seconds by non-technical personnel. Equipment is direct reading on a low backlash dial, and is mechanically rugged, and stable. Dial linearity is with...
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laboratory furniture arrangement. Labline, Inc. (Cat. F-1S3). 32

Electrophoresis Apparatus. Fourpage bulletin discusses use of Englishmade apparatus for continuous eleetrophoretic separation of complex mix­ tures on filter paper. Shandon Scien­ tific Co. 28

Thermocouples. Technical data and prices for thermocouples, packing glands, and protection tubes given in catalog of 16 pages. Conax Corp. (Cat. 1SS0). 33 Thermocouples. Pyrometer accessory catalog contains selection information on thermocouples, protection tubes, and accessories. West Instrument Corp. 34

Fraction Collectors. Eight-page booklet describes automatic fraction collectors for column chromatography and discusses method of using them. Shandon Scientific Co. 29

Combustion Tubes. Six-page folder describes and lists dimensions of im­ pervious, vitrified refractory tubes for industrial laboratory use. Coors Por­ celain Co. 35

Molecular Distillation Apparatus. Six-page folder presents features, per­ formance information, and specifica­ tion data for two portable high vacuum distilling units marketed by Bronwill Scientific, Inc. (Models C and P). 30

Organic Chemicals. Folder lists prices in IT. S. dollars for organic research chemicals available from British com­ pany. Organic Research Chemicals,



Electrolytic Desalting Apparatus. Description of apparatus for removal of inorganic salts from solutions in paper chromatography applications presented in 2-page bulletin. A. S. Aloe Co. 31

Photographic Materials. Catalog describes photographic materials and light filters for laboratory use. East­ man Kodak Co. 37

Laboratory Furniture. Layout kit con­ tains 28-page catalog of sectional furniture, cardboard models of furniture, and scaled layout sheets for planning

Ethanolamines. Bulletin of 40 pages presents information on properties, speci­ fications, methods of analysis, uses, and handling for monoethanolamine, di-

ethanolamine, and triethanolamine and contains a bibliography listing 381 refer­ ences. Jefferson Chemical Co., Inc. 38 Testing Equipment. Catalog of 62 pages covers equipment for testing asphalt, tar, petroleum products, cement, concrete, aggregates, and soils. Humboldt Mfg. Co. (Cat. IB). 39 Glassware. Catalog of 52 pages describes and gives prices of standard and special scientific glass apparatus offered by Delmar Scientific Labora­ tories. 40 Testing Instruments. A 60-page cat­ alog of testing instruments and other apparatus for the paint and other in­ dustries. Gardner Laboratory, Inc. (1954 Cat.). ' 41 Instrument Repairs. A 16-page cata­ log describes repair service for balances, microscopes, colorimeters, spectrom­ eters, and other scientific instruments. A. J. Griner Co. 42 Ovens. Information on line of labora­ tory ovens, sterilizers, incubators, and related equipment presented in 36-page catalog. Precision Scientific Co. (Cat. 331). 43 For further information, see coupon on page 41 A

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COLOR MEASUREMENTS made in less than 3 0 seconds! The Colormaster Differential Colorimeter* is the latest development in color measuring equipment. A complete set of color measurements can be made in less than 30 seconds by non-technical personnel. Equipment is direct reading on a low backlash dial, and is mechanically rugged, and stable. Dial linearity is within approx. 0.2% from 100% to 10% reflection or transmission and can be extended below 10% with approx. 0.02% linearity. • Three color filters enable % transmission or reflection to be read directly on front Panel Dial to within an estimated 0.01%. • Simple calculation converts dial readings to I.C.I. X, Y, & Ζ functions. • Operates from 115 Volt 60 cycle line. * Similar to instrument described at the March, 1952 meet­ ing of the Optica] Society of America by L. G. Glasser and D. J. Troy of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Write for Complete Information

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