Products Division. P.O. Box 5439. Saint Louis, Missouri 63147. Send technical data on ChromAR® Solvents. Name_- ................ ,,. Title . Comp...
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Its time someone got specific about LC solvents. We did.

Up to now, solvents for liquid chromatography really haven't been for liquid chromatography They were fine solvents, but you paid high prices for unneeded properties. Now, Mallinckrodt's new ChromAR" Solvents put an end to this. ChromAR Solvents are specific for liquid chromatography. The first line of solvents developed, use-tested, controlled and priced particularly for LC. ChromAR Solvents have: Uniform low UV absorbance. Uniform refractive index. Uniform polarity. Uniform viscosity. And for ready reference, these values are even on our bottle labels. That's how specific we are. ChromAR Solvents. Specifically for liquid chromatography. Also excellent for column and thin-layer chromatography.

Available at Mallinckrodt distributors nationwide. Call yours to place an order, or write us for technical data. Mallinckrodt SCIENCE PRODUCTS DIVISION Saint Louis, Missouri 63147 CIRCLE 1 6 7 O N READER SERVICE CARD

Mallinckrodt, Inc. Science Products Division P.O. Box 5439 Saint Louis, Missouri 63147 Send technical data on ChromAR'1, Solvents. Name





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