Manufacturers' Literature - ACS Publications - American Chemical

Manufacturers' Literature. Anal. Chem. , 1989, 61 (23), pp 1336A–1338A. DOI: 10.1021/ ... Published online 30 May 2012. Published in print 1 Decembe...
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Electrophoresis. Probe Tech Basic system combines gel electrophoresis and vacuum transfer in a single integrated chamber. The system includes a vacuum regulator, a waste container, and a choice of three electrophoresis/ vacuum transfer cartridges. Oncor 404 MS. QX 2000 quadrupole mass spectrometer, designed for process and residual gas analysis, is menu driven via an integrated touch-sensitive screen and includes an IBM/AT-compatible computer with 640 kB RAM. Applications include semiconductor fabrication and materials research. Leybold AG 405 Proteins. Model 473A protein system is capable of sequencing a low-picomole sample load with femtomole detection. The Macintosh-based data system provides amino acid histogram plots, multiple cycle comparisons, cycle yield plots, and repetitive yield plots. Applied Biosystems 406 Oxygen. Model 308WA on-line trace oxygen analyzer detects O2 contamination in hydrogen, nitrogen, ethylene, propylene, butadiene, and other highpurity gases. Oxygen levels as low as

0-500 ppb can be determined with an accuracy of ±1%. Teledyne Analytical Instruments 407

modate a full 8-in. wafer, has a magnification range of 25X to 400.000X at a 12-mm working distance. Amray 413

Detector. Model 1433 Cryo-CCD detector is a cryogenically cooled, twodimensional, multichannel area detector designed for low-light-level spectroscopic imaging. The detector can be used for Raman, fluorescence, and emission spectroscopy. EG&G Princeton Applied Research 408

Liquid scintillation. LS 6000SE liquid scintillation counter incorporates built-in help screens, preset counting regions, and quench curve setup parameters. Included with the system are an 80-column printer, sample racks, and electrostatic controller. Beckman Instruments 410

FT-IR. DA8 research-grade FT-IR spectrometer features a built-in array processor that presents fully computed spectra to an Ethernet link. The host computer can be any VAX system with workstation graphics or VT240 and mouse. Bomem 409

Surface analysis. TFS surface analyzer, an ion-imaging time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometer, features stigmatic ion optics that allow the entire analytical area to be bombarded and the secondary ions from each image point to be simultaneously mass analyzed and detected. Charles Evans & Associates 411

Sample preparation. Maxidigest is a modular high-production microwave digester designed for food and environmental applications. The system, which can run up to four samples simultaneously, features a 250-mL capacity digestion vessel. Questran 412 SEM. Model 1860 FE digital imaging field emission SEM features spatial resolution of 8 nm at 1 kV and 2 nm at 10 kV. The system, which can accom-

Software Mathematics. Maple is an interactive computer algebra system that features a source code library of more than 2000 mathematical functions. Capabilities include linear algebra, calculus, trigonometry, differential equations, modeling, and statistics. Waterloo Maple Software 415 LIMS. EasyLIMS is designed to streamline the recording and transcription of laboratory test results and the preparation of reports. The software package includes database, word processing, spreadsheet, and statistical analysis capabilities. Beckman Instruments 416

Manufacturers' Literature Peptides. Technical bulletin discusses the LC-based peptide-mapping system, which is capable of routine peptide mapping at the 5-10-pmol level

X-ray fluorescent SEA2001 element and composition analyzer system determines the presence and compositional percentage of up to 20 elements in an unknown homogeneous sample. Seiko Instruments 401 1336 A • ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 61, NO. 23, DECEMBER 1, 1989

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and is compatible with high-speed and narrow-bore peptide columns. PerkinElmer 418 Electron spectroscopy. Brochure highlights the VSW Scientific Instru­ ments CLASS range of hemispherical analyzers for electron spectroscopy. The analyzers are available in 100- and 150-mm sizes. 4 pp. Microscience 419

Gases. Brochure describes high-purity hydrocarbon gases, including 1,3-butadiene, η-butane, ethane, carbon mon­ oxide, methane, isobutylene, and pro­ pylene. Airgas 422 IR. Scan Time, No. 16, includes arti­ cles on applications of reflectance FTIR microspectroscopy and diffuse re­ flectance spectroscopy. 6 pp. SpectraTech 425

Newsletter. Chromatogram, Vol. 10, No. 2, contains articles on drug moni­ toring, amino acids, nucleic acids, qual­ ity control, and chromatography in­ strumentation. 12 pp. Beckman Instru­ ments 420

Chromatography. Brochure discusses the separation of saccharides by sizeexclusion and ion-exchange chroma­ tography using Toyopearl resins. 14 pp. TosoHaas 426

Catalogs Chromatography. Catalog contains analytical and preparative columns and cartridges, gel permeation chroma­ tography columns, bioseparations and application-specific columns and prod­ ucts, and sample preparation products. 38 pp. Waters Chromatography Divi­ sion of Millipore 430

Blotting. Bulletin discusses equip­ ment, detection systems, and reagents for Western blotting. A comparative guide to semi-dry and tank blotting is provided. 6 pp. Bio-Rad Laboratories 421 LC. Guide provides information on the selection of polymeric HPLC columns for analysis of biological, pharmaceuti­ cal, industrial, and environmental compounds. Eighty-four chromatograms are included. EM Science 423

DNA. Brochure highlights the PCRMate EP DNA synthesizer. The system includes high-quality reagents, special­ ty cartridges for one-step purification, and sequence information manage­ ment software. Applied Biosystems 424

Eppendorf Model 5402 refrigerated mi­ crocentrifuge features a temperature range of —9 to 40°C, maximum rotation­ al speed of 14,000 rpm, and maximum spin time of 99 min. Brinkmann Instru­ ments 402

Chemicals/separations. Catalog lists specialty biochemicals, peptides, pro­ teins, ion-exchange resins, and prod­ ucts for electrophoresis, GC, and LC. 432 pp. Serva Biochemicals 431

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