Making sugar white. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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Making sugar white·

I f s only one of hundreds off things our Nuchar* activated carbon can do· Activated carbon adsorbs what you don't want and leaves what you do. That is why the sugar industry uses our carbon to remove unwanted color bodies from sugar, leaving it pure white. It's also why the beer and soft drink industries use our carbon to remove unwanted tastes and odors from their water supply to assure constant taste quality in their beverages. These examples of adsorption tell only part of the Nuchar story. The simple point

is, wherever purification or chemical separation is needed, our Nuchar activated carbon—granular or powdered—can do the job for you. One that will save you and your company money, simplify your processing or improve your product. If you want help in discovering how, why not take advantage of our experience by writing for more data to: Westvaco Corporation, Chemical Division, 299 Park Ave., New York, _ New York 10017. WeStvaCO