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MALLINCKRODT Test Tube Baskets

Continuing Series Mossbauer Effect Data Index Cov­ ering the 1971 Literature. John G. Stevens and Virginia E. Stevens, Eds. χ + 430 pages. Plenum Publishing Corp., 227 West 1 7th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. 1972. $32.50

This newest volume in the annual series includes 940 entries, with over 1100 readily accessible references and information on more than 2900 ab­ sorber-source combinations. It is di­ vided into four sections: instructions for use; papers on related topics; equipment, sources, and supplies; and tables and graphs. The papers included are a report on nomencla­ ture and conventions and a review of calibration methods.

incubate sterilize store Day in and day out Mallinckrodt's polypropylene test tube baskets prove themselves as a laboratory investment. Polypropylene makes the ideal test tube basket—light in weight, corrosion-proof and autoclavable at 121 °C. Danger of tube breakage is much reduced. Tapered sides permit space-saving "nesting" for storage. Available with or without lids. Polypropylene baskets—only from Mallinckrodt. Size


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Org a not in Compounds, Vol 3. Albert Sawyer, Ed. xiii + 452 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 95 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1972. $32.50 ($25 by subscription)

Among the six chapters contained in this volume, there is one on the analysis of organotin compounds. In 10 pages and 87 references, wet anal­ yses, instrumental methods, infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic reso­ nance spectroscopy, and Mossbauer spectroscopy are discussed. Spectroscopy and Kinetics. James S. Mattson, Harry B. Mark, Jr., and Hu­ bert C. MacDonald, Jr., Eds. xi + 330 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 95 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1973. $19.75

This book is Volume 3 of the series, "Computers in Chemistry and Instru­ mentation." Part I (Spectroscopy) presents the application of computers to magnetic resonance spectroscopy— the use of the large computer in chemical instrumentation, and the calculation of the optical properties of thin metal films from internal reflec­ tance data. Part II (Kinetics) offers applications of computer circuitry and techniques to kinetic methods of analysis, analog computer simulation of kinetic models, application of the Monte Carlo method to chemical ki­ netics, and integration of complex rate equations using infinite series. Both author and subject indices are included.


The 1973 Annual Book of ASTM Standards: Paint, Varnish Lacquer, and Related Products. American So­ ciety for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. Part 20: Publication Code No. 0 1 020073-14. 1252 pages. 1973. $43.25. Part 2 1 : Publication Code No. 01-021073-14. 808 pages. 1973. $27.75 (plus 5% shipping charges outside U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico for both)

Part 20 contains 374 standards of which 38% are new, revised, or changed in status since the 1972 edi­ tion. It is subtitled, "Materials Speci­ fications and Tests, Naval Stores, and Industrial Aromatic Hydrocar­ bons." Part 21 contains 187 standards (20% new, etc.) and is subtitled "Tests for Formulated Products and Applied Coatings." The 1973 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 32: Emission Spectrochemical Analysis; Chemical Analysis of Metals; Sampling and Analysis of Metal Bearing Ores. Pub­ lication Code No. 01 -03203-24. 1190 pages. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Phila­ delphia, Pa. 19103. 1973. $42 (plus 5% shipping charges outside U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico)

Part 32 contains 115 standards of which 53% are new, revised, or changed in status since the 1972 edi­ tion. The contents are general recom­ mended practices, sampling methods, chemical analysis of nonferrous met­ als, chemical analysis of metal pow­ ders, spectrochemical analysis meth­ ods, and sampling and analysis of metal-bearing ores. Annual Reports on NMR Spectrosco­ py, Vol 5A. E. F. Mooney, Ed. xii + 696 pages. Academic Press Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003. 1972. $39

This volume presents a general re­ view of PMR along with discussions on fluorine-19 NMR, nitrogen NMR, heteronuclear magnetic double reso­ nance, NMR spectroscopy in the study of carbohydrates and related compounds, NMR in liquids contain­ ing compounds of Al and Ga, and the application of Fourier transformation to high-resolution NMR. Author and subject indices are included.