14 X 15 X 26 inches high. It has four all-glass solvent assemblies of the same size as the regular 12 X 12 X 24 inch glass jar. The lining is stainles...
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NEW PRODUCTS Porosimeter An instrument to enable measure­ ment of filter paper porosity without sample preparation is announced by Sheffield Corp. Known as the constant flow porosimeter instrument, it indi­ cates the degree of porosity by measur­ ing resistance the material has to the passage of air. Porosity or permea­ bility is instantly indicated on a cali­ brated dial. In use, the material is clamped between two rubber seals with a pneumatic foot valve. Air flow is through an orifice in the center of the seal. The standard model is supplied with four different size orifice seals. P-l 6

14 X 15 X 26 inches high. I t has four all-glass solvent assemblies of the same size as the regular 12 X 12 X 24 inch glass jar. The lining is stainless steel on two sides and the bottom, formica on the lid, and glass windows on the other two sides. The outside casing is white enamelled steel, and the top sur­ face of the lid is formica. The lid is pierced with four holes, stoppered with polyethylene caps, for introduction of solvent. P-l 5

Iron Tester A new midget tester for determina­ tion of iron content in water and brine is introduced by W. A. Taylor & Co. The testing unit consists of eight color standards to cover the zero to 10 p.p.m. iron range, a glass comparison cell, two reagents with droppers, a mixing tube, and a cell cleaner. The range of the color standards can be extended by diluting the sample with iron-free water. The company says the tester should be useful in oil drilling and re­ fining, municipal water distribution, and other operations. P-l 7

Nonlubricated Stopcock An improved Gyco stopcock with Teflon plug and No-Lub glass barrel has been announced by the Scientific Glass Apparatus Co. According to the manu­ facturer, the Teflon plug requires no lubrication and will not leak, and the exaggerated taper eliminates binding and freezing. A special compound ap­ plied to the finely ground glass barrel and fused at high temperature is said to form a smooth bearing for the plug. An adjustable Kel-F nut, acting on a stainless steel spring, permits adjusting

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DEVELOPMENT! for measuring films and sheets . . . determining surface imperfections, molecular sizes and shapes. • Permits measurements on sheets that are impor­ tant with respect to determining sizes of macro molecules . . . including those in polymers, col· lodial processes, and many other substances con­ cerned with the study of boilogical and industrial processes. • Enables minutely controlled observations over angles from 0° to nearly 90° with respect to the incident angle. (Special units permit measure­ ments at greater than 90°.) Write for complete information



MANUFACTURERS ENGINEERING & EQUIPMENT CORP. Hatboro · Pa. Circle No. 55 on Readers' Service Card 82 A



New High-Temperature


COAL ASHING—in 10-15 minutes compared with 1-2 hours for other methods. Coal is pyrolyzed to remove volatiles, then completely oxidized. Results are in excellent agreement with usual procedures. SULFUR ANALYSIS—in 6 minutes compared to 1-6 hours required by Eschka procedure. Coal sample is burned at extremely high tem­ perature. Sulfur is released as S0 2 , is titrated automatically with a Leco sulfur titrator. Write for Complete Technical D a t a ! LABORATORY EQUIPMENT C O R P O R A T I O N 3003 Hilltop Road, St. Joseph, Michigan