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Chapter 5

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Management Practices for Reducing Discharge of Pyrethroids and Sediment in Irrigation Drainage Water from Row Crops Russell L. Jones*,1 and James C. Markle2 1Bayer

CropScience, 17745 South Metcalf, Stilwell, KS 66085 USA 531-A North Alta Avenue, Dinuba, CA 93618 USA *[email protected]


The use of polyacrylamide (PAM) and sediment basins have long been recognized as effective management practices for reducing pesticide and sediments in drainage water from irrigated agriculture. Their effectiveness has been confirmed by many independent studies. This study examined transport of pyrethroids and sediment from tomato fields under two sets of conditions representing a wide range of sediment transport potential. The study results show that management practices that reduce water and sediment from the field (e.g. PAM and more careful irrigation flow control) and also technologies that remove sediment from edge of field tail waters (e.g. sediment basins) are also effective in reducing pyrethroid transport, with reductions of up to 80 % demonstrated in these trials.

Introduction Previous research indicates that sediment basins can play an effective role in the reduction of sediment and pesticide runoff from agricultural fields. If sediment basins are designed correctly, they may trap up to 70-80% of the sediment that flows into them (1). Compounds that are highly hydrophobic such as the organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and pyrethroids bind readily to the sediment and are removed from the runoff water as the sediment settles. Although a number of papers have investigated the transport of highly hydrophobic compounds into agricultural

© 2011 American Chemical Society In Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality; Goh, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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streams with the sediment (2, 3) no published data existed on the effectiveness of sediment basins for the removal of pyrethroid residues from agricultural runoff. Polyacrylamide (PAM) is a water soluble, synthetic organic polymer. It has been used in agriculture for soil erosion control on about one million hectares worldwide (4). It has also been used as a flocculent in municipal water treatment, paper manufacturing and food processing (5). PAM interacts with soil particles to stabilize both soil surface structure and pore continuity (6, 7). Under experimental field-trial conditions, proper application of PAM with the first irrigation has substantially reduced soil erosion in furrow systems with benefits that include reduced topsoil loss, enhanced water infiltration, improved uptake of nutrients and pesticides, reduced furrow-reshaping operations, and reduced sediment-control requirements below the field (8). By increasing soil flocculation, PAM has been shown to be effective in reducing sediment erosion through runoff and increasing water infiltration (9). A recent study has found that PAM applications to furrow irrigated crops reduced sediment erosion by over 90 percent (10). As reductions in sediment runoff are achieved, reductions in pesticides such as dicofol that are highly absorbed to soil particles also occur (11). Broadcast applications of PAM were also found to be significantly effective in increasing water infiltration and reducing sediment runoff (12). This study examines the use of sediment basins with and without the use of PAM to reduce pyrethroid residues in agricultural runoff following a pyrethroid (lambda-cyhalothrin) application to processing tomatoes. Data from this study will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of using these technologies as Best Management Practices (BMPs) in reducing the off-site movement of pyrethroids in irrigation tailwaters. The purpose of the study was not to repeat the body of research that has already confirmed the efficacy of PAM and sediment basins in reducing total suspended solids (TSS), but to learn more about how the pyrethroids behave with respect to the sediment in these systems.

Materials and Methods Study Site and Irrigation The study was conducted on a 184-ha commercial farm located near the city of Patterson, California in the San Joaquin Valley. The farm lies on the eastern slope of the Coastal Range (western side of the San Joaquin Valley). At the initiation of this trial, the farm was divided into numerous blocks, 121 ha of which were planted in processing tomatoes with the balance in spinach and dry beans. The National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) classified the soil type as about 94 % being a Vernalis clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, thermic calcic Haploxerepts) with the balance as Zacharias clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, thermic typic Haploxerepts), which has been laser planed to 1-2 percent slope. At the base of each block is a sediment basin and sump to capture the irrigation drainage water (or tailwater) which is then directed to a master sump and sediment basin. Water in the master sump is then re-circulated by pumping the water back to the blocks where fresh water is added to make up for any water lost during irrigation and evaporation. 66 In Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality; Goh, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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In the 26.3-ha block used for both trials (Figure 1), irrigation is applied to about 5.26 ha at a time (26 rows). Irrigation is applied at the west end of the block with water introduced via an irrigation ditch that runs along the entire length of the west end of the block. Siphons are used to remove water from the ditch and introduce water into the irrigation furrows. Irrigation water flows in the irrigation furrows towards the east end of the block, a distance of approximately 780 m. There is also an irrigation pipe running north-south through the block half-way between the east and west ends. This pipe has simple gate valves built into the pipe so that when opened, water is introduced into the irrigation furrow. Drainage water (tailwater) from all irrigation furrows in the 26.3 ha block empties into an interception ditch along the east end of the block which flows into the sediment basin located in the northeast corner. A rectangular weir was installed in the ditch and the height of the water over the weir was measured at various intervals during the study. The flow was calculated using the rectangular weir equation (13). The sediment basin when filled measured 38.7 m in length and 9.1 m in width. The depth was approximately 2.4 m when full. Due to the irregular shape and depth, no estimate was made of the volume of water in the sediment basin when filled. At the end of the basin was a standpipe (0.24 m in diameter), which acted as the field drain. The 26.3-ha block used for the trial was bedded up and transplanted with canning tomatoes on April 18, 2007. The transplants were initially irrigated in 24-hour sets at least every seven days. The beds were cultivated for weed control on May 9, 2007 and June 25, 2007. As the plants reached approximately 0.46 m in height and began to impede the flow of water in the furrows, the grower switched to a 12-hour set to prevent the beds from becoming too wet.

Figure 1. Diagram of the 26.3-acre Block in which the Trials were Conducted

To reduce erosion, the grower typically applies polyacrylamide (PAM) using the “patch method” at each irrigation event (including irrigation events that occurred prior to the application of the pyrethroid). The "patch method" involves 67 In Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality; Goh, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

placing PAM at the point in the furrow where the water is introduced; applying it for a length of about 1-1.5 m down the furrow to reduce the risk of the PAM becoming buried in the furrow or washing down the furrow with little to no effect. The patch method creates a layer of gel at the top of the furrow where the water slowly dissolves the PAM and carries it down the furrow. The use of PAM at this farm prevents the need for frequent excavation of the sediment basins due to the highly erodible soil, saving both the cost of excavation and the cost to re-laser and re-level the field beds. At this farm, the cost of PAM is approximately $7/acre ($17/ha) each year.

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Application of Lambda-Cyhalothrin Lambda-cyhalothrin is typically applied to tomatoes in this region several times during the growing season to control chewing insects. In this study, lambdacyhalothrin was applied by air as Warrior® with Zeon Technology™ at the rate of 22 g ai/ha (0.02 lb ai/A) on the morning of July 15, 2007. The entire block of 26.3 ha was treated for a total target mass of 590 g ai applied (118 g ai per irrigation section). Study Design This study consisted of two sequential trials. Trial 1 was conducted with only a sediment basin, without the use of PAM. Trial 2 was conducted with the same sediment basin, in combination with applications of PAM. In the first trial, 26 rows were irrigated but no PAM was applied. Supplemental irrigation was also added at the middle of the field. Samples of drainage water flowing over the weir in the ditch entering the sediment basin were taken every hour. Once water began to flow out of the sediment basin, samples were collected hourly at the exit of the sediment basin. In the second trial, 26 rows adjacent to those in the first trial were irrigated and about 250 mL of PAM was applied to the upper end of each furrow where the irrigation water enters the field. Due to unexpected water use restrictions, no irrigation water was added from the pipe at the middle of the field. The product used was Soil Fix IR (CIBA Specialties) which contains 90% PAM. Samples of drainage water were taken every two hours at the entrance and exit (upon initiation of flow) of the sediment basin. The longer sampling intervals in this trial were due to the lower flows observed. Sample Collection and Analysis Water samples were collected manually from the flow over the weir located in the ditch draining into the sediment basin and from the exit of the sediment basin. At each sampling interval, a sample of approximately 250 mL was collected for pyrethroid analysis in a 500mL Teflon-FEP bottle and another sample of approximately 250 mL was collected for measuring total suspended solids in a 500 mL Nalgene polypropylene bottle. Teflon-FEP containers were selected for use in this study, based on the work of Robbins (1997, unpublished report) which 68 In Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality; Goh, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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showed a recovery of lambda-cyhalothrin of 89 percent after 57 days. Samples were placed immediately into coolers fill with ice and kept on ice until delivery to the analytical laboratory where they were immediately placed in refrigerators for storage until extraction. Pyrethroid samples were extracted and analyzed within 29 days of collection. Samples were analyzed for lambda-cyhalothrin by extraction with a 4:1 (v:v) methanol hexane mixture and then transfer to an acetone solution with 0.1 % peanut oil (to minimize matrix effects) for analysis by GC-MSD/NICI. Analysis of samples for TSS was by standard filtration techniques (Method 2540 D (14)). With each set of analyses for lambda-cyhalothrin, two untreated water samples were fortified at two different rates to validate the analytical set. The average recovery of lambda-cyhalothrin was 108 ± 11.7% over the course of the study. The Limit of Determination (LOD) for the analytical method was 0.01 µg/L of the water and sediment solution. Calculation of Water, Sediment, and Pyrethroid Discharges Amounts of water, suspended solids, and pyrethroids entering and leaving the sediment basin were calculated by performing a numerical integration. This numerical integration assumed that the flow of tailwater into the basin was zero at the time of the first sample (the first sample was taken just as flow began to start) and then varied linearly between flow measurements. Water flow out of the sediment basin was assumed to be equal to the flow of water into the basin during times when the basin was discharging. This assumption may overestimate the amount of material leaving and underestimate TSS and pyrethroid reductions since other processes (e.g., infiltration and evaporation) were assumed not to be significant. In the second trial the flow was assumed to be constant after the last flow measurement since all rows were discharging at that time. TSS and pyrethroid concentrations were assumed to vary linearly between sample times. Therefore, water flow rates and concentrations of TSS and pyrethroids could be estimated at one minute intervals using these assumptions. The numerical integration was performed using a one minute time step. The amount of tailwater flow during each time step was estimated using the average volumetric flow rate during the minute (flow at the start of the minute plus flow at the end of the minute divided by two). Amounts of TSS and pyrethroid mass for each minute were estimated by multiplying the amount of water flow for each minute times the average concentration (concentration at the start of the minute plus concentration at the end of the minute divided by two). The tailwater flows and amounts of TSS and pyrethroid for each minute were summed over appropriate study intervals.

Results and Discussion Flow Rates During the study considerable variability in the onset of runoff and the drainage flows occurred between trials and among irrigation furrows within a trial. This variability must be considered in the interpretation of the study results. 69 In Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality; Goh, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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In the first trial, irrigation water reached the lower end of the irrigation furrows approximately 2-3 hours after the irrigation was started. Starting the irrigation in the various furrows at the west end of the block was not an instantaneous process, but required approximately an hour to set the siphons at the west end and turn on the gate valves in the middle of the field. At the time the water in the drainage ditch reached the weir at the inlet to the sediment basin and sampling began, water from only 3 of 26 furrows had reached the end of the row and was contributing to tailwater flow. Two hours later, only 14 of the 26 furrows were draining into the ditch leading to the sediment basin. Five hours after the start of sampling, all but three of the furrows were draining. However, the final furrow did not start draining until about ten hours after the first furrows began draining. This resulted in increasing flow rates through the weir during the majority of the trial (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Flows Measured at the Weir during the Trials.

Between the 9 and 10-hour samples in the first trial, a stream of water was observed entering the sediment basin from another ditch. The water level in the irrigation ditch at the upper end of the field had been slowly rising during the night and had begun to flow over the ditch bank into row 1 at the northern end of the ditch. Therefore, the measurements at the weir no longer represented the discharge out of the sediment basin and the concentration of TSS and pyrethroids in the second stream were unknown. As a result, the interpretation of the study results was based on the data collected through nine hours, although the data from the later time intervals have been included in the figures. 70 In Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality; Goh, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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The intent was to conduct the second trial with flow rates similar to those used in the first trial. However, due to government water restrictions, less water was available for the second trial than for the first trial so additional irrigation water could not be added at the middle of the block. In the first trial, tailwater flow rates peaked at about 800 L/min, while the peak tailwater flow in the second study was only about 30 percent of that in the first trial. Therefore, the second trial provides information about the operation of the sediment basins under quite different operating conditions. First the sediment basin in the second trial was nearly full of water and contained TSS and pyrethroids from the first trial. Second, as mentioned earlier the flow rates in the second trial were only about 30 percent of that observed in the first trial. As a result, conclusions can not be drawn about the percent reduction in TSS or pyrethroids resulting from the use of PAM alone. In the second trial about five hours was required between the start of irrigation and the onset of tailwater discharge into the ditch leading to the sediment basin. The pattern of increasing flow in the second trial was similar to that observed during the first trial, with all 26 rows contributing to tailwater after about 10 hours. At the same time as the 14-hour samples were collected, the tailwater ditch began to overflow and flood the access road, so a second entrance into the sediment basin had to be opened. Water entering via this second entrance bypassed the weir. Therefore, the study results were interpreted based on the data collected through 14 hours. However, the calculations were also performed for the 16-hour period, assuming no change in flow rate, and the amount of pyrethroids leaving the sediment basin expressed as percent of entering pyrethroids was essentially the same during the 16 hour period as for the 14 hour period.

Lambda-Cyhalothrin Residues and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) The concentration of lambda-cyhalothrin (expressed in µg/L) and TSS levels (expressed in mg/L) for each runoff sample can be found in Figures 3−6. Concentrations of both pyrethroids and TSS appear to be spiky. This is probably the result of the flush that occurs when new rows begin to deliver tailwater and associated TSS and pyrethroid residues. However, the sediment basin seems to be effective in reducing the higher levels of TSS and pyrethroid residues in this first flush since the concentrations in the water entering the sediment basin during the first few hours are higher than the initial concentrations leaving the sediment basin. Lambda-cyhalothrin residue levels in the runoff samples from the study conducted without adding PAM to the irrigation runoff ranged from 2.005 to 0.191 µg/L at the field exit (prior to entering the sediment basin) and 0.135 to 0.102 µg/L at the exit of the sediment basin. At the same time, the levels of total suspended solids ranged from 860 mg/L to 390 mg/L prior to entering the sediment basin and 535 mg/L to 85 mg/L at the exit of the sediment basin. The results show a decline in TSS and pyrethroid concentrations during the time the sediment basin was discharging. Also the maximum concentrations observed in the inlet are higher than in the outlet stream. 71 In Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality; Goh, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Figure 3. Lambda-Cyhalothrin Residues in the Inlet and Outlet of the Sediment Basin in Trial 1 (without PAM).

Figure 4. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in the Inlet and Outlet of the Sediment Basin in Trial 1 (without PAM).

The pattern of results is slightly different for the second trial (with PAM). Pyrethroid concentrations in the runoff samples from the study conducted with PAM added to the irrigation water were lower and ranged from 1.32 to 0.106 µg/L at the entrance to the sediment basin and 0.144 to 0.0416 µg/L at the exit of the sediment basin. In this case maximum concentrations in the inlet and outlet streams still show a significant difference for pyrethroids and there also appears to be a reduction in concentrations during the time the sediment basin is discharging. However, the concentrations of TSS are largely unchanged between the inlet and outlet streams over the entire test period (although there is variability in the concentrations of both streams). The cause of the spike in TSS residues TSS in the 12 hour inlet sample and the 14 hour outlet sample is unknown.

72 In Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality; Goh, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Figure 5. Lambda-Cyhalothrin Residues in the Inlet and Outlet of the Sediment Basin inTrial 2 (with PAM).

Figure 6. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in the Inlet and Outlet of the Sediment Basin in Trial 2 (with PAM).

Estimation of Efficiency for Removing Residues Using the flow measurements and the concentrations of TSS and pyrethroids, the amount of water, TSS, and pyrethroids entering and leaving the sediment basin were calculated as a function of time (Tables I and II) using the numerical integration process described earlier and used to estimate the removal of TSS and pyrethroids.

73 In Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality; Goh, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Table I. Summary of Calculated Flows for Trial 1 (no PAM)a TSS (kg)

Pyrethroids (g)

Time Period (hours)

Water Flow (L)

Into Basin

Out of Basin

Into Basin

Out of Basin



































































Total 0-9






a There was no flow out of the sediment basin for the first 5 hours. Water flow for 9-10 and 10-11 hours does not include the contribution of the second stream to sediment basin inflow or outflow. The TSS and pyrethroid flows into the basin for these same sample intervals do not include the contribution from the second stream.

In Trial 1 (without PAM) 20 times as much TSS was transported in approximately 1.5 times the volume of runoff compared to Trial 2 (with PAM). In Trial 1 about 0.11 percent of the pyrethroid applied was transported into the sediment basin, while in the second trial approximately 0.043 percent of the pyrethroid was transported into the sediment basis or about 40 percent of the amount in Trial 1. In Trial 1 (without PAM), 75 to 84 percent of the TSS and pyrethroid, respectively, were retained in the sediment pond. In trial 2 (with PAM), concentrations of pyrethroids were lower in the outflow than the inflow and approximately 80-85 percent of the pyrethroid was retained in the sediment basin. In trial 2 the differences in TSS levels flowing into and out of the sediment basin were too small and variable to allow reliable estimates of retention of sediment in the basin. These results are consistent with other published data on sediment basins. Interpretation of these results requires consideration of factors such as starting volume of water in the sediment basin, initial pyrethroid content from earlier runoff events, starting TSS content, and volumetric flow of streams into and out of the sediment basin

74 In Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality; Goh, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Table II. Summary of Calculated Flows for Trial 2 (with PAM)a TSS (kg)

Pyrethroids (g)

Time Period (hours)

Water Flow (L)

Into Basin

Out of Basin

Into Basin

Out of Basin

















































Total 0-14






Total 0-16







There was no flow out of the sediment basin for the first 6 hours. Values for 14-16 hours assume that the total flow into the sediment basin remained constant and that the concentrations of pyrethroids and sediment in both streams entering the sediment basin were the same.

Conclusions This study has demonstrated that pyrethroid residues transport with a portion of the sediment that is eroded from the field under conditions of both high and low erosion potential. Importantly, the data also show that methods established to reduce water and sediment from the field (e.g. PAM and more careful irrigation flow control) and also technologies demonstrated to remove sediment from edge of field tail waters (e.g. sediment basins) are both effective in reducing pyrethroid transport in addition to their well documented benefits for reducing sediment transport.

Acknowledgments This work was sponsored by the Pyrethroid Working Group, composed of AMVAC, Bayer, DuPont, FMC, Pytech, Syngenta, and Valent.

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