S u b s i d i a r y of E a s t m a n K o d a k C o m p a n y
SALES OFFICES: Eastman Chemical Products, Inc., Kingsport, Tennessee; Atlanta; Boston; Chicago; Cincinnati; Cleveland; Dallas; Detroit; Greensboro, North Carolina; Houston; Memphis; New York City; Philadelphia; St. Louis. W e s t e r n Sales R e p r e s e n t a t i v e : Wilson & G e o . M e y e r & Company, San Francisco; Los Angeles; Salt Lake City; Seattle.