Man's physical universe - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

Man's physical universe. W. B. Keighton. J. Chem. Educ. , 1951, 28 (1), p 54. DOI: 10.1021/ed028p54.1. Publication Date: January 1951. View: PDF | PDF...
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Questions" found in the previous edition n n also induded in the third nlition, tor[ethrr with a few nclditionnl qumtions. In this text is n wcnlth of timely information whirh mubl wrve for background n~ntcrinlfor a gcnrrnl nIw:ttinn i n seiena,. T h m who dcntnnd no more than this from n t m t will be nlnwM1




Carl W. Geowi, Qoakax State OL1 h U h q Corporation. Butfalo, New York. Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York. 1950. xii 514 pp. 150 Bgs. I l l tables. 16 X 24 cm. $8.50.




Arthur Talbot Bmden, Stockton College, Stochon, California. Third edition. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1950. xv 822 pp. 320 figs. 15 x 22 cm. $4.75.


Q u n n ~ othe mtl,titlv, thix text i l "A Survey of Physienl SFi-

?ncv for C o l l c ~ "nnrl "is intmdnl for urr in n proannl of p n ern1 or lilwnd c*lurntion." It. ir "clc*liv,nl In Iwing from the nrrhiem of phyrirnl rricnn thr mnst inllxrlnnt fnrlx nnd p n ~ r s l i a n t i o nwl~irh ~ h n w nny Irmring" ou l h r "proldtmx nf lilc tnlny." T h r author hnn "nltrmptt~l to crldnin tlw more in,pnrtmt prinriplvr" nncl it is holrcl thnt the s t u ~ l yof tb? t(.st will ~lvvdopin lhc: rtuclcnt thoao rlunlitic,r of mind "lhnt will lend him imlmrlnnt t o ntlrmpt t o u w tlw wiwtilic. nwtlwxl in wiving 111~ l x t r p w ~of '\Inn's I n of i f "0111. 01 the funtl:~n~t.ntd ~ nolnt~in ts R mflirimt I'hy~ir:d I ' n i r m r ' is 10 P ~ I I I I C ~ t u ~ i ~ 10 I,evkyround in the fidd of t1w p h y r i ~ durienws to vnal~lrtIwn1 to kwl) up with 111~ ~ l w d o p n ~ r n t01 . * Scivnrr nnd twhnoloyy Ivy ~ r nwling m r h wtrkly pul,lir:ttinna nn 1111. Srirnrr S r m I ~ l l isr mc11 nmnthly puldicntinnr nr thc Sciwlijir rlmrrimn, thr S~.imrr Dip?l, and Srirnrr Illttrlrnlnl." It is not rlrnr why "Srivnn" is rnpitnliml in thr prcmling qucttnlion, whiln "t~~chnology"is not: netunlly the l m k is mncprnnl far morr with t ~ ~ l l l l d ~ ~p id~ vd n t11m n ~ with ~ thc prinriplw 01 ~eicmm. I t is I n lr rrgwtlnl tlwt i l i m & m s of 111~ prinriplm which hnve In1 to thwr n ~ l v n n c ~nnh s frtqwntly in:alwlu:ttv nnd mnrr often Inrking. T o 111, rcvicwr, Iht- text tn supplnnt nnnlytind nmoning with ntc~nrriratimof vwnlmlnry, to rnrournge g l i l m v ~rathrr than endtmt:!n~ling. Imt it is i-vidcmtly thv intmtion nf thr nuthor to nrolrw i n t ~ w r t in wivnw Isy rhowing lhnwgh nsmcwur cxamplw how r r i m n l w w a d ~cv'*ryonc.'x ~~ life. "lhndtln i* xtriwn for, ntthcr 11nnn dvpth." Thc vnrirly of i t ~ m nwntinnnl s in thc text i- inrlir:alml 2~~ iurl'.r 'mtriw (nImul till% m r m lhnn 1,y t h npproximntely ~ in the wmnd nlition) innu nlm..ivw to T~OIIIIL. Young. 111111 not omittinp; thc 1'-5!b\ Airnramc~t,the Tnylor (hzinp; Art, phthnlyl~ullnwtimidr,nor lnnnr. O t w m u ~ nt q r c t llw nuthor'a industry in wrnpiling tbwr nutnrmus r x n n q ~ l rof~ tcrhnoloyirnl prnynw. The tqnirs tnwtnl iu 1111.r4glnty-live swlinns IIW the il:~nwZIP in t l n d l i t i l'hr OYOIind wrtions 01 1 1 1 ~wtrlivr wlitian, on? on pmtoplrumn~irand ecllulnr orp:mization, nnd nnr 011 the progww of ririlirnlinn, hnvc l w n on~ittcrl,n* hlu nlw the :\ fwv ~ c t i o n *I ~ V PI w n C X ~ W B 1 w 1 . l ~pnp~ l~il~li~yr:q~Ity. 8iv14.v r~writtrn,In11 inwt of thc rewriting I ! O I I ~ L ~ Rin the nclditinn of rcwnt nlqdirntinna ~ n dnew ror;d,ulnry. T h r "Study


THEnuthor, who is LP(.hnicnI director of the m n r c h lahorntorim of Qunker Stnte Oil Refining Carporntion, hns prepnnd n w i d i m l im,k wl~ichis limilnl qmifimlly In nutomotivr motor oils and engine lul,rieatian. Tlw limt pnrt of thc l,nok, 7 chaptern covering 255 p w , is d c voted to a~wifirntians.tcds, virra-ity rhnrwtrrirtir.~,rvduntion. nnd d i n i n g of nmtor oil; nlw iinrludnl arc ndditivrs nnd synthrtic oils. The rrrond pnrt, 1R chnpten envcring 2 . 3 pngm, d i s r u x w tlw npplirntion of motor nil innd the rrlxtinn of oils nnrl lulvication tompinr clwign, opcrnlian, mnintm:~nre.I~rcakclorna. nnd failurn. I)irwl, airrrnft, ~tntionnn., innd mnrinc rnpinc lulrirntion arc alw diwurwl. Sluclyc nlvcntr nnrl oil n-rrfining arc trrstnl1,riclly. T h c ~ cis murh in this l m k that will intenrt the chemirallyt r n i n ~ automo1,ilo l owner. llnny of his quwtions, or n w m m t a with .wrvire atntion nttcnrlants, will 1% nnweml. I t i* nn exrcllcnt slrv%diavl twhniml lm,k in an im1mrt:mt licld. K E S S E T I I A. KOBE

U r r v ~ u t nor TEXAS A o r n r , Trrrm

Edited by H. Mark and E. I. W.Vcmey, Polymer Research Inali. hrts, Polytechnic lnltitute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, New York and N. V. Philips, Gloeilamperfabriekan. Eindhoren, Holland. 384 pp. Intarscience Publishers, Inc.. New.York, 1950. d 180 figs. 35 table8. 16 X 2 4 cm. $7.50.


T t m in the thin1 volumc of this impnrtnnt *rim in rolloid wivnw. Thc first two volume. ~bppntnd in 10.12 nnd 194ti. whirh indicate n spacing nf four yvnm Iwtwwn vnlumn. Thc arit~ncois moving nlong w rnpidly thnt rrrtninly lhrrr ~ h o u h llw tmwgh n c r nlntcrial in four y1'11rn to justiiy $1 new I l ~ kThe I:bt