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MALLINCKRODT CHEMICALS Covalent with the world of business and industry

The "Big Board" represents far more than figures. Each fleeting indication traces the drama, excitement and geometric progression that is American Business and Industry. Its digits are dollars that flow from products as fresh as tomorrow . . . old products, well established. Giant, noisy products of construction that are changing the faces of our cities and towns... tiny, silent components of sophisticated systems that are changing the shape of our understanding. Products, jobs, trade, money, life itself, are pictured there.

In the wide, wide world of business and industry Mallinckrodt takes its place as the dependable supplier of high-quality, consistent-purity chemicals that make all these products—and the parts that go into them —possible and profitable. In the accompanying pages you'll find examples of today's wide covalence of Mallinckrodt Chemicals. Such examples could be multiplied many times over from typewriters to tires, printing to plastics, computers to ceramics . . . a list that's probably long enough to include your products as well.

DYE-VERSE CHEMICALS Dyeing—leathers, synthetics, fine cottons—is merely one of the jobs Mallinckrodt gallo-tannins perform for American industry. They sweeten the crude oil that makes America the most "free wheeling'' nation on earth. They add their crisp touch to colorful lithography of brochures that tell the value of products . . . stock certificates that tally the value of the company. In many diverse ways Mallinckrodt gallo-tannins help products in their bid for a greater share of the market.

Here at Mallinckrodt we are well versed in the unique capabilities exhibited by gallo-tannin molecules. Perhaps one of them can work the wonders needed for one of your products. To find out more, circle A on the back page.


STEER STRAIGHT FOR STEARATES From coating paper for finer reproduction to finishing the board room furniture, industry turns to Mallinckrodt for the master touch with stearates . . . in waterproofing, powder metallurgy, and as mold release agents. Tons more are vital ingredients in sandpaper, cement, lubricants, ceramics, plastics—even down to your secretary's pencils.

Mallinckrodt's detailed knowledge of stearate applications could well provide an immediate solution to your problem. Steer straight for stearates—circle B on the back page.


HI HO, QUICKSILVER Live broadcasts from overseas pulse from active communications satellites for instantaneous pickup by portables powered by mercury chloride batteries. Or, perhaps the boss has just tuned in to the ball game across town between his bouts with business. From turning the wheels of production (carbon brushes of motors) to merchandising its products (photographic intensifiers), Mallinckrodt mercury compounds by the ton serve industry . . . acting as a catalyst in making vinyl chloride, purifying acetylene gas for welding, protecting paint from fungi and fabrics from mildew.

The mercurial qualities of this element's compounds could provide a profitable answer to your problem. If your product needs a mercurial temperament, circle C on the back page.


SPACE AGE CHEMICALS In a world where computers help design themselves to keep a better nanosecond tab on orbiting satellites, the demands for chemicals to maintain this space age pace are met by Mallinckrodt. Staying at the forefront of the rapidly advancing state of the art means meeting a constant demand for new products, such as phosphorus nitride—specifically developed by Mallinckrodt to increase device yields for the electronics industry. Mallinckrodt specifications set high purity standards (limiting critical impurities to a few parts per billion) for dozens of other chemicals (acids and solvents, diffusants, acetates, carbonates, fluorides, oxides and phosphates) used in manufacturing or treating wires, batteries, tubes, resistors, capacitors, printed circuits and micromodules.

If your space age product requires the ultimate in purity, circle D on the back page.


WHERE KALIUM IS KING It's pure magic . . . the wonders potassium works. The sulfate controls polymer size in foam rubber . . . improves grinding wheels. The iodide strengthens nylon tire cord. The bicarbonate stifles fires . . . the hydroxide stimulates nickel-cadmium batteries of cordless appliances.

Circle E on the back page if you have a product that could use the magic touch of potassium compounds—magic, that is, backed by solid technology and a world of experience.


PHLOGISTON?? WE DON'T HAVE IT . . . but lack of it hasn't kept Mallinckrodt from making a host of interesting—and useful— cation-anion alliances to meet the demands of business and industry. Each product a discrete entity tailored for a distinct need. Inhibit polymerization. Electroplate or insulate. Precipitate or solubilize. Clarify. Purify. Preserve. These unrelated processes can have a common denominator . . . Mallinckrodt.

If your product of today—or the future—seems to need a unique molecule, circle F on the back page, and indicate how Mallinckrodt's assistance and high-volume custom manufacturing can make a contribution.

Fill out coupon below, attach to your letterhead and mail to:

Industrial Chemicals Division Mallinckrodt Chemical Works St. Louis 7, Missouri

Please send me additional information on: A. B. C.

Gallo-tannins Stearates Mercury compounds

D. E. F.

Electronic chemicals Potassium salts Others, such as:

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linking Chemistry to Industry

If you'd like to be brought up to date by a Mallinckrodt Representative, a phone call or letter is all that's needed. Still better, check the items of interest to you on the back page, to the left, and mail it today.

INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS D I V I S I O N St. Louis • New York • Montreal