Malvern Instruments, Inc. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

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• Pacific Conference on Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Pasadena, CA. Oct. 18-21. Papers are solicited in all areas of chemistry and applied spectroscopy, including atomic spectroscopy, biochemistry, catalysis, chemical education, surface analysis, X-ray crystallography, computers in chemistry, drug-abuse testing, electrochemistry, environmental chemistry, forensic chemistry, GC, LC, SFC, LC/MS, ICP/MS, IR, MS, hyphenated techniques, microscopy, molecular spectroscopy, NMR, photoacoustic spectroscopy, process IR, sample introduction techniques for atomic spectroscopy, SFC/MS, superfast spectroscopy, X-ray techniques, and thermal analysis. Authors should submit 150-200-word abstracts on standard ACS abstract forms to Harold Goldwhite, Program Chairman-ACS, Dept. of Chemistry, California State University, Los Angeles, CA 90032 (213-343-2300) or David West, Program Chairman—SAS, Dept. of Chemistry, Occidental College, 1600 Campus Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90041 (213-2592762). Deadline for submission of abstracts is June 19.

• Symposium on Modern Methods of Elemental Analysis of Petroleum Products and Lubricants. New Orleans, LA. Dec. 11-13. The symposium will focus on advances in instrumental methods for elemental analysis of petroleum-related products. Research or review-type contributions should describe work on the characterization of petroleum products by one or more analytical methods, including atomic absorption spectrometry, atomic emission spectrometry, ICP-AES, ICP/MS, ion chromatography, microelemental methods, neutron activation analysis, and X-ray fluorescence. Other topics of interest include analysis of wear metals and catalysts, standard reference materials, correlative methods, and methods comparison. Prospective authors should submit titles, 300-500 word abstracts, and ASTM paper submittal forms by May 1 to Dorothy Savini, ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103-1187 (215-299-5413). • International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem '89). Honolulu, HI. Dec. 17-22. Symposia topics include analytical ap-

plications of solid-state NMR; reactive organics in the atmosphere; direct and indirect additives to drinking water; analytical chemistry using surfactants; chemical and biochemical sensors; kinetic aspects in analytical chemistry; new frontiers in analytical atomic spectroscopy; solid phases in analytical chemistry; multidisciplinary approaches in biomedical trace element research; chemical and biochemical monitoring—environmental perspectives for the 1990s; crystallization as a separations process—theory and practice; and membrane separations. Papers will be considered for inclusion in symposia or for presentation in oral or poster general sessions. Prospective authors should submit abstracts of 250 words on the congress abstract form and longer abstracts of approximately 1000 words (plus tables and figures) by April 28 to Pacifichem '89 Secretariat, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington, DC 20036 (202872-8069). The congress abstract form is available from CIC, 1785 Alta Vista Dr., Suite 300, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1G 3Y6 (613-526-4652).

NO ONE UNDERSTANDS PARTICLE SIZING BETTER THAN MALVERN Nearly twenty years' experience of photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) and particle sizing has given Malvern an unrivalled understanding of the technology and of the needs of colloid and particle scientists. The AutoSizer lie and SYSTEM 4700c are designed to meet these needs. The AutoSizer lie with its clear and simple operation and Malvern's most advanced software is ideal for routine particle sizing from 3 f. |$ nanometres to 3 microns.

PCS or total intensity light scattering including particle sizing, molecular weight determination and particle dynamics studies. Both incorporate Malvern's advanced SERIES 7032 Multi-8 correlators with up to 264 channels and eight separate sample times (SYSTEM 4700c). We would like to tell you more about the system that's right for you. Please contact us now with details of your current or proposed application.

SYSTEM 4700c is designed for research applications in

Malvern Instruments, Inc., 10 Southville Road, Southborough, MA 01772. Telephone: (508) 480 0200 Telex: 311397 Fax: (508) 460 9692 U.K. Malvern Instruments Ltd., Spring Lane South, Malvern, Worcestershire WR14 1AQ. Telephone: (0684) 892456 Telex: 339679 MALINS G Fax: (0684) 892789

W. Germany Miitek GmbH, Arzbergerstrasse 10, D-8036 Herrsching. Telephone: 08152 2046 Telex: 5270949 Fax: 08152 4374


ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 61, NO. 8, APRIL 15, 1989 · 545 A