Manton Gaulin MANUFACTURING CO., INC. - Industrial

May 18, 2012 - Manton Gaulin MANUFACTURING CO., INC. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1959, 51 (11), pp 90A–90A. DOI: 10.1021/i650599a774. Publication Date: ...
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HX-Hydraulic Pressure Exchange Pump

RE Colloid Mill

If you disperse, emulsify, blend particles . . . or pump, control, move liquids, Gaulin Technical Assistance plus Gaulin Equipment will bring you new product improvement and cost-saving solutions to your operations. Gaulin Technical Assistance starts with the GTA library of product information. Ask for all or specific bulletins on each piece of equipment. Then, call for specialized GTA to bring you experienced advice and factual data on the best way to mix or move your product. Fifty years' experience in analyzing fluid systems plus complete laboratory sampling and test facilities make Gaulin Technical Assistance the "extra" man in your product or process development program. LOOK INTO GTA AT THE CHEMICAL SHOW BOOTH 51 — NOV. 30 to DEC. 4

MANTON Gaulin MANUFACTURING CO., INC. EVERETT, MASS 84 G a r d e n S t r e e t ,

Everett 4 9 , Mass.

Gaulin Technical Assistance — for data on the complete Gaulin line: Homogenizers, Colloid Mills, S u b m i c r o n Disperser, Triplex High Pressure Pumps and H X Pumps. Get G T A from your nearest Manton-Gaulin Repre­ sentative . . . Akron 8 , Ohio While Industrial Sales and Equipment Company 919 Second National Bldg. Birmingham 6, Alabama D. B. Gooch Associates, Inc. 5018 First Avenue, North Boston/ M a i s . Joseph H. Bertram & Company, Inc. 570 Hillside Avenue Needham Heights 94, Mass. Buffalo 6 , Ν . Υ. A. W. Johnston Co. 2021 Clinton St. Calgary, Alberta Harvey Carruthers, Limited 122 17th Avenue, S.E. Charleston 1 , West V a . White Industrial Sales and Equipment Company 1033 Quarrier Bldg. Chicago 6, I I I . Fuente and Webster Inc. 549 West Randolph St. Cincinnati 2 , Ohio White Industrial Sales and Equipment Company 140 West Sixth St. Clearwater, Fla. Johnson Roney II and Associates P. O. Box 26 Cleveland 2 0 , Ohio White Industrial Sales and Equipment Company 3639 Lee Road Detroit 3 6 , Mich. H. A. Reed Company 19465 James Couzens Highway Denver 18, Colorado Alldredge & McCabe 847 East 17th Ave. Houston 2 , Texas Edward Soph Company 768A M & M Bldg. Indianapolis, Indiana Avels Sales & Engineering Co. 1407 E. Riverside Dr. Los Angeles 3 9 , Calif. Ε. Μ. Underwood and Company 2901 Rowena Avenue Minneapolis 3 , Minn· George R. Mellema Co. 620 Plymouth Bldg. M o n t r e a l 9 , P. Q. Richardson Agencies Ltd. 620 Laurentian Blvd., Suite 4 Postal Address: P. O. Box 2, Station O, Montreal 9, P. Q. N e w a r k , N e w Jersey Frederick E. Herstein & Associates Benninger Building 1429 Route 22 Mountainside, N. J. N e w York City 2 4 , Ν . Υ. Kenneth S. Valentine Inc. 11 1 West 83rd St. O a k l a n d 1 1 , California Ε. Μ. Underwood and Company 4385 Piedmont Ave. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania R. W. Fox Company P. O. Box 196 Newtown Square, Pa. Pittsburgh 2 2 , P a . White !nd. Sales and Equipment Co. 612 Farmers Bank Bldg. Portland 14, O r e g o n The Burhans-Sharpe Co. Weotherly Building St. Louis 8 , Missouri Wharton L. Peters Machinery Company 3863 West Pine Blvd. Seattle 4 , Washington The Burhans-Sharpe Co. 1731 First Avenue, S. Toronto, Ontario Richardson Agencies Ltd. 164 Bentworth Ave. Postal Address: P. O. Box 8, Station T. Toronto 19, Ontario Tulsa, O k l a h o m a Edward Soph Company 202 East 18th St. Vancouver 9, B. C. Harvey Carruthers, Limited 1639 West 5th Avenue West Hartford 7, Conn. Joseph H. Bertram & Company, Inc. 998 Farmington Avenue

World's largest manufacturer of stainless steel reciprocating, rotary, pressure exchange pumps, dispersers, homogenizers and colloid mills. 90 A