Manganese Uptake and Retention - ACS Symposium Series (ACS

Oct 5, 1987 - Retention of dietary manganese is very high during the neonatal period. Later in life, retention decreases considerably, due to a combin...
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Chapter 2

Manganese Uptake and Retention Experimental Animal and Human Studies 1,2




Bo Lönnerdal , Carl L. Keen , J. G. Bell , and B. Sandström 1

Department of Nutrition, University of California—Davis, Davis, CA 95616 Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research, University of California—Davis, Davis, CA 95616 Department of Internal Medicine, University of California—Davis, Davis, CA 95616 Department of Clinical Nutrition, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden

Downloaded by KTH ROYAL INST OF TECHNOLOGY on September 11, 2015 | Publication Date: October 5, 1987 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1987-0354.ch002




Retention of dietary manganese is very high during the neonatal period. Later in life, retention decreases considerably, due to a combination of decreased uptake and increased excretion of absorbed Mn via bile. Studies on brush border membranes from suckling rat small intestine demonstrate two components involved in the uptake of Mn, one saturable with limited capacity and one non-saturable, indicating passive uptake above a certain level of Mn. Although mucosal factors strongly affect Mn absorption, dietary factors also influence its uptake. In early life, Mn absorption from human milk and cow's milk formula is high compared to soy formula. These differences are also observed at later stages in life, although the differences are less pronounced. Age, Mn intake and dietary factors affect Mn absorption and retention and need to be considered when establishing requirements. At present our knowledge concerning the uptake and retention of Mn in humans and experimental animals i s limited (1). The conventiona l balance technique has serious l i m i t a t i o n s for studying the absorption and retention of Mn due to the low retention of the element from any single meal and the slow turnover of the mineral in the body. There have been a few limited studjLgs on the absorpt i o n and excretion of Mn using the radioisotope Mn; yet the mechanisms of Mn absorption are not well understood. I t i s believed that absorption of Mn occurs throughout the length of the small intestine (2). The e f f i c i e n c y of Mn absorption i s r e l a t i v e l y low, and i t i s not thought to be under homeostatic c o n t r o l . For the adult human, i t has been reported that approximately 3-4% of dietary Mn i s absorbed (3). High levels of dietary calcium, phosphorus, and phytate have been shown to increase the requirements for Mn i n several species, possibly by adsorption of Mn i n 0097-6156/87/0354-0009$06.00/0 © 1987 American Chemical Society

In Nutritional Bioavailability of Manganese; Kies, C.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.

Downloaded by KTH ROYAL INST OF TECHNOLOGY on September 11, 2015 | Publication Date: October 5, 1987 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1987-0354.ch002




the i n t e s t i n a l t r a c t r e s u l t i n g i n a reduction of soluble element which can be absorbed (4). The neonatal period poses several p o t e n t i a l problems with regard to Mn n u t r i t i o n . In contrast to other trace elements such as iron, zinc and copper, Mn stores are not thought to be accrued during f e t a l l i f e (5); therefore, the infant may be dependent on an adequate supply of Mn during early postnatal l i f e and consequently p a r t i c u l a r l y susceptible to Mn deficiency since the concentration of t h i s element i n milk i s low. On the other hand, Mn absorption i s high during early l i f e and therefore high dietary levels of Mn may lead to excess retention. That infant formulas can contain high levels of Mn was shown by Lonnerdal et a l . (6) and Stastny et a l . (7). There have been reports correlating high h a i r Mn levels to learning d i s a b i l i t i e s (8,9) i n which the authors suggested excessive Mn intake during early l i f e resulting i n neurological disturbances. We have therefore found i t important to assess the b i o a v a i l a b i l i t y of Mn from various infant foods and the mechanisms responsible for the uptake and retention of Mn. Manganese Absorption at D i f f e r e n t Ages Several trace elements are known to be absorbed to a higher extent i n the newborn than i n adult l i f e . Preliminary studies by Mena C3) indicated that infants, p a r t i c u l a r l y premature i n f a n t s , retain a higher proportion of Mn than adults. This i s i n agreement with studies i n experimental animals. Using everted i n t e s t i n a l sacs from rats of various ages, Kirchgessner et a l . (10) showed that Mn absorption decreased with increasing age. Whole body and tissue Mn uptake studies by Gruden (11) also showed high retention of Mn i n a r t i f i c i a l l y reared rat pups up to the age of 17 days, while these values decrease s u b s t a n t i a l l y between days jL^ and 21. In our studies using suckling rats intubated with Mn after fasting (12), we also found a precipitous drop i n Mn absorption but i t occurred between day 15 and day 16 (Fig. 1). These differences may be explained by differences i n experimental design or that, whatever the mechanism behind the lower absorption, the a r t i f i c i a l feeding (cow milk) caused a delay of the change i n Mn absorption. In rats 15 days of age or younger, about 80% of the Mn was retained 24 h post-intubation, while by day 18 only about 30% was retained. In a subsequent study, Raghib et a l . (13) reported that Mn absorption was lower at day 13 than at day 11 and that carcass values ( i n cluding l i v e r ) were 17% and 30%, respectively. There are several possible reasons for the difference i n t h e i r results and ours. F i r s t , they used a time period of 3 h post-intubation while we used 24 h retention values. I t i s obvious from t h e i r paper that the stomach, the i n t e s t i n a l contents and the i n t e s t i n a l wall s t i l l contained considerable quantities of radioisotope (and milk). The fate of t h i s Mn i s , of course, not known, and may represent absorbable Mn that i s "bioavailable." In our study, stomachs and intest i n a l perfusates were very low i n r a d i o a c t i v i t y , demonstrating complete passage of the d i e t . Second, we added the Mn i n the small i n t e s t i n a l wall to the carcass value, as we believe that t h i s represents a pool of Mn that i s available to the body. The lower values at day 13 reported by Raghib et a l . (13) may be indicative

In Nutritional Bioavailability of Manganese; Kies, C.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.

2. L O N N E R D A L E T A L .

Manganese Uptake and Retention


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60%) and very l i t t l e i s bound to the f a t (< 2%). Similar to cow's milk, Mn i n most infant formulas i s bound to casein or to insoluble material (soy formula). Some recent studies have assessed the e f f e c t of low molecular weight ligands on Mn uptake. Garcia-Aranda et a l . (22) found a p o s i t i v e e f f e c t of h i s t i d i n e and c i t r a t e on Mn uptake by rat intest i n a l sacs. We did not f i n d a s i g n i f i c a n t e f f e c t of h i s t i d i n e on Mn uptake i n our brush border membrane v e s i c l e studies (17). I t i s possible that Mn uptake i s so high at the younger age (which we studied) that a pronounced e f f e c t on Mn uptake w i l l not be observed. We found, however, a p o s i t i v e e f f e c t of ascorbic acid added to the Mn solution, indicating either an e f f e c t as a reducing agent or as a chelator, s i m i l a r to what i s found for iron. The influence of iron status and dietary iron on Mn absorption should also be recognized. An interaction between these two elements was demonstrated already by Matrone et a l . (41) who showed impaired hemoglobin synthesis i n p i g l e t s given high levels of Mn, presumably due to decreased iron absorption. Conversely, Thomson and Valberg (42) showed increased Mn absorption i n i r o n - d e f i c i e n t r a t s . We have also shown dramatically increased Mn absorption (45% vs. 9% i n controls) i n an i r o n - d e f i c i e n t woman (39). In rats the absorption and retention of Mn i s r e l a t i v e l y high for foods low i n iron such as milk. If milk i s supplemented with iron, the percentage Mn absorbed i s reduced (43). A s i g n i f i c a n t l y lower concentrat i o n of Mn i n the l i v e r has been shown i n weanling mice fed i r o n supplemented milk than from those fed non-supplemented milk, presumably r e f l e c t i n g lower absorption of Mn (44). Although the functional significance of t h i s finding remains to be determined, the l e v e l of iron supplementation was similar to that of i r o n f o r t i f i e d infant formulas. Therefore, iron supplementation may have an unwanted side e f f e c t of compromised Mn status. On the other hand, i n i r o n - d e f i c i e n t infants Mn absorption may be i n creased, possibly leading to excess Mn uptake. We have shown a strong p o s i t i v e c o r r e l a t i o n between the r a t i o of Mn i n intestine and l i v e r , indicating that the control of absorption at the mucosal l e v e l w i l l determine l i v e r uptake (Figure 4) (45). In conclusion, i t i s evident that further studies are needed on Mn absorption and retention during infancy and i t s c o r r e l a t i o n to dietary composition and iron status.

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In Nutritional Bioavailability of Manganese; Kies, C.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.